A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia—Part III (1913-9/11)

| March 22, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

War is progress, Peace is stagnation. ~ Hegel

Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. . .”

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

Prologue—How Satan used Fake Jews [Khazars] to trick the World into believing the Big Lie of National Wealth through Eternal War, Debt-Slavery and Child Sacrifices to Satan

In Part II of my 4-part essay series—A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, writers James and Harris gave a succinct and important leitmotiv or idée fixe that is the telltale sign of the Khazars or Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Satanic infiltration of the Nations down through the Ages

The Khazarian Mafia (KM) decides to infiltrate and hijack all World Banking using Babylonian Black-Magick, also known as Babylonian Money-Magick or the secret art of making money from nothing also using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest:

The KM used their vast fortune to enter into a new system of banking, based on secret Babylonian black-magic money-magic that they claimed to have learned from the evil spirits of Baal, in return for their many child sacrifices to him. This Babylonian money-magick involved the substation of paper credit certificates for gold and silver deposits, which allowed travelers to travel with their money in a form that offered easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen.”

Interesting how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them… Eventually the Khazarian king and his small surrounding court infiltrated Germany with a group that chose the name “the Bauers” of Germany to represent them and carry on their Baal-powered system of evil. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”).

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

That key sentence above about “…how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them…” is a proven and effective tactic and stratagem used for thousands of years which the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia turned into demonic statecraft by their agent philosophers – Machiavelli (1469-1527)(“The end justifies the means”) and the man responsible for creating a systematic perversion of Law and History, Religion and Societal Morality, Truth and Reality – Hegel (1770-1831)(“War is progress, Peace is stagnation”; “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great”) – using his so-called Hegelian Dialectic = Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis or Problem – Reaction – Solution

Think about all the World’s woes since the biblical Adam and Eve fell into sin in the Garden of Eden according to the Book of Genesis 2:4-3:24—World Wars, Slavery, Famine, Poverty, Disease, Pandemics, Societal chaos, Race Wars, False Flags to foment war, Nation Balkanization, Debt-Slavery, Great Depressions, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Abortion, Child abuse, Eugenics, Slavery, etc. Under the Rothschild-Illuminati-Hegel Dialectic ALL Reality is an artificial construct, or as Hegel famously declared, “Reality is a historical process” that is manipulated by sinister, Satanic forces behind public view.

In other words, the world you know is not really “real”, it is a version of a cynical construct – a Geopolitical Matrix Slavery orchestrated by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in one form or another over the past 2,000 years (perhaps from the “beginning”). Throughout all societal institutions, the Khazarian Mafia has built this Grand Illusion based not on Reality but created what the Nazis called a Weltanschauung (Worldview) and Gleichschaltung (One-World Government, New World Order) based on systemic Perversion and Delusion, Narcissism and Nihilism, Communism and Perpetual Debt-Slavery.

Finally, in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all Americans enter the gates of America:

In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President [Woodrow Wilson], who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it.” ~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

In Part II of this 6-part essay series on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, I concluded with a synopsis of how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia really increased their New World Order Satanism agenda at the beginning of the twentieth century achieving major accomplishments in the span of a 6-year period in the early 1900s (1907-13)—

Think! Follow the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia breadcrumbs—[1] Panic of 1907 leads to [2] the super-secret first meeting of Rothschilds at Jekyll Island (22 Nov. 1910), leads to [3] the sinking of the Titanic (15 April 1912), leads to [4] election of Rothschild puppet President Woodrow Wilson (5 Nov. 1912), leads to [5] the 16th Amendment (Federal Income Tax), passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified Feb. 3, 1913; leads to [6] the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment (8 April 1913)—(the direct election of Senators by the people thus removing Senator’s former allegiance to local interests because prior to the 17th Amendment Senators were elected by State legislatures, not the people).  

