A Brief History of the Modern [Real] World According to QAnon

| July 23, 2020
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About the Author—Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

[Morpheus to Neo:] Everything they told you was a Lie.

    ~ Movie: The Matrix (1999)

They called it GLOBALISM – exploiting our emotions and our instincts of compassion. They [Deep State] found a way to justify dismantling cultures, borders, and national identity under the guise of social justice creating false narratives of racism, colonialism, and capitalism to destabilize and ultimately collapse societies so they were no longer secure to reject this dark plan for the world.

    ~ JoeM, Storm Is Upon US

Prologue: War in Heaven and the Historical Background to QAnon

On 28 October 2017 We the People saw the first internet posting by “QAnon” or the advent of certain members of the military intelligence allied with President Donald J. Trump [= “Q+”] that has given We the People a back channel portal to many, many secrets regarding how the world is really run and who actually controls “reality” – critical information about everything…

Q's Plan to Save the World - QNation.US - WWG1WGA

Things that were hidden from us by a small group of ruling elites – psychopaths, narcissists, demagogues really – with most belonging to ancient secret societies who for hundreds, even thousands of years controlled us like an overseer controls Slaves – dating back to the land that birthed humanity according to the Bible – the Garden of Eden and our progenitors – Adam and Eve.

Allow me here to give a brief discourse about the pre-history how before mankind fell to Satan, this archangel was known as Lucifer (“light-bearer”) was the chief archangel in heaven, but pride got in his heart and he wanted to depose God and sit on his throne. Thus, the Bible says in Revelation 12:7-8 –  “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought against his angels, And prevailed not: neither was their place found any more in heaven.”

After the War in Heaven we learn from Milton’s Paradise Lost that Satan and all of his fallen angels were thrown out of Heaven – casted down to various planets in the universe, including Earth. That explains how our progenitors – Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden that Satan was right there also (Genesis Chap. 3). Furthermore, because God is Holy, when Adam fell into sin this forced God to eventually destroy his original creation with the flood and then create a Second Advent of Humanity through Noah and his 3 sons – Shem, Ham and Japheth that birthed the world’s first king = Nimrod (Noah’s grandson) and his wicked pagan wife, Semiramis who after the death of her husband, Nimrod, concocted the Mother/Child cult from antiquity using her son, Tammuz who is mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel 8:14. This Mother/Child cult would return in many forms by virtually all nations of the world throughout the ages even thousands of years later by Emperor Constantine’s Edict of Toleration (311 A.D.) which in essence birthed the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome, Italy with the cult of Madonna (Mary) and Jesus. *N.B.: For further reading see Alexander Hislop’s classic, The Two Babylons and David W. Daniels, Babylon Religion.

Crossing over a lot of history, this Madonna/Child pagan cult (which was really (Semiramis and Tammuz) in actually was the worship of Satan and his demon legions through baby, child, and human sacrifices that appear repeatedly particularly in the Old Testament. A large part of the Old Testament deals with God punishing the Nation of Israel for imitating the pagan nations surrounding them in Canaan land by sacrificing their children to Baal (e.g., Molech or Moloch) among many other Satanic idols.

Worship of Molech (Moloch) included the worship of his female version, Ashtoreth.

What has changed over the past 6,000 years of human history…? Nothing. In America U.S. citizens still worships Satan through their fake 501(C)(3) State-controlled churches, children are miseducated from Kindergarten—college, graduate school, law school, business school, medical school, etc… through a systematic network of Marxist public and private schools – Communist indoctrinated schools that for hundreds of years have perverted politics, law, banking and business all exist today following Machiavelli’s credo – “The ends justify the means.” And Satan and his demonic legions are still fed of the blood and flesh of our precious babies though a multiplicity of demonic inventions including – Abortion, illegal immigration, marketing/selling of baby body parts, drinking the blood of tortured babies and children creating the most expensive drug in the world called “Adrenochrome”, baby, child and human sex trafficking (inside thousand of miles of underground tunnels in America, the islands and throughout the world), child cannibalism, ‘Frazzeldrip’, and many, many other bestial acts much too evil to mention here. Thus, the course of human history is mankind’s worship of Satan through child torture, rape, sacrifice, and cannibalism…

