Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 17 

| July 27, 2022
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1961- d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 33 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that recently exceeded 20 million views @ & on Facebook#JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The first battlefield is the rewriting of History.

Karl Marx (father of Communism, Socialism & Marxism)

The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.

George Orwell

 (English author of “Animal Farm” and “1984”)

You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control. 


  1. Prologue to Aristotle’s First Principle and the Big Lies of History—Did you Know these facts about World War II?

One of the things I learned from reading the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle is this—In order to properly understand a subject, always begin from “First Principle”. For example, in this essay I am writing about the stolen History that allowed a very small Cabal of super rich individuals I call the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America for 150 years (1871-2021) under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871, in England it was called the Act of 1871 and a version of this evil legislation that enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every country in the world to this day. 

Therefore, using Aristotle’s First Principle Thesis #1— 

[Wikipedia] “First principles thinking consists of deriving things to their fundamental proven axioms in the given arena, before reasoning up by asking which ones are relevant to the question at hand, then cross referencing conclusions based on chosen axioms and making sure conclusions don’t violate any fundamental laws.”

Thus, I will start with a quote by Morpheus to his protegee Neo in the 1999 movie, The Matrix—”Everything they told you was a [Big] Lie.” This statement is not hyperbole, but is 100% true and as you become more aware of the Reality of Truth, the further you read into this essay, the deeper down the rabbit hole you will descend until you reach the realm of the Satanic New World Order and Globalism whereby both entities seek to Democide 90-95% of the present population using Plandemics like Covid-19, Monkey Pox, “War” in Ukraine, etc.  These Machiavellian tactics are now exposed to the world thanks to the Q-level military intelligence drops by Q and his legions of analysts called QAnons. This also ties in nicely with an important statement made by Alex Jones of who said on April 9, 2020 monologue, “The Coronavirus is just good old fashion Eugenics – Personalize the thousands, watch tens of millions die.” 

REALITY of TRUTH ALERT!!—Covid-19 isn’t a virus, it has never been isolated in a laboratory by any scientist on the planet, and thus technically doesn’t exist. Well, one may ask—Ellis, how did 500,000 people die in America and over 2.5 million worldwide die from Covid if it doesn’t exist? They died from something other than Covid (e.g., the Flu, the Common Cold, medical negligence, or other preexisting conditions) which were used as a pretext to vaccinate over a billion people worldwide to take the clot shot = the Kill Shot. Thus, in all likelihood the Covid-19 vaccine (not the virus itself which doesn’t exist), caused these millions of deaths. It’s called DEMOCIDE = Death by government policy. This democidal policy in our hospitals and medical practices has been hijacked by the Satanic New World Orders primarily though the billionaire Globalist, John D. Rockefeller. *N.B.: For further reading, see my essay of July 2021,  John D. Rockefeller: 150 Years of Corporate, Legal, Political, Medical & Pharmaceutical Democide against the American People.

Aristotle’s First Principle Thesis #2 is demonstrated by iconoclastic writer, Sorcha Faal of who stated the following—Bankers Hate Peace: All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars”—best exampled by the fact that both the US Federal Reserve and Bank of England financed Nazi Germany—which was expected to occur as the 8 powerful families that formed the cartel to create the US Federal Reserve Bank, also controlled the central bank in Nazi Germany.” Remember, according to new and pathbreaking research by Dr. Jerome Corsi’s 2009 blockbuster book, HUNTING HITLER, and informative writings by many other iconoclastic historians, journalists, filmmakers, and researchers into the Reality of Truth about the end of World War II. FACT—Adolph Hitler did not die from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head on 30 April 1945 inside his Berlin bunker along with his wife, Eva Braun. Examine this declassified FBI cable signed by J. Edgar Hoover himself (on Sept. 21, 1945, just 5 months after Hitler’s fake death) affirming to the fact Hitler was alive and well living in South America (Argentina).

Thus, with the help of the Vatican and Pope Pius XII, Hitler and thousands of high-ranking Nazis were allowed by America and the Allied Powers using a complex networks of “Ratlines” to “escape” to South America and North America where their identities were changed and they were given elite-level jobs as scientists who helped America pass Russia in the space program by creating NASA ( = Nazi Aeronautical Space Administration) headed and run by high ranking Nazis brought over to America through Operation Paperclip. Are you work yet?!? But I digress. 

