Myths vs. Facts (Part 20) – Radical Changes in America & Final Closing Thoughts

| November 10, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“New ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses. We are on the frontier of massive change. Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons.”

Kanye West, Speaking about the Apotheosis of President Trump (23 April 2018)

“Robert Welch said it best when he stated, ‘Education is our total strategy and Truth our only weapon’.”

~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts, Episode 40 (quoting JBS Founder Robert Welch)

Prologue—1850s Illuminous Conspiracy for the New World Order, Socialism Slavery and  Globalist Democide

Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – 1776-2020 – How did America (and the Western World) move from a Judeo-Christian worldview based on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (circa AD 28) to Hegelian and Marxian Dialectics, Darwin’s Evolution Atheism, Racialist Eugenics and Satanic Child Sacrifice Pedophile Globalist networks based on the Illuminati Conspiracy of the One-World Government or the New World Order – in just under 250 years?

Adam Weishaupt (1748 -1830), a Jesuit-trained agent provocateur, Revolutionary, Satanist, Lawyer and founder of the Illuminati on 1 May 1776 (2 months before the American Revolution [4 July 1776]), had 7 basic principles for World deconstruction, domination, destruction, e.g., New World Order =

  • Abolition of all ordered government (e.g., Anarchy, Democracy, Nihilism, Hegelian “Master-Slave” Dialectic, Globalism, Illuminati, Agenda 2030, Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifice-Abuse, etc.)
  • Abolition of private property (e.g., Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Agenda 2020)
  • Abolition of Inheritance (e.g., Rothschilds, Central Banking, Federal Reserve, 16th Amendment)
  • Abolition of Patriotism (e.g., Loyalists, Democrat Party, Liberal Fascism, Globalism, 17th Amendment)
  • Abolition of the Family (e.g., Pornography, Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Democrat Party, Feminism, Child Sex Trafficking, Same-sex marriage, Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifice, Transgender Agenda, LGBT-QP Agenda. *N.B.: P = Pedophilia, next sexual psychopathy forced on society will probably be “B” for “Bestiality”)
  • Abolition of Religion (e.g., Evolution, Atheism, Progressivism, Globalism)
  • Creation of a One-World Government (e.g., New World Order, Globalism)

*N.B.: These so-called 6 Abolitions or ‘Deconstructions’ (= 666) will purposely turn the world into a hellish Dystopia, and from the ashes will arise the Antichrist (666) to create Satan’s New World Order on earth. For example, these are the 4 Strategies the llluminous forces used to agitate the America Civil War (1861-65) – 1. Divide-and-conquer America from without and integrate it into the New World Order of the 1850s. GIANT STATUE OF MOLECH HAS BEEN PUT UP RIGHT AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE COLOSSEUM IN ROME – Without a doubt, it truly is an abomination that a gigantic statue of Molech is now standing right at the entrance of the Colosseum where so many Christians were brutally slaughtered by the Romans. Nov. 8, 2019 story by Michael Snyder

Having failed at Strategy #1, Strategy #2 is to continue to weaken America from within using the 4 Socialist Strategies below according to Historian and John Birch Society CEO Art Thompson’s book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016) —

  1. Flood the country with immigrants who had little or no concept of Americanism. Promote their political leaders who were radical Socialists and Communists and get them voting as soon as possible
  2. Infiltrate American education to start the process of dumbing down American students away from the knowledge of their heritage

3. They formed organizations designed to lower the basic morality and religious basis of the American people – the bedrock of Americanism. Included in this effort was to lower the responsibility level of the people as well (e.g., Spiritualism movement did great harm to national morality by mixing Christianity with witchcraft, illicit drug use, and the Occult.

4. Start a war on American soil to serve as a catalyst to alter American society and government. (e.g., The tactic of the Conspiracy to change society and government by the use of War succeeded beyond what most Americans realize today. ~Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts (Episode 34

*N.B.: A similar meme above had the additional caption – “All Wars are Banking Wars. Everything you know is a L-I-E. American Civil War Truth you won’t learn in History Class.” Why? Because since the 1850s – for 170 years Illuminous New World Order Fascists have perverted History and Society (including the language and hand symbolism). For example, calling History “Social Studies” = Socialism Slavery = Communist Concentration Camp Propaganda for whom Lenin called the victims of… “Useful Idiots”.

