Greg Reese Podcast—NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII

| January 13, 2024
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 35 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

How do We the People escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!

Cui bono?– Who benefits? Why are all national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers? Is it to fund perpetual False Flag Wars while keeping the entire world enslaved inside an existential – Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021)? Further answers can be learned by reading, studying and sharing the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has just surpassed 23 million views @ and on FacebookTwitter/X— #JesusIsGod #DCActof1871

For unto us a child is born [= JESUS], unto us a son is given [= CHRIST]: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father [Jesus = GOD], The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6 (740-700 B.C.)

[Morpheus to Neo:] Everything they told you was a Lie.

~ The Matrix Movie, Part I (1999)

Hitler would have won World War II if he had only worn a doctor’s white smock as his uniform.”

~ Alex Jones,

Never allow a good crisis to go to waste.

~ Rahm Emmanuel (Chief Advisor to President Barack Hussein Obama)

The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the [Communist-Globalist] Revolution.

~ Students for a Democratic Society slogan (circa early 1960s)


You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #PlatoAllegoryoftheCave


A. Prologue—World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” = Communism 2.0 (e.g., Globalism, Satanic “New World Order”)

George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish-English playwright famously stated that – “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” In today’s dystopian times to me that means that America’s intelligence agencies – particularly the NSA, CIA (formerly the OSS), FBI, but also agencies like the Dept. of Justice (DOJ), and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) – have for over 100 years used “False Flag” democidal and genocidal tactics against the American people. Why? To control the masses, to control the narrative and especially to control Reality by keeping We the People enslaved inside of a false construct or Matrix – a perverted existence of Reality called “Culture” and “Society.”

*N.B.: That these “Black-Ops” or “Off-the-Books” operations and programs cited above are all still operable in society TO THIS DAY! For example, one of many, many CIA, FBI, NSA operations launched to control, enslave, and kill We the People is called, “Project MK-Ultra” (1953-73). Wikipedia has this definition of Project MK-Ultra

OPERATION PAPERCLIP – [Wikipedia] was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.


ALWAYS REMEMBER!Adolph Hitler did NOT commit suicide on April 30, 1945 – He (and tens of thousands of high-ranking Nazi Officers) came back home to America

  • Remember those original “1,600” Nazi Scientists and Doctors brought from Nazi Germany to America in Operation Paperclip, from my research and the research of other scholars like Dr. Jerome Corsi (Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence that Hitler Escaped Nazi Germany, 2009), in reality Nazi immigration and relocation back to America was perhaps over 10Xs more (16,000-20,000). What else did Nazi officers, teacher, physicists, professors, engineers, doctors, lawyers, and scientists do besides build our NASA program? They had girlfriends, they had wives, they had many, many, many babies over the past 80 years. (*N.B.: See, These Nazi émigréswere given all of the most coveted, affluent, laudatory positions in American society. These thousands and thousands of Nazi émigrés were appointed deans, presidents, professors of our most elitist Ivy-League and Public Ivy League schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, MIT, Northwestern, CAL Tech, Stanford, U of Chicago, U of Michigan, U of Texas – where they influenced and perverted the minds of generations and generations and generations of American students over the past 80 years… even to THIS DAY. *N.B.: For further readings see, Nazi Lebensborn Program and my comprehensive law review article on the comprehensive extent of the Lebensborn Program in, Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law (2011).


*N.B.: FIGURES 3 & 4. Leading document in declassified FBI files reporting sightings on Hitler in Argentina. FBI Vault. Quotes from document: “[blank] reports contact with [blank]. Claims to have aided six top Argentina officials in hiding Adolf Hitler upon his landing by submarine in Argentina.”; “According to [blank] he was one of four men who met Hitler and his party when they landed from two submarines in Argentina approximately two and half weeks after the fall of Berlin.”; “INFORMATION OBTAINED BY [BLANK] FROM [BLANK] UNABLE TO BE VERIFIED…”

Facsimile of FBI letter and transcript posted at Hitler’s mad dash to South America. A conspiracy 71 years in the making. (version 2). We the People (and the entire world) have been enslaved inside of a man-made construct Hollywood called in the 1999 movie – The MATRIX. We the People (perhaps since the Garden of Eden) have been involuntary slaves of an intergalactic, reptilian, alien movie they had no idea existed. In other words, We the People have been mere unwitting puppets manipulated and controlled behind the scenes by a small cabal of uber-rich, psychopathic maniacs who openly worship Satan as their god to whom they perform Satanic rituals to by drinking the adrenalized blood and eating the flesh of innocent babies and children. The Satanic New World Order’s mission is to destroy us because Satan hates the fact that we were created in the image of God, which he of course is not.

