Hillary: President Obama’s third term

| August 1, 2016
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“There has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton.”

~ President Barack Obama, 2016 DNC Speech

“Obama is an ideologue—the Clintons are simply thieves and gangsters.”

~ Dinesh D’Souza, Hillary’s America (2016 Documentary)

Narcissist Obama

Narcissist Obama: Look at the signs in the background. Is he endorsing Hillary or himself?

Obama/Hillary: Ideologue vs. Gangsterism

As President Barack Obama came out on stage Wednesday night at 11:00 pm as the keynote speaker for Day 3 of the Democrat National Convention, all eyes were on him as he basked in the glory that would essentially be his third term in office if Hillary defeats Trump in November. Thus, the irony of Obama’s speech is despite the storied hatred and suspicion both the Obamas and the Clintons have towards one another, they are in a paradoxical sense joined at the hip; partners in crime. What do I mean?

In 2008, after Obama came out of nowhere to ‘steal’ the DNC nomination from Hillary, whom the Democrats had all but coronate, instead of the “first woman president of the U.S.” the slogan would be “the first Black president of the U.S.” Hillary would have to swallow that bitter pill, put on that Lady Macbeth, axe-murder smile and wait another 8 years. Thus, Hillary needs Obama to make her more likeable to the Democrats (who most dislike or hate her). Obama needs Hillary because she will be his third term and push through Congress policies like federal gun control, stopping the defunding of Obama care, and push Obama’s globalist, anti-America agenda which Trump has promised in a series of executive orders on Day One to obliterate.

Most importantly however, is that Obama needs Hillary to keep his litany of treasonous and criminal acts secret and away from a Trump Justice Department that would most likely be headed by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Before I begin my analysis of Obama’s de facto State of the Union Address given the night before Hillary’s acceptance speech, go back 3 weeks to when President Obama joined former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at their first joint campaign event of 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina — timed (as many critics theorize) to gloat in the positive press given by FBI director James Comey who confirmed the dreaded fears most Republicans had—that he would not recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information and destroying over 35,000 emails subpoenaed by the FBI.

And who says Justice is not blind? In the case of the superpower Democrats Obama and Hillary are both indeed ‘too big to jail’, therefore Justice is deaf and dumb, blind and stupid… And the band played on.

In early July of this year, Hillary and Obama abused federal election law and extorted the taxpayers by flying together on Air Force One to North Carolina— yes, the Clinton campaign paid part of the travel fee, but this benefit is not available to Donald Trump her Republican rival, and this provides an unfair advantage in the mind of public perception for Hillary to be flying around on Air Force One at taxpayers’ expense as if she was already President of the United States.

It was in North Carolina that Hillary Clinton, the then presumptive Democratic nominee officially linked her political policies (foreign and domestic) to President Obama’s. She applauded Obama’s economic policies, and declared to “build on the president’s idea to make community college free.” Hillary also criticized ‘economic inequality’ — which has exploded exponentially during the eight years of the Obama administration — yet being the silver-tongued rhetorician he is, Obama cited many of his own economic management policy initiatives for reducing economic inequality.

Progressive’s aren’t very original. They are essentially modern-day Socialists and thus ape the inane propaganda of their intellectual forefathers—Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, Stalin and Alinsky, including each other. For example, Clinton quoted meaningless progressive euphemisms from Obama’s keynote address to the 2004 Democratic National Convention that essentially lifted him from a backbencher on the Senate that nobody knew, to a George Soros-created Manchurian Candidate. Quoting Obama, Hillary guaranteed a country “where we do things together, not as red states and blue states, but the United States.” She further mimicked Obama saying, “Fired up and ready to go.” In her comments, Clinton also criticized Trump for his relationship with the Birther movement, characterizing Obama as “someone who has never forgotten where he came from — and Donald, if you’re out there tweeting, it’s ‘Hawaii.’”

Irony of Ironies: Everyone except for Progressives (who only speak to each other in their echo chambers) understand that the so-called Birther movement began in the Hillary Clinton camp in 2008, as a result of Hillary’s in-house Dirty Tricks Campaign based on claims by Obama’s literary agent second memoir, Dreams of My Father, that he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” Obama, who promised in 2012 that “this will be my last political campaign no matter what,” nevertheless enthusiastically campaigned for Clinton, applauded his former political enemy and recollected how the two had become allies after the 2008 primary to campaign together.

Obama, if he is anything he is like most politicians and is a skillful liar: “There has never been anybody, man or woman, more qualified” for the presidency than Clinton, Obama said. Does anyone believe that a narcissist like Obama believes that the woman he trounced in 2008 and ‘stole’ the election from is a more skillful politician than he is? Just play his words through a new piece of equipment that is better and more accurate than a polygraph called a Voice Stress Test machine. Obama also boasted of his own economic management policies, wrongly asserting that he had cut the federal deficit by 75%.

Obama spewed more demagoguery and accused Republicans of wanting women to withdraw from the workforce and wanting “people of color” not to be competitive. Earlier Tuesday, Clinton and Obama were linked more uncomfortably, in the context of the investigation into Clinton’s email server, which came to light partly as a result of congressional investigations of their handling of the Benghazi terror attack in 2012. While saying the FBI would not recommend prosecution because of a lack of “intent,” Comey systematically debunked Clinton’s many lies and fabrications about her e-mail server, including the claim that she had never sent any emails marked “classified.”

Obama is a sociopath which according to the DSM-IV Definition –
Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the                      local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals                           with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.

