Kwame Brown vs. “Dr.” Boyce Watkins—Black Masculinity in a White Effeminate World

| June 19, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

 ~ 1 Corinthians 6:9

I’m happy for the brother [Kwame Brown]; I really am … I’m sure people are scrambling, they’re very upset that he’s not owned and controlled by anybody and that’s what makes people like that very dangerous.”

~ “Dr.” Boyce Watkins

“You don’t want us to be free. We have a government that want us to need them. We have a government that’s controlling all people with a company policy through a job. These companies should not be able to operate in America if this is really America, and you’re on American soil with a company and you’re firing people, creating policies that go against the fabric of America.”

~ Kwame Brown

Prologue—The Athlete vs. The Academic

A. The Sophists: The Doubletalkers of Antiquity

*N.B.: This essay is essentially Part II of my analysis about the young, Black intellectual, Kwame Brown. Part I is titled—UNLEASHING THE BEAST! —Why did Kwame Brown the 1st Pick of the 2001 NBA Draft Break his 20 Year Silence to Avenge his White Supremacy Black Haters?

What happens on social media when a Black academic who hides behind his fake PhD degree, hides behind celebrities, hides behind groups, hides behind overtalking and fast-talking those who challenge him, and hides behind big words and perpetual Doublespeak where one makes an affirmative statement about someone and through signifying, innuendo and condescension conflates and contradicts Statement A with Statement B? Answer—Dr. Boyce’s entire worldview (or what the Nazis called, “Weltanschauung), his entire reason for existence… his Raison d’être is systematically deconstructed and destroyed by Mr. Kwame Brown – the Prep school educated, freethinking, strong Black Man who is comfortable in his own skin, says what’s on his mind, and doesn’t give a F—#&* about what Dr. Boyce or anyone else thinks about it. In other words, Kwame Brown is the quintessential definition of a Free Black Man in America in Year 2021 – or what 100 years ago Sociologists referred to in academic writings about the unconventional Black Man archetype that help defeated White Supremacy during the Slavery and Jim Crow Periods—aka The “Bad Nigger”.

Dr. Boyce’s demagogue rhetoric is nothing new. 2,500 years ago, the ancient Greeks and Romans called them Sophists—a class of professional philosophers who were skilled in argumentation for arguments sake. They were greedy, evil men who were crafty and deceitful with words and knew how to make lies and unproven theories, disinformation and propaganda sound plausible and real. They could often win arguments by purposely mischaracterizing their opponent’s words.

*N.B.: Historically the Sophists infiltrated the Greek Senate and the Roman Senate, the seat of government authority where they could spew their lies and deceitful arguments to achieve political power over the People while enriching themselves and their sycophantic followers. Philosopher – Protagoras (490-420 B.C.) was perhaps the founder of Sophism and the chief Sophist along with Gorgias, Antiphon, Hippias, Prodicus and Thrasymachus. Also, note that the 3 greatest ancient Greek Philosophers—Socrates, Plato, Aristotle—hated the Sophists because they were paid verbal assassins who used language not to uplift Humanity but as a weapon, not to clarify or build up, but to pervert and denigrate Humanity and Society. Other notable critics of the Sophists included Isocrates and Aristophanes (“Plato singled out Aristophanes’ play The Clouds as slander that contributed to the trial and subsequent condemning to death of Socrates…”).

In my opinion, the ancient Sophists sound a lot like the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Media including the “Sports Journalist” wing where these snake-tongued vipers include—Stephen A. “Snitches”, Jemele “Jezebel” Hill, Rachel “Hate-chel” Nichols, Shannon “LeBron Apologist” Sharpe, Skip “Count Dracula” Bayless, Matt “Becky with the good hair” Barnes, Stephen “Ima Gangsta” Jackson, Chris “Glow stick” Broussard, Charlemagne tha Ho, Dr. “Moist” Watkins, and the rest of who Kwame calls the “Go-Along-Get-Along Gang”; people whom I’ve collectively called – Judas-Goat Niggers.