The passage of the 17th Amendment, leads to [7] the Rothschild second secret Jekyll Island meeting (Christmas Eve, 1913), leading to [8] President Wilson passing the Federal Reserve Act (23 Dec. 1913) on the same day the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia were secretly finalizing their plans to establish a THIRD BANK OF THE UNITED STATES they deceitfully called the “Federal Reserve” (23 Dec. 1913) Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence!

*N.B.: Central Banks are neither Federal nor public, but a private corporation wholly owned and controlled by the Rothschild Central Bankers. They own the printing press to print TRILLIONS in counterfeit money based on nothing while charging excessive usury (interest) and taxation. What’s the collateral? We the People are their collateral. This was achieved by RKM forcing governments to create Birth Certificates (1900-46, info collected by the U.S. Census Bureau) and Social Security numbers (beginning 14 Aug. 1935 [same year the U.S. Secret Police, BOI was renamed FBI]) solidified the fact that RKM views over 7 billion people worldwide as a non-human, corporate assets to be collected and traded, monetized and democided in whatever manner seems best for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.

The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America:

The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance. It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want, because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire.

At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico. Soon afterwards, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their Banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf. Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks.

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

YEAR 1913 was essentially Year ONE of the total invasion of America by the 3-headed Cerberus—City of London, the Vatican and Washington, D.C.—a tragic year for Liberty where the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s Satanic New World Order Agenda took a quantum leap forward with the achievement of 8 major goals cited above which had the effect of keeping America and the world under the condition of a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Debt-Slavery Central Bank System into perpetuity. However, I cite one more event that would place America under the control of a Secret Police called the FBI, 8 year before the Bolshevik Revolution (Oct. 1917) and decades before the Nazi’s dreaded Gestapo [post 1933]).

June 1917: J. Edgar Hoover began working with the Department of Justice legal staff. Of course, we now know that J. Edgar Hoover (a powerful KM agent) would quickly rise through the ranks and by 1924 became Director of the BOI (Bureau of Information [created in 1908], renamed FBI in 1935). Hoover’s tenure would span 10 presidents from 1917-71 (from President’s Woodrow Wilson [1917] – Richard Nixon [1972]. All of them too afraid to remove this powerful Rothschild agent because his agency was tasked with amassing intelligence against our enemies and Hoover thus had blackmail intelligence on every POTUS from Wilson – Nixon.

Until the late 1950s (Apalachin Mafia Meeting, 14 Nov. 1957), J. Edgar Hoover (also a secret transvestite and homosexual) would purposely turn a blind eye to organized crime during their Golden Age, famously stating that “there was no such thing as the Mafia.” The effect of this gross negligence was Hoover allowed societal bloodshed and violence to occur under his FBI, despite being tasked to expose and rid society of this evil for 25 years he was Director. However, it should be noted that this omission wasn’t done completely by his will alone, but was done at the behest of his masters the original Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who profited greatly by having the lower order “Italian Mafia” (controlled by the Vatican) do their dirty work—violating Prohibition, proliferation of the so-called “Rackets” (including prostitution, drugs, gambling, loan sharking, union infiltration, etc.) causing a rise in societal vice during the so-called “Roaring Twenties”, created a construct (fake) artistic ‘Harlem Renaissance’ movement used as cover to infuse Part 2 of the Communist Revolution on a national scale here in America—Part I of course being the successful Communist (Bolshevik) Revolution in Russia (Oct. 1917).

The Rothschild KM deployed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to extract incredibly savage, bloody revenge on innocent Russians, which they had plotted for many years, ever since Khazaria was destroyed:

The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). In a well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria.

The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children, and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting was so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article. But readers who want to know can do some in depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist” which is available on www.youtube.com.”

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

In Oct. 2017, I did a 5-Part essay series published on my critical thinking blog, EllisWashingtonReport.com exposing the Khazarian Mafia (a term I didn’t know then) and their history in the first successful example of Rothschild Khazarian Mafia instituting Communism nationwide in world history with the Rothschild-fomented, financed, and fought Bolshevik Revolution in Oct. 1917. In Part I, I wrote:

Writers Preston & Harris stated—”The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long-planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little-known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long standing revenge by the Rothschild controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM).”