Derivative of Obama’s psychopathy is his oft-repeated delusional claim that his administration is “the most transparent administration in history,” yet Obama has stonewalled, obfuscated and lied about every embarrassing, illegal, unconstitutional acts of the 8-year administration to this day and that includes the fact that the Obama administration was also implicated indirectly, since emails from Clinton’s private server at her home in Chappaqua, NY were sent throughout the government, the Obama administration controls .


Did America elect a Sociopath… TWICE?!?

Will Obama and Hillary confess to their multitude of civil and criminal acts—of sending classified communication over an insecure and illegal medium like Hillary’s home server? No, because both Obama and Hillary are too big to jail; these sociopaths are above the law. The Obama administration official lie is that the White House will not comment until a formal decision by the Department of Justice had actually been made. And of course during their little illegal joint appearance in North Carolina, neither Obama nor Clinton commented on the FBI decision, and the slavish Democrat Socialist Press didn’t ask them any questions on FBI giving Hillary a get-out-of-jail-free card for crimes committed against the U.S. government.

The Obama/Hillary first joint appearance in North Carolina was a prelude to Obama’s DNC speech on night of July 27th – Like his North Carolina appearance, his DNC speech in Philadelphia contained words filed with lies, propaganda, and his pathetic attempt to rewrite the last 8 years of his horrible administration; arguably the worst presidency in the history of America. Obama’s speech demonstrated the utter contempt President Obama and the Democrat Socialist Party has always had to truth, God and the constitutional guarantees of liberty and freedom bequeathed to U.S. by the constitutional Framers. A particular paradox of watching this horrible speech was to see tens of thousands of otherwise lucid and cognitive American citizens clapping to their own destruction. This paradox reminds me of a famous aphorism by the literary giant, George Orwell:

George Orwell

Conservative intellectual Dinesh D’Souza said it best in his blockbuster documentary and accompanying book, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democrat Party, “I begin to look at the Democratic Party and Progressivism not just as a movement of ideas but as a movement to seize wealth and power — to get its hands on the wealth of America and exercise power over other people’s lives in the same way a criminal gang does,” said D’Souza. “We’re telling the story of American politics in a way that shows many of the crimes of the Democratic party, of Obama and Hillary, are rooted in things this party has been doing too American and to poor people for a long time,” he added.

Obama’s third term = America’s last term

*N.B.: This section of my essay is based on excerpts from Breitbart.com DNC LIVEWIRE.

Obama the Narcissist: From the very beginning of Obama’s speech for Hillary at the DNC in Philadelphia, everyone knew it must always devolve into a celebration of his delusional ‘achievements’. At the hour 11:39: Obama asks Democrats to do for Clinton what they did for him. To Obama, the Democrat Party = the Obama Party. It’s always about him and to hell with Bernie, ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, Hillary and all the Left.

At 11:34: Obama begins his obsessive tirade against Trump, saying that’s why anyone who threatens our values– “whether fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end.” He says Hillary Clinton is a “fighter” and “stateswoman” and “patriot” gets this and “that’s the America she’s fighting for.” This passage demonstrates the duplicity of Obama who is helping Hillary by speaking, but getting revenge against Bill for his race speech against him in 2012.

11:32: Obama, as a two-term, popularly elected president admittedly is a very gregarious person with an engaging personality and a gifted rhetorician, says his grandparents from the heartland taught him people didn’t like bullies and braggarts but valued honesty. I guess Obama didn’t see the latest polls that Hillary’s trustworthy numbers are at 17% of the electorate vs. Trump is 41% (2 ½ times higher and rising). These are the same communist grandparents who taught him to hate America and view his country as singularly responsible for opening Pandora’s Box upon the world through slavery, misogyny and capitalism greed.


What is in a Word? The paradox of rightly understanding President Obama (as with most Democrats) is that people conflate the terms Popularity with Psychopathy.

At 11:28: Obama, citing Teddy Roosevelt iconic, Man in the Arena speech, had the unmitigated gall to declare that Hillary is that person “in the arena” and voters need to get in the arena with her. He says democracy isn’t about “yes, he will” but is about “yes, we can.” [thunderous roars.]

Obsessive about Trump (or any strong man, e.g., Russia’s Vladimir Putin) at hour 11:18: Obama says “America is already great” and “our greatness doesn’t depend on Donald Trump.” Obama says Ronald Reagan called America a “shining city on a hill” while Trump calls America a “divided crime scene.” Executive Obama, (who enacted hundreds of unconstitutional executive orders including executive amnesty which legalized by the stroke of his pen perhaps 40-50 million illegal aliens, most uneducated, unassimilable refugees from Mexico and Central American countries), speaking of Trump, says “we don’t look to be ruled.”

Obama’s delusional doublespeak is self-evident again throughout his DNC speech. At one point he even has the hubris to say we can “honor police” and “treat every community fairly” after launching a protracted 8-year war on the police causing the rise of the fascist Black racist group BLM (Black Lives Matter). Speaking in reverse rhetoric, Obama says Clinton recognizes that admitting societal difficulties that have been “festering for decades” is not making racism worse. He says like him Clinton also will promote executive amnesty because the dreams of illegal immigrants [e.g., committing the felony by coming in America uninvited, thus violating federal immigration laws] is “quintessentially American.” “And the American Dream is something no wall will ever contain,” he says.


Hypocrite Alert: Secret Service Plans to Raise White House Fence [Wall] by 5 Feet according to NBC4 Washington report. A wall is good enough for President Obama and his family, but not to protect 330,000,000 Americans President Obama swore a biblical oath to protect and defend under the U.S. Constitution?

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