A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia—Part V: 2020-Agenda 2030 and Beyond

| May 3, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you have shown me… that’s impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.”

~ Thanos, Avengers: Endgame (2019)

“If my [5] sons did not want wars, there would be none.”

~ Gutle Schnaper (wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild)

Prologue—Seed of Cain vs. Seed of Jesus Christ

My “brief history” of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia has ostensibly grown from 3 to 5 parts and I’ve only scratched the surface of this dark, Satanic secret society that in one form or another has surreptitiously ruled the world. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, according to the writings of Preston James and Dr. Mike Harris’s revelatory 2015 essay—Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia—chronicled that the Khazarian Empire dated back to 100 AD (about 72 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 28 AD) in the ancient land of Khazar (Ukraine). Nevertheless, I theorize that this pagan peoples who would grow into a nation of professional thieves, murderers and masters of identity theft, is a Satan/human hybrid ethnicity of people dating even further back than 100 AD – originating to the Biblical beginnings of humanity in the Garden of Eden, when the serpent (Satan) beguiled (had sex with) Eve, causing the first of the twins she bore (Cain) to have the seed of Satan in his DNA.

Remember that Jesus called Satan a “murderer” and “the father of murders”, so likewise was Satan’s seed, Cain, the world’s first murderer when he killed his twin brother (Abel), who was the seed of Eve and Adam. With Abel being dead, God therefore had to raise up another seed who would go on to be the bloodline of Jesus Christ (Seth). Satan, of course knew about the Messianic prophecy of Genesis 17:8 (“. . .I will give the whole land of Canaan to your family forever, and I will be their God.”) and therefore Satan moved his seed, the Canaanites, to the Promised Land in a futile effort to stop God from giving the Promised land to the Jews. Thus, the seed of Cain went on to become the infamous Canaanites whom God’s chosen people (Israel) had to battle together with the Satanic Canaanite coalition of pagan nations in and around ancient Israel (e.g., Moabites, Hittites, Ammonites, Amorites, Philistines, Jebusites, Edomites, etc.) to eventually inherent the Promised Land under the leadership of prophets Moses and Joshua.

While the evil intent of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia is to depopulate the world and to consider each person killed a “dead sacrifice” to their master Satan, Christ requires Christians to be a “living sacrifice” [Romans 12:1]. Satan isn’t a creator, he is a pathetic imitator with no power except that power (legality) which we give to him when we sin against God and his holy Word. Thus, all of human History – from the Garden of Eden to today is always the same Hegelian Dialectical formula repeated over and over and over again that allows Satan legality to pervert and destroy ourselves, our family, our nation, our world. Rapper Prodigy knew this forbidden truth and that’s why he was sacrificed by RKM Industry on June 20, 2017 exactly 6 months to the day [666] that his last album was released = The Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation) (released Jan. 20, 2017). QAnon always has said that “Symbolism will be their downfall.”

Why was Rapper Prodigy sacrificed by the music industry kabal [RKM]? Because Prodigy was exposing to the world the truth about the Satanic Illuminati and other Secret Societies that have ruled the world through baby/child bloodletting and blood sacrifices for thousands of years. And that the entire music/entertainment/sports industries’ “food”, so to speak, is the flesh and blood of the innocent babies (Adrenochrome, Pedovore) and children (child sex trafficking, Open borders/Illegal immigration, Satanic Ritual Abuse). This was why President Trump was Public Enemy #1 to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and to their political power base of the Democrat Party (national) and Globalism/New World Order (international)—because he was the only POTUS in history to acknowledge that they exist and thus President Trump continued to formulate tactics and strategies to expose, deconstruct and destroy the RKM.

The rest of Rothschild Khazarian Mafia history will likely be determined by YOU

“The future of the Rothschild KM will likely be determined by Veterans Today readers and We The People who learn the secret, forbidden history of the Khazarian Mafia that was excised from the history books and libraries by the KM to protect their evil history that no one would accept if it was known.

So, share this story with your family, friends and associates and take it viral. Be clear about this — unless the KM is able to operate in abject secrecy, it will be attacked from all sides and destroyed forever. So, take away their secrecy by exposing their hidden history for all Americans to know and understand.