Charles Baudelaire was wrong… Here’s my take on Baudelaire’s popular aphorism—
   The greatest trick of the Devil (and their legions of Illuminati agents) was not to make you believe he didn’t exist, but that his power was greater than God or Jesus Christ. 
Paradise Lost by John Milton (1667) – “Michael casts out all of the fallen Angels” (iconic illustrations by Gustave Doré (1866)

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 39) – Insiders’ Agenda | Create Radical Change


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. This week we promise to talk about the build-up for radical changes. This entire exercise in breaking down the conspiracy’s agenda and implementation of that agenda has been to demonstrate that a force has been at work toward making radical changes in our society and government. What do we mean by radical changes? We mean the changes made in our Constitution and our form of government to the 1912 and 1914 Elections – the most dramatic changes in our history. For over 100 years the Illuminati forces of the Jacobins and then the Carbonari worked in both Europe and the United States. They were led by members of the Illuminati. In America, the Jacobins formed the Democrat Party, the Carbonari formed Young America. In both instances their main goal – outside of the regular Illuminati agenda – was to use the United States as part of the New World Order – first as part of France, but failing that, they plan to capture the government of the United States and use it to conquer the world in the name of “Manifest Destiny.”

Illuminous Infiltration of America through Immigration, Education, Religious Cults and W-A-R

“These plans failed – the first one nearly completely, the second goal needed a social upheaval in the American people, a radical change, something that would take time to accomplish. Thus, their agenda was implemented by four separate movements but with interlocking leadership. These tactics were

“Number one never ceased in its application. The actual figures of immigration in those days probably were well over the official figures just as it is today. These immigrants by and large provided votes for the more radical agenda just as the bulk of immigrants do too today. With number two the education system in metropolitan areas started to subtly change their curriculum relative to civics and American government classes by not teaching certain aspects of American government rather than a head-on attack against the American system – dumbing down by omission rather than commission. As to number three, the Spiritualists and their allies produced a huge following that started to reject God, and in the process, reject the spiritual basis of our country, which, as stated in the Declaration of Independence – that our rights come from God not a king or any government. Once a sizeable number of people, coupled with the immigrants who never understood this, the stage was set for government to assume more powers since too many people believed it was the government’s right to do so.”

Trinity in Sublime Simplicity President George Washington’s Farewell Address (19 September 1796) consisted of three simple issues outlined in the meme above which governments in Modern Times have forsaken for the Faustian Demonic Deal with the Democrat Party offering of Federal Reserve Perpetual Debt, Socialism Slavery, and Democidal Globalism.

Number four was accomplished by starting the Civil War from which we have never recovered. It produced regulatory agencies over our agriculture and mining it started the process of building a so-called Deep State in government and continued American interference in other countries where we had no business interfering. All of this came together into a perfect storm at the ballot box by 1912 and then 1914. The real tragedy of the Election of 1912 was that no matter who you voted for president you were going to have some degree of Socialism due to the candidates. It also so also set the stage for two government-altering constitutional amendments – the 16th and the 17th, plus the Federal Reserve.”

The 3-Headed Cerberus of the Wilson Administration—16th, 17th Amendments & the Federal Reserve

“The 16th Amendment made it legal to tax the ordinary citizen and business directly by the federal government. The federal government had established the first income tax under Lincoln in the name of the War but was stopped after the War. It was attempted again a few years later after the War but was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Our country’s Founders realized that to give the power to the federal government to directly tax the individual and business would give inordinate power to the government – not only to tax, but with which to control. The Constitution was written to prevent this; thus an Amendment was needed to lift this barrier. The people had been prepared to accept this huge step in the power of the federal government. They could not extend the lines and realize what such a move would mean. Subsequently, we’ve seen the power to tax and control, grow.”

Greek legend says the Cerberus, a giant 3-headed dog, guarded the gates of Hades in order to keep the damned Souls from leaving. In Modern Times We the People are battling a Cerberus 2020 called the Federal Reserve, the Deep State, Shadow Government, Globalist Gestapo to enslave U.S. inside the Concentration Camp of the Illuminous New World Order. This same demon (and many, many others) are continually perverting, deconstructing and destroying America (and the World) … to this Day! The Solution? = For U.S. to return to Natural Law, Natural Rights and to get out of the Federal Reserve and the United Nations immediately.

