Myths vs. Facts (Part 10) – Skull and Bones

| July 1, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The first task of the association must therefore be to form the young members.”

~ Adam Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati

Two major American political parties that have stood the test of time started out calling themselves the Republican Party.

~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts, Episode 20

Prologue— Does All Secret Society-Cults & Globalist Gestapo Roads Lead to the Vatican?

Indeed, it would seem so according to writer, Art Thompson and his magisterial history book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). For example, Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit who founded the Illuminati on 1 May 1776 just 2 months before America’s own Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1776 from the tyranny of King George III and the English Empire, regarding the Illuminati declared that – “The Great Strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation.”

What does this mean? It means that historically the Illuminati’s global outreach and ubiquitous strength even in modern times lies in its A-N-O-N-Y-M-I-T-Y. Remove their surreptitious cloak and the sunlight of God and Veritas exposes to the world their evil, nation-killing deeds down through the Ages. Albeit it is a difficult process that requires courage from our elected leaders, a well-educated citizenry that demands accountability and from the writer of this long-forgotten history, meticulous historical research backed by first-hand documentation and verification whenever possible. On this point Art Thompson has often stated that much of the necessary materials chronicling and exposing the evil intent of the Illuminati have been hidden to this day. For example, Thompson often cited the case of the Nazis in the 1930s raiding the Illuminati archives in Bavaria, France, and other European strongholds, and hidden, or perhaps forever destroyed the Illuminati membership lists.

Even if one is unable or unwilling to purchase Art Thompson’s revelatory book, one has only to read the Wikipedia article on the Illuminati where one can still read the biography of its founder, Adam Weishaupt (as of 06/30/2019), where at the tender age of 7 he began his formal education (indoctrination) into the Order of the Jesuits, perhaps the most radical and secretive sect of the Catholic Church – *N.B.: The present pope, Pope Francis is the world’s first Jesuit Pope

Pope Francis’ list of heresies, apostasy and radical Socialist policy dictates is too long to list here. We also learned that in 1772 Weishaupt became a Jesuit Professor of Canon Law and in 1773, before the Vatican successfully infiltrated the Illuminati through the Order of the Jesuits, the existing pope at the time of their creation, Pope Clement XIV (1769-74) tried to abolish the Jesuit Order for their many radicalisms, heresies and treasonous plots to deconstruct or takeover by force the Nations of the world. This anti-secret society move outlawing the Jesuits is cited in Pope Clement XIV in the brief Dominus ac Redemptor (21 July 1773). This edit precipitated Weishaupt 3 years later to start his own secret organization, the Illuminati in 1776 with the mantra that the Jesuits applied to his initiation –

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 19) – Skull and Bones


“Welcome back this week to Myths vs. Facts. We look at an organization that has played a major role in American society and politics, Skull & Bones. Now let me interject here that what we give in these short videos is strictly vignettes, the more comprehensive details about such things as Skull & Bones and other things are in my book. But after the Illuminous infiltrated our system of higher learning they started to recruit into their schemes the young bright students that they instructed. And those who are the sons of prominent men – bright students or not. In this manner they were able to gather wealth influence into their ranks by influencing the young men who are not yet set in their ways or had the education to withstand the wiles of the Illuminous.”

“We will give you the official story of Skull & Bones – It is bad enough, but what never, ever comes up is the fact that any campus organization has to have the sanction of the INSTITUTION or it cannot function one way or another, otherwise the institution’s administration will shut it down. We know of no record that shows who in the Yale administration helped Skull and Bones get started and became an integral part of Yale. We are to believe that two students started such a prominent and important organization on campus without any help or criticism from the faculty?”

Yale’s Skull & Bones = Illuminati?

“Yale started out as a Christian institution but started to change after the administration of Reverend Timothy Dwight the elder as President (1795-1817), an opponent of the Illuminati. The official story is that Skull and Bones or The Order was started in 1832 primarily by William Huntington Russell with the help of Alphonso Taft as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. The speculation is that The Order was the Illuminati, but no positive proof has been found that it was. Since Russell studied at the University of Berlin and Skull & Bones became known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is likely that it was part of the Totenbund or Order of Death itself a descendant of the Illuminati. A telling clue of their origin even though circumstantial, is the use of the term “The Order” just as the Illuminati was known. Skull and Bones members influence grew until they controlled Yale by 1862 and played a major role in taking over or starting many major universities by 1900 – not only Yale, but Johns Hopkins, Cornell, the University of California, Carnegie Institution, even the Chicago Theological Seminary.”

