Open Letter to Scott Rasmussen on Institutional and Ideological Racism inside the Academy

| May 29, 2016
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Anti-slavery medallion (1787),
Picture that freed millions: Anti-slavery medallion (1787), designed by Josiah Wedgewood,
grandfather of Charles Darwin whose Evolution Atheism put billions
more back into slavery after the publication of his The Origin of Species (1859)

Dear Scott Rasmussen:

Exceeding gratitude for your timely article regarding Democrat hegemony inside the Academy. I just did a scholarly treatment of this subject using my own 34-year Sisyphus experience of being a blacklisted Black conservative scholar in a law review article titled–Nigger Manifesto: Institutional, Intellectual and Ideological Racism inside the Academy (published March 2016 by the Colombian journal, Criterio Jurídico).This opus also cites the study you cited by Northwestern University Law Professor James Lindgren, whom I’ve communicated with for many years and consider a great legal scholar.

Political candidate’s Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are right and both have rightly exposed the existential lie of America being the land of Equality—All U.S. institutions are rigged and corrupt and are not always open to the people who deserve this position or that position, but to those who have the right DNA pedigree and more pointedly possess the right IDEOLOGICAL pedigree and slavishly embrace what I call The Socialist-Progressive Revolution. In an earlier essay, Professor Arthur LaBrew and the Myth of the American Dream, I codified this singular truth about American history in this manner:

…[T]he hypocrisy of the American Dream – that if one works hard enough, that in this country you can become whatever you want to be. That American Dream is a cynical myth. The American Dream of reality is that one can become whatever you want to be… IF you believe in these three existential ideas: Evolution, Socialism, Progressivism, AND have powerful people, connected people, rich people of the same worldview in high places to pave the way for your success. That’s the Real American Dream.

Professor LaBrew
Historian of the Forgotten Man: Professor LaBrew in his last interview before he died (2015)

*N.B.: See, The Progressive Revolution (University Press of America, 2015), Vol. 4, Chaps. 12-15, pp. 315-372, to read the entire manuscript of my Nigger Manifesto which includes a much more expansive opening Abstract citing in great detail my 34-year Odyssey for Ideological Justice in America.

Mr. Scott Rasmussen, I know that you are the founder and owner of a highly respected and well-established media empire and based on your article cited above exposing Democrat Party hegemony inside the Academy, I know that you can bring public notice to my cause to be accepted into the Academy. Therefore, please help me spread the word to all Americans – exposing the unjust Socialist-Progressive domination over all of societies’ institutions (including Higher Education), where since the advent of the Progressive Revolution or the Darwin-Marx-Gramsci “Long march through the Institutions” (circa 1860 – the present), the Democrat Socialist Party Apparatchiks have systematically, scrupulously and unconstitutionally keep out Conservatives (or as I now prefer to be called, ‘America First’ Nationalists) like me despite our qualifications to be full, tenured members of the Academy.

The reason why I’m copying this letter to many esteemed scholars primarily from the top law schools of Harvard (Harvey Mansfield, Dean Martha Minow, Randall Kennedy, Charles Ogeltree, Lawrence Tribe, Annette Gordon-Reed, Robert Clarke); Yale (Guido Calabresi, Steven Calabresi, Dean Robert Post, Stephen Carter); University of Michigan (Dean Mark West, Evan Caminker, Douglas Kahn, Yulanda Curtis, Alicia Davis, Catherine MacKinnon); University of Chicago (Dean Michael Schill, Richard Posner, Eric Posner, Randolph Stone, Saul Levmore, Douglas Baird); Stanford (Dean M. Elizabeth Magill, George Fisher, Condoleezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Lawrence M. Friedman), etc… is to demonstrate that it is these people (and many, many of their colleagues not cited), are people whom I studied under in an actual sense (Randall Kennedy [Harvard], David Meyer, Gregg Heller [Michigan Law Review], Professor Emily Nicklin [Kirkland & Ellis, 1994-97], Judge Richard Posner [Reply to Jg. R.A. Posner, 1999]…), or in a de facto sense (all of the rest).

It is during the decades of late nights, roaming the libraries of Harvard, University of Michigan, Stanford, and many other libraries where I read their writings in my search for knowledge… to prove VERITAS (truth). With the advent of the internet, I spent decades reading their works, weighing their ideas, comparing their ideas, emulating their ideas, learning their intellectual rigor, and waiting patiently to this day for what the Gandalf character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s–Lord of the Rings called, “only a fool’s hope” – That one day my now 34-year Sisyphus ordeal would come to an expected end –

Elie Wiesel

That one day my phone would ring, my email would show, my mailman would deliver… a letter of my deliverance from all my Pain, Suffering, and Shame and reward my years of scholarly study, writing and assiduous work in obscurity with a small degree of recognition, but instead all I’ve received from the scholars of the Academy was silence.

This existential state reminds me of an aphorism by the great Holocaust scholar, Elie Wiesel, who did not ignore me, but years ago after the publication of my celebrated 2003 law review article The Nuremberg Trials: Death of the Rule of Law (in International Law), which in 2008 I published as a book, The Nuremberg Trials: Last Tragedy of the Holocaust (Hamilton Books), giving both works to Elie Wiesel as gifts, my intellectual mentor sent me a beautiful handwritten note expressing his gratitude to me.

Later Elie Wiesel love for the Jews and courage and genius to expose the Holocaust to the world as a warning to this generation inspired the writing of this opus I was invited to write in 2011 for the Nuremberg Trials Project at Rutgers University and Cornell Law School—Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law.

Wiesel wrote about those people sitting in Ivy Towers… in lofty places who would arrogantly forget the less fortunate—

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.

The opposite of beauty is not ugliness, it’s indifference.

The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference.

And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.

To date I’ve published the following items (partial list only):
⦁ 10 books [most have been accepted in the Chamber’s Library of SCOTUS],
⦁ Over 2 dozen law review articles [published on 5 continents],
⦁ Over 2,500 scholarly essays [most have between 5-15 source or footnote links],
⦁ Edited 30-35 books by my teacher, intellectual mentor and the greatest Black historian, Professor Arthur R. LaBrew (1930-2015). See samples of  Professor LaBrew’s 65 year historical oeuvre and as a 2013 Kresge Artist Fellow.
“Only a fool’s hope” keeps me believing in REDEMPTION for nearly 35 years – that one day some dean, some president, some professor, some scholar reading this letter, someone will stop the excuses, stop ignoring me, and say “To hell with institutional racism” and reward my good faith efforts to be a scholar of your equal, to be your colleague, with a faculty position at some college, some university, some law school in America the Beautiful…


Ellis Washington, J.D.
Professor of Law, National Juris University
Director, Salt and Light Global
Law & History Blog:

Ellis Washington

Lex iniusta non est lex–An unjust law is no law at all.

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