Did LBJ kill JFK?

| November 25, 2013
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“After tomorrow those godd–n Kennedys will never embarrass me again-that’s not a threat-that’s a promise.”

~ LBJ to his mistress Madeleine Brown on the eve of JFK assassination

Did LBJ have JFK killed? This critical question has endured ever since that fateful day of 50 years ago—Nov. 22, 1963.  Former Nixon White House advisor Roger Stone makes this central argument in his new book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ. Stone’s interesting narrative isn’t another “conspiracy theory” book to add to the already voluminous number of fantastical JFK assassination claims. Roger tells Reason Magazine Editor, Nick Gillespie that, “The whole term ‘conspiracy theorists’ is a pejorative that the mainstream media uses to denigrate anyone who questions the government’s version on virtually anything… I’m not talking conspiracy, I’m talking facts.”

In an interview with Abby Martin who asks Stone, “What’s the strongest piece of evidence is that implicates LBJ in Kennedy’s murder?” Stone replies, “Probably the finger print of LBJ’s personal hit man named, Malcom “Mac” Wallace that is found on a cardboard box on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. It’s the only print other than the prints of Lee Harvey Oswald that I believe were planted there so that is probably your strongest piece of evidence.” Secondarily, Johnson’s mistress of 21 years, Madeleine Duncan Brown, who bore him an illegitimate child said that Lyndon Johnson told her on the eve of the assassination, “After tomorrow those godd–n Kennedys will never embarrass me again-that’s not a threat-that’s a promise.” And then lastly I think when the presidential motorcade pulled into Dealey Plaza in Dallas when Vice President Johnson’s car made the 120 degree turn on Elm St. into Dealey Plaza Lyndon Johnson, before the first shot was fired, was on the floor of his car; he hits the deck. There’s photographic evidence that proves this. So I would say that before, during and after the assassination Lyndon Johnson’s actions betray the fact that he is in fact the man yoking the conspiracy, or in this case the plot that includes the CIA, organized crime and Big Texas Oil,” Stone contends.

When asked about how his book is different from all of the other books claiming various JFK assassination conspiracy theories? Stone answers recounted his professional relationship over many years as a trusted advisor to President Richard Nixon who confessed to Stone “that the Warren Commission was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated.” Stone again:  “Nixon never flatly said who was responsible for Kennedy’s death, but he would say both he and Johnson wanted to be president; the only difference, Nixon said was he refused to kill for the job.”

Stone admits to additional firsthand confirmations that indeed LBJ killed JFK from such colorful characters as: Amb. John Davis Lodge, who was the brother of Henry Cabot Lodge, JFK’s Ambassador to Vietnam, Attorney General John Mitchell, Tony Salerno head of the Genovese crime family in New York, New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello all plotted together with the CIA and LBJ to assassinate JFK.

Stone in his book on LBJ chronicles voluminous amounts of damning evidence that points to LBJ as behind the JFK assassination including Dallas being LBJ’s territory, the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas media under his control, LBJ’s close friend (D.H. Byrd) owned the book Texas book depository building, LBJ’s personal assassin on many other hits (Malcolm Wallace) was seen that day on the sixth floor of the book depository building while 75-90 seconds after the assassination Oswald was seen by several eyewitnesses including two secretaries, the building superintendent and a Dallas police officer who questioned him personally as being not on the sixth floor, but sitting alone on the second floor cafeteria drinking a coke apparently oblivious to that JFK’s assassination had just occurred less than 2 minutes ago.

Stone further argues that the insistence of Texas Governor John Connally that LBJ’s cronies dictated the route of the presidential motorcade instead of JFK’s advance team. This conflict caused a huge argument between JFK and LBJ as witnessed by Jackie Kennedy because JFK insisted on having Gov. John Connally, a loyal LBJ crony, to ride in his limousine – while LBJ wanted his political foe Senator Ralph Yarborough to ride with JFK (thereby killing two birds with one stone).

The trap was completely set when the presidential motorcade route was published in all the Dallas newspapers. As history dictated, JFK convinced LBJ to allow John Connally to ride in his limo whereby Connally was shot along with JFK, although he survived. Yarborough, riding with a frustrated LBJ, was never harmed.

There is no physical evidence of Oswald being on the sixth floor of the Texas book depository building that day. The palm print found on the murder weapon was taken from Oswald and planted on the rifle by the FBI while Oswald body lay in the morgue after he was killed by Jack Ruby. The Dallas coroner recalled after the FBI left finding black fingerprint ink on the hands Oswald’s corpse which obviously wasn’t there before the FBI arrived.

