Lacrymosa for a Libertarian Legend … RIP Professor Walter Williams

| December 8, 2020
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

*N.B.: Suggested Music to listen while reading—Lacrymosa from Requiem Mass by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1791)

Lacrymosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus.
Huic ergo parce, Deus:
Pie Jesu Domine,
Dona eis requiem. Amen.
Full of tears will be that day
When from the ashes shall arise
The guilty man to be judged;
Therefore spare him, O God,
Merciful Lord Jesus,
Grant them eternal rest. Amen.

A Lachrymose Lamentation for a Legend

On Dec. 2, 2020, We the People of America lost a great Guardian of Free Market Capitalism, Constitutional Liberty and Freedom – Professor Walter Williams. The Washington Post ran the obituary notice with these opening lines—

Walter E. Williams, an economist and writer who was one of the country’s leading Black conservative public intellectuals, known for his outspoken views that included opposition to the minimum wage and affirmative action programs in colleges, died Dec. 2 in Arlington, Va. He was 84. 

The death was confirmed in a statement by George Mason University, where he had taught since 1980. According to university spokesman Michael Sandler, Dr. Williams taught a graduate course in microeconomics on GMU’s Arlington campus that ended at 10 p.m. on Dec. 1. Several hours later, police found him unresponsive in his car in a university parking lot. He reportedly had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”

I first learned the news of Professor Williams passing away last Friday from my radio colleague mentor, friend – the Detroit intellectual, Mr. Milt Harris. Later that day (Dec. 4) on my Facebook page, I posted the following comments –  

R.I.P. DR. WALTER WILLIAMS (March 31, 1936 – December 2, 2020)🙏My heart is breaking over the news I just learned of the passing away of America’s Libertarian Legend, Professor Emeritus at George Mason University School of Economics – Dr. Walter Williams, who was also affiliated with Grove City College for many years. Professor Walter Williams was my intellectual mentor and friend for 30 years and the mentor for my son, Stone since his freshman year at George Mason in 2015 where I told him to meet with Dr. Williams every week if possible, to make sure he stayed on the right track in his academic pursuits.…/walter-williams-conservative…/
. . . I will post more on this tragic news later. 😥

Returning to the Washington Post article, they provided some interesting biographical info regarding the formation of the worldview of a young Walter Williams, writing

Dr. Williams said he formed his views from several sources, ranging from his youth in a poor neighborhood in Philadelphia to the free-market economic ideas of Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek and the novels of Ayn Rand.”

I was amazed to read this because the intellectuals that formed the Libertarian views of Professor Williams as a young man were the exact same people I read during my law school years in the early 1990s when Dr. David Meltz, (another Libertarian) and Jewish scholar who was at that time the Dean of John Marshall Law School [Atlanta, Georgia]). Dean Meltz accepted my transfer there in 1992 and from the beginning liked me and took an active interest in my intellectual development by recommending these same three intellectuals – 1. Milton Friedman (Free to Choose: A Personal Statement [1980]); 2. Friedrich Hayek (The Road to Serfdom [1944]) and 3. the novels of Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead [1943]; Atlas Shrugged [1957]). Reading and studying the works of these 3 intellectuals – was a revelatory epiphany experience for me to read which greatly helped formulate my own political, economic, and intellectual worldview which were reflected in some of my first published academic writings of the early 1990s in the then newly created Conservative journal – The Social Critic.

Furthermore, like a Blessed Guardian Angel hovering over my Life, it was none other than Professor Walter Williams who put me in touch with the Publisher of The Social Critic journal, C. James Newlan, who would become my dear colleague and the first publisher to believe I was a scholar worthy of public notice. That was about 1994. 13 years later in 2007, Dr. Williams also helped me become a writer for Joseph Farah’s where he was also a weekly syndicated columnist there for many years.


When one of my dear Facebook Friends (Sharon) offered condolences to me over the loss of my friend, I was moved with gratitude and comfort from her words and responded this way:

Sharon Sklar Thank you very much, Sharon. I’m just joyful that I got to know this great man a little bit and made my son be his protegee as a freshman in college at George Mason University. Professor Williams transformed his life… and in a sense, transformed all of U.S. towards Liberty.

In the Washington Post obituary of Professor Walter Williams, they further cited his legendary contributions to the Arena of Ideas:

Dr. Williams was a provocative scholar and writer who challenged orthodox ideas on economics, race relations and the role of government. He often held verbal sparring matches on television with such figures as the Rev. Jesse Jackson and former NAACP executive director Benjamin Hooks.

Speaking of Pastor Benjamin Hooks, my stepfather (Jack Folson, d. 2010), was for over 30 years the Music Director at the Greater New Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan where Bishop Benjamin Hooks was the Senior Pastor in addition to being the prominent and colorful Executive Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). To this day I remember begging my stepfather to set up a meeting with Bishop Benjamin Hooks to see if I could become a summer intern with the NAACP.

You may ask – ‘Ellis, why would you being a Conservative want to be an intern with the Liberal NAACP’? 40 years ago, this demonstrated my ideological naiveté from not having a Conservative mentor back then. In 1980, I had been a new Conservative for only a year out of high school and thus didn’t know about the complex, internecine ideological battles between Liberals and Conservatives extending back to before the 1900s! Back then, I didn’t understand that the NAACP was a faithful political ally of the Democrat Socialist Party who essentially wanted the opposite of Freedom and Liberty for Black America by using and abusing them for votes every 2 or 4 years – killing Black America with Abortion, enslaving them inside the abyss of the Welfare State while their collective life, hopes and dreams were trapped in the Concentration Camp of Groupthink and Ghetto Life.

