Myths vs. Facts (Part 15) – Lincoln: Making War Inevitable

| August 27, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“The truth is not always palatable and should not always be told.”

~ Gen. Wm. Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs

I don’t believe the truth will ever be known, and I have a great contempt for History.”

~ Gen. George Gordan Meade, victor of Gettysburg, Bradford, Union Portraits

We’re going to talk about the nomination and presidential election of 1860. Now we’re told that a backwoods, rail-splitting country lawyer was nominated by the Republican Party without his campaigning for it, or appearing at the nominating convention – that’s schoolboy history

~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts, Episode 27

Prologue—Okay… Who Wants a Free Frontal Lobotomy?

Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – What if I told you a story that virtually everything about the Civil War – and all History for that matter – you learned in your Mis-Education Concentration Camps called the Public Schools was a BIG LIE? Would you believe me? Would you seriously read and study what Art Thompson has to say in his book – or would you give a furtive smile to your Nazi, Eugenics Deep State doctors standing by your gurney and boldly declare – I’ll take that State-sponsored frontal lobotomy now!

Let me give you a simple comparison on American presidential history as a case study of how surreptitious, ubiquitous and unyielding the Deep State has been in systematically perverting the Natural Rights of We the People for 244 years – since the Revolutionary War (1775-83)… perhaps longer!

Exhibit A: Barack Hussein Obama (b. 1961 – ). We the People were told for years how this multi-racial boy from Hawaii was the son of Harvard Ph.D. student Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham. We’re told that Obama’s maternal grandfather was a good-time Charlie without resume and his maternal grandmother a bank V.P. Without getting into too much detail virtually everything they told U.S. about Obama was a BIG LIE. His father (Barack Obama, Sr.) was paid off with a scholarship to complete his Harvard PhD. In exchange for positing the Big Lie that he was the little boy’s father, when in reality, it was his grandfather’s best friend who Obama hinted in his biography as “Frank” – Frank Marshall Davis (see picture below), a notorious Communist agent with a 16-page FBI file and whose complex newspaper propaganda network almost turned Hawaii into a Communist State in the 1950s! For further reading/listening see filmmaker Joel Gilbert’s revelatory, award-winning video, Dreams from My Real Father.

Long story short, Obama was a Deep State, Illuminous, Manchurian Candidate who came from two generations of Communist-CIA operatives (on both sides of his family!) who virtually from his birth was weaponized and psychologically conditioned to become POTUS in the future… not by legitimate election, but by stealing the vote from a lobotomized, fluoride-brain poisoned populace who was more concerned with their cell phone connections, sports, entertainment and what Oprah was talking about than about the U.S.A. being stolen and transformed before their eyes into the U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America). QAnon blogger Craig of JustInformed Talk summarized Obama’s 8-year war on America the best—“Obama weaponized propaganda against America.”

Exhibit B: Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865): Without getting too deep into the unremarkable background and early legal career of this country bumpkin lawyer from the backwoods of Kentucky who at the time of his nomination (he did not ask for), or the Republican convention (he did not even attend), was living in blissful solitude at the capital of Springfield, Illinois. This is complete Disinformation. Understand this – Lincoln’s biography was a nothing and a nobody who was like Obama, chosen by nefarious, evil, Deep State Illuminous forces as a nation-destroying, Socialist, Anti-Christian Manchurian Candidate to become the 16th POTUS on an obvious rigged and fraudulent election of 1860. Lincoln attained this office not because of his political genius or statesmanship as we have be repeatedly lied about for these 160 years, but Lincoln was picked and the road paved for him to be the instrument of vengeance to start a Civil War, to destroy America, to split the country into two existential warring factions (ostensibly for the Rothschilds/New World Order to divvy up and make U.S. part of the One-World Government) – An existential Divide-and-Conquer strategy, that has kept U.S. together on the tyrannous road to Socialism for over 160 Years.