“The 17th Amendment altered our form of government from a divided Congress with two chambers – one representing the people, and the other representing the state governments. Thus, the Congress was altered into representing the people only and directly. The Senate represented the state governments and were elected by the state governments. Once the 17th Amendment was ratified the Senate no longer represented the states, since they were now elected by the people/ It made a huge difference in our Republican form of government. The Senate no longer represented the state governments. They were also financial considerations which changed from the state’s making up the shortfall in the federal government to where the federal government started to finance the states. This financing came with little or no resistance from the state legislatures against federal interference and regulation within the states unauthorized by the Constitution – they’d been bought off. It turned state sovereignty on its head.”

“Then of course came the federal reserve with its control over American money and finance. What was worth $1 in purchase power in 1914 became worth only two cents today in purchasing power. The people were told that their money was backed by gold, but in 1933 until 1974 no citizen could even own gold – only paper. Through the losing value of the spending power of the paper dollar, the American people were robbed. The process was so subtle that no one really noticed much until it was too late. If it’d been done in over a year, we would have had another revolution, but it was done gradually over a hundred years. Our monetary system is owned and controlled by a few unknown men who can make or break candidates in the federal government (which is supposed to oversee their activities), this constitutes another wing of the Deep State.”

If We the People had listened to the above Classical quotes by – Chief Justice John Marshall (“The power to tax involves the power to destroy”) and President George Washington ([meaning] avoid entangling, long-term alliances with other nations), all of our economic and political catastrophes would have been avoided down through the Ages . . . or at least greatly minimized.

“We know that our federal government began to build the deep state from the members of the Carbonari, Young America and Communists in our Foreign Service beginning with President Pierce. Likewise, the same was done to our War Department under Lincoln. As a result, the process was started that led the state militias to become the National Guard paid for by the federal government – Who pays the piper calls the tune as they say. This diminished the power of the States due to the federal government control over what used to be the militia. Slowly but surely the power of the federal government was accumulating and becoming more radical due to the four elements we outline. And it was all done from the onset by Illuminous forces.”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 40) – Final Closing Thoughts


“So, we come to the conclusion of our series on Myths vs. Facts. If you haven’t had a chance to watch the entire series, I encourage you to do so. You see the intent of this series is basically twofold—

“In Abbé Augustin Barruel’s book, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, printed in 1797, he points out that the conspirators were successful in France because the authorities never figured out that they were dealing with a Conspiracy. The founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch, understood this very thing. He understood the importance of informing the people that we are dealing with a Conspiracy. Robert Welch saw what many could not; he knew that the insiders were organized and that we as Americans would have to understand their agenda and how they implement it. He exposed this very plan at the founding meeting of the Society in 1958. In our archives we have Mr. Welch speaking to members at a 1974 council meeting exposing this very thing.”

“So, just like our founder, I hope this series has demonstrated that in all of what we deal with organization is important – paramount in fact. Evil men have been organized over the years, good men have not. As a result, evil triumphed too often, too many times when they could have been stopped relatively easy if good people had simply organized and worked together with a plan under common leadership. But, it is amazing how people will use any excuse not to get involved. The time to get involved is now, before it’s too late. Being the best-informed person in a concentration camp is not a very good comforting position to be in anyway. Organization is not sitting in front of your computer in your pajamas, nor is it being tied your latest piece of technology. True organization demands outreach and personal contact.”

“The Conspiracy is concerned about what you know about them because it can be the first step towards opposing them and that is why they spend so much energy attacking the Conspiracy Theorists. But just to let you in on a little secret – they don’t care as much about what you know about them as much as they care about what you’re going to do about it. Not until the John Birch Society was formed in December of 1958 did the Conspiracy come up against superior opposition – Never, Ever! They began to notice that they were running into concerted action against them almost immediately and looked around to see from whence it came. Once they realized that John Birch Society was giving concerted, coordinated action against them, they opened up their attack with some of it within Conservative circles they controlled.”

“Long story short, the John Birch Society has survived due to our organization and our outreach. It’s because of reaching new people, educating them, and getting them involved. You cannot rely on others to solve the problems we face. There are some good signs that people are waking up, but they’re getting involved or are they relying on others to solve our problems? Quite honestly this battle could have been won tomorrow if there was sufficient size of understanding and influence, but many don’t see is that We the People as an informed electorate are really the insiders’ greatest threat. They are relying on you not to get involved or get steered into ineffective traps that lead nowhere. There are many false solutions to our problems that literally millions are convinced will solve our problems. The problem with these solutions is that they do not take into account two factors”—

How Conservatives Can Organize for Direct Action to Save our Republic?