Every one of these Communist leaders (pictured above) of the 1917 Bolshevik revolution (including Lenin [Jewish] and Stalin [born in Georgia, the ancestral homeland of the Khazars!) are all ethnically Jews (= fake Khazar “Jews”). Why weren’t we told this in our history books? Because the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia owns or controls virtually all of the book publishing and news outlets in America and throughout the world, and thus refuses to allow this forbidden history to be released. Those of us who have tried over the decades were ignored, mocked, blacklisted, academic careers killed, and refused publication in the major publishing houses.

Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008)—In my opinion one of the greatest writers of the 20th century whose 1978 Harvard Commencement address compelled me on the road to become a Conservative intellectual and to go to Harvard. Many times Solzhenitsyn tried to expose and warn the world about the surreptitious Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and their wicked hand in the Russian Holocaust, but despite his gravitas, was ignored and mocked. Solzhenitsyn appears in Part V of my essay series on the Bolshevik Revolution.

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) once again decided to sheep-dip themselves and infiltrated and hijacked all Judaism:

The Rothschild KM created a master plan to control all of Judaism and mind-kontrol Judaics. The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media, along with most wealth and economic means of success. Thus, the Rothschild KM could pass out wealth and success to those Judaics who drank their Kool-aide and use them as cutouts, assets and Sayanims.

In this manner, the Rothschilds hijacked Judaism. Their financing of the Israeli Knesset and construction of it using Freemason occult architecture displayed their commitment to the occult and Babylonian Talmudism and all the evil accompanying it, including child sacrifice to their secret god Baal. They set up a NWO system called World Zionism which taught and inculcated susceptible Judaics with a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority, which assumed that all Gentiles were intent on mass-murdering all Judaics.”

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

In retrospect, I strongly believe I would have come to an earlier realization about the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia if (as a devout Christian and lover of the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel) I could have understood that nearly 98% of the “Jews” living in Israel (and perhaps those who call themselves Jews throughout the world) do not have any ancient Judaic or Hebrew DNA. Thus, I could have avoided the cognitive dissonance of holding two contradictory opinions in my mind at once by understanding that modern day “Israel” (since May 17, 1948) is an artificial construct concocted by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia where the majority of the people living in Israel have the same amount of Jewish blood as the Pharisees and Sadducees from Jesus’ time – those religious hypocrite “Jews” of the New Testament who were in reality fake “Jews” and willing slaves of the Roman Empire who used a corrupted brand of “Judaism” to enslave the people and fomented lies and violence to pressure the Jewish people and Roman Governor Pontius Pilate to reject the teachings of Jesus Christ and his claims to be the “Son of God”, (a threat to their religious cult and power) and have Jesus crucified. (Recall former high priest Annas chiding current high priest Caiaphas in John 11:50 — “Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.”]

Although it took many years, once the threshold of infiltration of key societal institutions were breached, it was only a matter of time before a Satanic “consensus” could be made, giving allegiance to the most vile, unbelievable, and delusional ideas known to mankind. Exhibit A: New World Order, Exhibit B: World Zionism, Exhibit C: Heliocentrism, Covid-19 fake Pandemic (face diapers, social distancing, willingly killing the world economy), Liberalism, Communism, Evolution Atheism, Eugenic Racism, Slavery, Biden is President, Trump is not President, (or any Big Lie consensus you can think of), etc. etc.

The Rothschild KM decides to morph again and expand their ranks:

In the meantime, the Rothschild KM realized that they could not stay hidden much longer from the public unless they morphed again and expanded their secret leadership. So, they worked hard to further infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and its secret offshoots, and inducted top members into their pedophile network and child sacrifice rituals.  

