Black Athletes and Entertainers Performing Satanic Rituals to Ascend the Illuminati Pyramid for Riches, Celebrity through Personal Degradation & Child Sacrifice

| September 21, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“So, I’m trying to connect the young people to the Elders so they can get that respect back.”

~ Kwame Brown

The greatest trick of the Devil is not that he doesn’t exist, but mind controlling Humanity not to believe its own History—from Genesis to Revelation—proving that he does exist.

~ Ellis Washington

New levels, new Devils.

~ Bishop T.D. Jakes

JEZEBEL ALERT!—How do aspiring Black Celebrities, Athletes, Entertainers Ascend the Stairs of the Illuminati Pyramid? . . . Hint: New levels, new Devils!

To ascend the Illuminati Pyramid for riches and celebrity you are commanded at pains of death to make frequent and public degrading rituals, ultimately sacrifices of loved ones to proclaim to the world your allegiance to Satan. Women acting/dressing like men and men acting/dressing like women, making secret deals with the Illuminati, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia for sports contracts, recording contracts, Hollywood movie roles, TV appearances, are all part of this comprehensive and elaborate Satanic New World Order Agenda on display during these Last Days.

Former NBA player and Internet sensation, Kwame Brown on his YouTube channel, KwameBrownBustLife, didn’t hold back his utter contempt and anger at NBA superstar, Russell Westbrook last Sunday posting pictures of him on his Twitter account wearing a white dress, a white sweater blouse and black high-heel boots. Self talk did a short but revealing video retrospective regarding Kwame Brown’s opinion about Russell Westbrook wearing dresses (not his first time).

However, on a much deeper level which is the thesis of this essay, Kwame gives hints (“jewels”) regarding the secret society initiation phenomenon that is the real reason why Westbrook, and many other athletes and celebrity heterosexual men with wives and children has something to do with the ancient demonic phenomenon called Satanic Ritual Abuse [SRA]. For example, Kwame repeatedly states on his YouTube channel that these Black athletes and celebrities “they have an apple in their mouth.” Meaning? In order to ascend the stairs of the Illuminati Pyramid to obtain riches and celebrity the cost is to sell your soul to Satan. That’s what the so-called “Black Boule” is all about—Keeping Black people bewitched, keep Black people enslaved on the Democrat Party Plantation and demonizing every Black person who tries to free Black America from Voluntary Slavery. For example, people like—Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Kwame Brown, like Angela Stanton King, Candace Owens, myself and many other Black Conservative intellectuals who for decades have preached the Gospel of Critical Thinking, which is the opposite philosophy of White Zaddy Groupthink.

Thus, the metaphor of ‘biting an apple’ or ‘having an apple in your mouth’ goes all the way back to the earliest biblical story of Adam and Eve’s first encounter with Satan in the Garden of Eden by eating forbidden fruit (traditionally an apple) from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil according the Biblical account in Genesis 2:4-3:24. This is an example of what I think Kwame frequently refers to as “Momma’s Cookin” or “finding the jewels within the jokes.” Tragically, most people can’t set aside their self-righteous moral indignation at Kwame’s frequent use of cursing and his hyper-masculine style to get to the more profound meaning of his critical thinking Revolution for Black America. . . and for All America!

Satanic Ritual Alert!—Pictures of Russell Westbrook, a NBA star player on the Los Angeles Lakers, wearing all women’s clothes in what appears to be a fashion shoot in downtown Los Angeles, but in reality it is an Illuminati, Freemason (Black Boule) Satanic Ritual Westbrook is performing before the world in order to obtain even greater power, position and celebrity by ascending the Illuminati pyramid.

What I liked most about Kwame’s masculine rebuke of Westbrook wearing a dress and his critique against Politically Correct (PC) culture is what he didn’t specifically say, but hinted at, in the beginning of his critique where he declared the truth about a dark, Satanic Illuminati power structure controlling professional sports and entertainment which he was a part of 20 years ago when he entered the NBA. Thus, to many listeners of Kwame’s critique against Westbrook’s effeminate dressing style gave greater gravitas about what he is saying for it is a firsthand account of what Kwame knows personally about the Illuminati and Black Boule and not some unsubstantiated hearsay declared by those who don’t know what goes on behind the scenes.