  • Judy Byington Notes on What We Think We Know as of Mon. 20 July 2022:

Below is a general summary of the Reality of Truth by the Judy Byington Report for Tues. 20 July 2022 regarding national and geopolitical world events of Biblical proportions that the propaganda Mainstream media of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia are too feckless and afraid to disclose to We the People. GOOD NEWS!—Every day We the People are waking up and more and more people in America and throughout the world are refusing to remain mindless bots of the Satanic New World Order any longer… Praise the LORD! 

Judy Byington opens today’s Report with this long-awaited Outstanding NEWS!!!—

White Hat Intel: A Brief History of the 2 U.S. Constitutions:

There were two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was suspended in favor of a Vatican Corporation in 1871.

Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.

The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London ) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.

To Understand Forbidden Knowledge Always Follow the $$$–  Contrary to all the Big Lies told to you in the history books, the Civil War was not fought to free the Slaves, but like all wars fought before, going all the way back to the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99), these were False Flag Wars fought unwittingly on behalf of the Rothschild Central Bankers whose policy to take over Nations in order to eventually take over the world is to always fund both sides of every war. Why? So that whoever “wins” that side will be in Debt Slavery and Chattel Slavery to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia into perpetuity since their goal is to control the banks and the money supply. Whoever prints the $$$ controls the Nations of the world…Understand? 

 With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq. miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag an d its own independent constitution – the United States’ secret second constitution. 

Thus, the real history is that that American Civil War was conceived, controlled and executed behind the scenes by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (e.g., Rothschild Central Bankers). HOW? The Rothschilds used a divide-and-conquer strategy to take back America by creating a conflict between the North and the South (since England failed to take back America during the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the War of 1812). After the Civil War the North was to be a colony annexed to Canada under the control of Lionel Rothschild. The South was to be a French colony, given to Napoleon III of France under the control of James Rothschild.

What happened to the Rothschild’s Plot to steal America from U.S. during the Civil War (1861-65)? Even though Abraham Lincoln was an Illuminati-Freemason-Rothschild secret agent (through his membership of the secret society called the Rosicrucians) Lincoln, for whatever reason, betrayed the Rothschild’s plot to steal America by issuing ‘Greenbacks’ to fund the defense of America against the Internationalist Rothschild Bankers. Greenbacks were government-printed $$$, interest free, and later redeemable in gold. 

The Rothschild Central Bankers were outraged at Lincoln’s betrayal (after all, they secretly funded his presidency) and would have their revenge 5 days after the South surrendered and end of the Civil War on April 14, 1865, when Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a member of the secret society, The Knights of the Golden Circle. 

*N.B.: Lincoln’s successor was Andrew Jackson, a 32-degree Freemason and Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln and Jackson Secretary of War and attorney (= Esquire –thus an agent of the Crown) withdrew the reward placed on John Wilkes Booth. Both Jackson and Stanton were Catholic agents of the Vatican and Jesuits who plotted the assassination and cover up of President Lincoln.

The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars each symbolizing a city state within the three-city empire. The three-city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City” 

The Washington, D.C. flag is cited above with 3 red stars—The 1st star = London = Center of Corporations, Business, Financial Power, controlled by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (e.g., Rothschild Central Bankers. 2nd star = The Vatican/the Pope = Rome = Center of Religion, Education Power. 3rd star = Washington, D.C. = Center of Military Power. *N.B.: Each Star or City-State is a separate, sovereign Nation with no allegiance or control by the countries these nations geographically reside in.


 The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law). When congress passed the DC Act of 1871 it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES, INC. and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens.

*N.B.: Remember that according the original 1776 Constitution which was the basis of America’s original REPUBLIC (not democracy which the Framers called Mobocracy) our country was called “These United States for America”, now under the Rothschilds our country is called, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. = a private corporation wholly owned and controlled by the Rothschild Central Banks, the Vatican, the Pope and the City of London (e.g., Queen Elizabeth II of England). 

 POTUS is the Chief Executive (president) of the Corporation of the United States operating as any other CEO of the corporation— governs w/a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators/Congress) Obama as others before him is POTUS — operating as “vassal king” taking orders once again from “The City of London” through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs). The Illuminati (founded by the Society of Jesus or Jesuits, the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope) created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths).

 What did the Act of 1871 achieve? The ACT of 1871 put the United States back under British rule (which is under Vatican rule). The United States people lost their independence in 1871.