That is why they have worked so hard to buy up and control the CMMM and public mass education including colleges and universities, to make sure the people of the world would never find out about their secret evil, which is so inhuman, so homicidal that the whole world would gang up on them and attack them from all sides at every level they exist at.

The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct of ‘nature or nurture’? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engage in pedophilia and child bloodletting and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion.

Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, “children of Cain”, that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience, but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to eradicate this problem now and forever, by whatever means necessary.”  

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

Rothschild Khazarian Mafia vs. JFK Jr.

JFK Jr. IS ALIVE ALERT! ! This Magisterial, Biblical-like Age we are privileged to live in began on the day JFK Jr. was allegedly assassinated (16 July 1999) by Bill & Hillary Clinton so that she could ascend as the carpetbagger Senator from New York (via Chicago-Arkansas). Yet, Hillary’s pathological personality would tolerate no obstacles, no competition, no viable threats to her megalomaniacal rise to become “the first Woman POTUS”. . . not even murdering the son (who would have won that NY Senate seat) and namesake of one of America’s most beloved Presidents, John F. Kennedy, who was also assassinated for among other things promising to destroy the CIA (“… break the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”) and their boss – the Devil behind the curtain = Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (New World Order, Illuminati, Rockefeller, Soros, English Monarchy, the Vatican, Technocracy Tyrants, Globalist Gestapo, United Nation, European Union, World Health Organization, Bilderberg Group, Council of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, etc…).

From this beginning (and way before) Donald Trump (his MIT genius Uncle John G. Trump & Trump’s father (Fred JESUS Trump) were there since the early 1940s working with White Hats in the U.S. military intelligence to one day launch a counterinsurgency against the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, which has existed in one form or another since Satan impregnated Eve in the Garden of Eden (producing the seed of Cain = the Canaanites = the evil, pagan nation that infiltrated the Promised Land = the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (the fake “Jews” who infiltrated the Nation of Israel and throughout the world)!

That counterinsurgency, which was systematically prepared in advance over the past 75 years (1940-2015), took place when Trump and his beautiful, elegant wife, Melania made that iconic ride down the elevator of Trump Tower where Trump announced his run for POTUS on 15 June 2015, but I digress. . .

JFK Jr’s life was literally saved by military intelligence (a precursor group to the present “QAnon”). Elvis Pressley, Princess Di, Prince, Michael Jackson, Tupac, Isaac Kappy, and many other celebrities put on the dead list by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (“Deep State”) were likewise saved by Military intelligence who wanted to free America from this Satanic Matrix we were enslaved in (e.g., Rothschild Debt-Slavery System) – a ubiquitous evil, invisible system that created false flag events to manipulate and pervert history as a means to enslave the masses under CIA MK Ultra mind control.

Once the full truth about LIFE is revealed to the entire World it will blow your mind which is why President Trump is following the famous aphorism by radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage – “God sees the truth but waits.” Patience is a virtue. Soon all will be revealed, and Justice will come to the Pedo elites who hurt babies and children to have political, judicial, Hollywood, and academic dream careers – tens of thousands of influential, elite people allied with the 13 Illuminati Bloodline families who have enriched themselves with the blood of innocents (e.g., Adrenochrome, Child Sex Trafficking, Pedovore, Satanic Ritual Abuse [SRA]). President Trump’s Great Awakening is systematically putting an end to this ubiquitous evil.

BENEDICTION—My prayer for the past 40 years has been this—”Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please expose and destroy all the works of Satan and his allies; let not one drop of innocent blood shed by these Deep State Devils against babies and children go UNAVENGED. . . Amen!” This prayer came from a portion of the Latin Mass text (Dies Irae [“the Day of Wrath”)—

Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quidquid latet apparebit: Nil inultum remanebit.When the Judge his seat attaineth, And each hidden deed arraigneth, Nothing unavenged remaineth.

Citizen Man TV Reloaded Analysis on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia

Jaden Benn, host of Citizen Man TV Reloaded, gave some interesting analysis (beg. @49:08) of a 1992 book (excerpted below) by CIA  Dr. John Coleman– Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300. Notes about the history of the Committee of 300 are included here.