Historian Art Thompson cited the fake history/biography of Lincoln We the People have been forced-fed for 160 years—

We’re going to talk about the nomination and presidential election of 1860. Now we’re told that a backwoods, rail-splitting country lawyer was nominated by the Republican Party without his campaigning for it, or appearing at the nominating convention – that’s schoolboy history. Any politician knows that a powerful organization has to be behind anyone running for president. He either organizes it, or rides the crest of a wave created by an organized movement. Now one clue to Lincoln’s support comes from the writings of the secret society of Rosicrucians.” ~ Art Thompson, To the Victor Goes the Myths & Monuments

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ALERT! When Art Thompson writes about the front where virtually all the battles of the Civil War were fought, it was on SOUTHERN soil. Thompson states, “When you look at where all battles were fought during the Civil War you will find they were all fought in the South except for Gettysburg.” Why? Thompson writes, “Many claim that Lincoln felt it was his sacred duty as president to preserve the Union at all costs, however Lincoln felt quite the opposite before he took office – in fact he said it was the right of any people to secede should they desire during his speech on the Mexican War in January of 1848.” These geopolitics of Lincoln goes deep down the Deep State rabbit hole exposing their intrinsic DUALISM = DUPLICITY or the Illuminous Law of Opposites, or playing both sides of an argument, funding both sides of a war. Why? So, in their evil minds, they will come out on top of the War… they will come out on top of History and control of the W-O-R-L-D! This in a nutshell is the Machiavellian objectives of the Illuminous New World Order. Lincoln’s entire political life is case study of Cognitive Dissonance writ large!

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 29) – Lincoln: Making War Inevitable


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. After the inauguration the actions of Lincoln made absolutely no sense unless war was what he wanted. We go into this time period in detail in my book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments, but a short list of what Lincoln did is in order. Now keep in mind the South had never threatened to invade the North at the beginning of the War. Only once did the Confederacy invade the North and that was into Gettysburg. This is why many Southerners still refer to the War as The War of Northern Aggression. When you look at where all battles were fought during the Civil War, you will find they were all fought in the South except for Gettysburg. Many claim that Lincoln felt it was his sacred duty as president to preserve the Union at all costs, however Lincoln felt quite the opposite before he took office – in fact he said it was the right of any people to secede should they desire during his speech on the Mexican War in January of 1848. And in that speech, he said this of any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government.”

1776-2020 – Did you know that the Declaration of Independence has a “Secession Clause” enacted by Thomas Jefferson and the constitutional Framers to guard against future judicial, legislative and presidential tyrants like Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Bush-41 & 43, Clinton, Obama? – Protection against Master-Slave dialectical tyrannies like Hegelianism, Communism, Liberal Fascism, Socialism Slavery, the Deep State, Shadow Government, Gestapo Globalism  which is the Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Network & New World Order?

“Now don’t get us wrong we’re not quoting this to give support to secession, only to establish Lincoln’s hypocrisy as another example in the same year Lincoln wrote to his protégé Herndon—

“Kings have always been involving… their people in Wars… This, our (Constitutional) convention understood to be the most oppressive of all kingly oppressions and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us.”
~ Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President

“Yet Lincoln did just that. It was wrong to secede, but equally wrong to start a war. Every action taken by Lincoln ensured that a war would commence in-spite of the large-scale attempts to prevent it. There’s a great deal we have in my book to substantiate this, but here are a few major items performed by Lincoln that were unconstitutional, provocative, and could have been better if peace was the desire. For instance, on April 13th, 1861, Lincoln declared the seceding States was a condition of rebellion and called for 75,000 troops to deal with them. Now only Congress can do this. Keep in mind the seceding states were declared in rebellion not as seceding States – This becomes very important in a future segment. On April 15th he called for Congress to return to session but not until well into July – months later. Now this is not the action of a president concerned about an emergency – Congress should have met immediately.”

“April 19th, he declared a naval blockade of the South including states that had not seceded illegally under international law. The imposition of the blockade over North Carolina which had not yet seceded ensured that the state would secede in face of the illegal imposition of the blockade. It enraged the people of that state and reacted them into support for seceding. The blockade extended to neutral ports senses such as Matamoros, Mexico, Nassau, and the Bahamas – way beyond the legal jurisdiction of the United States. Another very important thing the blockade did was to prevent immigration into the South since ships coming to the United States could not get past the blockade. Ships loaded with immigrants landed in the North where the male immigrants were attempted to be recruited into the Northern army at the docks of the Northern ports. The North had a large advantage in the number of populations and they did not want to allow the South to gain population by immigration.”