That revealing quote above by CIA official John Stockwell contains Deep State and New World Order’s democidal mission or Nazi Weltanschauung (Worldview) against America and the world – about “…how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them…” This brings to mind evil ideas of the New World Order, e.g., Trotsky’s “Perpetual War” and Hegelian Dialectic as proven and effective tactic and stratagem used for thousands of years which the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia turned into demonic statecraft by their agent philosophers – Machiavelli (1469-1527)(“The end justifies the means”; “It is better to be feared than loved, if you can’t be both”; “Men rise from one ambition to another: first, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others”). And the infamous German philosopher responsible for creating a systematic perversion of Law and History, Religion and Societal Morality, Truth and Reality – Hegel (1770-1831)(“War is progress, Peace is stagnation”; “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great”) – using his so-called Hegelian Dialectic [New World Order “Agenda”] = Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis or Problem – Reaction – [Final] Solution –

*N.B.: Thus, as one meme stated – “Hegelian Dialectic is a framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to synthetic solutions which can only be introduced once those being manipulated take a side that will advance the pre-determined agenda. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION = PROBLEM—REACTION—SOLUTION.”

Think about all the World’s woes since the biblical Adam and Eve first encountered Satan in the Garden of Eden violating God’s laws and thus fell into sin according to the Book of Genesis 2:4-3:24—World Wars, Slavery, Famine, Poverty, Disease, Pandemics, Societal chaos, Race Wars, False Flags to foment war, Nation Balkanization, Chattel-Slavery, Debt-Slavery, Great Depressions, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Abortion, Child abuse, Eugenics, Ethnic Slavery, Disinformation, Miseducation, etc. . . Under the Rothschild-Illuminati-Hegelian Dialectic ALL Reality is an artificial construct, or as Hegel famously declared, “Reality is a historical process” that is manipulated by sinister, Satanic forces behind public view.

Gleichschaltung“Consolidation. All of the German Volk’s social, political, and cultural organizations to be controlled and run according to Nazi ideology and policy. All opposition to be eliminated.”

~ Robert Michael, Karin Doerr[8]

In other words, the world you know is not really “Real” in an eternal sense of the word, but Reality is a version of a grand diabolical construct – a Geopolitical Matrix Slavery orchestrated by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in one form or another over the past 2,000 years (perhaps from the “beginning”) to steal our Liberty and to enslave the world. Throughout all societal institutions, the Khazarian Mafia has built this Grand Illusion based not on Reality but construct ideas and fake institutions created what the Nazis called a Weltanschauung (Nazi Worldview) and Gleichschaltung (lit. “coordination”, “synchronization”, “forcing together”, “Nazification of State and Society”, i.e., One-World Government, New World Order) based on systemic Perversion and Delusion, Narcissism and Nihilism, Communism and Perpetual Chattel/Debt-Slavery.

*N.B.: The two statements above are emblematic of a Zionism Weltanschauung (e.g., Nazi worldview) then and now which world domination through a “One World Government” or a Satanic New World Order will be finally achieved through a series of False Flag, systematic, Machiavellian tactics and strategies collectively referred to in Nazi philosophy and propaganda as Gleichschaltungthe consolidation or forcing together of all political, educational and cultural institutions. Also note that both statements in the memes above contain the underpinnings of “Perpetual War” (Trotsky philosophy) to achieve the evil, democidal objectives of Zionism, Socialism and Globalism.

Greg Reese Podcast – NATO Plans False Flag in the North Sea to Launch WWIII (Jan. 5, 2024)

{Greg Reese Video Transcript} The Globalists need a scapegoat to blame for their destruction of America.

Greg Reese Archives

Just about every major government has been guilty of False Flag operations to foment war. America has been guilty of several, but here are just a few…

Civilian passengers were murdered when a torpedo hit the Lusitania. Investigations revealed that explosives were inside the ship, which was operated by war profiteer J.P. Morgan. This event is what brought Americans, who were not previously interested in getting involved, into World War I, where they lost over a hundred thousand sons and daughters.

They were also not interested in getting involved in World War II, but after breaking Japanese encryption codes, the US government knew of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor. But the big banks were funding both sides and expected massive profits, so they let it happen to encourage Americans to sacrifice nearly half a million of their children in the second world war.