Why? Because they’re House Slaves hired to denigrate Black athletes (in ways Whites could never get away with!) by pointing out every little thing bad they do publically and privately, while ignoring the good that they do so that when contract renewal time comes up, their market value is severely diminished. Black athletes that dare speak out on this treachery and injustice like Kwame Brown is currently doing, will be made examples of and blackballed out of the NBA, NFL and MLB ASAP. Now you know why Michael Jordan was so quiet for all those decades. Now you know why Woke Democrat big mouth LeBron James has never uttered a peep about this subject in his 17 years in the NBA? Because like a good little Negro, he (and Michael Jordan and all the other big name Sports Slaves who took the Satan OATH) got his $$$ already.

Fast forward 500 years later to the first century A.D. during the life and times of Jesus Christ. During this period of history the fake Jewish religious leaders of that day (e.g., Canaanites and Edomites, Talmudic Babylonians, Kabbalists and Khazarians) were happy with their subservient position under Roman authority because the pagan Romans allowed these religious apostates to possess a virtual spiritual monopoly in Palestine. These first century Sophists were essentially the only religious voice that the Jewish people were allowed listen to. However, when Jesus arrived on the scene, the Bible said in Luke 4:32And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. Who were the “they” the Bible spoke of who presumably claimed their words had no power? Yes, the Sadducees and the Pharisees were the top Jewish religious leaders of the first century Jerusalem, but there were others. Mark 7:13 lists other enemies of Jesus that always wanted to debate Him rather than obey Him and used transparent rhetorical tricks to try to catch Jesus up in his words included—the Sadducees, Pharisees, Scribes, the Lawyers, the Philosophers, the followers of John the Baptist, and the Herodians. In Mark 7:13 Jesus exposed their Treachery, Groupism and Sophism by saying they were “Making the word of God of none effect through your traditions, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”

This is exactly the same Sophistic tricks “Dr.” Boyce is trying to do against Kwame, but remember it was only since early May 2021 that Kwame Brown has broken the Internet (twice) with his oftentimes brutal rhetoric exposing the enemies of We the People in the media who for decades have went unchallenged in their assault of Black athletes, Black men, and Black families. . . These are Kwame’s targets (for now), but those of us who appreciate this very intellectual, erudite, outspoken, and independent Black Man know that what he frequently refers to as “Momma’s cookin’” [e.g., the collected, common sense Wisdom of his Mother and the Elders who helped raise him] will expose many more people than the Judas-Goat Black Boulé Sports Mafia. Exhibit A = “Dr.” Boyce Watkins, an “academic” of unremarkable intellectual power, but like Stephen A. Snitch, “Dr.” Boyce covers up for his cognitive deficiencies by being loud, overbearing, effeminate, gesticulating, and (like many women) hyper-emotional. Why? He thinks that most Black people (who make up most of his YouTube and Instagram audiences) are too stupid to realize his reliance on cheap, rhetorical tricks for what they are—The Napoleon Syndrome (= Small Penis Syndrome) = the angst and dread a BETA-Male feels when confronted by a testosterone-charged ALPHA-Male like King Kwame Brown.

B. Kwame Brown Rule #1 = Let your Enemies’ own words Win your argument

In a YouTube video posted on his Kwame Brown Bust Life channel (with 366K subscribers so far!) titled—“Something, Something Ain’t Right, Boyce”, Kwame uses his iPhone 8 to play the words of Dr. Boyce to illustrate to his vast, growing audience the simple-minded tactics and tricks of a Double-talking, Sophistic Judas-Goat who thinks you’re stupid enough to believe the compromised, arrogant PhD “Talented Tenth” elitism (of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois), is one of you. . . one of the members of “the Black Community”, but they aren’t and these self-appointed Black Elite have historically been the Judas-Goat Enemies of the Black People—

KWAME: [Beg. @2:40] “He [“Dr.” Boyce] takes the original video down and now we can only get clips of what was said about him – the guy who was selling [false] ‘Hope’ who was a character. So, the one thing that I cannot understand… is how can a Man who never met another Man say so many things about a Man, and then turn around and be the Victim? And now you are breaking down my mental state, you’re saying I’m all about the jokes after admitting you haven’t watched an entire video. . . I’m still a little confused on how we get to this point.”

