Planned Parenthood = Planned Holocaust

| August 8, 2015
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Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life.

~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If you are going to kill all these [Jewish] people, at least take the brains out so that the material may be utilized.

~ Nazi doctor, Julius Hallervorden, Nuremberg Trials (1945)

Marketing the Holocaust: History Repeating Itself

In philosophy and rhetoric there is “Godwin’s Law” which says that, “As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one,” therefore the first person to compare another to a Nazi or Hitler, as it goes, loses the argument. Does this mean that as a rational human being watching the unbridled genocide of pre-born and new born babies by the tens of millions before our eyes and their little bodies cruelly dissected and sold for profit by Planned Parenthood, that I cannot make such a comparison? If yes, then in the name of God I will gladly violate Godwin’s Law since in this case the Nazi comparison is 100 percent accurate and is the best available historical analogy for this grotesque set of events.

Adolph Hitler’s “Angel of Death” was the Nazi mass murder, Dr. Josef Mengele who ordered the murder of over 400,000 Jews at the Auschwitz death camp from 1943 to 1945. However, he is most infamously known for his ghoulish medical experiments on thousands Jewish Holocaust prisoners he kept alive and cruelly tortured to death using experiments projected to create an Aryan super-race the Nazis called “Übermensch.”

According to research at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, the majority of Mengele’s “medical research” was conducted on children and newborns – especially twins. One eyewitness account described the hellish acts after Mengele once delivered a Jewish “fetus”: “But when he saw that there was only one baby and not twins, he tore the baby right out of the mother’s uterus, threw it into an oven and walked away,” she said. “We saw this.”

Planned Parenthood, the brainchild of the radical evolution atheist Margaret Sanger, whose 1922 book, The Pivot of Civilization, is a vile, pro-evolution, how-to abortion diatribe that was reportedly a book Hitler had as his bedside reading and the Nazis the following decade would freely use Sanger’s extremist ideas to formulate Nazi genocidal ‘health’ and ‘hygiene’ policies against the Jews ultimately leading to the “Final Solution” or the Holocaust.

Precursors to Nazism and Infanticide: Otto von Bismarck (1871-90)

The Nazis did not create all of their demonic ideas on antisemitism, systematic genocide and the Holocaust alone. They borrowed and adapted ideas and policies from previous German governments including German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck who served as Chancellor of Germany from 1871-1890. He was the first nation in the world to implement a welfare state on a national scale, using as a pretext, the prevailing scapegoat of his day, anti-Catholic bigotry. In a previous law journal article about this period I wrote: “Regardless of whether you realize it or not, you, your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and beyond were all born into a socialist revolution, a Kulturkampf, if you will (literally, “culture struggle”). Otto von Bismarck, prime minister of Prussia (a hero of Hitler and the Nazis) originated the welfare state in German policies from 1871-90 and established a radical secularization policy as a pretext to destroy the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on society. These diabolical ideas and anti-intellectual values of state socialism started in Germany and spread throughout Europe, America and the world.”

The Weimar Republic (1919-33)

Before the Weimar Republic the de-Christianization or secularization of German society had begun in earnest as far back as 50 years before the Weimar Republic and 70 years before Nazi era which like von Bismarck before and the Nazis after would use the Academy, atheist intellectuals and Humanists to give academic legitimacy and intellectual justification for the most horrific and insane public policies under the guise of “Science as Salvation.”

Subsequent to Germany’s defeat in World War I and in the course of the consequent political and economic catastrophes of the Weimar Republic, ideas known as racial hygiene or eugenics began to greatly influence population policy, public health education, and government-funded research. Thus in 1927 American Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes promoted a eugenics jurisprudence in his Buck v. Bell opinion writing: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Therefore, like in America German public opinion began to change regarding keeping the “unfit” alive to reproduce and multiply, eugenics advocates contended, modern medicine and inflated welfare programs blocked the natural selection – the evolution atheism ideas of Charles Darwin he applied to the “survival of the fittest” in the animal and plant world, the Nazis 70 years later would with brutal efficiency apply to the human world. Also, due to being more educated, child-bearing or “fit” German citizens delayed marriage and used birth control methods to limit family size. The consequence, eugenics supporters believed, was an inclusive biological “degeneration” of the population. As a solution, the government enacted radical family planning or “positive” government policies such as tax credits to foster large, “valuable” families, and “negative” methods, primarily the sterilization of genetic “inferiors.”

Eugenic ideas were absorbed into the ideology and platform of the nascent Nazi Party during the 1920s. “If one imagines… a battlefield covered with thousands of dead youths… and then our institutions for idiots and their care…, one is most appalled by… the sacrifice of the best of humanity while the best care is lavished on life of negative worth,” wrote Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche in their 1920 book, Authorization of the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life. Thus, much of what Hitler and the Nazis enacted policy wise was already put into practice by the former German governments of Otto von Bismarck and the Weimar Republic.