JADEN BENN—”And that’s their plan pretty much in a nutshell. The Chinese Communist Party wants to take over the world, and they are using this medical tyranny to do it because here in the Western world we have this thing called “Rights” that the people value and chose to exercise. So, they now have to find a backdoor means to take away our rights and much of that goes to gaining our consent to give up our rights.”

“So, they have to use scare tactics to make us afraid so we give up our rights voluntarily because, by law, they cannot simply take our rights without some sort of legal repercussions.   But if we voluntarily give up our rights, then this begins to open the door [granting Satan “legality”] for them to suggest that we give up more of our rights, because giving up our rights have been working so well. . . They’re using Black people by way of the Boule . . . [beg.@51:34]

[Jaden then segued to a Mike Jaco interview of BISHOP LARRY GAITORS] “So Black Colleges and Universities are designed not to liberate any family or any ethnicity. The Boule secret society through Black colleges and universities are designed to sustain the System – this Khazarian System that regardless of your race, creed, or color they want to keep you in perpetual enslavement. So, the Rothschilds are protected by Alpha Phi Alpha. The Oppenheimers are protected by Alpha Kappa Alpha. The Warburgs (who created the Federal Reserve) who were indirectly responsible for the sinking of the Titanic. . .”

JADEN BENN: “Yep, through these Black colleges and that’s why I don’t trust any organization with the word “Black” in it and that’s why I don’t trust these colleges. That’s why I dropped out of college.”

Jaden’s analysis about HBCUs and the Boule (representing W.E.B. Dubois “Talented Tenth”) that Black elites used for decades to control the 90% of Blacks made me think about this question—How can a people with the small percentage in America that Black people have (12%) be throughout American history on the forefront of so much social upheaval, conflict, and social instability? Because since Blacks were first brought here to America as slaves from Africa (1619) Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (who were major slave traders under various shell companies like the Hudson Bay Co., the British East Indian Co. and other slave trading, textile, and shipping interests including slave trafficking internationally), were time and time again used as the fuse to light the next Rothschild Khazarian Mafia false flag event whether it be the slave trade, local slave riots or revolts, race riots and in modern times CIA-sponsored drug running in Black cities in the 1920s-40s and again in the 1960s-90s. Why? George Soros told you in the meme below“The Black community is the easiest to manipulate.”

Soros was tragically right about Black people, but it’s not because of our supposedly natural mental inferiority that the Darwinian Evolution and Eugenics to this day still spew inside the Academy, it’s because Blacks generally have a tribal mentality inherited from our forefathers from Africa which compels us to think in emotive, simple terms rather than in logical, complex, or rational terms. Tribalthink = Groupthink = Slavethink. The opposite of Tribalthink = Iconoclasm (= independent, anti-idols thinking).

Scott McKay of Patriot Streetfighter Interviews Military Intel Expert – Gene Decode

Beg. @-8:24: Gene makes the following bombshell summary statement about Real History March 2021 and the Psychopath Billionaire class (Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, Illuminati, Freemasons, the Vatican) that have ruled over U.S. as slaves for centuries and over the world virtually since the Biblical appearance of Satan in the Garden of Eden without our ever knowing it:

GENE DECODE: (beg @16:51 and @ 40:00) “The [Rothschild Khazarian] Kabal has no morality or rules of engagement. . . they just want to take down the world and they want to take it down with us. If they can’t own it, they’re going to burn it down; that’s how they do. . . This is as real as it gets; it’s horrific. We’re in a war for earth; for all of humanity, for the children, for every person. They’ve enslaved people in numbers beyond the comprehension to be imagined. They’ve taken children, done things no being should have that done to them whatsoever. I mean we shouldn’t have done that to animals let alone to sentient beings. So, this has been going on for a very long time . . . We’ve got to realize we’re at WAR!”
This declaration of RKM evil intent by Gene Decode reminds me of a recent video I heard on We the People News [citing Judy Byington Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Thurs. 29 April 2021 [beg. @15:34] where the journalist cited the blog of news aggregator, Judy Bymington, April 29, 2021—“The Illuminati, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Kabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline families including the Hapsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope (Adolpho Nicholas), his 6 generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most government leaders especially the Freemasons which has infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders.”

“Other Kabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian Mafia leaders Klaus Schaub of the World Economic Forum, Royal families of Europe (including Queen Elizabeth), the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Kabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist, Globalists, political elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Council of 300, UN Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.”