Nevertheless, QAnon beginning on 28 Oct. 2017 has given Mankind a last chance to right the atrocities of humanity, repent, turn back to God, Liberty, Freedom, Natural Law, Natural Rights, and restore our sacred Republic since it was secretly and treacherously made a “Corporations” in 1871 by helping President Trump to deliver our heritage from the hands of the Globalists, Communists, Democrat Socialist Party, New World Order, Illuminati who are all Satanists hellbent on the utter destruction of God and morality, We the People and the world by instituting their democidal New World Order.

A Brief History of the World According to QAnon

[Transcript of QAnon by JoeM (aka StormIsUponUs)]

NARRATOR: Something is going on, some of us see it, some of us feel it. It’s time to expand your thinking. You’ll need to reset everything you thought you knew about the world, about the people you trust, about history, about yourself. Let me tell you a story…   For a very long time our world has been under the growing influence of a vast, transgenerational criminal Mafia that was able to rise up to the highest levels of power. We didn’t know it because they acted just like you and me. We thought we could recognize true criminals by their words and actions but were deceived by their sophisticated speech, wealth, education, beauty and power. Through a system of threats, blackmail and bribery they would come to occupy the highest levels of power in government, corporations and education. You may know them as the Deep State or Cabal.
Most dangerously of all they achieved almost total influence over the media – they primary means of controlling the good people of the world who were just trying to get on with living. They used this power to slowly convince us that we were the problem; that we were a threat to each other. They used race, gender and religion to set us apart and rewrote history to validate these false claims. They funded both sides of wars just to crush our potential to prosper and succeed as a peace-loving and creative force of good for the world. Now with their firm grasp on the media we drank in their entertainment and lies as they began their final phase – THE TOTAL TAKE DOWN OF AMERICA. We were the brightest beacon of freedom and humanity’s last hope. They knew that if they could take America, the rest of the world would follow.
They cut deals that led us to hand over total control of the money system to a private central bank – The Federal Reserve. This made it possible to influence Washington, D.C., and most of our presidents since then were beholden to the criminals in one way or another. Things took a real bad turn when the concentrated vast power into the hands of the many civilian intelligence agencies throughout the world. They said they were there to protect us, instead these agencies where catastrophically weaponized to boost drug and human trafficking cartels, assassinate political opponents, undermine the military, and change regimes of foreign governments who did not want to adopt the centralized system of money control.
QAnon Post #457 (4 March 2018)
You might think they would choose simply to remain in the shadows, but as long as there was freedom for the people to prosper the cabal were always at risk of being discovered and shutdown. There was no way to continue without a plan to eliminate all threats to their survival, even if it meant imposing a single world-government under their jurisdiction where no national identity, police force or military could stop them. They called it GLOBALISM – exploiting our emotions and our instincts of compassion. They found a way to justify dismantling cultures, borders, and national identity under the guise of social justice creating false narratives of racism, colonialism, and capitalism to destabilize and ultimately collapse societies so they were no longer secure to reject this dark plan for the world. Where there was no history to distort, they would use wars to force a catastrophic mass migration of peoples across borders to destabilize and weaken cultural identity. When we didn’t accept this, they called us intolerant and shamed us into silence. By 2008, America was in advanced stages of economic decline with disastrous trade deals leading to widespread loss of jobs and a devastating financial crisis. The Cabal had now absorbed an extensive criminal empire that had aligned with a twisted, radical form of Islam. Realizing that competition could threaten their goals they decided to cooperate and agree to mutual terms. Now a hostile foreign enemy was able to insert a subordinate into the U.S. political system who would become the president.