“William Russell went on to play a major role in Connecticut politics and the state militia. He grew close to the terrorist, John Brown and was involved in conflict in the 1850s. Russell is rarely mentioned in this regard today, but Russell was named by Brown as one of the trustees of his will. The other co-founder of Skull & Bones, Alphonso Taft (1810-91), played out a more overt influence on America by the positions he held. He became the Secretary of War (1876) and the Attorney General (1875-76) in the Grant administration. He ran for governor of Ohio but lost the race over his desire to see the Bible eliminated from the public schools. Of course Taft son, William Howard Taft, who was also a member of Skull and Bones became president he played the leading role in the establishment of the National Chamber of Commerce which today plays a dominant role in promoting foreign entanglements under the guise of free trade all of which is using patient gradualism to destroy American sovereignty. William Howard Taft also started The League to Enforce Peace. It was a forerunner to the League of Nations whose mission would have been to enforce peace by waging war on those who wage war. Skull and Bones comes up repeatedly throughout our book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments, because so many members have played major roles in American politics, education, and finance including the Bush Family, starting with Prescott Bush.”

3 Famous ‘Bonesmen’ U.S. Presidents – Wm. Howard Taft (#27), George H.W.  Bush (#41), George W. Bush (#43)

“There have been secret societies established at other universities some by members of Skull and Bones. Andrew Dickinson White of The Order was the first president of Cornell and he encouraged the formation of a secret society on that campus. Once opposition to Skull and Bones began to build among the student body at Yale to this elitist secret society, then another secret order was established, and then another. They had the appearance of the tactic outlined by Adam Weishaupt and other Illuminous –

“A cover is always necessary in concealment lies a great part of our strength hence we must always hide ourselves under the name of another Society.” ~ Adam Weishaupt

Weishaupt also said –  

“Conceal the very fact of our existence. If they discover us, conceal our real objective by profession of benevolence. If our real objective is perceived pretend to disband and relinquish the whole thing but assume another name and put forth new agents.” ~ Adam Weishaupt

The Illuminati Regent Degree said this –

“For this reason, we should always conceal ourselves under the name of some other Association.” ~ Illuminati Regent Degree

“The other secret societies established at Yale supposedly in opposition of Skull and Bones were Wolf’s Head and Scroll and Key. These later societies have not been researched as well as Skull and Bones and tend to be under the radar of most historians who even mentioned Skull and Bones. According to The Encyclopedia of Fraternities compiled and edited by Albert C. Stevens in 1907, shows a direct lineage of Scroll and Key as well as Wolf’s Head from Skull and Bones and not as independent entities. These three secret societies of Yale have played a major role in the movement of our country into internationalism as opposed to [President Trump’s policy] “America First” and the sovereignty of the American people.”

Illuminati Tactic = Playing (manipulating) both sides

“Members of Skull and Bones played a role in the secession of both sides of the North and South and helped bring about the Civil War. Their members became prominent in the federal government and build up the internationalism so prevalent in the federal government today. Now there’s a great deal of information on Skull and Bones online – but use caution when looking at it since some tends to be less than accurate. The best book on the subject of Skull and Bones is by Anthony Sutton called, America’s Secret Establishment. These campus secrets of fraternities were very useful in fulfilling an important tactic promoted by the Illuminati. This tactic is not only to enlist the brightest students, but to target the progeny of their enemies making their sons into dominions, in this way the younger can coast on the reputation of the elder among the Illuminous opposition, subverting as much of the father’s organization and effectiveness as trusted friends.”

“In addition, they capture the financial base of their enemy upon his death by having enlisted the heir to their cause. An example of this would have been Timothy Dwight V, grandson of the aforementioned Dwight the Elder. Dwight was a fighter against the Illuminati and its influences. The younger Dwight V became a member of The Order and studied in Germany under Hegelians and later served on the American Committee for the Revision of the English Version of the Bible from 1878 to 1885. He served as a Professor of the Yale Divinity School teaching future Christian ministers. He followed in his grandfather steps as the president of Yale in 1886. Hegel by the way believed that Christianity was a moral err and he identified with the Jacobins and the Galleons, believing the State was almighty and seen as the march of God on earth such as an example of a person marching forward on the reputation of the elder member of the family who was an enemy of the Illuminati. By the way, it’s an interesting that with each new generation there seems to be a push for a new version of the Bible. I will leave that to you to mull over next week we explore the two Republican Parties.”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 20) – 2 Republican Parties


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. Two major American political parties that have stood the test of time started out calling themselves the Republican Party. The Jacobin influence started U.S. on the road to political parties which George Washington abhorred and realized would become a serious problem with people putting party above country. John Adams also pointed out that –

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the Republican to two great parties each arranged under its leader and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the great political evil under our Constitution.” ~ John Adams

“This was the direction the Jacobin democratic societies took the young nation. Recall in episode 11 they formed a party promoting democracy necessitating a party in opposition called the Federalists. This initial Republican Party evolved into the Republican-Democrats and finally the Democrat Party. It was a process of moving people from adhering to a Republican system into support for Democrat-Republican then Republican-Democrat and finally simply Democrat. Quoting Adams again –

“We also learn about democracy from our enemies Marx and Engels told us in the Communist Manifesto.