The Clone Factory: All Hollywood Celebrities including Bernie Mac have been Cloned and Controlled by Microchip Technology

I was watching a video about how celebrities have to make the Oath or sell their soul to Satan in order to get riches and fame. The video portion in question begins @17:21

“Bernie Mac sold his soul. They don’t even let you see things like this [orgies, Satanic ritual sacrifices underground, bestiality, etc.] until you sell your soul. So, when Bernie Mac got that show [The Bernie Mac Show] he had sold his soul…then he started getting movies, but way before then he was just doing comedian [shows]. They didn’t show Bernie doing nothing. When Bernie started getting his feet wet, they started taking him to Pandora’s Box. His mind was blown, but then they put him under the oath where he won’t talk – throw the Goat [hand sign] up here and there. . .”

Avenger’s Infinity War: Why Thanos wants to destroy 50% of the Universe?

The plot summary for Avenger’s Infinity Wars that appears in Wikipedia states the following:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019). The films depict Thanos as an alien warlord from the planet Titan who seeks to collect the six Infinity Stones and use them to bring “balance” to the universe by eliminating half of all living beings in order to stabilize its overpopulation. This brings him into conflict with various groups, including the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Masters of the Mystic Arts, the Ravagers, and the armies of Wakanda and Asgard, who ultimately join forces to defeat Thanos.

If this narrative of a Global apocalypse due to human misdeeds sounds vaguely familiar to you it is because this Satanic leitmotiv has been portrayed in one form or another by RKM’s media department (Hollywood) since its inception with the first movie over 100 years ago – Birth of a Nation (1915)—The eternal battle of Good vs. Evil. (Even in that movie the evil Black man was portrayed as an irredeemable rapist of the virginal White woman and the Klu Klux Klan riding in on horses like the cavalry saved her from the Black man’s clutches and vanquished him).

But what we didn’t know then but realize now is that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia has been forced out from the shadows, and that in all the movies we watched, movies our parents watched, and even movies our grandparents watched, we thought that at the end of the movie, Good triumphed over Evil. It didn’t, because the movie moguls – all members of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia didn’t want Good to win, because they had sworn to serve Evil via their master Satan. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia serve the ancient Kabballah Cult or Law of Opposites that means whatever you think you are viewing or experiencing, the opposite is true.

Let’s look at a recent movie for example to demonstrate my point. In the 2018 movie, Avenger’s: Infinity Wars the alien warlord Thanos has a dialogue with his daughter, Gamora about his motivation for waging war in the universe telling her – “Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correcting.” However, near the end of the 2019 movie, Avenger’s: Endgame, when all of the Avengers joined forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Masters of the Mystic Arts, the Ravagers, and the armies of Wakanda and Asgard, to defeat Thanos, he has an epiphany and declares –

I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you have shown me… that’s impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.” ~ Thanos

Thanos’ apocalyptic vision to save half the world by destroying the other half is oddly familiar to what Bill Gates wants to do with his Covid-19 vaccine which of course isn’t a vaccine at all. It is a mRNA democide vaccine designed to pervert the structure of your DNA to allow potential diseases to bypass your body’s natural defenses in an effort to democide (murder) you with greater efficiency than if you didn’t take the vaccine.

Earlier I spoke of the first Hollywood movie, Birth of a Nation (1915), well just 3 years after this movie was released (fomenting many race riots against Black people killing several thousands), beginning in Jan. 1918 the Rockefeller Institute purposely infected thousands of American troops with the “Spanish Flu” which was in reality bacterial pneumonia and bacterial meningitis and sent them on crowded trains, boats to crowded dirty battle fields all over Europe and waited.

History repeating 100 years later?—To cover up their false flag World War II the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia using the Rockefeller Institute doctors in 1917 concocted a fake virus called the “Spanish Flu”, injected thousands of our American troops and sent them on crowded dirty trains and boats to battlefields throughout Europe starting in Jan. 1918. What could go wrong? The body count of deaths from the millions who took the vaccine = 50-100,000,000 deaths from the “Spanish Flu” which like “Covid-19” 100 years later doesn’t exist. The real cause of death back then and now is from bacterial pneumonia and bacterial meningitis due to (wait for it) . . . promiscuous use of mask wearing! The 3-Ds of History = DISEASE-DEMOCIDE-DYSTOPIA (repeat).