When History Imitates LIFE—How Billionaires kill 1000s of Innocent people to hide the Murder of 3 Millionaires who were against establishing a Federal Reserve Banking Mafia in America


Author Morgan Robinson wrote a book called “The Wreck of the Titan” in 1898. The book featured a fictional British ocean liner named Titan that struck an iceberg and sank in the N. Atlantic.

Robertson was found dead in his room at the Alamac Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ on March 24, 1915, at 53. He died of an overdose on a drug called paraldehyde (an early pharmaceutical sedative type of drug).

Another interesting fact: The Titanic was launched on 3/31/1911 The Federal Reserve was established on 12/23/1913 which is 999 days later.

*N.B.: When you transpose the number “999” what number do you get…? 666 = The Mark of the Antichrist of Revelation 13. Also, Central Bankers, J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller (both who favored establishing the Federal Reserve) cancelled their trip on the Titanic within days of sailing because they had secretly arranged to sabotage the ship. Also, the ship that was sunk by U.S. military submarine wasn’t really the “Titanic” but a much older ship called “Olympic” repainted to mimic the Titanic and to murder 3 of their anti-Central Bank colleagues (Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss, Jacob Astor) while committing insurance fraud on a massive scale! These are just a few examples of how False Flag operations are used by the Illuminati, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, Freemasons, New World Order to control the narrative, pervert History and agitate wars, catastrophes, mass murder and to cover it all up at the same time.

{Analysis} A. Prologue—The Maui Fires of Aug. 8, 2023 [were] actually another version of 9/11/2001 False Flag Mass Murder for Land Grab by Oprah, Mark Zukerberg, Steven Spielberg, and the Hollywood A-Listers who own (or want to own) property in Hawaii

In a previous essay titled—Greg Reese Podcast – Democide and the West Maui Land Grab (Sept. 2023) I alerted the reader to the fact that despite the incessant lies and propaganda by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Media that 100% the Maui firers were both: (1) man caused HAARP technology; (2) designed to clear the land from the native citizens of Maui who refused to sell to Oprah and her Hollywood billionaire buddies; (3) the Maui fires were designed to usher in the first “Smart Cities” in America that the Democrat Socialist Party and Resident Biden was willing to force upon We the People by blood of thousands of innocents people who died in the Maui fires including the over 2,000 missing children!

I wrote in my Sept. 2023 essay on the Maui fires the following—George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish-English playwright said that “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” That said, America’s intelligence agencies particularly the NSA, CIA and FBI have for over 100 years used “False Flag” democidal and genocidal tactics against the American people to control Reality and to keep We the People enslaved inside of a false Matrix – a perverted existence of Government Control called “Society”.

For example, one of many, many CIA, FBI, NSA operations launched to control, enslave and kill We the People is called Operation Northwoods. Wikipedia has this definition of Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of violent terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force planes,[2] a fabricated ‘shoot down’ of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,[3] blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] [4] The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.[5][6][7]


The Vietnam War (1955-75) was a False Flag War

{Transcript} In August of 1964, the USS Maddox and the Turner Joy knowingly lied about being fired upon by North Vietnamese ships. For two hours they fired at nothing and maneuvered as if under attack. President Johnson was aware of this deception but kept it secret to initiate war against North Vietnam. And to sacrifice over fifty thousand Americans.

About three thousand people were murdered on 9/11 in the most notorious false flag in US history. This was used as a catalyst for the endless destruction of several nations that continues today.


{Analysis} Therefore, if one would understand the Vietnam War not as you learned it in history class in high school or college, but within the Matrix (false reality) of the CIA  Operation Northwoods which was one of the most successful intelligence tactics to distract the American people (which is still in effect to this Day!) while keeping the masses unaware of what was really going on behind the scenes controlled by the 3-letter intelligence agencies, the Deep State and Shadow Governments working surreptitiously hand-and-hand at creating wars for profit for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the Rockefeller Globalists, that all of these seemingly disconnected events are part of an even greater Conspiracy called the Satanic New World Order or One World Government.

That key sentence above about “…how the very problem that was started by the Khazarian also had a solution provided by them…” is a proven and effective tactic and stratagem used for thousands of years which the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia turned into demonic statecraft by their agent philosophers – Machiavelli (1469-1527)(“The end justifies the means”) and the man responsible for creating a systematic perversion of Law and History, Religion and Societal Morality, Truth and Reality – Hegel (1770-1831)(“War is progress, Peace is stagnation”; “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great”) – using his so-called Hegelian Dialectic = Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis or Problem – Reaction – Solution –


Think about all the World’s woes since the biblical Adam and Eve fell into sin in the Garden of Eden according to the Book of Genesis 2:4-3:24—World Wars, Slavery, Famine, Poverty, Disease, Pandemics, Societal chaos, Race Wars, False Flags to foment war, Nation Balkanization, Debt-Slavery, Great Depressions, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Abortion, Child abuse, Eugenics, Slavery, etc. Under the Rothschild-Illuminati-Hegel Dialectic ALL Reality is an artificial construct, or as Hegel famously declared, “Reality is a historical process” that is manipulated by sinister, Satanic forces behind public view.”