Robert Walsh said it best when he stated, Education is our total strategy and truth our only weapon. One of the things that you can do that is so important is Constitution – the fundamentals of Americanism – in doing so you will learn things that you were probably never taught in school. A great place to start is with our Constitution series. As you become educated, the next thing is to get your family and friends to do the same. As you grow your circle of people doing this then contact us to start the process of building a chapter of the John Birch Society in your immediate area. Education without action leads to frustration. Besides people want to know what you’re going to do about it. All talk and no action is not really a solution, it’s a cop-out. Being the best-informed person while the world is crumbling about you doesn’t make sense. Our entire strategy is based on education and building understanding not only of the problems but their solutions. With the knowledge and what is wrong and what should be right, action is the next course, but it will always include education yours and those with whom you’ll come into contact.”

Watching this series has been a large step in understanding the problem. As I’ve stated before this series is a shortened version of what is fully explained in the book To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). You can get your copy at If you don’t already have one we will also be offering this series as a four-disc set by this summer and if you enjoyed this series you should enjoy the next one coming up this fall that is based off this book, In the Shadows of the Deep State (it is a little more current).”

“So after all that you have learned don’t become simply an informed information junky, but apply your knowledge toward solutions the best place to do that is within the John Birch Society agenda working with others locally in a nationally concerted action program if you are not a member and you were just sitting on the fence I would encourage you to take that leap and join now it will take people like you to turn the tide and make our mission a reality of less government more responsibility and with God’s help – a better world. So, thank you for watching, now please do something about what you’ve learned.”

Epilogue—For over 240 years the Illuminati always infiltrates all sides of a Conspiracy to ensure Victory!

In an earlier Essay Lecture Review, I wrote the following about how the Illuminati has not only perfected being invisible, but mastered the Art of playing both sides of a Conspiracy against the middle – “Now where is this axiomatic about the Illuminati playing all sides of any given Conspiracy to insure victory for the establishment their anti-God, anti-U.S. New World Order oligarchy? Art Thompson writes:

“The Knights of the Golden Circle which operated after the Civil War began. But prior to the Civil War the history of the Knights is lacking – very hard to come by. It is very interesting that the man who started the Knights of the Golden Circle, George Bickley, as well as William Lloyd Garrison, the abolitionist leader, belonged to the secret Brotherhood of the Union led by George Lippard – one of the top three leaders of the Rosicrucians.”

I continued, “Here you have the Southern secret society – Knights of the Golden Circle (who was pushing for Southern secession from the North ) vs. the Northern secret society – Brotherhood of the Union (who was concurrently pushing for Northern secession from the South), that not only had opposing objectives, but it’s leadership (Bickley & Garrison) served in both organizations! How could this be? Look at the Illuminati Objective I cited in the bold subtitle above— Since 1 May 1776, for over 240 years the Illuminati always infiltrates all sides of a Conspiracy to ensure Victory! They did it with their first Revolution infiltration of 1776—the American Revolution (1775-83) where Founding Fathers and Continental allies like Washington, Franklin, Gen. Lafayette, Jefferson, Paine, Clymer were either Illuminati or whose actions bore the goals of the Illuminous.”

We the People have been fighting these Democrat Democidal Devils since YEAR ONE – 1776 – The American Revolution (4 July 1776) and the advent of the Illuminati (1 May 1776) – whose singular objective is the utter deconstruction society and the annihilation of virtually all humanity… But why? These billionaire Globalists who are the faces of the New World Order are virtually all Satanists and thus regularly meet to plan and plot to depopulate the World – To engage in the most vilest psychopathy including weaponizing world Governments though the CIA, FBI, Hollywood, Media, Courts, Medical, Legal, Economic, Business, National, Geopolitical and other government entities for over 100 years been demociding U.S. all – poisoning our air, water, food supply, soil, vaccines with cancer-causing agents.  Pedophilia, Child sex trafficking, Ritual Satanic Child Sacrifice including eating children and using their adrenal chrome to stave off death, to become “immortal”.
Biblical Utopia or Democidal Dystopia? – “The Good Club” Billionaire Globalists who “want to change the World.” Qui bono (to whose benefit)?