In 1871 President Ulysses S. Grant made a secret and treasonous deal with key corrupt politicians (Democrats and Republicans), the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Central Bankers under the pretext of getting America out from under the crushing debt of the Civil War, literally made a Faustian deal with the Devil to secretly give absolute control of America to the Rothschilds and allow them to establish a Federal Reserve in America (and eventually in practically every nation in the world) where they have sole power to print the currency of a nation without oversight, where the Federal Reserve or Central Banks by law can never be audited, and thus own America and change it from a Republic to a wholly owned and controlled corporation of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.

 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, We the People now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.

That’s why it is so important for President Trump to restore Natural Law, Natural Rights and the Common Law. “Natural Law,” according to David Adams’ book, Philosophical Problems in the Law, contains “principles and standards not simply made up by humans but rather part of an objective moral order, present in the universe and accessible to human reason.” Remember 1871 was at the very time history saw the rise of a very important but evil individual who would later play an infamous part in deconstructing America’s constitutional Republic. That man was named Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. I did an extended historical essay on this “American Nietzsche” titled—1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. The main thing he did was spearhead the removal of Natural Law, Natural Rightsand the Common Law from every aspect of American political history and jurisprudence from 1870-193, when he died as a leading voice of the Supreme Court of the United States for 30 years (1902-32) nominated not by a crazy Socialist or Leftist, but by “conservative” President Theodore Roosevelt. Are you waking up yet?!?

 As of 1871 the United States isn’t a Country; It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the people” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed “the people” all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty]

The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. The U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony. King James I is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.


Another part of forbidden history the illegal Academy, historians and Theologians have kept from U.S. is the fact that King Henry VIII, the monarch that gave us all of the Protestant faiths, was not the sworn enemy of the Catholic Church. Like with Covid-19 now, it was all theatre to manipulate and enslave the masses. For example, Judy Byington in her Report of Mon. 6 June 2022 wrote the following regarding the illegal, treacherous history of the International Bar Association” —

The International Bar Association, White Hat Intel:

Who protects the pharmaceutical companies? Who protects the corrupt politicians? Who protects the Tech Giants? Who protects the Deep State Cabal Elites in every country around the planet? Answer: Lawyers.

These International Bar Association Lawyers work for and were created by foreign entities of the Roman/Vatican Empire, in collusion with the Pope, the Queen and Henry the VIII in the 1500s.

In the 1800s U.S. Inc. crafted a new branch off the BAR (British Accredited Registry) and created the ABA (American Bar Association). Both associations are controlled by foreign entities.

The Rules of Civil Procedure was written by old Roman Laws that are still used to this day and do not apply to “We The People.”

The illegal practices of all judges, lawyers and those who enforce the illegal procedures of the null and void dead corporation entities (Vatican, Royal Crown, US Corporation) are and will be subject to arrest for Crimes Against Humanity and punished under all rightful laws of coercion and unlawful actions in Military Courts.

Therefore The People have full rights to enact Military Tribunals of foreign occupied agents and their corporate powers and all counter parts and associates.

All courts are corrupted. Every person that is part of the BAR are foreign entities that are trespassing on human rights. These BAR associates, society, corporations have been working under massive fraud, under the cover of law for a long time throughout the world in every country.

They protect fraud elections and illegal practices by politicians, corporations, tech Giants pharmaceutical companies and Elites who run the International BAR Association worldwide.

The BAR is about to be taken down worldwide. The enormous fraud is about to be revealed.

You have no contract with this unlawful and broken Corporation, associates of the BAR and their counterparts. You are not a property or subject to these false entities, associations and societies connected to the International BAR Association and their procedures.

Whoever claims you are property, or states they have a contract on your life in the private or corporate side, are deceiving you. No such contract exists.

End Game. The courts are going to fall apart. The Lawyers who protect the Elite and evil are almost done. 

Don’t be afraid when a Military Government is installed. They will in that moment reinstall rightful leaders and law makers (that takes time).    ~ Q [123] 

According to writer who penned an article in on 3/19/2016 titled, The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the Vatican and the British Crown Rule World “Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.

The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court.

They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln’s Inn, and Gray’s Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.

The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.

The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America.” 


After America declared independence from Great Britain, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, was signed. That treaty identifies the King of England as prince of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America“– completely contradicting premise that America won The War of Independence.

Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to Britain.

It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons of any other description shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail.

And that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states that the estates, rights,and properties, of such last mentioned persons shall be restored to them, they refunding to any persons who may be now in possession the bona fide price (where any has been given) which such persons may have paid on purchasing any of the said lands, rights, or properties since the confiscation.

And it is agreed that all persons who have any interest in confiscated lands, either by debts, marriage settlements, or otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in the prosecution of their just rights.