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, est. 1949) = The Gestapo of the International New World Order

{Transcript} Professor Stephen Starr, associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was recently on Russia’s Solovievlive where he discussed a plan being suggested by NATO forces in Germany that stinks of plans for a False Flag operation to usher in World War III. They have suggested a scenario wherein Russia sinks an American cruiser in the Black Sea. Followed by the United States attacking Russian ships with nuclear warheads. Which would then be followed by a Russian nuclear strike against NATO headquarters and a major US nuclear attack on all of Russia. They suggested more than three thousand strikes within one hour and the destruction of all major cities in Europe and the United States. Professor Starr said this would result in a hundred and fifty million (150,000,000) tons of smoke and soot that would block out seventy (70%) percent of the sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and last about ten years.

It’s important to note that it’s been NATO forces alone who have been provoking war with Russia for decades. Surrounding their border with missile systems and [46] bio-weapons labs, and overthrowing Ukraine with C.I.A. Colour revolutions. The facts show that Russia has been given no choice but to defend themselves against deceptive Western aggression.

The anti-human globalist forces that hold a firm grip on America are clearly trying to destroy it from within. If they wanted America to win a world war, then they would not be murdering US troops with the deadly Covid shots. And they would not be manipulating them to castrate themselves under the guise of transgenderism. The globalists want the United States to be plundered and destroyed but they need a scapegoat to blame it on and they’ve clearly chosen Russia for that role.


{Analysis} According to an article on—Where Are Ukraine’s Secret Bioweapons Labs? Zelensky Meets with Biden! – Scott Ritter – Redacted News – this question of ultimate concern is presented—”With Zelensky on his way to America details have emerged showing secret testing of bioweapons on Ukrainian soldiers. What has happened the 46 US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine now that Kyiv’s military has been destroyed? Where are those bioweapons now?”

Real History repeatedly demonstrates that it was Russia (not England or Israel) who has been America’s best Ally since before the American Revolution (1775-83)

{Transcript} During the American Revolution, Catherine the Great of Russia unofficially supported the colonies by trading with them. Russian ships began delivering hemp, sail linen, and iron to American ports as early as 1763. During the War of 1812, Russia attempted to join as a third-party mediator in support of American independence. In 1863, Russia sent military fleets to New York and San Francisco to put pressure on the British and fight them if necessary. They patrolled the American shores for 10 months.

This Russian support of a sovereign America is undoubtedly what led to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 when the country fell into Communist rule for sixty-nine [69] years. Today Russia has asked for peace but the evil powers that want endless war cannot survive unity between the East and the West. False Flag operations are the modus operandi of the Globalists, and war, mass murder, and division are all they desire.

{Analysis} In a Nov. 2023 essay series titled – Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 44, I chronicled several key periods of America’s war history especially the American Revolution (1775-83) where without Russia’s unheralded intervention behind the scenes America simply would not exist today—

*N.B.: Below is an excerpt from my 5-part essay exposing the evil Rothschild family titled – A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia—Part 1 (100-1200 AD)

America’s #1 Ally throughout History = Russia (not England or Israel)

We the People were always taught England was our closest ally followed closely by Israel… Wrong! It was always RUSSIA!—100% THERE WOULD BE NO U.S.A. WITHOUT OUR FAITHFUL ALLY, RUSSIA WHO FOUGHT WITH US IN MANY WARS FOR U.S. SURVIVAL – FROM THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, WAR OF 1812, CIVIL WAR, WW I, WW II, COLD WAR, SYRIAN WAR . . . Right up to TODAY. In fact, Russia’s present leader, Vladimir Putin, is essentially the co-leader with President Trump of the Anti-New World Order called, “The Alliance.” This is why since the Apotheosis of President Donald J. Trump (15 June 2015) Russia and President Vladimir Putin have been Public Enemy #1 and demonized relentlessly by the Khazarian Mafia fake Jewish media.