Saudi Prince al-Waleed ben Talaal funded Obama’s Harvard education and took power by proxy picking his entire cabinet while buying vast quantities of control in our largest media companies. The Western faction of the Cabal was different. It was another kind of sick altogether – a dark and deeply sinister death cult with a strong reliance on symbolism and numerology with levels of cruelty unimaginable to all right-thinking people. The reach and scale the secret society had achieved would have sent destabilizing shockwaves across the world were it ever to be publicly exposed. They were highly at living just below the surface as they worked their way into the United States presidency. With both factions of the Global Mafia now in control are you ready to hear what they had planned? Make sure you’re sitting down.
They installed rogue operators in government, they opened backed doors, was to leak highly classified military intel and top-secret special access programs, they cut military funding and weakened the command of generals with irrational new Rules of Engagement. They worked to dismantle NASA and end our supremacy in space. They infiltrated and exposed defensive military intelligence programs that reduced our ability to detect foreign and domestic threats. They used our trusted agencies to target and weaken political opponents. They relaxed our borders and enabled passage of millions of illegals and violent criminal gags [into America]. They moved money to fund global terrorism resulting in groups like ISIS moving to capture vast territories throughout the world. In 2016 the Cabal alliance had hoped to retain power. If you are not yet chilled to the bone by the picture that is forming about their intentions for us all, let me tell you what was to come next. Through international climate change scams they would have siphoned trillions of remaining wealth, eliminate the last good guys in government [such as 3-star Gen. Michael Flynn and presidential advisor Roger Stone], and withdraw total funding from the us handing over the responsibility of our defense to the United Nations. They would revise the Constitutions to weaken our ability to fight back, ban the sale of firearms to eliminate our self-defense, insert their people into the Supreme Court, remove the electoral college system to neuter our voting power, and totally eliminate alternative media to shield them from exposure.
They instigated a covert deal to move large quantities of our uranium their captured states in North Korea and Iran to build up a nuclear arsenal that would threaten the world. For this they blamed Russia, a growing force of opposition to their ambitions of global control by casting Putin as an enemy and blaming him for this illegal uranium deal. They had planned a devastating nuclear world war between America and Russia that would have exhausted the two remaining pillars of freedom for the world accelerating the horrific endgame that had become inevitable. This Cabal miraculously lost power in 2016 when a brave operation led by a US military alliance and their global partners were able to return power legitimately over to the light. They had a plan of their very own, one that was many decades in the making with Donald Trump selected for the role of president the people of America would slowly awaken to the reality of the world they live in with so much hidden and lied about in the media channels we had come to trust for our news and entertainment. This alliance of good set into motion a sophisticated strategy of dismantling the vast network of corruption that had almost completely overcome ever level of government, industry, and legal system. They knew they had to follow the laws of the land as they were originally intended otherwise they themselves would be delegitimized even though they were trying to free us from the silent stranglehold of tyranny that we had come to accept as normal.
The panicking Deep State used any remaining power they had left to try to save themselves. Each day for two years was a careful meticulously planned balancing act between public perception and the job that needed to be done – moving too fast would shock a scared and sleepy public still living in the prison of the mind that was created for them, but after all this it appears now that not only are we winning, but WE HAVE WON! The trajectory of this great storm is now radiantly clear. Now we look forward to a new future thanks to the brave patriots who risked everything to save our world – this time for good. There is not a person alive who has not experienced what a world with this kind of darkness could be like.  A world of free energy that was kept from us to force our dependency on their fossil fuel monopolies, abolishment of income tax that was illegally imposed to pay back interest on loans taken from the Cabal banking system, released cures for our most deadly diseases, unleashed space technologies to open frontiers we never dreamed possible – new technologies creating millions of jobs and yielding a global human renaissance the likes of which we have never seen.
Fellow Americans and citizens of the world now it is our turn to shine. Wherever we are we will become The Plan when we choose to reject what they call Globalism. We recognize the words they use to bend us to their will, and we say, NO MORE! It’s time to turn off the media, follow your instincts, trust yourself and be THE PLAN. May God Bless America… and the World.

Epilogue: Will the New World Order Depose the Old World Order?

