Bill ‘Gestapo’ Gates Cryptocurrency Patent # = 2020 060606 = Mark of the BEAST

| May 11, 2020
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

What’s the best way to suppress the people who have the power in numbers to overthrow you, yet at the same time extort all of their wealth from them? You make them sick, then you make the cure, then you sell them the cure so that they have to give you all of their money to stay alive.”

~ Craig, Just Informed Talk 05/06/2020 Analysis of QAnon 252 beg. @701

There is no such thing as coincidence.

J.M. Darhower

Prologue to the First Dictator of the World – Bill Gates

In late April on my Facebook page I posted a reply to a story about how Billionaire Gestapo Globalist Bill Gates through his democidal Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had already patented SEVEN (7) vaccines for a deadly strain of a biological weaponized flu known as the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Below is the vaccine patent info and my original Facebook post. I was so psychologically devasted by this tragic news – a modern day Hitlerian Crimes Against Humanity – that I have been unable to write anything for nearly a month! –

Ellis Washington Yesterday at 6:16 AM ·  666 Mark of the Beast Alert ! ! Bill Gates filed a patent for the Coronavirus DEATH vaccine in 2015 and received it in 2018 = ONE YEAR before he (through Harvard, UNC, and the Obama Administration) sold it to the Communist Chinese bio-weapon’s lab in Wuhan, China. Guess what the patent # is…. (wait for it) 666 = the Demonic Mark of the Beast from Revelation Chp. 13. You can’t make this stuff up!

Bill Gates said in a recent interview that he wants to vaccinate everybody in the world (over 7.8 BILLION people) with his coronavirus vaccine; that he filed for the patent 5 years before this current coronavirus pandemic. THINK: Hegelian Dialectic – AGENDA 2030 or New World Order or One World Government = 1. Problem 2.  Reaction 3. [Final] Solution. Remember Hitler’s “Final Solution” against the Jews called the Holocaust 80 years ago? Well, Holocaust 2020 is with U.S. today in the guise of the Globalist Gestapo and the modern day Adolph Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Dr. Josef Mengele all rolled into one known as Bill Gates and his democidal vaccine death camp called The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Alex Jones and the Dystopian Day of Death

For over 25 years Alex Jones and have been like the John the Baptist of modern times – a voice crying out in the wilderness, warning U.S. that this dystopian day of death would come. That day is now here. We can no longer ignore Reality. It is in our faces daily, feeding upon U.S. relentlessly.

Greg Reese, a producer and writer at has an excellent video titled, 666 Mark of the Beast has Arrived. It is such a revelatory exposure of these democidal Nazi Globalists that want to democide us all that I have transcribed the entire video below:

[Transcript] “You may be an atheist and may not believe in holy Scripture, but that does not change the fact that the mark of the Beast is upon us. For those of you unfamiliar with the mark of the Beast it comes from Revelation 13 in the Bible.”

“Whether it is Biblical prophecy or not, the evidence suggests it is a very real agenda. Every universal bar code has three guide bars each one representing a six (6). When the inventor, George Joseph Laurer of IBM was asked of this he replied: ‘Yes, they do resemble a code for the six; there is nothing sinister about this or does it have anything to do with the Bible’s mark of the Beast. It is simply a coincidence like the fact that my first, middle and last name all have six letters.’ Perhaps it was a coincidence or even a joke but look at what we have today – in 2004 the government invented a chip that is implanted into a person’s hand. In 2019, Elon Musk and Neuralink have announced that they are implanting computer chips into people’s heads so that we can merge with Artificial Intelligence (AI).”

“MIT under the funding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has developed a Quantum Dot ink project that can be monitored by a smart phone. And in 2020 world Patent # 2020/060606 was published by Microsoft Technology titled, Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data. It outlines a technology wherein ‘Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system.’ The human is given an activity to accomplish which is sent from a body sensor to the Cloud and to the cryptocurrency system, rewarding the human with money. And while this is happening the world is being told to stay at home until a vaccine can be developed. While the 5G needed to run artificial intelligence is rapidly rolling out worldwide” –

“Humanity is being asked to abandon God’s law and accept a world based on Man’s law – in other words the Law of the State. Whether you believe in Biblical prophecy or not, the Mark of the Beast is becoming very real and at the speed at which things are going we soon will discover how many people will accept the mark [of the Beast] and how many will resist. . .”

Epilogue in the Key of V for Vendetta

15 years ago, I watched a very interesting action movie thriller with a unique, iconoclastic Hero/Anti-hero named “V for Vendetta”. Throughout the movie set in the near future of dystopian London the country (or perhaps even the world) has been taken over by a Globalist dictator who came quickly to dictatorial power by coming up with a vaccine for a devastatingly deadly global pandemic (You can’t make this stuff up… but Hollywood can). Remember: The word “holly” is the wood that is used to make the sorcerer’s magic wand used to cast spells over a hapless and powerless victim to bow to the perpetrator’s evil will, much like modern day Hollywood does with its limitless offerings and tactics to bewitch U.S. all through the “Cinema.”