“April 21, he instructed the United States Navy to buy five warships, an appropriations act that needed congressional approval. On April 27th, he suspended habeas corpus and arrested people without warrant. This was a huge problem and very widespread against free speech publishing etc. besides those who were advocates for the South. On May 3rd, he called up thousands of more troops for a three-year hitch – another act that could only be authorized by Congress. He ordered the Treasury Department to pay two million dollars – a huge amount at the time and the purchase
– billions today – to a New York company to outfit the army, which was another appropriations act that could only be authorized by Congress. On September 11th, he ordered the arrest of Maryland legislators held incognito and under the guard of Turners militia (who could not speak English), thereby ensuring no communication with outsiders. This was done to prevent the secession of Maryland.”

“Kentucky did not want to become involved on either side they called a convention of the border states in May. Lincoln promised not to interfere in the border states and to honor their neutrality, but the violation of that promise by the occupation of sections of these states with federal troops including Kentucky caused Kentucky to secede. And the suspension of the use of the mail and newspaper publishing in certain quarters in large areas of the north of Democrat newspapers – 200 in New York alone. This was done because most of these papers oppose going to war and were in opposition to the actions of Lincoln that were moving the country toward conflict. It was a violation of the Constitution since there was not even a declaration of war by Congress.”

America was founded in 1776 by Secession from the British Empire of King George III

“By the time Congress did meet, the war had begun the situation was up in the air and the president handed the Congress of fiat accompli. Was secession legal? Well keep in mind that the thirteen original colonies seceded from the British Empire – this is how our country began by Secession and declaring their independence. The reaction on the part of King George was war; it was the same response by Lincoln. Now don’t get us wrong, secession was the wrong thing to do, but there was more blood on Lincoln’s hand in this regard than anyone in the South. The right thing to have done was to remain in the Union and the Congress where the Southern states had great sway in the Congress. In fact, the case can be made that they had enough votes to stop any bellicose action by the federal government. By pulling out, it left it in the hands of the Radical Republicans that wanted war.”

“We have already delineated the reasons for the war – Lincoln is portrayed as a savior an Emancipator of the slaves, but when you stack up all the evidence left out of the standard history books, Lincoln never once did anything to try and avert war, such as meeting with the Southern delegation trying to meet with Lincoln to avert war – He just refused to meet with them. My book goes into a great amount of detail to show that he performed acts that made war certain. He was not a Christian and was very much involved in Spiritualism and Rosicrucianism. It’s all in our book. I believe by the end of the War, Lincoln was sorry for many things he had done, but by that time it was too late, and it cost him his life. Next week the Civil War”.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 30) – The Civil War: Radicals of the North


“Welcome back to another segment of Myths vs. Facts. We’ll take some of the events up about the Civil War itself. Again, we will not be looking at the entire war but just a few aspects of it that led to the changes in our society and government which was the war’s purpose to begin with. We will concentrate on the Northern part because the North won and thus had a profound effect on the future of the United States. The South was guilty of having members of the Conspiracy promoting war, but their influence became negligible once the War was over with a few exceptions. The future of the country would be decided in the North.”

Slimy Socialist Secretary Stanton Slithers into the Lincoln Administration

“Let us use this week to demonstrate how much influence the Conspiracy had on the War Department. A hierarchy of the War Department was controlled by the Secretary of War, Andrew Stanton, a mean and vile man. A few years before the War, Stanton was the lead attorney in a major patent violation case. The man who was suing called in Lincoln to work as part of the legal team and Stanton refused to allow him on the team of attorneys and was very insulting to Lincoln – no one seems to know why. Stanton was on the state’s Rights cabinet of President Buchanan as Attorney General and is another example of a Northerner who had no problem supporting Secession until it occurred and then became a Radical Republican Unionist and was able to get Lincoln’s appointment as Secretary of War.”

