Je suis Israel

| January 15, 2015
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To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.

~ Elie Wiesel, French Intellectual, Holocaust survivor


Je suis Israel (I am Israel) is a powerful affirmation of solidarity that in the aftermath of the tragic Muslim murders of 17 innocent French citizens we conservatives and Christians in America must make with our Jewish and French brothers (on religious and humanitarian grounds) and with the embattled Conservative Party in France, Marine Le Pen’s Front National (on political grounds); one of the only groups not invited to last Sunday’s “Unity Rally” in Paris, France. Why didn’t President Obama bother to attend the unity rally? Because as a notorious narcissists, the unity rally and gathering of 44 allied countries in the war on terrorism wasn’t all about him. Second, the “War on Terror” was President George W. Bush’s war not Obamas; it was a war Obama was never interested in fighting. The Democrat Socialist Party’s war has never been against Muslims or Muslim terrorists or even Muslim terrorist sympathizers, but against Christian, Jewish, conservatives and Tea Party groups affiliated with the Republican Party, in other words socialist/progressive hegemony.

Third, the unity rally would expose to the world the genocidal failure of two essential policies of the Left in fighting “extremism” – “multiculturalism” and “diversity.” France is the country with the largest Muslim population and the most restrictive gun control laws in Europe <wlmailhtml:%7b6728544d-6a98-4ec1-93ef-7a71f40f2b52%7dmid: france=”” population=”” entire=”” the=”” of=”” 10%25=”” million,=”” (6.5=”” immigrants=”” muslim=”” 00006017=””>(Muslim immigrants = 6.5 million, 10% of the entire population of France). Fourth, the Unity rally would demonstrate to all rational-minded people that Obama and the Socialist powers of Western European prefer a reactionary/appeasement response to extremism (think: English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement policies to Hitler in the late 1930s – e.g., 1938 Munich Agreement) rather than a systematic, proactive approach using Sun Tzu’s common sense “Know thine enemy” philosophy – not through racial or religious profiling, but by rational discrimination; to deconstruct Islam’s power bases inside and out their Mosques where devout Imams plot terrorist acts and spew religious hatred to millions of willing accomplices of Islam. If we continue to appease Muslim fanatics Islam will forever destroy America and Europe’s Judeo-Christian institutions and traditions which UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage in a timely debate in Paris before the leaders of the European Parliament has called on Europe to defend its Judeo-Christian culture. The response to this Call-to-Action by Farage…? Stone-faced silence. Remember the words of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel – To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.

Since Obama doesn’t believe in “Muslim terrorism” but extremism, his approach is a police action which mandates “social services” departments as the front line of defense against ‘intolerance’ and ‘extremism.’ On the other hand, one of the most courageous American intellectuals and eloquent apologists for the Nation of Israel is Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz who recently and courageously declared regarding the tragic deaths of 17 French citizens at the hands of three Muslim fanatics that, “France rewards every terrorist.” I answered him in a recent essay, Does France reward terrorist?

Letter of Solidarity with French Conservative Party

Dear Marine Le Pen,

My name is Ellis Washington. I am a Black conservative intellectual and blacklisted professor of law and history here in America. I was so moved by the passion and logical common sense of your words regarding the recent terrorist tragedies in France by devout Muslims (not radicals) that I wanted to write an essay showing solidarity between American conservatives with the French Front National conservatives.

It is outrageous that President François Hollande refuses to allow the Front National from participating in today’s unity rally in Paris, yet allows Abbas, the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, an overt terrorist state and enemy of Israel to come to this rally. This demonstrates to me and to all freedom-loving people of the world that Hollande rewards terrorists and terrorist sympathizers and punishes freedom lovers like the Front National.

May God bless you as the Front National brings France and the wonderful French people back to morality, truth and God.

Veritas & Vive la France!

Ellis Washington, J.D.