It’s the same pattern of History, the Rothschild Khazarian/Illuminati favorite war tactics—Nation Deconstruction through Divide-and-conquer, Infiltration over Invasion, Perversion over Truth. However, their Khazarian Mafia tactics didn’t work and Trump and Putin, America and Russia remain a central part of “The Alliance”—a Globalist network of world leaders like India, China (w/o the CCP), Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Australia, Burma, Vietnam, etc.… allied together to defeat the Illuminati Satanic Secret Society New World Order Networks and the Rothschild Debt-Slavery Central Banking cabals.

Both Q military level intelligence drops given to We the People since Oct. 30, 2017 and their interpretation and dissemination by QAnon allies have given America and the world a here-to-fore unknown and magisterial reinterpretation of History, Culture and Society to such a magnitude that Q repeated told U.S. in numerous Q “drops” that, “You’re Watching A Scripted Movie! And You’re Going To LOVE The Way This Movie Ends! Hold The Line! We’re Almost There!

Remember! History since at least the late 1700s including the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99), all political and social, economic and historical events have been staged like a Shakesperean play – instigated through series of complex, contrived, constructs we now know as False Flag Wars. Thus, history since the First Industrial Revolution (1750s-1850s) (and perhaps even further back than this) have been shaped, manipulated and controlled by a very small, but powerful Jewish Family called the Rothschild and through ancient secret societies like – the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Octagon Group, the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Davos, etc. . .

Even though you are considered an enemy of the corporate government, it actually has no jurisdiction over you as a living man or woman. However, if you agree to be a citizen of your corporate government, then it has jurisdiction over you. For example, to be a United States citizen means that you are an “employee” of the United States which is a corporation. If you want evidence of this, look at subsection 14 & 15 in Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this phrase (14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States””

*N.B.: For further research see Archives, Jan. 1, 2019 and @

Epilogue and Conclusions—Escaping the False Reality of the Matrix = the Satanic New World Order through Embracing Jesus Christ = The Reality of Truth

In conclusion, Dave of X22 Report summarized the crucial state of Affairs the world, America and how We the People stand at the precipice of the abyss—Will we all fall into destruction and eternal damnation for allowing a smally cabal of psychopaths (e.g., the Illuminati, the Rothschild Central Bankers, the Freemasons, the Vatican, Council of 13, Council of 13, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and other secret societies) pushed Humanity to the precipice? No! X22 Report (beg. @11:14) stated this new and revived Glorious History of the future of America and the World once the Satanic New World Order and their slavish Allies are utterly defeated—

X22 Reports urges people to “Think about how they hate America, how they hate the Constitution, how they hate History, and how the country was born, and how the Founding Fathers created this incredible Constitution to allow people to live free and go about their lives. Remember, the Constitution is a living, breathing document. The [Framers] knew that times were going to change. They knew that people were going to need to add amendments, and they knew that they could not leave this up to the federal government. They knew it had to be from the bottom level and the people had to decide what amendments they were going to add to the Constitution. And they also decided…we are going to have to allow people to have rights that they were born with, and the federal government was going to have to agree to the contract and abide by all of these things in the contract.

You see the Founding Fathers knew this, they had been through tyranny, they had been through dictatorship, they knew exactly what would happen if another tyrannical government would come along. They always followed the same playbook and what happens is that people can’t recognize it in the beginning, but as times goes on people start realizing what is really going on and I think we are at that point where people are starting to see the censorship.”

Remember! History since at least the late 1700s including the American Revolution and the French Revolution, all social and historical events have been instigated through contrived, construct, False Flag Wars. Thus, history since the First Industrial Revolution (1750s-1850s) (and perhaps even further back than this) have been shaped, manipulated and controlled by a very small, but powerful Jewish Family called the Rothschild and through ancient secret societies like the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Octagon Group, the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Davos, etc.

*N.B.: Geopolitical analyst Benjamin Fulford in his weekly report (Oct. 31, 2022)(beg.@3:42) had the following remarks regarding how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia have used debt and chattel slavery to keep the nations in perpetual Satanic control and economic bondage—“This is Judge Anna von Wright telling the world about them—They [Zionists] have been doing the same thing since the Bronze Age (3300-1200 BC)—Introducing the concept of credit [e.g., “usury”], gaining access to someone else’s credit, accumulating debts on behalf of their victims, eating through the very substance of the country they invaded, killing their creditors and then moving on to a new Master.”

Don’t believe me? Do your own research. A good starting point is put search terms of one word or a phrase at the informative website— WARNING! Prepare to be Redpilled and to have your mind blown!

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