Also, key members of Congress were inducted into their secret satanic network by giving them special power, high USG, military, and Intel positions, accompanied by great monetary rewards and high status. Massive KM espionage fronts using Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens as cutouts were set up inside America to funnel the Khazarian Banksters’ counterfeit money to politicians for their election campaigns, in order to own and control them when elected.”

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

We saw in Part II how RKM agent and crypto-Jew Adam Weishaupt was secretly funded and controlled by Nathan Rothschild, the Jesuits, and the Vatican to create the Illuminati on 1 May 1776, just 2 months before the American Revolution. I now believe that the Illuminati was set up in advance as a countervailing force to stop the American Revolution, which, with our ally Russia’s help triumphed (4 July 1776) and helped won the decisive Battle of Yorktown (1781). Nevertheless, by the late 18th century the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia had infiltrated all major secret societies the largest one, the Freemasons. If you think America’s most notable Freemason, President George Washington was upset or alarmed by such a breach by the Khazarian Mafia you would be sorely mistaken—

The Rothschild KM decides to Mind-kontrol the American masses to make it much easier to manipulate them into approving their illegal, Unconstitutional unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars needed to make huge profits and gain more world power:

” The Rothschild KM decided to gain complete control over all public education by setting up the Department of Education and creating globalist and socialist curriculums based on political correctness, diversity and “perversion is normal” teachings. Fluoride is added to the public water and toothpaste, and dentists are mind-kontrolled to believe that fluoride prevents cavities, and is not harmful to brain function or thyroid function, which it is.

The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste is to dumb-down Americans by on average lowering the operational IQ and making folks much more docile than they would normally be. Programs to develop and deploy vaccinations to dumb-down children and create huge numbers of future chronic health problems were initiated.

Doctors have been mind-kontrolled and misled by biased research that was cherry-picked, ignoring any studies that were negative — and that included most of them. All vaccine cell lines are contaminated with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus.

The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the allopathic medical schools, and set up and controlled the American Medical Association and other medical societies, in order to make sure their agenda based on lies and deceit was continued.

Part of this massive plan to dumb-down and mind-kontrol the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media into six controlled major mass media (CMMM), owned, and controlled by their cutouts on their behalf. The CMMM functions as an illegal news cartel, and it should be broken up under antitrust laws and for inflicting espionage and illegal propaganda as a weapon of war against the American people.”

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

Remember, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia made some of their greatest gains deconstructing society and dumbing-down the public, and perverting and restating Reality in the late 1800s – early 1900s including the creation of another “new” institution Department of Education under President Jimmy Carter in 1979. However, few people realize that the first education union had begun more than 120 years earlier in 1857 when the National Education Association was formed. Together with Marxism, Communism, Socialism (1848), Darwin’s Evolution Atheism (1859), Galton’s Eugenics Racism (1869), Nietzsche’s Nihilism (1870s-1900) and Sigmund Freud’s legitimization of sexual perversion and Psychological Projection (late 1800s-1940), would become the central philosophers and Satanic ideas the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia would fund, promote and exploit to deconstruct society, geopolitics, and pervert the Academy.

Regarding the brain-degenerating toxin, fluoride, Michael Adams, founder, and editor of NaturalNews.com has a great repository of news articles about this evil history of corporations and governments mandating the toxic poison “fluoride” to our drinking water. Remember both Stalin and Hitler, the two most notorious mass murdering psychopaths in history both used fluoride in their gulags and Holocaust concentration camps. Why? The psychopathic “scientists” and “doctors” who ran these prison facilities quickly understood that the hyper-toxic substance fluoride made the prisoners indolent, stupid, and less likely to get involved in prison uprisings or escape attempts. In other words, fluoride made prisoners better SLAVES! Now what happens when the Nazis and Communist’s ideas of using fluoride for the Concentration Camps and Gulags is now used in our toothpaste and water supply? Answer: All the world becomes brain-damaged SLAVES!

In addition to fluoride, here is an important quote from the article about the history and deadly dangers of vaccines—

“Production and nationwide distribution of the polio vaccine was in full force by the end of the 1950s, but between 1959 and 1960 Dr. Bernice Eddy, a researcher with the National Institute of Health (NIH), made a startling discovery.”