{Kwame [beg. @5:20] then plays the first time “Dr.” Boyce mentioned him on his show.  

TAKING ON ALL COMERS—ESPN Sports Big Mouth, Stephen A. Smith getting a taste of leather from King Kwame who is exposing the Judas-Goat media.

“DR.” BOYCE: [beg. @19:32] “He [Kwame Brown] talks about the Black Elite that’s on TV who speaks the honest truth that we’ve always talked about on this platform, that a lot of times the worst ideas get out to the Black community because the Negroes on TV – actually going in there and building for the community. The reason that they don’t is because if they do that they will be punished. They will be taken off the platform and replaced by somebody who plays ball. Those who Kwame calls the “Go-Along-to-Get-Along Gang” basically is a … and this is one of the reasons why I don’t answer the phone most of the time when Black celebrities reach out to me…”

KWAME: “So, what do you all think Dr. Boyce was just describing then? I said that there was a Go-Along-Get-Along Gang, and the Go-Along-Get-Along Gang is the people that can get your Black actors to do what Dr. Boyce just said. Dr. Boyce just said that none of your Elites that are on TV (think about that, that’s a lot of people!) – That’s all the people standing up there telling you – “VOTE OR DIE!” And all this sh—t making all this MF—ing noise. They got all this $$$ that got to do whatever they want, and they show it to you anytime they want to show it to you. But Dr. Boyce just said that they know better than to do something that will help you because they will be punished and replaced by somebody that will play ball. . .”

“Dr. Boyce, you say you want to answer questions, right? I don’t want to talk to you, but you can do a video and the people might want to know— What do you mean by ‘play ball’ and if you play ball what do you have to do to ‘play ball’? Cause you saying a lot Doc. And now that the People are listening to you, and not you name-dropping like a little high school girl, now we listening to you. Who are these… Black Elites that you talked about but didn’t say no names? – Who are these people? Because I think we know already. But what we really like to know – WE THE PEOPLE – want to know, when you ‘Play ball’ what game are you playing and who’s set to win and who’s set to lose? … Because when you go to Vegas the odds are set against you. Who’s set to win and whose set to lose, Doc? Who are these people who want these games played, Doc? {Kwame nods head} YOU are the Elite Doc! You know a lot. How did you know all this, Doc? I told you all we’re in a SIMULATION [= a Matrix]. . .”

“DR.” BOYCE: “So, I like the fact that Kwame appears to be somewhat independent. I like that he says, look you invited me on your show [and] I don’t want to go on your show. One more thing about Kwame’s platform is … so peep this out – I’M WORRIED THAT HIS CHANNEL IS GOING TO GET TAKEN DOWN. I’M WORRIED THAT THEY ARE GOING TO COME GET HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Because the reason is this – First of all, you already got the Black Elite going crazy. They’re going to get lawyers and sh—t on you; they got buddies at YouTube and all this sh—t . . .  so, they go’n pull every string they possibly can [to get Kwame off YouTube].”

KWAME: “So, he [Dr. Boyce] said that YouTube is going to pull every possible string and get lawyers on me because I said we need to put coding in every high school. We need to build youth centers into every school. And that we need to go back to listening to the Elders and buy land and stop giving our money away for other people to control it. Because these athletes can actually rebuild their own communities like Devean George is doing.”

“And I spoke of a Go-Along-Get-Along Gang that don’t want people to be healed because there are simple things that you can do to heal Black America especially, and one of them is focusing some of your money and your attention of these Black males that are dying in the streets – and they know it. And once I started talking about coding and trade schools because of more educated people not just throwing money at it… How much money did President Barack Obama give to these schools? Wasn’t it $3 BILLION? and the kids are reading at a 4th grade reading level today. That money ain’t working. That money ain’t working. It’s time to stop listening to people [like “Dr.” Boyce] that’s selling us [false] ‘Hope’.”