The first step in the revolution of the working-class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the battle for democracy.” ~ Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto

“Now some translations say to win the battle of democracy. Regardless the first step is to establish a democracy. From there they control the masses through organizations and propaganda which will lead ultimately to a totalitarian state, whether under a Napoleon or Lenin in any country, but we know the long goal is a world government.”

“Now the second Republican Party came about as the result of the Communist leader Horace Greeley meeting with one of his ex-employees, Alvin Bovay in New York in 1852. At this meeting they planned for a new party they felt was needed. Greeley suggested the name of a Republican Party harking back to the original Jacobin name. Alvin Bovay got his early start in politics behind the scenes working at the Young America newspaper. Bovay was involved in the national reform organization as its secretary in 1848. The Association had ties to the Carbonari Young America group and membership included Chartist revolutionaries who had emigrated from Great Britain.

One of the leaders of the NRA was Gilbert Vale who published the newspaper, Citizen of the World. Well they moved from the staff of Young American newspaper to that of Greeley’s New York Tribune. Bovay then moved out to Ripon, Wisconsin to one of the communes established by Greeley’s organization, The American Union of Associations. The commune was called Ceresco. Organization meetings were held in Ripon with commune leaders and local people and on March 20, 1854 the party was established locally. It did have a five-member committee running it which included Bovay and the Communist, Jacob Woodruff. Well they informed Greeley of the party’s founding and the ball started to roll with promotion by Greeley in almost the entire radical apparatus in the country mostly in the North and Midwest.”

Allen Pinkerton’s Wide Awake Republicans (W.A.R.) Campaign Banner for Lincoln and the “new” Republican Party (circa 1860)

“Very rapidly a new national organization grew up calling itself the Wide-Awake Republicans which was run behind-the-scenes by a secret society headed up by the detective Allan Pinkerton. This organization helped build the party. Allan Pinkerton had fled Britain because of his founding of a Chartist group, The Glasgow Democratic Club and the British were arresting the Chartist’s most radical leaders. Once Pinkerton had settled in America, he started to work helping the terrorist John Brown. Pinkerton’s detective agency used the all-seeing eye as its logo and this is where the saying of Private Eye came about to denote a detective. The Wide Awake Republican’s acronym was war – “W.A.R.” They wore uniforms and trained as a militia. They not only worked to build the Republican Party they also agitated in the North to bring about the Civil War. They marched publicly but met secretly. The symbol of the eye was used on the certificates issued by war clubs to certify membership as well as on their banners.”

“Another group that helped build the Republican Party was the German Turners organization. The Turner’s were a second-generation Illuminous group that was active on German campuses especially as German immigration to the United States grew as a result of the failures of the Revolutions of 1848 and 1849 in Germany, the Turner organization grew in America. Most did not hide their Socialist or Communist basis. The constitution of the Milwaukee Turners declared in favor of the “Red flag of Socialism” and in 1850 the New York Socialist Turners was formed. There’s a great deal of background of the Turner’s in my book and there’s no doubt that the Turners sprang out of the Illuminati. The Turners, like the war group formed militias which they trained up and at the beginning of the Civil War, constituted the bulk of the Union Army in the first several months. These were the grassroots of the Republican Party in its early years. Men like Lincoln did not become part of the Republican Party until well after its formation when the Whig Party dissolved. The true beginnings of both Republican Parties have been purged from the history books. They both evolved out of the same radical force [the Illuminati].”

“Now there’s a great deal more to these pages of it in my book to prove the origins of the Republican Party which once read can be verified to a great extent online once you know what questions to ask. The Socialist radicals of the day rallied to the Republican banner and the party took on a Northern appearance due to the adoption of the Radical Abolitionist position among its adherence which included the position of “Come out of” or “Come out of the Union”. In other words, we had a slave country so we’re going to come out of the country – come out of the Union in support of abolishing slavery. Now the Northern minions of the conspiracy withdrew from the established parties to a great extent except for the Democrats which accelerated the rise of the Republican Party. There was really no other place to go and no other leadership to give the people a real choice or chance.

