Dreams from Obama’s real father, Part 2

| September 10, 2012
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washington-Director Joel Gilbert says his investigation and documentary show that “Barack Obama built his political career upon a fairy tale. There was no Obama family; he is not the son of a Kenyan goat herder.

“All evidence points to a sham marriage to cover an illicit affair between Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis,” he said. “All evidence indicates that Barack Obama was raised and indoctrinated by Frank Marshall Davis, a Community Party USA propagandist, during his formative years [ages 9-18].”

Gilbert told WND that because of the “fairy tale” told by Obama, “regular American folks perceived Obama as a nice man with an inspiring family story.” However, “In reality, Barack Obama have a deeply disturbing family background, which he intentionally hid to obscure a Marxist political foundation.”

On March 3, 1964, Barack Obama, Sr. applied for an extension of his visa – which granted his part of the deal for his sham marriage to Ann – to be allowed to get his Ph.D. from Harvard. The film’s Obama impersonator says, “Obama’s frequent lessons in politics mostly involved Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto. Frank explained, all history is class struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed. Frank lectured that America’s corporate system was designed to benefit the rich and to keep the poor down. The wealthy in our era are the new oppressors, he’d say. People with jobs are oppressed. The capitalist system must be replaced with socialism. Frank liked to brag how he helped the communist-controlled union ILWU take over the Democratic Party and take power in Hawaii and never give it up. He’d say, One man … one vote … one time only. And then Frank would laugh.”

To better understand Obama’s venal anti-Americanism and his liberal fascist and Marxist worldview, consider that Frank once said in an interview: “Racism was almost an invention of the United States. It served as a model for ‘der Fuhrer’ in Germany.” Davis taught Obama that “the white man held fundamental power over me because of his wealth. That communism was the best way to neuter the white man. Take away his money, and therefore his power. Hitler incidentally, sent some of his emissaries over here to observe in the South.” That’s how Obama learned that racial and class politics were the same.

In another lecture, Davis mentioned “Militantly Black, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers.” The Obama impersonator said, “My father had me read the master of black rage, Malcolm X, who said, there will come a time where there’s got to be a change. People in power have misused it and now there has to be a change and a better world has to be built, and the only way that it will be built is with extreme methods. I’d tell gramps I had homework,” recited the Obama impersonator, “but I really sit in my room reading book after book on Malcolm.”

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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  1. Here is Part 2 of my review ofJoel Gilbert’s excellent documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father.” http://t.co/7bj7fi7D

  2. Here is Part 2 of my review ofJoel Gilbert’s excellent documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father.” http://t.co/7bj7fi7D


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