It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another.

General Washington’s Treachery at Treaty of Paris (1783) 

According to an unsigned opinion column published in, the writer states this forbidden real history about the results of General George Washington (a 33rd degree Freemason which at this time had been thoroughly infiltrated by Illuminati and the Rothschilds) treacherously selling out America after our “victory” in the Treaty of Paris (1783)—To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.

At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown.

There is no lawful effect when a party signs as both the first and second parties. The Declaration was simply an internal memo circulating among private members of the Crown.

Most Americans believe that they own their own land, but they have merely purchased real estate by contract. Upon fulfillment of the contract, control of the land is transferred by Warranty Deed.

The Warranty Deed is only a ‘color of title.’ Color of Title is a semblance or appearance of title, but not title in fact or in law. The Warranty Deed cannot stand against the Land Patent.” 

 Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the U.S. Constitution has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a façade to deceive and placate the masses. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government – created with the illegal passing of the Act of 1871. It still, for the most part, operates in secret, because its control is not secure. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which this country is supposed to represent.

I. White Hat Intel: The Courageous Farmers Sue America, Exposed 9/11 Treachery to Coverup the Biblical Jubilee called NESARA: 

In early 1970s 23 farmers filled a case against the federal banks to reclaim the property of their land and discovered by accident the huge fraud the New World order was running under the two constitutions [e.g., the Baskerville Case].

The farmers won the case and the act to reverse the fraud was signed up under NESARA.

U.S. President Bill Clinton was supposed to sign NESARA into law on October 10, 2000.

Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000, and it was to be announced (enacted) the morning of Sept. 11th, 2001 (Remember what happened on that date at the Twin Towers in New York City?). 

At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute!No one wanted to enforce it. Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those who were treasonous. Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others. 

To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public. If the people learned the Truth about NESARA, they would demand its enforcement. This could not be allowed.

The plan to hide the two constitutions and NESARA worked well for a time, but gradually truth about 9/11, the New World Order, Iraq, Afghanistan, NESARA begins to be leaked to the public. 

To circumvent any public action to enforce NESARA, “plan B” was created. The plan was to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by fooling the people with trickery. NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice. This game of deceit could be played forever, NESARA could be permanently delayed, and the people of the world would never be the wiser.

To summarize this long history of NESARA above see article by N. Morgan, 7/18/2021: NESARA The History That You Need to Know…. It Names (Videos).

“NESARA has been a heavily discussed and debated topic that could change the face of our very existence. Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000, and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000. At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute! No one wanted to enforce it.

Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous. Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.

When Byington notes that on 4 July: The Fed lost its charter to print money in 2012, and they received a ten-year extension that ended July 4, 2022. Stock Market Crash predicted. I consider this event of such magnitude that I rank it up there just below the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the American Revolution. Why? Because Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka Central Bankers) with their control of 90% of the media successfully kept America and the world effectively as Debt Slaves and Chattel Slaves for the past 150 years (1871-2021) or since the treasonous creation of the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 which President Donald J. Trump overturned in Feb. 2017 when he dismantled the Federal Reserve and made them part of the Treasury Department, then in Jan. 2021 just before Biden became a fake POTUS President Trump totally destroyed the Federal Reserve and the power of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia both here in America and all over the world and returned America’s currency back to the gold standard which President Nixon had taken America off of 50 years ago on Aug. 15, 1971, rumor has it by order of the CIA

Satanic New World Order AGENDA = PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION—How did Satan enslave the entire WORLD for 1000s and 1000s of years since the Garden of Eden 6,000 years ago without We the People & Humanity even Knowing about it [= Ignorance], Caring about it [= Apathy], Fearful of it [= Cowardice], or Allied with it [= Blasphemy & Treason]? BILLIONS and Billions of Souls lost for Eternity! It’s called Hegelian Dialectic and this Satanic rhetorical devise has controlled the media, politics, religion, history, society, and civilization since Satan first used it to beguile (rape) Eve in the Garden of Eden, 6,000 years ago thus creating from the beginning a Satanic/hybrid bloodline through Cain (who killed his brother Abel). That’s why in the Gospel of Matthew (his father Joseph) and the Gospel of Luke (his mother Mary)(Jesus traced his bloodline or genealogy on both sides of his earthly parents all the way back to Adam (through SETH not Cain). That’s why it’s critically important to carefully study the Bloodline meme above to understand why through the Ages certain Bloodlines of people and Nations 



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