With that background in mind listen and read along to the Freedom Speech clip from the movie by V which was the red pill moment that began to awaken society from their deep, dystopian, democidal dirt nap to begin to realize that the real enemy of the people is not V, nor the “Rebels” “Culture”, “Society” or any of the litany of red herrings presented to them. The real Enemy of the People was the same as it was in the Garden of Eden … SATAN and his favored  institution to work his malevolent will to enslave Humanity… GOVERNMENT.

Now that I am Woke from my slavish slumber, 15 years later I now realize with profound amazement how venal and evil these Deep State Satanists are who love use media to rub our collective faces in the filth of their Communist Treachery. . . Hidden in plain sight!

V for VENDETTA Movie (2005) – Freedom Speech clip

Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration – whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, are celebrated with a nice holiday – I thought we could mark this November the fifth, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice…intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told…if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War. Terror. Disease. There was a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler. He promised you order. He promised you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night, I sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words – they are perspectives. So, if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek…then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament. And together, we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever, be forgot!

Still don’t believe that the CIA (and its precursor the OSS) has been using the media to enslave U.S. through predictive programming since the creation of Hollywood and it’s first movie glorifying the Klu Klux Klan titled, Birth of the Nation (1915), then look at how in 1993 The SIMPSONS cartoon predicted the Coronavirus Pandemic with amazing accuracy. How did they know? Because the Globalist Gestapo, secret societies like the Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the Deep State Fascists have written the script to your own funeral. . . They just think you are too stupid to figure out that they want to kill you and everybody in the WORLD!  

Exhibit A: In 1993 the SIMPSONS cartoon aired a meeting of all the Media Moguls and their evil plan to use a virus “to put Americans back where they belong in darkrooms glued to televisions, too scared to skip the commercials…” [CUT to 2 guys in a passionately kissing] – This scene [even in jest] would not have been allowed in 1993, but thanks to the Demonic Media using CIA-MKUltra mind control in collectively “programming” U.S. the LGBT-P (for Pedophile) Agenda has been fully implemented in society and protected by the perverted Judges Rule of Law. 

Hegelian Dialectic 2020

Alex Jones on InfoWars did a brilliant report on how the Deep State used popular media like cartoons to desensitize and program U.S. to accept the coming dystopian hell we are all currently living under with the Coronavirus world shut down.

Remember what Craig said at the beginning of this essay: What’s the best way to suppress the people who have the power in numbers to overthrow you, yet at the same time extort all of their wealth from them rightyou make them sick, then you make the cure, then you sell them the cure so that they have to give you all of their money to stay alive.”

Do you see it in the passage above from Just Informed Talk? It is the same simple, Satanic counterinsurgency sold to humanity since antiquity to convince us to make at deal with the devil to democide humanity. Another iteration of this Agenda is known in philosophy as the Hegelian Dialectic which has 4 parts:

AGENDA = New World Order, One World Government, Zero Population (“What’s the best way to suppress the people who have the power in numbers to overthrow you, yet at the same time extort all of their wealth from them right…) PROBLEM = Coronavirus  = A manmade, biological weaponized flu/common cold (“…you make them sick, then you make the cure) then you sell REACTION = (“You sell them the cure so that they have to give you all of their money to stay alive.”) [FINAL] SOLUTION = The Coronavirus ‘cure’ = An infinitely more deadly strain of Coronavirus that everyone in the world will be mandated to take the vaccine for through the Bill Gates Foundation.

Billions will die as part of Agenda 2030, Bill Gates’ Event 201 and the Georgia Guidestones just to name a few of the public declarations by these Globalist Democidal maniacs to kill U.S. all. Those lucky enough to survive this stage of world Democide will receive an RNA-based nanotechnology that is so advanced that it will permanently alter human DNA and allow our Technocracy Overlords to know our medical history by harvesting biometric data continuously and be able trace us anywhere on the planet to be relocated to government controlled Concentration Camps already built all over America and the world.

Does this history sound familiar? The Nazis were fanatics for keeping detailed records of their Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes and prided themselves on being excessively efficient in the Art of Killing. In order to keep track of the millions of Jews marked for the Final Solution

(= death in the Concentration Camps and the Holocaust ovens) the Nazis mandated that all of  the Jews under German control wear a Star of David armband. Later they marked the Jews with tattoos on their arms digitally produced and tracked by a new technology called a “COMPUTER” produced by who? IBM CEO Thomas Watson (a Nazi Sympathizer) who donated his entire estate to promoting the Nazi Racist Eugenics Agenda and received the highest award the Nazis could give. An award so high Hitler himself did not receive it as the Supreme Leader of the Third Reich!

. . . Are you WOKE yet?!?


  1. This is a very important article regarding the how Bill Gates Nazi Mark of the Beast technology will make slaves of us all @

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