Kwame goes deeper into this notorious CONSPIRACY against Black America and exposes how the NBA essentially owns these Black athletes and entertainers like the Masser owned slaves during slavery times. Meaning? In order to get those mega multi-million salaries for playing a child’s game, getting a record deal, or acting on TV or in a Hollywood movie their White Zaddy Masters will “put an apple in their mouths” which I believe is a euphemism that they made a deal with the Devil for $$$ and celebrity. Meaning? To keep from becoming a sacrifice themselves to Satan these celebrities must pay the Devil back by doing degrading, Satanic rituals like wearing women’s clothes, make up, acting effeminate and to get to the highest levels on the Illuminati Pyramid of Power – requires sacrificing a loved one as part of an ancient Satanic ritual that has existed in one form or another since the Garden of Eden.

May 30, 2021—Lil Nas X is performing his hit song, “Old Town Road” and is welcomed with open arms by the children, teachers and administration at Lander Elementary School in Mayfield, Ohio where they (like all public, private, charter schools) teach Communist indoctrination and New World Order miseducation, NOT the Classics, not real education based on Biblical morality, intellectualism and Truth.

To find the culprits of any conspiracy ALWAYS follow the $$$—Timing is everything for these celebrity Traitors, these Sellout Slaves like Lil Nas X and all those people in sports, entertainment, TV, Hollywood… ALL OF THEM! For example, after his Satanic Nike shoe was launched and after his video went to #1 where he is in Hell giving Satan a lap dance, and dances naked in the shower, he goes before children allegedly to quell the negative (but profitable) publicity he received worldwide. (Obviously I will not post those vile pictures here because children read my essays also!)

Nevertheless, Lil Nas X told those same children who showed him such love and acceptance on his recent appearance on The Breakfast Club Podcast (09/16/21) with Ctg – “F—k your kids!” Why would Lil Nas X say such vile words? Because it’s never been about educating the children, the New World Order wants to indoctrinate them so that they will become willing sacrifices to Satan which will build his kingdom of evil on earth. *N.B.: Ohio is a major hub of pedophilia, child kidnapping, human body parts marketing, and child sex trafficking in America. Coincidence? There is no such thing as Coincidence with the Satanic New World Order everything done by the New World Order including—the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, the Deep State including the Freemasons has plotted and planned for hundreds and thousands of years in advance ways to corrupt, deconstruct and destroy society with Black people always being Ground Zero, always the tip of the spear targeted like the piped piper of old to lead the children to HELL!

The Pied Piper of Hamelin16th century Grimm Brother’s Poem (real History, not a fairytale) based on a true story of 130 missing children in June, 1284 {source: Wikipedia}. Just as King Solomon in the Bible foretold—”There is nothing now under the sun”—Jazz, Broadway, Rock, Rap, Country, even Gospel and Classical music (now thanks to the Nazis since 1939 is universally tuned from 432Hz to 440Hz)— are leading children and our youth astray in a Satanic Illuminati music industry controlled 100% by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
*N.B.: Freemason/Illuminati black and white cape of the pied piper and background of drag queen, Billy Taylor. These colors and patterns represent the power of opposites in the Illuminati symbiology and the ancient idea in Freemason (Black Boule), Jesuits (the Vatican) cult philosophy where Lucifer was cast out of Heaven in a war—Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) is the worldview of the Illuminati, Freemasons and the Jesuits (e.g., the Vatican = the Catholic Church).
*N.B.: America! The Illuminati Rothschild Khazarian Mafia rabbit hole goes very, very deep into the deepest, darkest recesses of our human history and consciousness. But eventually this rabbit hole, along with all of its Satanic Ritual Abuse including—Pedophilia, Baby/Child/Adult Human Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome (drinking the adrenalized blood of tortured babies & children is the greatest “high” for Satanists), Cannibalism, Torture (e.g. young victims are tortured so hard and long that their soul is fractured and they have what the CIA covets in their ongoing Project MK Ultra program—adherents with split personalities or so-called “Manchurian Candidates” that when prompted will kill or command!), Cloning, Human/Alien Hybrids (e.g., Mating people with animals and aliens, marketing of baby body parts [= Abortion industry]), Human Sacrifice to Satan, and much, much more! Therefore, this rabbit hole that Alice in Wonderland fell into goes straight to H-E-L-L!