World War I Alert–What happened about 2 months after the first troops were sent to battlefields throughout Europe? By March 1918 the first reports of “Spanish flu” were reported on the battlefield. The vaccine which eventually cause between 50-100 million deaths. Thanos would be pleased.

Epilogue: Project Blue Beam, Agenda 2030 and Beyond. . . the Choice is Yours!

For the conclusion of this essay, I want to discuss other esoteric evil plots the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia has in store for the world:

NASA’s Project Blue Beam would be intended to establish the beginning of the New World Order, conceived as a single Globalist government, a single army, a single religion, a cashless society with the population controlled by microchips connected to a single computer. This Globalization taken to democidal levels and that’s the major point of Globalism = Population Control = Population Reduction = Population DEMOCIDE which according to the term’s inventor Political Scientist R.J. Rummel“the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” The writer continues, “The world elite would not be subjected to this type of control system, but rather they would be the executioners.” In his 1994 book, Project Blue Beam, journalists Serge Monast wrote the following comments that are tragically prescient to this very day and era—

“There is an experiment by NASA and other government agencies to lead us into a global government by fooling us into a staged tribulation featuring a staged holographic alien invasion, to bring in a false messiah to unite all religions into a one world religion.” He also wrote that “the holographic technology could be felt through touch and that through certain frequencies you could hear voices talking to you.”

If we are to believe what Monast writes as being true, it is imperative more than ever to make the majority of the public aware of the NASA project in order to not fall prey to mass deception, societal breakdown and from the ashes dystopia and mass slavery under the Antichrist.

Another evil plot by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia aka the Globalists or New World Order to take over the world (and there are many) is called Agenda [20]21, renamed Agenda 2030 due to the unforeseen apotheosis of President Donald Trump, whom in their Satanic arrogance, never imagined he would ever defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. . . but he did. Therefore, the evil intent of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia is delayed, but not denied (so they think!)

What is Agenda 2030? Basically, it is the establishment of their Satanic One World Government or Globalization which is the standardization of all systems such as natural resources, water, food, education, energy, law enforcement, etc. All systems have to be brought into coordination in order to control them all. The Nazis called this strategy for world control Gleichshaltung. Why? Because when systems don’t meet or are out of “balance” or don’t synchronize with each other, they can’t be controlled centrally. The goal of Agenda [20]21 and 2030 is of course a One World Government and total control from a central unit. The Bible calls that unit or person the Antichrist or son of Satan. Thus, the New World Order and all of their allied entities have from the beginning, from the Garden of Eden devoted to establishing Satan’s kingdom here on earth as an affront and challenge to God, Jesus Christ His Son, and his kingdom in heaven.

GOOD NEWS AMERICA! At 12:01 am, 20 Jan. 2021 President Trump destroyed the fake, phony, bankrupt, foreign country formerly known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a Corporate Dictatorship ruled over by the Satanic Trinity Sovereign Powers—City of London {Rothschilds Central Bankers}, The Vatican and Washington, D.C. And either concurrent with this date (or on 11 Jan.?) Resurrected and Restored our original 1776 U.S.A. Republic—These United States for America that was stolen from U.S. in that treacherous legislation secretly passed by Congress called the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871.

Interpretation?—Every U.S. President over the past 150 YEARS (1871-2021)— from the 18th POTUS Ulysses S. Grant to the Apotheosis of the 45th POTUS Donald J. Trump, has presided over a foreign, enemy nation that has enslaved all of U.S. under the Debt-Slavery system of the Rothschild Central Bankers (e.g., “Khazarian Mafia”). Yet, because of the heroic deeds of President Trump, We the People are now set at Liberty. Biden is President of a country that no longer exists—THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. = NOTHING! All of the perfunctory movements of the so-called Biden administration are a transparent Delusion for Normies. What you are witnessing now is a Hollywood movie, but what is 100% Reality is the unprecedented, complex U.S. Military operation going on presently to save hundreds of thousands of children and babies imprisoned inside a hellish network of underground tunnels throughout DC, America, and the world and to seize foreign, enemy territory back to the U.S.A. Republic, back to We the People!

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