Hitler, Mengele: Planned Parenthood as Nazi Health Policy

According to materials I found at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website under Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race, in 1938, the Nazi fanatic, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, left no illusions to the world that the Nazis would adopt policies of Christian charity or to be merciful to anyone in society, particularly the most vulnerable, No! But Charles Darwin’s savage evolution atheist ethics – Natural Selection, Social Darwinism, and Survival of the Fittest – would be the Nazis war march: “The individual, and we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, or clothe the naked . . . Our objectives are entirely different: We must have a health people in order to prevail in the world.”

Therefore, from 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany’s government led by Adolf Hitler aggressively pushed a “National Socialism”; a War Socialism if you will that joined national expansion with eugenics rhetoric regarding the so-called rights of biological superiority – an “Aryan master race” – and unquestioned antisemitism. It started with Hitler’s memoir; his demonic blueprint for the Nazi State, Mein Kampf, where he wrote: “If I can accept a divine Commandment, it’s this one: ‘Thou shalt preserve the species.'” Nazis were obsessed with race and maintaining Aryan racial purity at all costs and thus were equally obsessed with the Nazi concept of “Lebensunwertes Leben” – Life Unworthy of Life – a Nazi description for the divisions of society which had no legal right to live. This philosophy comprised a vital element of the ideology of Nazism and ultimately facilitated the deaths of millions of people during the Holocaust.

Once again the Nazis would drive home their racist ideology under two key policy objectives – Glieshaltung – a mechanical term meaning to bring together or force into line and Weltanschauung – meaning worldview which in 1930s and 40s Germany meant only a Nazi worldview founded under Social Darwinism, Survival of the fittest and Aryan Supremacy.

The Nazis fully integrated Darwin’s evolution atheism into Nazi ideology, but also radical ideas by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche including: god is dead, Christian Slave Morality and his Will to Power concept, thus theory became deadly practice where the Nazis attempted to eliminate all of Europe’s Jews primarily using benign academic theories, ultimately killing six million Jews in the Holocaust.

Many others also became victims of persecution and murder in the Nazis’ campaign to cleanse German society of individuals viewed as threats to the “health” of the nation. Thus it was easy for Nazi doctor Julius Hallervorden to confess at the Nuremberg Trials in 1945: “If you are going to kill all these [Jewish] people, at least take the brains out so that the material may be utilized.” Here Hallervoden was merely prophesizing what would happen in America in a few years – legalization of infanticide and the marketing of aborted baby parts who as the Nazis justified was “for the greater good of humanity” America would rationalize “it is reproductive freedom”; “reproductive rights” and “for women’s health.”

Racial Hygiene as a Final Solution, 1939-1945

According to Holocaust research posted on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, World War II established both pretext and concealment to innovative Nazi programs explicitly designed for murdering “undesirables” considered as useless burdens on the German society that prided itself of physical perfection. Employing arguments created by academics including noted physicians and jurists in the 1920s, the Nazis rationalized genocide in the name of euthanasia – “mercy death” – and recruited hundreds of medical professional to give their Nazi madness an air of respectability including: asylum directors, pediatricians, psychiatrists, family doctors, and nurses. Once again intellectuals, scholars and professionals were persuaded to participate in the most heinous atrocities and murder against their fellow German citizens like euthanasia and extreme eugenics “for the good of the Fatherland.”

German infants and children were the first victims of the Nazi euthanasia program. The Reich Ministry of the Interior trained midwives and physicians to inventory all children born with severe birth defects. A panel of three expert doctors would review each case and, usually without even the pretext of examining the prospective victims in person, coldly and cruelly designated those unfortunate children and babies to be murdered. What about the parents? What where they told? Nazi medical administrators lied to the children’s families by providing fabricated causes of death. From 1939 to 1945, more than 5,000 boys and girls were exterminated by Nazi doctors, using 30 special children’s wards established at clinics and state hospitals. The Nazi machinery of death was employed with regimental and brutal efficiency presented to the public with shinny surgical tools and clean white lab coats.

Mass Gassings: Operation T-4

In a Nazi euthanasia program code named “Operation T-4” research at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum chronicled the following medical techniques of Nazi doctors that sound eerily similar to today’s Planned Parenthood tactics against the pre-born: “October 1939, after Hitler authorized “mercy deaths” for patients deemed “incurable,” the murder program expanded from children to adults. Operation T-4 – referring to the address of the secret program’s headquarters at Tiergartenstrasse 4, Berlin – mostly targeted adult patients in private, state, and church-run institutions. Individuals judged unproductive were particularly vulnerable. From January 1940 to August 1941, more than 70,000 men and women were transported to one of six specially staffed facilities in Germany and Austria and killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in gas chambers disguised as showers. Growing public awareness and unrest over the killings influenced Hitler to halt the gassing program. Euthanasia murders resumed in other guises; patients were killed by means of starvation diets and overdoses of medication in hospitals and mental institutions throughout the country. From 1939 to 1945, an estimated 200,000 persons were killed in the various euthanasia programs.”

Epilogue: Genocide or Justice?