“While examining the minced kidney cells of rhesus monkeys – from which the polio vaccines were derived – she discovered “that the cells would die without any apparent cause,” according to a report by Michael E. Horwin, M.A., J.D., published in the Nov. 3, 2003, issue of the Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology.”

Horwin writes:

Dr. Eddy discovered that the cells would die without any apparent cause. She then took suspensions of the cellular material from these kidney cell cultures and injected them into hamsters. Cancers grew in the hamsters. Shortly thereafter, scientists at the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. discovered what would later be determined to be the same virus identified by Eddy. This virus was named Simian Virus 40 or SV40 because it was the 40th simian virus found in monkey kidney cells.

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia created, funded, and controlled the American Medical Association, founded in 1847 and incorporated in 1897, is the largest association of physicians—both MDs and DOs. RKM also has controlled all newspapers, TV stations and social media for hundreds of years!

Epilogue—President Trump Effectively Killed the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Debt-Slavery Federal Reserve on 3 Feb. 2017

On 3 February 2017 President Trump signed a history-making Executive Order (#13772)—”Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System, and through his Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, ordered him to make the formerly private Rothschild Bank (Federal Reserve) after 104 years is to be under the full control of the Department of the Treasury (this a federal, public, non-corporate entity) under the newly federal government (e.g., U.S.A. Republic). Thus, the head of the Khazarian Mafia snake (Evelyn De Rothschild, Nathan Lionel Rothschild’s great-grandson) has been decapitated, which will in time liberate about 209+ countries around the world where this economic cancer has Federal Reserve branches.

Once the fake Biden presidency is deposed by the U.S. Military because Biden (and Harris) was executed in 2019 for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Sedition, Election Fraud, etc., now President Trump can be revealed as the real POTUS who never left U.S., but merely stepped aside for a few months to let the world see how much chaos would ensue if this imposter Biden and his illegitimate Democrat Socialist Party had real power. Soon all Nations will rejoice once the pitiless chains of their debt slavery are broken under the soon-to-be released Biblical jubilee in America (e.g., National Economic Security and Recovery Act, NESARA) and throughout the world (e.g., Global Economic Security and Recovery Act, GESARA).

This brings our survey to the beginning of most deadly False Flag event by our government against her own people, 9/11 specifically designed by the Deep State Satanists and RKM to stop NESARA which we will begin our analysis in Part IV.

GOOD NEWS AMERICA! At 12:01 am, 20 Jan. 2021 President Trump destroyed the fake, phony, bankrupt, foreign country formerly known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a Corporate Dictatorship ruled over by the Satanic Trinity Sovereign Powers—City of London {Rothschilds Central Bankers}, The Vatican and Washington, D.C. And either concurrent with this date (or on 11 Jan.?) Resurrected and Restored our original 1776 U.S.A. Republic—These United States for America that was stolen from U.S. in that treacherous legislation secretly passed by Congress called the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871.

Interpretation?—Every U.S. President over the past 150 YEARS (1871-2021)— from the 18th POTUS Ulysses S. Grant to the Apotheosis of the 45th POTUS Donald J. Trump, has presided over a foreign, enemy nation that has enslaved all of U.S. under the Debt-Slavery system of the Rothschild Central Bankers (e.g., “Khazarian Mafia”). Yet, because of the heroic deeds of President Trump, We the People are now set at Liberty. Biden is President of a country that no longer exists—THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. = NOTHING! 

All of the perfunctory movements of the so-called Biden administration are a transparent Delusion for Normies. What you are witnessing now is a Hollywood movie, but what is 100% Reality is the unprecedented, complex U.S. Military operation going on presently to save hundreds of thousands of children and babies imprisoned inside a hellish network of underground tunnels throughout DC, America, and the world and to seize foreign, enemy territory back to the U.S.A. Republic, back to We the People!

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