“Stanton was a very disturbed man. As a young man Stanton fell in love with the daughter of the owner of the boarding house where he lived. After Stanton left early for work one day, the girl came down with and died suddenly of cholera and they buried her immediately as was the custom at the time to stop the spread of cholera. When Stanton got home, he could not believe she was dead and dug her up to make sure. Years later his own daughter died and after a year he dug her up and placed her in his living room in a metal coffin. Subsequently, his wife died, and he laid her out in the living room as well – dressing and undressing her in wedding gown for some time. He would lay her sleeping gown and cap on the bed by his side every night. After weeks, his friends convinced him to finally bury the two together. Incidentally, Stanton’s brother was insane and had committed suicide by cutting his own throat. All in all, a very strange background to Stanton and his family.”

“Again, Stanton hated Lincoln, and this extended back some years at a personal level to such an extent that it makes one wonder what forces were used on Lincoln to appoint Stanton as Secretary of War? The open disrespect for Lincoln and the assaults directed at Lincoln by Stanton is well documented in our book. Considering that Stanton hated Lincoln and disrespected him in public, it is very strange that Lincoln appointed him as Secretary of War. One has to wonder what power puts Stanton in place?”

You make it sound like I had a choice – Ominous last words from a corrupt, duplicitous detective enslaved by an Illuminous operative (‘The Zec’) from the movie Jack Reacher (Part 1). Did Lincoln or higher, malevolent powers like the Illuminous cabals who put Lincoln as POTUS force his “Team (Cabinet) of Rivals” upon him?—(pictured left to right) Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War (seated); Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury (standing); Lincoln; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy (seated); Caleb Blood Smith, Secretary of the Interior(standing); William H. Seward, Secretary of State (seated); Montgomery Blair, United States Postmaster General (standing); and Edward Bates, United States Attorney General (seated).

*N.B.: Fake Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, despite receiving dozens of coveted accolades for her Leftist revisionist propaganda on American history, literally got her start on her back – trading sexual favors in the bedrooms of powerful men who could push her literary career. According to writer Roger Stone’s book The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ (2013). Notes about Doris Kearns Goodwin’s years-long affair with LBJ @ (Stone, 31).

Introducing Proto-Bolshevik Under Secretary Charles Dana and the Socialist Infiltration of Lincoln’s War Department

“Perhaps a major clue is when Stanton was confirmed before the Senate the Communist Senator Charles Sumner referred to Stanton as one of us one of Stanton’s Under Secretaries of War appointed by Lincoln was Charles Dana, a well-known Communist leader. Dana was a co-founder of the American Union of Associations which has established nearly 50 Communist communes across America. He worked on the editorial staff with Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune and was sent by Greeley to Europe to pay in gold the Communist writers they employed such as Karl Marx and Heinrich Bernstein. Marx wrote approximately 500 articles for the Tribune. While in Europe Dana participated in the Communist Revolution in Germany in 1848. I don’t think we need to lay out any more about Dana you get the general idea.”

As a result of Stanton, Lincoln, Dana and others in the War Department over 118 foreign-born generals were brothered into the Union Army – most of them radical Socialists at best. Let us give you a few examples, there was Gustave Paul Cluseret, who became the friend of Karl Marx and later referred to the red general during the Paris Commune of 1871, a vicious Communist affair where they were even killing priests simply because they were clergy. There was Frederick Annika, a close associate of Marx and Engels, a well-known Communist revolutionary in Germany and Joseph Weydemeyer, a founder of the First Internationale. It was in his home Karl Marx stayed while fleeing out of Germany. When Weydemeyer first came to the United States he started a German language newspaper called Die Revolution in 1852. The name of which he soon changed to Reform. He started the American Workers League, which had a secret military arm, before the Civil War. Another was Carl Schurz a young Communist revolutionary who ended up under the direct command of the Carbonari leader Mazzini. He was sent to America by Mazzini where he was propelled into prominence in Wisconsin and the Republican Party – first serving under Lincoln as our Ambassador to Spain, before becoming a Major General in the Union Army. These are just a few of the Union generals of the type which never occurred within the Confederate Army. Believe me these are only a handful of many we document in our book.”