*N.B.: For more info about the legendary protracted political battles between Conservative Republican Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) vs. Communist Democrat Dr. W.E.B. Dubois (1868-1963), see my 2009 essay published in titled—My Response to the NAACP.

Yet, as Fate would have it regarding my interest in becoming a summer intern at the NAACP, I was only able to make my pitch to Bishop Hooks as he was walking to his car after church. To this day I still remember walking awkwardly behind an obviously distracted Bishop Hooks, passionately making my arguments for an NAACP summer internship, and then shoving my resume and a letter of introduction into his hand as he was hurriedly chauffeured off to his next appointment. Unfortunately, even after several calls to his office Bishop Hooks did nothing to help me. However, Bishop Hooks did indirectly teach me a valuable lesson about the importance of mentorship and the necessity of unwavering devotion to a cause célèbre which I maintained to this day and passed on to my daughter, Eden and to my son, Stone.


Why did I mention this story above? Because 10 years later in the early 1990s I reached out to Professor Williams and to his best friend, fellow economist and Hoover Institution Fellow, Dr. Thomas Sowell, when I was learning much more about what Conservative political philosophy was all about. I wrote both men about my admiration of them and their writings in The Conservative Chronicle newspaper and asked if they could help me get some of my first manuscripts on Conservatism published? Dr. Williams was very supportive helping me contact a new conservative journal called The Social Critic, and we became friends for 30 years. This was the type of man he was. He practiced what he preached. Dr. Williams was always ready to lend a helping hand or offer an encouraging or wise word of advice that could forever change your LIFE. 

Professor Williams was a very prolific writer, and his books and articles were likewise a wellspring of practical knowledge that has helped me and my son, Stone, who Dr. Williams personally mentored when he was a freshman at George Mason University (during the 2015-16 term), and to the millions of other Conservatives, Libertarians, and even some enlightened Liberals all over America who love Liberty and Freedom, Constitutionalism and Veritas (Truth) in every intellectual pursuit. This is the legacy of Professor Walter E. Williams and it will take America into wonderful, new vistas of Peace, Prosperity, and shared Joy of the Common Good if we follow his wise, witty and wonderful dictums that venerated Freedom and Liberty, Natural Law, Natural Rights and the Constitution.

Requiem for Dr. Walter Williams. . . A Soldier to the End

Thank God that despite his passing away they have left on the Internet Dr. Williams’ very important blog containing priceless materials that will save society from the menace of Communism, Socialism, Liberalism and Corporatism — including some of his course quotations, biography, his voluminous syndicated columns, books, book recommendations, recommended websites, archived items, and miscellaneous.

A Soldier to the end who died a Hero on the battlefield with his sword in his hand. Not only did Professor Walter Williams teach to nearly 85 years old when others of his generation had long ago retired, but he literally died on the Battlefield of Ideas, having just taught an advanced graduate course in Microeconomics that evening at George Mason University – finishing at 10:00 pm. He then went to his car, exhausted and breathed his last breath. He was found in his car by campus police a few hours later.

Paradoxically, like the legendary Classical music composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-91), who historically wrote his own Requiem mass at the end of his life (which was finished by his students and magnificently dramatized and fictionalized in the 1984 movie Amadeus), Professor Williams likewise was an intellectual warrior to the end writing his last column (or his own “Requiem”) which was posthumously published later on the same day he died on Dec. 2, 2020, titled – Black Education Tragedy Is New – where he ended this profound essay with this statement for the Ages—

Years ago, much of the behavior of young people that we see today would have never been tolerated. There was the vice principal’s office where corporal punishment would be administered for gross infractions. If the kid was unwise enough to tell his parents what happened, he might get more punishment at home. Today, unfortunately, we have replaced practices that worked with practices that sound good and caring. And we are witnessing the results.”
The Eternal Importance of Mentoring through the Generations—Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, my son, Stone and Dr. Walter Williams (Professor Emeritus of Economics, George Mason University), all having lunch together at The Hard Times Café in Fairfax Virginia (December 13, 2016). One of the greatest things I ever did for my son in this life was to introduce him to these two Strong, Magisterial Men. 

Professor Williams Hated Socialism, Democracy, Loved the Republic!

*N.B.: In 2014, Free To Choose Network produced a wonderful documentary Suffer No Fools, on the life, times, and Libertarian philosophy of Professor Walter Williams including an examination of the litany of nations throughout history that fell into famine and chaos, collapse and catastrophe for embracing the economic virus of Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Democracy and Corporatism, which is Crony Capitalism.

America! What form of constitutional government did We the People mandate for our Government to follow in the creation of America? History, Dr. Walter Williams, President Trump, his 75 million voters would agree with the wise words of Benjamin Franklin (1706-90), that legendary scientist, inventor, publisher, polymath, ambassador, Founding Father and Constitutional Framer who said it best— “A REPUBLIC, if you can keep it.”

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  1. Kim Holley says:

    Thank you. This helps me..truly appreciate..

  2. Fred Pottschmidt says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. Prof Williams was an intellectual giant and a hero of mine. He will be missed

  3. Tobias Smith says:

    Thank you for writing this. I wish I could have met him in person.


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