National Association for the Abortion of Colored People

| May 5, 2013
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washington-naacp-abortionLast Sunday in downtown Detroit, about 45 anti-abortion protesters lined up outside Cobo Hall, where U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was the keynote speaker at the Detroit NAACP’s 58th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner – over 10,000 attendees. The protesters carried signs with slogans such as “Abortion Hurts Women,” “De-Fund Planned Parenthood” and “NAACP Wake Up! Abortion is Black Genocide.”

My radio show co-host and intellectual godfather, Rev. Levon R. Yuille, is also the director of the National Pro-Life Congress and the leader of the protest. He called on the NAACP to stop supporting “black genocide.” Pastor Yuille said he has led similar protests for the last six years at each of the Detroit NAACP’s annual diners. Of his reception to his protests, he said, “This crowd is very indoctrinated that’s coming to this dinner, to be perfectly honest. But there are some breakthroughs every now and then.”

The screaming headlines on the DrudgeReport told the tragic tale: “FDA LOWERS AGE FOR BUYERS OF PLAN B PILL TO 15.” America, now a 15-year-old little girl can go to her local drugstore, and right next to the candy bars, bubble gum and Tic-Tacs she can freely purchase the morning-after pill called “Plan B One-Step” to cleans her womb of all unwanted baby materials from “partying” the night before. Statics are demonstrative: 40 years since Roe v. Wade (1973) about 17 million little black babies have been murdered out of 58-60 million babies aborted in America. The worldwide abortion estimate since Roe is a staggering 1.72-1.80 billion babies!

The legalization of this genocide pill will make future abortion estimates impossible.

When did this black genocide start in America? About 104 years ago, the great black intellectual and founding member of the NAACP, Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, was frustrated by Republican President Taft’s failure to address widespread lynching of blacks. Du Bois, who was Socialist Party member from 1910-12, therefore endorsed Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential race, in exchange for Wilson’s promise to support black causes. He was also secretly promised a job in the Wilson administration, which never materialized.

In a 1938 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, Margaret Sanger, the racist, eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood whose techniques and writings Hitler and the Nazis would later exploit to eradicate the Jews during World War II and the Holocaust, stated, “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Notice that Sanger said the ministers should be “hired.” There are many black ministers today who support abortion, and most of them still receive money from Planned Parenthood. These black false prophets have treacherously sold out tens of millions of little black babies for the Judas price of a traitor – “30 pieces of silver.”


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  1. Perfected democrat says:

    Remember too, that the blatantly racist film, Birth of a Nation, had its premier showing in the Wilson White House…

  2. Perfected democrat says:

    Remember too, that the blatantly racist film, Birth of a Nation, had its premier showing in the Wilson White House…


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