Next week we talked about the build-up for the Civil War.”

Epilogue—Yale’s Skull and Bones and the 2-Party Myth in American Politics

Remember the meme at the top of this article depicting the logo of Skull and Bones, a secret society founded at Yale College in 1832 by William Russell and Alphonse Taft, father of the 27th President William Howard Taft, also a member of the Illuminati-created Skull and Bones. Recall that the number below Skull and Bones image above is “322”. This number has deep significance in biblical numerology for 3 x 22 = 66, 66 x 10 = 666 = the number of the Antichrist of Revelations 13 – literally Satan’s son who will be unleashed from Hell in the Last Days to first come on earth for 7 years – the first 3½ years the Antichrist will feign as a peacemaker, the second 3½ years his father, Satan will use him to start World War III, which will make the previous World Wars seem like a walk in the park due to the utter destruction and Biblical-level  genocide the Antichrist will inflict upon the world because the world rejected and crucified the only savior of humanity… Jesus Christ.

Skull and Bones Numerology

This brings us to the opening Skull and Bones meme using their number: 322. It’s not, as the legend goes, the 322nd branch of an unknown German secret society. While that may be part of the story, 322 among other things stands for Genesis 3:22 – And the Lord said: The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever.” What does this Bible passage mean in relation to Skull and Bones and all secret societies that fall under the Mystery Babylon Cult of Religious Systems?

Going back to the Garden to Evil and the showdown for the Souls of Humanity between Satan (who took on the appearance of a serpent) and our progenitors – Adam and Eve. When Satan approached Eve in Genesis 3, he used a number of logical arguments all having a grain of truth, but like all of Satan’s philosophy and logic, it was perverted with his Satanic interpretation. This dialog can be illustrated in the chart below –

Thus, the entire foundation of Satanism including secret societies, pagan cults, Spiritualism, Eastern Religions, New Age Movement (Oprah), Gnosticism, New World Order, etc. can be broken down into the BIG LIE of Satanism to Mankind according to Genesis 3. Satan’s Perverted Reasoning = If God loved you, why wouldn’t he give you all of the knowledge He has so that you would be god’s like Him? Satan’s implied answer to Eve was this – God is holding back on you. God is hiding knowledge from you. This is the same tragic Big Lie that Secret Societies like the Illuminati, the Vatican, Freemasons, Socialist/Communist governments, United Nations, European Union have told their initiates down through the Ages when they all promised Mankind E-N-L-I-G-H-T-E-N-M-E-N-T or Secret Knowledge which Lucifer the “Light-bear” will  give you once you are initiated into our particular Church, Cult, Pagan Temple, Club, Fraternity, Sorority, Secret Society, Government bureaucracy, etc. On this final point, Peniel Ngonde, my dear colleague and Christian documentary maker from England, has many videos on this subject. One of my favorites is titled, Witchcraft and Satanism 1.

The pyramid below further delineates the interconnectedness of Satan’s New World Order of which all Secret Societies are merely providing pseudo-intellectual cannon fodder for – his Socialist Slave foot soldiers that are knowingly human demons or unknowingly human dupes in accomplishing Satan’s evil will on earth through the phony 2-Party Myth and the Illuminati who has from the beginning of the birth of America in 1776 infiltrated by political parties – Democrats and Republicans –

Suggested Readings:

  1. Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies (Citadel Press: 1961, 1989), pp. 109-110 (Totenbund – the Death League).
  2. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Bovay, Alvan, 218, 221, 422; Bush, George H.W., xxviii, 27, 412, 416, 435, 450; Bush, Prescott, 27; Greeley, Horace, xxix, xxxi, 36, 48, 76, 102, 121; Pinkerton, Alan, 287, 300, 352, 422; Russell, Wm., 26, 198, 287, 288, 291, 424; Scroll and Key, 28, 89, 402-03; Skull and Bones, 26-28, 50, 89, 170, 228, 242, 255, 271, 288, 291, 321, 402, 422, 467; Taft, Alphonso, 26, 27, 156, 242, 321, 354, 410, 413, 416; Taft, Wm. Howard, 27, 271, 471; Totenbund, 26, 341; Turners, 27, 170, 245, 340-45; White, Andrew Dickenson, 26, 50, 51, 258; Wolf’s Head, 28, 171; Interesting Illuminati hierarchy flowcharts, 47-48.
  3. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  4. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  5. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  6. Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. I: 2007-08 Writings—History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013).
  7. _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
  8. _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
  9. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
  10. Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).

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