Lincoln Almost appointed Socialist General Garibaldi as General of the Union Army

“Perhaps the worst American-born general who was openly involved in Communist activity was William Birney who had participated in the Communist Paris uprising in 1848. After the war, he became an attorney for the District of Columbia. One of the most bizarre incidences of the thinking of Lincoln and the War Department was the attempt by Lincoln to recruit Giuseppe Garibaldi as the leader of the Union Army or at least the head of a Corps. There is some historical confusion about what exactly was offered. Garibaldi was the military leader of the Carbonari in Europe he was decidedly an International Socialist. His ego was huge, and he apparently got away with killing his wife. He hated Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church to a level that made those close to him very uncomfortable. Garibaldi lived in America for a time before his rise to huge international fame. There is some evidence he actually became an American citizen. Late in life he was made the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, the Illuminated Masonic Order.”

“There is much, much more of this man’s life that fits into the Conspiracy. What we marvel at is the idea that Lincoln entertained appointing this man if not to the head of the Union Army, into a very important position. From what we can determine Garibaldi’s ego got in the way and they could not come to terms. The infusion of radicals into the officer corps of the Federal Army was a stain on the honor of the Corps and remained a problem for many years after the War such was the condition of the War Department in the North – things I’m sure you’ve never heard of before and there is much more in the book along the same lines. Next week we will discuss what came out of the Civil War.”

Epilogue—Communists Who Influenced American Politics (Part 1) (Thompson, 234)

In an earlier lecture review I quoted the Pushkin of our time, Alexander Solzhenitsyn – “We have put too much faith in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual Life.” Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, I thought I would over the next few iterations of Art Thompson’s work use this Epilogue section to put a traitor’s face and brief bio of infamy for the readership. Why? To show you that these men (and women) were regular people living their lives just like you or I, but instead of putting their faith in God to overcome the crucible of Tyranny that they lived in the years leading up the Civil War and its aftermath the Reconstruction Era (1865-77), We the People in 2020 should not bow to the duplicitous Dualism of the Illuminous – “Heads I win-Tails you lose” or deconstruct our great Nations with a Hobson’s choice between two egregious choices. Following God’s anointed leader, Donald J. Trump, We the People at the dawn of 2020 have charted a new path, a new choice… God and Natural Law, Natural Rights and VERITAS!

Karl Marx (1818-83). Become the front man for International Communism and Socialism. Moved the International Workingmen’s Association (First International) to New in 1872. Paid in gold by Charles Dana to write over 500 articles for American Communist Horace Greeley’s propaganda rag, The New York Tribune and in many of Greeley’s 10 journals (Thompson, 234)

  • Senator Charles Sumner (1811-71). Republican. Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1861-71. Member of the Communist International.
  • Horace Greeley (1811-71). Publisher of The New York Tribune. Member of the Communist International. Employer of Karl Marx. Posted bail for Jefferson Davis along with Cornelius Vanderbilt and Gerrit Smith. With Alvan Bovey provided the impetus for the formation of the modern Republican Party. Paid Marx in gold to write over 500 articles extolling Communism for his newspaper, journals.
  • Robert Dale Owen (1801-77). Son of Robert Owen. American Communist and Spiritualist leader. As a U.S. Representative from Indiana he sponsored the bill establishing the Smithsonian Institute – America’s infamous disinformation institute that foments a hardline Darwinian Evolution and Racialist Eugenics worldview and has been rumored to hide and/or destroy archaeological evidences that disproves Darwin’s Evolution and Racialist Eugenics hypothesis. See Prof. S. A. Jordan & explorer G.E. Kincaid 1909 mummies discovery in the Grand Canyon that was immediately confiscated by the Smithsonian – both men’s names erased from the Smithsonian archives never to be heard from again.
  • Victoria Woodhull (1832-1927). Leader of Section 12 of the Communist International. New York City, 1872.
  • Friedrich Sorge (1828-1906). Leader under Marx of the Communist International world headquarters in New York City, 1872.