“If there’s no Go-Along-Get-Along Gang (I didn’t say this, “Dr.” Boyce Watkins said this), why would YouTube or anybody come at somebody whose saying that the money that we raised last year for BLM – that $90 MILLION could have built [Youth] centers all over America or we could have put them inside the churches because the church buildings are already there. And we could have paid for the best coding specialists to teach all of these kids in the inner-city coding.”

Marxist' BLM founder racks u milfion-dollar property empire with at least  four ho - iFunny :)
  • C. Why does Society Destroy their Geniuses?

KWAME: “I think there was an 11-year-old White kid that hacked a Swiss bank account and sent his daddy $85-90 million, and somebody’s going to arrest that boy because they’re going to have to teach this little kid a lesson… Whatever happened to our geniuses, our kids that are supposed to be prodigies, what do they end up doing with these kids? We’ll hear about them on the news, but where do they go after that? Are they taking them to a lab getting them to teach them how they do stuff, and then locking these boys up or something, and casting them away, and calling them crazy? … Why are they not teaching coding to these young kids that they look like?”

Nationwide Drag Queen Story hour in our public schools!?Designed not for education, but for miseducation, perversion and indoctrination of our vulnerable little children so that they will grow up to tolerate and support the Satanic LGBTQ-P Agenda. (*N.B.: The “P” stands for Pedophilia). Yet, since the early 1960s the Supreme Court has banned Bible teaching, Bible study and prayer in most public schools. Results?Anarchy and Chaos – Miseducation and failing test scores in American schools over the past 60 years!

“But we would rather bring people to read to our children that could be a pedophile. We’d rather bring them there instead of some child prodigy that’s near their age, that can relate to the kids… You see “Dr.” Boyce, they do this to all kids like me, Doc. They send guys like you that sound all ‘educated’ that adults respect, and adults like you have been standing on kid’s shoulders like for long enough. You guys keep saying that ‘Children are our future’ but you are afraid of the children.”

D.  Protecting Big Foot—Why Kwame didn’t like talking for 20 years?

KWAME: “Check out this video on my YouTube page when I was in Miami and my brother would always ask me— “Why don’t you ever talk”? “Why do you always let these MF—ers think one way on you and you don’t say nothing?” And I told him and said, “Dude, if someone see Big Foot walking through the woods; Big Foot can just be minding his business just being Big and Foot – being his own majestic, beautiful creature and their will be some White boy that want to put it in a cage or kill it. See, they always want to do something like that to something that’s big, strong, and beautiful and they don’t understand. So, I told him I didn’t want to talk because I didn’t want to be seen.”

“Sasquatch and Big Foot being chased around the world forever, but what if Sasquatch got a little Sasquatch? What if Sasquatch got a Sasquatch wife? Sasquatch need to be killed. Just put in somebody’s zoo for you MF—ers to clap and look at. So, I told him that’s why I didn’t like talking… So now I’m trying to make sure they don’t catch Big Foot. {laughter} Just think about that throughout history they had that big ol’ lion that was beautiful over there in Africa, had that nice mane. Next thing you see it on a picture with two stupid MF—ers over top of the doctor I think – shot the hell out of it. The lion wasn’t bothering nobody. You flew [thousands of miles], paid gas money, stalked him down just to kill it… He didn’t go to prison, he was smiling. But allegedly Michael Vick wasn’t even home when they was fighting them dogs and he was in prison. See, it’s amazing what we’ll allow is okay and what we say ain’t okay.” 