“Immediately after the assassination of JFK.  LBJ spread the knowingly false story that the Russian government had killed Kennedy. He told Earl Warren the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who was reluctant to chair the Warren Commission,” according to Stone. “He was only persuaded because Johnson convinced him that the Russians had killed Kennedy and if the truth got out then it would precipitate World War III. This was a lie that Johnson told over and over. There’s no truth to it. We now know that when Kennedy was killed Soviet Premiere Nikita Khrushchev wept. Also, Fidel Castro who was with an American when he got the news, kept repeating ‘Oh-No!’ and ‘This is very bad news.’ “I do not think that the Russian state was in anyway involved in any way in the assassination. I think Johnson lied about this,” says Stone.

Finally Stone argues “Landslide Lyndon” ascension in politics where his infamous 1948 election launching his career as a Senator was only achieved through naked fraud whereby LBJ won by only 87 votes—all in alphabetical order, in the same handwriting and they all signed in the same ink (“Box 13”). Through a magnificent presentation of original sources Stone ties LBJ to eight [8] murders prior to the JFK assassination not including his own sister whom Stone’s contends “he may have killed who is buried without an autopsy.” LBJ’s sister, Josefa Johnson, was murdered Christmas Day 1961 after leaving a party hosted by LBJ. She was probably killed because revealed secrets to her lovers golf pro John Kisner and Mac Wallace (LBJ’s favorite assassin who). Wallace claimed heat of passion defense because Kisner was sleeping with Wallace’s wife and with LBJ’s defense lawyer (John Cofer) representing him, got a 5 year suspended sentence for killing Kisner on Oct. 22, 1961.

“I think he’s an amoral psychopath,” says Roger Stone of LBJ. “I think he’s crude, evil, vicious, vindictive, [a] drunk.” I think that Lyndon Johnson had unique motive, means and opportunity to kill John Kennedy and I think that he participated in a plot to do so.”

“How did this happen?” “Who is responsible?” and the most important question: “Who had the most to gain?” Doubtlessly the answer to all three questions points directly to Vice President Lyndon Johnson who had motive, means and opportunity to kill JFK:

· LBJ had motive (personal, political, economic). He had political motive because of LBJ’s legendary hatred of JFK, RFK and the Kennedy family which extended back to 1937 when LBJ was a freshman Texas congressman and fanatical acolyte of FDR and his New Deal revolution. JFK and RFK didn’t want LBJ on the first ticket (they wanted Missouri Sen. Stuart Symington) and was working to get LBJ kicked off the 1964 ticket. LBJ knew this and so he had to act fast;

· LBJ had means (LBJ used Texas Gov. John Connally to entice JFK to their Texas territory along with his strong connections with the Dallas Police, Dallas news media, and Big Texas Oil);

· LBJ had opportunity (LBJ controlled all aspects of the JFK assassination, before during and afterwards) the CIA hated Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis, FBI head, J. Edgar Hoover also hated the Kennedys and used his vast forces to cover up the JFK murder.

With JFK out of the way LBJ would become president of the United States… a coveted position that those who knew LBJ realized he always desired so much that he would kill to obtain the presidency by any means necessary.

Was LBJ thinking of the JFK assassination when he made this cryptic admission?—”It is the melancholy law of human societies to be compelled sometimes to choose a great evil in order to ward off a greater evil,” or his interview with Walter Cronkite when LBJ says, “Oswald,” and he pauses, realizing that he did not want to speak that name publically to Cronkite and closes his eyes in despair, before continuing to the ultimate incriminating statement, “others that could have been involved.”

Apparently, not even LBJ believes the findings of his servile, phony, handpicked Warren Commission that Oswald acted alone.” Again, it was impossible for Oswald to kill the president when at the time of the shots were fired (12:30 pm) Oswald was on the second (not the sixth) floor cafeteria of the Texas book depository, drinking a coke alone and totally oblivious to the fact JFK had just been assassinated two minutes before. LBJ, the FBI, the CIA and the Warren Commission knew this which is why they all had to lie and claim that Oswald was the lone assassin at all costs lest on this day, 50 years later, the light of truth be shone on the real murder of John F. Kennedy… none other than Lyndon Baines Johnson!

Book Notice

The Progressive Revolution: Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013)

Vol. I: 2007-08 Writings — Vol. II: 2009 Writings                             

                             By Ellis Washington, J.D.