The great German theologian and martyr, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was a key participant in two failed plots to assassinate Adolph Hitler including Operation Valkyrie. He was captured and ultimately executed by his Nazi captors at Flossenbürg Death Camp on April 9, 1945, just two weeks before Allied forces liberated the camp and three weeks before Hitler’s suicide. In his voluminous writings on theology Bonhoeffer was very clear that abortion was Nazi murder when he wrote: “Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life.”

Thus a new Nazi Empire is flourishing here in America under the Democrat Socialist Party. Hitler killed approximately 50 million people in the largest war known in the history of mankind. Yet in America today because our superior technology combined with the mass delusion and miseducation of the public has allowed the killing of over 117 million babies just since Roe v. Wade (1973). And like the Nazis nothing is allowed to go to waste, therefore the Democrat Socialist Party has profited politically and economically from the wholesale Holocaust of babies and now at least five videotapes showing the Democrat Party ally Planned Parenthood ghoulishly bargaining the price of various baby parts they are selling to third parties for profit.

Hitler would be pleased with how his hateful, demonic, racist Nazi ideas have been so legitimized by governments in America, Europe, Russia, China, N. Korea, S. America and all over the world approaching a global Holocaust of 2 billion innocent babies, for while Nazi murders like Dr. Mengele, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering were hunted down like the mass murders they were, ironically, today’s Planned Parenthood and their willing accomplices in the Democrat Socialist Party are making hundreds of billions of dollars harvesting the body parts of over 117 million innocent little babies and Democrat presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton coldly referred to the recent controversial harvesting of baby parts by Planned Parenthood, “very important services.”

Planned Parenthood = Planned Holocaust. Nazi doctor, Julius Hallervorden said at the Nuremberg Trials: “If you are going to kill all these [Jewish] people, at least take the brains out so that the material may be utilized.” Thus, Hitler and Dr. Mengele, President Obama and the Democrat Socialist Party would simply call the harvesting of baby parts by Planned Parenthood today “Lebensunwertes Leben” – Life Unworthy of Life.

But Jesus said in Matthew 18:6 regarding the inestimal value and transcendent worth of children: But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Ellis Washington is a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute. He is an adjunct professor at the National Paralegal College where he teaches Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, Contracts and Advanced Legal Writing.

A founding board member of Salt and Light Global, Washington is a co-host on “Joshua’s Trial,” a radio show of Christian conservative thought.

A graduate of John Marshall Law School and post-grad work at Harvard Law School, his latest law review articles include: “Nigger Manifesto: Ideological Racism inside the American Academy” (forthcoming) and “Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law.”

Washington’s latest book is a 2-volume collection of 230 essays and Socratic dialogues – “The Progressive Revolution” (University Press of America, 2013). Visit his new law blog, (formerly, an essential repository dedicated to educating the next generation of young conservative intellectuals.

© Copyright 2015 by Ellis Washington

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  1. warren bernson eller says:

    Hi Mr. Washington: It is because of intelligent dissertations like this that I enjoy be able to benefit from your beliefs. It disturbs me to read your obvious distaste for many of the worthy activities of the Democratic party. I mainly disagree with them on abortion and homosexual “marriage”.. Other than that I, as a white male
    married to a black female for 31 years, am PROUD of the greatness of the Obama Presidency which will be regarded by historians one of the all-time greatest, against evil racIst odds.

    God Blessings Upon You, SIR!

    –Warren Bernson Eller, 21st Century American Serf

    Regarding President Obama’s brilliant and courageous efforts regarding IRAN, please heed this quote by THOMAS JEFFERSON:

    “I hope wisdom will grow with power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be.”


    • Philip from California says:

      With all due respect sir, are you out of your mind or making a very sick joke? Barack Obama’s every action has been to oppose our nation’s traditions domestically and internationally to offend our allies (Great Britain, Canada, Germany and Israel chiefly) and to appease and encourage our enemies (Iran, Syria, North Korea in particular). His so-called presidency has been a daily reign of terror as he endeavors to turn our great nation into Venezuela (or worse).
      Barack Obama (if that is, in fact, his real name; I have substantive doubts) is not only our worst president ever, he is at least twice as bad as the next two worst presidents (Franklin Pierce and Jimmy Carter) COMBINED!
      I hope that you continue to read the great essays composed by Professor Washington and be brought to your senses through is intellect and eloquence.

  2. Philip from California says:

    Outanding essay and appropriate analysis. It is heartbreaking that so many Americans are decived by the most bald-faced lies that one can imagine.

    Thank you once again, Professor Washington, for your unparalleled insight and eloquent expression.

    In a sidenote, I have read of rampant homosexuality and homosexual pederasty among vast numbers of Nazi party leadership, including Ernst Roehm (head of the SA brownshirts), Himmler, Hess, Goering and many, many more.

    Although there is no smoking-gun evidence that Hitler himself was homosexual, he was disciplined in WWI for “deviant sexual behavior” (with no women among combat troops, what else could that mean?) and for more than three years le lived in an apartment above what we would now call a gay bath house in Vienna. The Nazi party, in fact, was founded in a homosexual bar where Roehm kept a reserved table.


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