For example, did you know that 30 Years ago in 1991 Black Rappers made a Judas Satanic Deal with the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to Destroy the Black Family by putting Black Men in Prison for Profit?!?

That’s why the Rap Music Industry is the most dangerous profession on earth, even more dangerous and with a lower life expectancy than deep cover spies of the FBI/CIA, or career military soldiers or special forces! It is all by design— hundreds, even thousands of years ago. But why do they always target the Black community first with the Satanic New World Order Agenda? Answer: Genetically, mentally, physically, spiritually Black people are the strongest of all races of the earth, thus the Satanic New World Order’s logic is to attack the strongest humans with the most horrific and grotesque acts and the rest of the world will follow them into the eternal abyss. Make no mistake about it the Black race has always been the canary in the coal mind so to speak. ALL History is essentially Hegelian Dialectic—Satanic New World Order Agenda = Create the PROBLEM = Fund the REACTION = Mandate the SOLUTION. This demonic formula for democide extermination of the Human Race has been the original strategy of the Satan and his evil New World Order since the Garden of Eden—

Kwame continues his righteous indignation by expressing his utter disgust at NBA Superstar Russell Westbrook wearing dresses and acting effeminate as purposely done to manipulate impressionable young Black children that look up to Westbrook, LeBron James, and other NBA stars as role models. This perverted view of masculinity will cause confusion to Black children and teenagers in school and will lead them to practice sexual lifestyles like homosexuality that will negatively shorten their lives. Kwame further states on his Kwame Brown Bust Life Show posted on Facebook Sept.13th

“What the heck do I want to be in a room with NBA players when they ran by White Boys [e.g., Rothschild Khazarian Mafia] anyway. And I can speak about it Nig—r because when I played I had to shut my mouth too. There’s two ways you can go:  1) You bite the apple and wear them dresses like Russell Westbrook . . . (I don’t even want to say the Nig—rs name no more), but this ain’t this Nig–r first time in a dress so I don’t know why people so alarmed. This Nig—r been wearing dresses and weird-ass sh—t.  

But like I told you LBJ [President Lyndon Baines Johnson] said, “Your [Black] leaders, we’ll give them to you.” And just because this Nig—rs can jump high and play basketball not nary Nig—r –not no Geechee Nig—rs, not no Nig—rs I was ever raised up with going to be walking around the G—damn streets with a dress on and some m—fing boots on and get my respect and say that he heterosexual. . .!”  

~ Kwame Brown on Kwame Brown Bust Life Show (Sept. 2021)

The public response to Kwame’s Critique against the NBA being Effeminate…?—Tick-Toc-Doc! Like clockwork the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia media (whom Kwame calls “White Zaddy”) pulled the strings on their nearest Coon Clown, a comedian named Pierre Brown who as usual didn’t respond to the question poised to him—“What do you think about Kwame Brown’s criticism of Russell Westbrook wearing a dress?” But in classic effeminate Beta Boy mode started his response speaking in a hyper-emotional, bitchy voice of a hysterical woman answering questions about things Kwame never spoke on and ascribing views he fully knew Kwame did not possess. Why? These are the Kabballah Zionist rhetorical tactics [“White Zaddy”] to make his diatribe stronger. For example, comedian Pierre [beg.@11:53] purposely and repeatedly mischaracterized Kwame’s major presence on social media saying, “His whole thing is that in order to be a real Black man you got to be a thug-ass Nig—r from the hood-hood-hood…” and then continued to berate Kwame Brown in the most vile and misleading terms.

Later when one of the lady guest hosts spoke in a more balanced manner about Kwame’s real views regarding why he was angry at Westbrook for wearing women’s clothing—that athletes and entertainers effeminate behavior will harm the morals of impressionable young children who look up to them—Pierre “cold switched” or immediately changed his thesis to Kwame is hating on gay people, which is also a lie because as Kwame repeatedly stated on that link above and in numerous videos, he has a male cousin that is gay that he is very close to and he has other female cousins who are gay that he has good relationships with (I believe one of his cousins did/or does his taxes?).