                                             “…the Thomas Sowell of his generation”

“The Progressive Revolution” present us hard-hitting , fearless analysis of the deteriorating state of affairs in our country, plus it’s fun and enlightening  reading. — Dr. Walter Williams, former Chair, Dept. of Economics; professor, George Mason University; author, Race and Economics

…A shining, yet alarming look at the dark side of American culture. A must read for anyone who cares about the future of the American nation. — William Wagner, former Federal Magistrate judge; professor, Thomas M. Cooley Law School

Washington is an erudite scholar. Agree or disagree, this book is worth reading. — Atty. John W. Whitehead, founder/president of The Rutherford Institute; author, The Freedom Wars

Whether you agree with his views or not, the author’s unflinching political incorrectness and incisive erudition is what is needed to resuscitate academic and socio-political debate in the USA and the West. The epithet ‘page-turner’ is usually reserved to thrillers, but this cornucopial tome deserves it richly. — Dr. Sam Vaknin, editor-in-chief, Global Politician; author, Malignant Self-Love

Washington is a gifted writer, analyst, legal scholar and historian. We’re privileged to publish his work in WND. — Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer,WND.com and WND Books

There is an old saying which in its present iteration states “pioneers get slaughtered while settlers prosper.” Ellis Washington is a pioneer. His insights, observations, and even future projections, despite their accuracy, are almost always ahead of the curve. What he writes today, others will write tomorrow. He just writes before others are ready to listen and the others get the gravy. — Robert D’Agostino, former president and dean, professor, John Marshall Law School; author, Darwinism in the Classroom

Washington is a meticulous historian, keen political analyst, and discerning lawyer…. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to connect the dots between history, politics and morality. Ellis Washington is the Thomas Sowell of his generation. — Attorney Ann Fishman, legal analyst; founder of Liberty Legal Foundation International

Dedicated to his intellectual mentor, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, The Progressive Revolution chronicles both the historical significance and political deconstruction that the Progressive Revolution, or the Progressive Age, (circa 1860–present) has continuously perpetrated against society, culture, politics and law even to this day. These volumes are a collection of selected essays, articles, and Socratic dialogues from the weekly columns written by the author for WorldNetDaily.com, an independent news website of primarily conservative thought and ideas. This opus is divided into two volumes: Vol. I (2007-08 articles) and Vol. II (2009 articles) that are organized topically according to their subject matter of 12 intellectual disciplines including law, politics, foreign policy, philosophy, aesthetics, the academy, religion, economics, science, culture, society, and history.

About the Author

Ellis Washington was a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review, law clerk at the Sixty-Plus Elder Law Clinic, and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute, including writing two law review manuscripts before he finished his first semester of law school. He is an Adjunct Professor at the National Paralegal College where he teaches constitutional law, legal ethics, contracts and advanced legal writing. A founding board member of Salt and Light Global, Washington is a co-host on Joshua’s Trial, a radio show of Christian conservative thought, and since 1987 he has been the Executive and Managing Editor of the Michigan Music Research Center [MMRC] (Founder, Professor Arthur R. LaBrew).

He holds degrees from DePauw University (B.M., 1983), University of Michigan (M.M., 1986), John Marshall Law School (J.D., 1994), including post-graduate studies in history and law at Michigan State University (2004), Harvard GSAS and Harvard Law School (1988-89). A prolific writer, Washington has edited over 25 books, articles, and monographs including their latest offering from MMRC—International Dictionary of Black Music and Musicians—from Antiquity to the End of the Nineteenth Century (1969-2013), 4 volumes. He’s written 7 books of his own and over two dozen law review articles, published in over 8 languages on 3 continents. Washington has written extensively on constitutional law, natural law, jurisprudence, legal history, Nazi law, juvenile law, politics, political and moral philosophy, critical race theory, critical legal studies, musicology and numerous other subjects. Washington’s latest law review articles include: Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law and Nigger Manifesto: Ideological Racism inside the American Academy (forthcoming).

Help me to triumph in my 30 year struggle against ideological racism inside America’s colleges, universities, and law schools that shamefully blacklists conservatives and Black conservative academics, scholars, and intellectuals while keeping their numbers as faculty members below 1%, by visiting these essential websites: Ellis Washington Report and NiggerManifesto.com.  *N.B.: For speaking engagements contact: ewashington@wnd.com

Volume I: ISBN 978-0-7618-6109-6 • $90.00 • Hardback • Spring 2013
Volume II: ISBN 978-0-7618-6111-9 • $80.00 • Hardback • Fall 2013

Books can be ordered at these links:

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