By posting this representative (but woefully incomplete) list of people that helped bring Communism to America during the Civil War Era (1850-1865), Art Thompson has put a face with a synopsis of this Rogues Gallery of Infamy. I wanted to once again draw historical parallels with how similar the politics of 1860 vs. 2020 as we head to what will undoubtedly be the most hateful and contentions presidential election in American History. Why will the Election of 2020 Election be worse than the Election of 1860? Because based on how we allowed the Election of 2016 to be in a de facto sense stolen from our Nationalist champion, President Donald J. Trump, We the People have not learned the lessons of History, therefore, we must repeat those critically important lessons. May God forbid.

Suggested Readings:

  1. G. Ward Hubbs, Search for Freedom After the Civil War: Klansman, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, and Freedman (2015), xi-xii.
  2. Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies  (Citadel Press: 1961, 1989), 109-110 (Totenbund – the Death League).
  3. Robert Denney, The Civil War Years (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., NY, 1992).
  4. Marx and Engels, The Civil War in the United States (International Publishers, New World Paperback Ed., 1937).
  5. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Bickley, George, 281, 463; Brown, John, 274-77; 290-302; Darwin, Charles, 291, 409, 467; Darwinism, 225, 341, 408, 419; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 47-52; Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, xxxiv, xxxix, 187, 188, 191, 197, 209, 262, 268, 269, 272; Greeley, Horace, xxix, xxxi, 36, 48, 76, 102, 121; Lincoln, Abraham, xiv, 16, 102, 140, 222, 246, 261, 262, 285, 296, 319; Hinton, Richard J., 293, 297, 307; Hoar, Ebenezer, 287, 395, 410; Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 26, 48, 192, 193, 269, 304; Kagi, John H., 297; Pinkerton, Alan, 287, 300, 352, 422; Russell, Wm., 26, 198, 287, 288, 291, 424; Thoreau, Henry David, 38, 218; Turners, 27, 170, 245, 340-45; Sumner, Charles (Senator), 28, 47, 49, 192, 238, 244; White, Andrew Dickenson, 26, 50, 51, 258; Wolf’s Head, 28, 171; Interesting Rosicrucian flowcharts/Conspirators – Council of Three – including Abraham Lincoln, 14-16; American Intellectual Conspirators, 52; Illuminati hierarchy flowcharts, 47-48, 221 (many names).
  6. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  7. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  8. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  9. Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. II: 2009 Writings—[History of] Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013), p. 28 on the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia 1832) Supreme Court cases.
  10. _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
  11. _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
  12. ______________, Why Does the Left So Hate America?, (2015).
  13. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
  14. Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).
  15. Thanks to Peniel Ngonde whose Christian videos on Civil War General and 33rd Degree Freemason icon, Albert Pike is very important to exposing this lost, perverted Civil War history that so affects U.S. today.
  16. Joseph Holt, Report of the Judge Advocate General on “The Order of American Knights,” alias “The Sons of Liberty.” A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: Union Congressional Committee, 1864).

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  1. Curmudgeon says:

    Interesting. However it should be noted that Marx stole most of French socialist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s ideas, and twisted them. Proudhon saw cooperatives – the workers owning the means of production – as the rightful successors to finance capitalism. In many ways, it was a a return to the days of the craft guilds in Europe. Marx saw cooperatives as the stepping stone to the state being the rightful successor to finance capitalism. Proudhon saw capitalism as the strong oppressing the weak, and communism as the weak oppressing the strong. He, and a number of his contemporaries, referred to Marx as “the tapeworm in socialism”. It was Marx, not Proudhon who was promoted, by the usual suspects.
    Unfortunately, most people are ignorant of the fact there is a marked difference between real socialism and Marxism/communism. I can attest to that. I am a Canadian, and live in a city that had city councilors, in the 1960s, who ran as communists and socialists. The communists was a lawyer and the socialist, with whom I was acquainted, owned an insurance agency. They detested each other, not just politically, but personally. The socialist was very much a nationalist and the communist a globalist.


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