Obama’s GM = China Motors

| November 8, 2012
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washington121103Are you like me? Are you sick of President Obama at every campaign stop bragging about how he saved GM, how he singlehandedly saved the U.S. auto industry? “Bin Laden dead, GM alive.” This is typical Marxist disinformation on a grand scale, or as Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

After Rick Wagoner was forced out, on Sept. 1, 2010, Dan Akerson was appointed by President Obama as the CEO of GM. At a joint conference in China, which was videotaped but hid by the state-controlled media, Akerson outrageously bragged, “We have 11 joint ventures in China with SAIC and FAW.” What Akerson conveniently failed to tell the American public was that “SAIC is run by the Communist Party government of China, who owns or controls most manufacturing activity including the auto industry.” The video commentary continues, stating, “FAW is another Chinese-owned government manufacturer. What this means is that a corporation saved by the government of America’s democracy has 11 joint ventures with the autocratic, anti-democracy Communist China.”

Akerson further said, “We regard our 11 joint ventures as 11 keys to success, not just in China, but globally. Our commitment to working in China, with China, for China remains strong and focused on the future.”

In 2010, Obama bailed out General Motors with $50 billion in taxpayer funds; Chrysler got $30 billion. GM still owes the American taxpayer $42 billion! How does Obama Motors repay the lavish largess he unconstitutionally stole from the American taxpayers? By leaving the country, of course. GM is currently moving many of its U.S. operations and thousands of jobs to China, according to Glenn Beck Radio on The Blaze Television Network, WND and other major outlets. The world’s largest automobile proving ground in China was built by GM, which has already built and opened 15 plants there, many of which will be making parts for U.S. cars.

Here is how Obama’s socialist/fascist scam works:

  1. Deify yourself, with the help of the state-controlled media, to be some genius, transcendent, messianic figure who can push back the tides, stop global warming, end racism and solve all of America’s socio-economic problems, not by creating new policies and programs, but by repackaging the same old failed Marxist, welfare socialism we experienced 80 years ago under FDR and 50 years ago under LBJ.
  2. With the help of the state-controlled media, demonize all conservatives, Christians and Republicans who have contrary views about socialism as “heartless,” “selfish” and preferring “people to fend for themselves.”
  3. Like your socialist mentors before you – Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ and Carter – create grand utopian policies like TARP, “Cash for Clunkers” and the Chrysler/GM auto bailout, and, like Mussolini and Hitler did during World War II, with the stroke of a pen confiscate private companies and nationalize them.
  4. Next, defund GM’s stockholders and shareholders.
  5. Then replace GM’s CEO with one of your corrupt, crony hacks, and pass out stock in the “new” company like cheap candy – bribes and payoffs to all Obama’s union-thug buddies that helped him get elected in the first place.
  6. Finally, constantly lie to the American people that your opponent would have allowed GM and Chrysler to “fail.”

Close to 50 percent of the electorate are voting for a naked Marxist and Muslim sympathizer that has bankrupted the greatest nation in the history of the world in large part because of his cult of personality, likeableness and because the Democratic Socialist Party believes that “Obama saved America’s auto industry.”

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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