Art Thompson – “Those who mean to rule us do not only control the News and Media, they also control HISTORY

Fast forward from 1776 to the most pivotal Election Year of 2020 in less than 1 year. After Art Thompson’s magisterial survey of American History (1776-1876), we can see with prescient/prophetic wisdom and clarity that History not only Rhymes, but History always Repeats itself – down through the Ages under the Democidal invisible hand of the Illuminati, the Rothschilds who history has demonstrated are behind every War since the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1800). Yet, their Illuminous networks are so defuse, ubiquitous and invisible – including control of governments, politicians, judges, business, the Academy, Hollywood, law, economics, education, medicine, international organizations … EVERYTHING! that to name an Illuminati person, group, Illuminous organization or network in 2020 is very difficult to name. And even more difficult for the general public to accept without the fear of being gaslighted with the CIA-created Disinformation LIBEL – “Conspiracy Theory”.

Multi-billionaire Globalist, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, has through is Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation directly (or indirectly through tortious negligence) been responsible for the murder of hundreds of millions of people through his vaccines peddled all over the world, but especially in Third World countries causing dozens of maladies including – Cancer, SIDs, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Arthritis, Autism, Multiple birth defects, Sterility, Infertility, and many other diseases the Nazi Fake media continues to cover up to this Day!
For example, on 4 November 2019 earlier this week on my Facebook page I posted an article from titled –  Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, Lolita Express, the MIT Media Lab, and Bill and Melinda Gates: a trail of kickbacks, corruption, child trafficking, and vaccine fraud by Ethan Huff. This article is about how the former richest man in the world for decades – Microsoft founder Bill Gates – has used his influential Globalist Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations to perpetrate Democide upon hundreds of millions of people all over the world, but especially in Africa which denotes an invidious racism more hateful and pathological than even Hitler and the Nazis… Nevertheless, in the Age of Trump a new era of Liberty and Freedom, Veritas and Allegiance to Jesus Christ is dawning on Humanity as we approach the world’s most pivotal 2020 Elections.

In conclusion, as I wrote in an earlier essay lecture review I will cite here as a fitting end to my review of Art Thompson’s magisterial and revelatory opus – “A tragic footnote of history is America’s existential obsession on the Slavery Question during the Founding and the Civil War periods that mirrors today’s obsession with the “Rights Culture” in modern times. This societal obsession and lack of collective judgement brings to mind the prophetic words of the Russian literary genius, Alexander Solzhenitsyn – “We have put too much faith in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual Life.”

Suggested Readings:

  1. G. Ward Hubbs, Search for Freedom After the Civil War: Klansman, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, and Freedman (2015), xi-xii.
  2. Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies  (Citadel Press: 1961, 1989), 109-110 (Totenbund – the Death League).
  3. Robert Denney, The Civil War Years (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., NY, 1992).
  4. Marx and Engels, The Civil War in the United States (International Publishers, New World Paperback Ed., 1937).
  5. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Bickley, George, 281, 463; Brown, John, 274-77; 290-302; Darwin, Charles, 291, 409, 467; Darwinism, 225, 341, 408, 419; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 47-52; Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, xxxiv, xxxix, 187, 188, 191, 197, 209, 262, 268, 269, 272; Greeley, Horace, xxix, xxxi, 36, 48, 76, 102, 121; Lincoln, Abraham, xiv, 16, 102, 140, 222, 246, 261, 262, 285, 296, 319; Hinton, Richard J., 293, 297, 307; Hoar, Ebenezer, 287, 395, 410; Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 26, 48, 192, 193, 269, 304; Kagi, John H., 297; Pinkerton, Alan, 287, 300, 352, 422; Russell, Wm., 26, 198, 287, 288, 291, 424; Thoreau, Henry David, 38, 218; Turners, 27, 170, 245, 340-45; Sumner, Charles (Senator), 28, 47, 49, 192, 238, 244; White, Andrew Dickenson, 26, 50, 51, 258; Wolf’s Head, 28, 171; Interesting Rosicrucian flowcharts/Conspirators – Council of Three – including Abraham Lincoln, 14-16; American Intellectual Conspirators, 52; Illuminati hierarchy flowcharts, 47-48, 221 (many names).
  6. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  7. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  8. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  9. Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. II: 2009 Writings—[History of] Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013), p. 28 on the Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia 1832) Supreme Court cases.
  10. _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
  11. _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
  12. ______________, Why Does the Left So Hate America?, (2015).
  13. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
  14. Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).
  15. Thanks to Peniel Ngonde whose Christian videos on Civil War General and 33rd Degree Freemason icon, Albert Pike is very important to exposing this lost, perverted Civil War history that so affects U.S. today.
  16. Joseph Holt, Report of the Judge Advocate General on “The Order of American Knights,” alias “The Sons of Liberty.” A Western Conspiracy in aid of the Southern Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: Union Congressional Committee, 1864).

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