Law of the White Man vs. Law of the Black Man—President Theodore Roosevelt (26th POTUS, 1901-09) went on a famous African safari (1909-10) after serving 2 terms as President. According to his Wikipedia article titled – Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, Roosevelt and his companions killed or trapped approximately 11,397 animals. *N.B.: Unlike NFL quarterback Michael Vick, who paid millions in fines, had his stellar football career crippled, and spent years in jail for allegedly fighting dogs, yet neither President Theodore Roosevelt nor his fellow animal killer companions (i.e., “accomplices”) spent one damn day in jail for animal cruelty—Double standard? Yes, it’s always been the American Way!

E. Company Policy = Voluntary Slavery

KWAME: “So now YouTube will call lawyers on a guy that’s giving a blueprint on how to heal this thing without shouting in the streets or burning down buildings. You guys have been telling me since I’ve been a child that I can be anything I wanted to be. You told me in the school – “Dare to be different”. You told me I could be the f—ing president – We knew that was a lie, but you still told me that. You sold me all these dreams and hopes, and then as soon as we try to do something about it and collect on our dreams and put our foot to the fire and say let’s make this dream a reality, you get in the way – and you use our own people to do it.”

“You don’t want us to be free. We have a government that want us to need them. We have a government that’s controlling all people with a “COMPANY POLICY” through a job. These companies should not be able to operate in America if this is really America, and you’re on American soil with a company and you’re firing people, creating policies that go against the fabric of America. You should not be able to work or have a company in America. That’s how you have been controlling the people. {sarcastic tone} You can say what you want, but there is consequences! That’s some BS. If I can say what I want and we’re free there shouldn’t be no consequences. But you guys know that. . . Men back in my day weren’t controlled, they weren’t focused on being educated, they were focused on being FREE!”

Fox 26 Reporter in Houston, Ivory Hecker went live on air with Project Veritas to expose racial bias
and deadly disinformation her news station did. Her reward for telling the truth and for exposing the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Big Media Lies? She was immediately “suspended” (= fired, terminated).

F. Some Concluding Observations about the Kwame Brown vs. “Dr.” Boyce Debate

Wow! There is so much mind-blowing wisdom from the so-called “Busty-bust” Kwame Brown that I could easily write an entire book on this video alone. However, due to word limitations, I will just summarize some of the high points in Kwame’s profound analysis of “Dr.” Boyce and how seamlessly he moves beyond Boyce’s sophomoric, sophistic rhetoric and gets to the heart of the matter – Black Self-Empowerment and Black Economic Independence in 21st century America.

Think about the TRILLION$ that the White Man would lose if these 3 industries that have been used for hundreds of years to enslave the hopes, dreams and aspirations of Black America were destroyed out of society – (1) Welfare Concentration Camps, (2) Rap Music Concentration Camps, (3) Public School Concentration Camps. If Black people started being more productive, more self-reliant, and less destructive and reliant Slaves on the Democrat Party Plantation. How? By teaching their children coding like Kwame preaches relentlessly, or by teaching their children 3 trades like Booker T. Washington tried to tell us 126 years ago in his famous 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech a speech for which I believe he was later assassinated for teaching Black people to become economically independent from White America. In the meantime Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, the Father of the Black Communist Elite of today, was allowed by his White Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Masters to live to the ripe old age of 95 Years!! Why? Because DuBois pushed Black America into the the Communist abyss.

In my opinion Kwame already defeated “Dr.” Boyce in the debate right from the very beginning. How?  KWAME: [Beg. @2:40] stated, “He [Dr. Boyce] takes the original video down and now we can only get clips of what was said about him – the guy who was selling ‘Hope’ who was a character.” Why did he do this? I’m certain that his gradually Woke Black audience would listen to what he really said and compared it to the real talk Kwame was stating about Dr. Boyce, but beyond that, Kwame has visions of nation-wide Coding programs and Trade school programs in all the inner-city schools vs. Dr. Boyce’s big mouth, his flowery, fast, sophistic words without real meaning or power. And most irritating, his Doublespeak = Stating two opposite or contradictory opinions or statements about a person – oftentimes in the same sentence. When I was young, adults called that type of disingenuous rhetoric a “backhand compliment”.