Click on the following link if you want more info about how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Media kills diversity of thought and opinion by sending out their legions of minions to demonize those like Kwame who isn’t part of their “Go-Along-Get-Along” (G.A.G.A.G.) club. Also, YouTuber, Self Talk News does a great job freeze framing the video about the points Kwame was making about Westbrook wearing women’s clothes that comedian Pierre Brown’s purposefully mischaracterized Kwame’s words and intent in order to put Kwame in a bad light to people who may be unaware of what Kwame’s Momma’s Cookin’ Crusade is all about.

But let’s get back to the central reason why White Zaddy Masser got his NBA Negroes all over society and in the media acting effeminate in public and wearing super tight Pee Wee Herman (a convicted pedophile who hosted children’s TV shows for years!) style suits and women’s clothes like NBA players—

Serge Ibaka, James Harden, and Russell Westbrook. Ironically, early in their careers they were all on the same basketball team (Oklahoma City Thunder). Coincidence? There is no such thing as Coincidence. *N.B.: Oklahoma like Ohio is another major hub of child sex trafficking with numerous underground tunnels called D.U.M.Bs. = Deep Underground Military Bases and thousands of miles of tunnel systems with Maglev trains used to transport human trafficking victims and to imprison babies and children for Satanic Rituals by Deep State and Hollywood elites.

Don’t these “men” have wives and children? YES. Don’t they care about being a good role models for their children and millions of other youths that watch the NBA games and look up to these sports stars as bona fide celebrities? No. For example, LeBron James (who also dresses effeminate with Pee Wee Herman skinny suits, skinny jeans, effeminate colors, purses, wigs and dresses) just released the movie Space Jam 2 with a dozen or so NBA players in the cartoon which was marketed for children. So, it is clear that sports and entertainment like the Rap industry are purposely trying to corrupt the morals of Black children. Qui bono? — For whose benefit?

Hamilton star and actor Billy Taylor has obviously did repeated Satanic rituals to bewitch the public (especially little children) by taking the hyper-feminine role of Fairy Godmother in the movie, Cinderella. Question?—Kwame asks would NFL star quarterback Tom Brady, or actors Ben Affleck or Leonardo DiCaprio ever appear in film a movie in drag? NEVER! Why are Black actors always pressured to do so? It’s a Satanic ritual to bewitch the public and pervert society. What do you think all of the Hollywood movie award shows are really about?—every pop concert, every Rock or Rap song? Its not about entertainment, its’ about getting the audience to become part of a Satanic ritual without them even being aware of it.

Remember Baphomet (Satan) is an androgynous demonic being possessing both male and female characteristics. Look at the infamous statute of Satan below. Note the women’s breasts on a male torso. Note the goat head, the inverted star (we call celebrities “Stars”), written on Satan’s right arm pointing up are specific words—(“Solve” = dissolve), his left arm pointing down (“Coagula” = coagulated)(traditional interpretation = “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW“), and the little children who will be sacrificed to Satan, their flesh eaten, and adrenalized blood will be drunk for dozens of Satanic high holy days per year. My England friend, Peniel Ngonde creates Christian testimony videos. One series is titled—Products that originate from Hell.

Why since Joe Biden’s “Inauguration” (20 Jan. 2021) is Washington, D.C. occupied by the U.S. military? Why is the City of Washington, D.C. essentially closed down and all of the government buildings closed (e.g., the White House, CIA, Federal Reserve, IRS)? Why are huge tunnels being excavated and holes being dug up all over the city, particularly in the Black ghetto areas with hundreds of miles and miles of complex tunnel systems leading directly to the Supreme Court, Capitol Hill, the White House, and dozens of other government buildings?

ANSWER—Since Jan. 2017 President Trump and the U.S. Military have been and are presently rescuing 32+ MILLION babies, children, young girls, young boys, even adults and seniors who have been imprisoned in underground tunnels (D.U.M.Bs = Deep Underground Military Bases) all of their lives; many of them for generations and have never seen the light of DAY! They have been constantly tortured, their body parts taken from them and sold on the black market, mind controlled and repeatedly raped and abused for Satanic Ritual Abuse.

ALL Globalists, New World Order Traitors, Sports, Entertainment, Hollywood, Politicians, Judges, Justices, Doctors, Lawyers, Academics, Wall Street, Teachers, Preachers and all corporations and industries in America and throughout the entire world have been part of this GRAND SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER CONSPIRACY that goes back to the Garden of Eden!