Will the New World Order (Satanism) Depose the Old World Order (Theism)? That is the ultimate question that JoeM (@StormIsUponUs) hints at throughout his magnificent summary of the New World Order or Globalism that from the apotheosis of the Age of 9/11 to 2020 has opened the floodgates of Hell in their demonic efforts at trying to merge the world into a One World Government by destroying America – Globalism’s last enemy who can stop this world-wide Satanism movement. Thus, if America falls, then the entire World will fall into Satanism, Dystopia and Democide at scales that would make Hitler and the Nazis look like choirboys.

For example, President George H.W. Bush (1924-2018) (41st U.S. President: 1989-93) “was the only president who ran the CIA (appointed 30 Jan. 1976), and the last to believe in its cold-war code of silence.” With this in mind QAnon tells U.S. the truth about 9/11, a giant, complex false flag CIA operation designed to cover up all of the decades of Black-Op Sites and off-the-book Operations (e.g., drug running, human trafficking, deposing nations) they had spent trillions on which was why Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld gave a press briefing and spoke about his upcoming Defense Committee Hearing about missing $2.3 TRILLION in defense spending. When George H.W. Bush heard about this from his now president son, President George W. Bush, he hit the roof because as the former Director of the CIA he knew all of the evil Crimes Against Humanity that this and other intelligence agencies had done, which cause him to famously remark in a 1992 interview – If the American People ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us.”

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What did Bush-41 and Hillary Clinton mean about Deep State corruption and the 2016 Trump election (that would dramatically expose Deep State corruption) respectively? How much money are we talking about? Until a department-by-department professional audit is done of the Pentagon (and all of government for that matter) getting an exact number of how much money has been STOLEN from the U.S. taxpayers and put into dozens or hundreds of Black-Operations funding Crimes Against Humanity, Pedophilia Global Networks, Human Trafficking, etc… dating over 80 years back to World War II and before, then we may never know, although I believe QAnon knows and will reveal the extent of this government treachery against We the People very soon.

Numbers that I have heard range between $2.7$21 TRILLION dollars of “missing” funds by the Pentagon alone – not even counting waste, fraud, abuse among the dozens of other government and intelligence agencies. One of the commentators (William Smith) wrote these prophetic words regarding how False Flags have been used in 9/11 and used by treacherous, Satanic, Secret Societies to foment what Trotsky called “Perpetual War” while hiding their evil deeds within “The Fog of War” where chaos reigns and where We the People are looking at imagined enemies in foreign lands instead of bringing justice to the Cabal of duplicitous, treacherous Deep State, Illuminati, Rothschild Apparatchiks who have funded BOTH SIDES of every war since the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99) operating right in front of our eyes.

Winston Smith11 months ago
1) Announce $2.3 Trillion missing on 9/10/01 2) 9/11 happens 3) The public forgets about the 2.3 trillion, government never explains it again, and the defense department gets it’s budget INCREASED by 10s of billions of dollars. Sounds legit? Americans – We are suckers. We are a country full of brain washed robots that believe everything the news tells us and refuses to question even the most ludicrous explanations from our government. .

YEAR 1999 = 666 (9s are upside down). This pivotal year before the world for 1,000 would witness a new millennial saw 2 Illuminati movies from Hollywood. The first, The Matrix Trilogy I quoted from at the beginning of this essay. The second 1999 movie title was by that legendary director Stanley Kubrick (starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman), EYES WIDE SHUT. Note how the Illuminati in this movie gets power over U.S. by revealing some (but not all) of it’s demonic secrets and Satanic rituals which are apropos here in the biographies of the movies 2 young stars — Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman:

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Not only was the missing 24 minutes exposing the Satanic secrets of the Illuminati rituals, it was exposing their complex network of using women, little boys, little girls, babies in Satanic sacrifices and sexual blackmail of prominent politicians and other societal elites. Why? To control them and to buy their silence by them selling their souls to the Devil for untold riches and fame in this world. [Think: Goethe’s Faust = the Professor who sold his soul to the Devil]. That in a nutshell is the History of Humanity and Reality according to QAnon.

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