Kwame then states that the Black America need to listen to the collected wisdom of their Elders like previous generations and stop supporting big mouth, arrogant academics like Dr. Boyce whose only offering is demagogue rhetoric and Communist division, instead of supporting people who are actually rebuilding their own communities like Kwame’s former NBA teammate Devean George is doing. Dr. Boyce’s first show mentioning Kwame was classic Orwellian Doublespeak—

DR. BOYCE: “The Black Elite that’s on TV… that a lot of times the worst ideas get out to the Black community because the Negroes on TV, and if they don’t “play ball” they will be punished and taken off the media platform.”

Of course, Dr. Boyce portrays himself in the same camp as Kwame—a heroic figure that is trying to help the Black community presumably by not betraying Black people to the mind-control mental slavery of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who own Big Media, Big Sports, Big Entertainment, Hollywood. But in reality, Dr. Boyce is NOT in the same camp as Kwame Brown who is an iconoclast and a critical thinker. Dr. Boyce is a simpleton, a clout chasing demagogue who is 100% part of the Go Along Get Along Gang paid by the White Man to enslave and distract Black America.

In one statement Dr. Boyce is “glad” Kwame had an independent voice, but he quickly follows with more Orwellian Doublespeak— {with laughter in his voice and fake concern} I’M WORRIED THAT HIS CHANNEL IS GOING TO GET TAKEN DOWN. I’M WORRIED THAT THEY ARE GOING TO COME GET HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Why would he say this? (Real meaning wink-wink) = I hope they [the Black Media Elite] pull strings with YouTube executives they know to take Kwame’s YouTube channel down (which right on cue they are shadow banning his YouTube channel as we speak, but Kwame will soon be releasing his long-awaited Podcast—My Momma’s Cookin’, a platform that will give him a greater public voice to champion the self-help philosophy of Booker T. Washington.

Next in a section called, “Why does Society Destroy it’s Geniuses?” Kwame makes many profound points, one being— “Are they taking them to a lab getting them to teach them how they do stuff and then locking these boys up or something and casting them away and calling them crazy?” The short answer – the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who have ruled Humanity virtually since the Garden of Eden has perverted Reality to such a degree that society’s geniuses historically have been marginalized, discriminated against, blacklisted, shut away, called crazy, rather than having them teach others for the betterment of Humanity.

In the next section I titled— “Why Kwame didn’t like talking for 20 years?”, Kwame uses a brilliant metaphor of what society does to big, strong, magnificent (but different) creatures like the Sasquatch, the Big Foot and African Lions. This compelling metaphor reminded me of a quote by Kwame from one of his other videos—”Everything that’s new and different they put into a cage.” Kwame is that unique, iconoclastic genius that only a few people like him appear each generation. Usually we never hear about them because they’re killed, blacklisted, called crazy, called a “Conspiracy Theorists”, compromised, mistreated and abused. Kwame had all that collective hatred leveled at him since he was a little kid in the ghetto, but he still achieved #1 status in the NBA while making the honor roll for his sophomore, junior and senior years at his elite Prep School.

In the last section of his complex rejoinder to Dr. Boyce, I’ve titled— “Company Policy = Voluntary Slavery”, Kwame is perhaps at his most profound and genius level. He states—

KWAME: “You don’t want us to be free. We have a government that want us to need them. We have a government that’s controlling all people with a company policy through a job. These companies should not be able to operate in America if this is really America, and you’re on American soil with a company and you’re firing people, creating policies that go against the fabric of America.”

Think about the Covid-19 pandemic hoax over the past 2 years. It’s just the common flu that comes out every year all over the world that the CDC, the NIH, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Globalist institutions like the WHO hyped up. But why? #1: To blame President Trump and cause him to lose the 2020 election (which he did through massive voter fraud by the Democrats). Look at how easy it is to perpetrate democide against millions of Americans and billions of people throughout the world by having corrupted scientists like Fauci, Birx, the CDC, WHO, the Rockefeller Institute, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation all wearing white lab coats. This reminds me of a quote by Alex Jones of—”Hitler would have won World War II if he had only worn a doctor’s white lab coat.”