Judgment Day is already here, behind the scenes, and for others who think they have escaped; it is Coming Soon!! The last meme is from the 1994 movie, “The Shawshank Redemption” created by the wife of the evil prison warden who used prisoner slave labor to enrich himself and to murder anyone who threatened to expose his evil deeds which all came out in the END!

10,000 D.U.M.Bs around the world U.S. has 1800 DUMBs… It’s not a simple job to fix this.
Kill this. Take control. Lots of variables. . . Humans. Babies. Children.
Weapons. WMDs. Bio facilities, Clone factories. Engineered Super soldiers. Kill switch. Tramps…FAITH 7.7 Billion people on Earth _.02 % SUPER ELITE = 1,540,000 Million _1% ELITE = 77,000,000 Million Elites _10% 770,000,000 Million Military. CIA across the world = 3 letter AGENCYs. In ALL countries…
Corrupted police. News stations. Managers. Militias, Organization. Mercenaries.
Underground Bunkers, Blackwater soldiers… Corrupt Doctors. Lawyers. Companies. Big Tech Industries All over 209 United Nations countries around the world!!!
Over 800,000,000 forces and divided MILITARY In many countries inside THE DARK WEB of Global control to the ELITES… It’s a Big Job…
Soldiers. People, Whistleblowers Are dying to try to save you and Atone the World From 1400-year Control Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Bloodline>
ROTHCHILDS >ROCKEFELLERS > World Banks> VATICAN Old control on 70 Nations, Etc. Etc. Etc.
Obama… Gates… Bushes…Chinese Communist Party [CCP]… And so, and on… and on… Etc….
The White HATS = Military Are trying their best to keep the DEATH counts down…
Satanic New World Order AGENDA = PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION—How did Satan enslave the entire WORLD for 1000s and 1000s of years since the Garden of Eden without We the People & Humanity even Knowing about it [= Ignorance], Caring about it [= Apathy], Fearful of it [= Cowardice], or Allied with it [= Blasphemy & Treason]? BILLIONS and Billions of Souls lost for Eternity!

I remember many years ago reading an essay on Aesthetics which stated—“In order to understand what is seen, you must look very carefully at what is unseen.” Considering the cataclysmic events affecting America and the world especially what’s going on regarding the Fall of Afghanistan, I hope that the readers of this essay will find comfort in the QAnon post #4481 (June 18, 2020) which reads as follows—

Do you know about the Q & QAnon Movements? The above transmission is a sample of Q Level (the highest level) military intelligence that has been declassified and disseminated to We the people since Q’s first transmission in late Oct. 2017, about a year after Trump became POTUS. Trump is designated as “Q+”. The entire purpose of Q is to give U.S. the key to escape the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix – an invisible prison We the People have been enslaved in virtually since Satan raped Eve in the Garden of Eden to produce the Satanic Bloodline of Cain from which descends the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Queen of England (and all European Monarchy like the Merovingians), Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPont, etc…

Epilogue—How President Trump Ended 150 Years of Satanic Ritual Abuse of the New World Order (1871-2021) and Broke the Slave Chains of We the People and for the entire WORLD?

In modern times We the People have been unwittingly enslaved for 150 Y-E-A-R-S! since the passage of the treasonous DC Act of 1871 which 18th POTUS General Ulysses S. Grant, hero of the Civil War (1861-65) made a secret deal with the Rothschild Khazarian Central Bankers to pay off our Civil War debts in exchange for allowing the Rothschild Central Bankers to have sole authority to print our U.S. currency based not on GOLD or SILVER, but on NOTHING! Result? The Congress of 1871 (both Republicans and Democrats), President Ulysses S. Grant and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Central Bankers all conspired to steal our original 1776 Republic = “These United States for America” and replaced it with a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia CORPORATE DICTATORSHIP = “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.” President Trump ended our 150 years of Chattel and Debt on 20 Jan. 2021 and was sworn in by the U.S. Military as the 19th POTUS on 11 March 2021.

Reality of Truth Alert!— For Normies and the Mind-controlled who stubbornly believe nothing has changed during the Age of Trump, this is what matters! Updated List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles—July 19, 2021.

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  1. Great work. Keep it up


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