Reply from French Conservative Party

From: Front National

Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 9:28 AM

To: Ellis Washington

Subject: Re: In America Conservatives LOVE – AMOUR the Front National!

Merci de votre courriel et de votre soutien Ellis, nous y sommes sensibles.

Cordialement (best regards). ~ G. Moreau

Translation: Thank you for your email and your support Ellis, we appreciate it.

2015-01-11 13:50 GMT+01:00 Ellis Washington:


Letter of Solidarity to Four French Jews killed at kosher grocery store

Dear Israel Consulate Offices in America:

As an American conservative academic and expert on Nazi Law and the Holocaust Period, I would like to express my undying solidarity with the Jewish diaspora both here in America, in Israel, and especially right now in France, who have recently suffered terrible, unjustified tragedies at the hands of not radical Muslims (as progressive propaganda repeatedly tell us), but devout Muslims who were simply obeying the blackletter text of their genocidal religion called Islam.

I was pleased today to receive a prompt correspondence of solidarity from the office of my new ideological ally and fellow conservative in France, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National, who was unjustly paired together with the radical French Marxist group, the Anti-Capitalist Party, as the only groups not allowed to join in the Unity March and worship service at the Grand Synagogue in Paris, France today with French President François Hollande, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and all of the other world leaders; a unity rally that ironically included Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority who with their ally, Hamas, are one of the most notorious perpetrators and sponsors of anti-Semitism and genocidal terrorism in the world.

Today was to be a day not of partisan political battles but of Unity whereby all groups, all nations were welcomed by France with open arms and respect EXCEPT for the conservative political group, Front National, who received an astounding 25% of the vote in France’s last election, nevertheless they were shamefully treated like a terrorist organization or a fascist group.

I have dedicated my academic career to stand with the Nation of Israel and for 30 years have used my research and writing abilities to expose anti-Semitism now, and throughout history. For this stand on principle, justice and truth; for standing for natural law which is the original philosophy and jurisprudence of our Founding Fathers, I have been blacklisted here in America and my academic career virtually destroyed, yet I will not be silent in the face of anti-Semitism and global hatred of the Jews for one of the great French intellectuals and my friend, Elie Wiesel famously said, “To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.


Virtually from their crib, I have even taught my two young children [Eden & Stone] to daily pray for the peace of Israel and for God’s protection of the Jewish diaspora all over the world against all enemies of peace, tolerance, and equality.

In conclusion, I am proud to say that on November 7, 2007, just before his 10th birthday, that my son, Stone accepted the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God Jacob into his heart outside of a Jewish Synagogue in Detroit, Michigan [formerly Beth Abraham Synagogue] underneath the Star of David, where inside that same Jewish Synagogue almost 30 years to the day I accepted God into my heart. The picture of that wonderful Jewish Synagogue is above.

Shalom Israel & Vive la France!

Ellis Washington is a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute. He is an adjunct professor at the National Paralegal College where he teaches Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, Contracts and Advanced Legal Writing.

A founding board member of Salt and Light Global, Washington is a co-host on “Joshua’s Trial,” a radio show of Christian conservative thought.

A graduate of John Marshall Law School and post-grad work at Harvard Law School, his latest law review articles include: “Nigger Manifesto: Ideological Racism inside the American Academy” (forthcoming) and “Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law.”

Washington’s latest book is a 2-volume collection of 230 essays and Socratic dialogues – “The Progressive Revolution” (University Press of America, 2013). Visit his new law blog, (formerly, an essential repository dedicated to educating the next generation of young conservative intellectuals.

© Copyright 2015 by Ellis Washington

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  1. Philip from California says:

    Thank you, Professor Washington, for your eloquent stance against the moral inversion of the political Left in the United States and in Europe. God bless you, Good Sir.

  2. Thank you very much my friend for your kind words of support. They really mean a lot to me. I liked your aphorism in your other posting: “Pants up, don’t loot”! Our politicians on both sides of the aisle need to follow your admonition, Philip.


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