Do We the People live in a constitutional Republic, or not? Orwellian Doublespeak is stating as Kwame said about Dr. Boyce— ‘You can say what you want, but there is consequences.’ Meaning? —We are not living in a Republic that has freedom of Speech and constitutional protections for everyone, but we live in a corporate dictatorship where your company or corporation you work for can get away with bullying you by using what Kwame calls, “Company Policy” to threaten you, silence you and ultimately fire you or murder you if you don’t do in the words of Dr. Boyce and “play ball”. This is what Kwame means by the treachery of the Go along get along Gang—a treacherous bunch of Judas-Goat Niggers Kwame has sworn his vengeance against, and will see that they all get fired and that their media platforms are destroyed, or at least become more balanced to the Truth and respectful to the constitutional principles of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Association. . . for EVERYBODY in America!

Epilogue— Poem for King👑Kwame Brown 

{written in His voice for His voice}

“For 20 Years! We called this Man a Bust, *But when 2 times in 1 month he broke the Internet, Judas-Goat Niggers said, ‘He broke our Trust’,

For 20 Years! We called this Man a Scrub, We said his Life is over, his Life is Dirt, *But if that is true, then why all you Punk Bitches so Butt Hurt?

For 20 Years! My own People Defamed Me, Shamed Me, Blamed Me the Most, *But when I broke my Silence, you said, I broke Satan’s OATH.

For 20 Years! We tried to break his Spirit, Pervert his Manhood, but in Silence he just kept Lookin’. . . Spookin’, *What the Hell is Kwame Brown’s Secret Solution?—A Critical Thinking Revolution? I think it’s “Momma’s Cookin!’”

* * * * *

In your hateful arrogance, You even took The Kwame Brown Bust-Life Tour on the road—from Sea to Shinning Sea. OK students {1-2-3-rap along with me}—

Kept the Black high school athletes Bewitches,
— Kept national audiences laughing in Stiches,
Got my Coach fired just for being Snitches,
— But I never saw a dime on your Kwame Tour for Riche$. . .
What’s My Name?!
—$tephen A. Bitche$!


I didn’t even know you from Joe Blow, but you tried to be slick, Why did you look up my Family Info? — about my Father, about my Bros, words that hurt me So, Because my ‘Momma’s Cookin’ protected me, so even I didn’t Know. . . . What’s My Name…?! Charlemagne tha Ho!

Didn’t Yo Momma tell you, Never! Ever! open up your mouth on a grown Man’s Business? But you this Big, Woke Feminist that can only Yell. . . *Well, Let me introduce you to yo own Momma (who voted Trump TWICE) to escape Black Hell! She knows what Time it is – Can’t You Tell. . .? What’s My Name…?! Jemele Jezebel!

Pop the Lock! Get the Glock! Roll the Dope! Bring All the Smoke! But now YOU the Big Joke that came to Atlanta to Run the Fade, Came to Atlanta to Play in Traffic Shade. . . Came to Atlanta Scratchin’ for Action. *But from Me, I spoke the Truth like a Man, I gave you no Satisfaction. . . What’s My Name?! Stephen “Ima Gangsta” Jackson!

Do You Care? Do We Dare? Why did You invite me to your penis. . . ?! That’s why I Stare. I seen you tryin’ to climb over your own security gate over there… Was that in Beverly Hills? in Brentwood? or maybe it was in Bel-Air? Now you got another Nigger over there!? My Wife in his lap, sittin’ in MY Chair…? What’s My Name?! Matt Barnes, (but you can call me) – “Becky with the Good 👱‍♀️Hair.”

* * * * *

For 20 Years! We should have never messed with a grown-ass Man! For 20 Years! We should have left him alone down in Brunswick Town,

Instead, We have unleashed the Beast – not a Clown. What’s My NAME…?! Real Niggers call him. . . KING 👑 Kwame Brown!”

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