Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 49

| March 31, 2024
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*N.B.: The above meme answers the question WHY Real Patriots must always stay vigilant against Traitors?!?…Even traitors in their own political party – BREAKING REPORT: Marjorie Taylor Green FILES MOTION TO VACATE Speaker Mike Johnson

About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. March 7, 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.


How do We the People escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold and trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) and Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, fiat or counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!

Cui bono? – Who benefits? Why are all national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars while keeping the entire world enslaved inside an existential – Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021)? The answers can be learned by reading, studying and sharing the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has just surpassed 23 million views @ and on FacebookTwitter/X— #JesusIsGod (Isaiah 9:6) #DCActof1871


For unto us a child is born [= JESUS], unto us a son is given [= CHRIST]: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father [Jesus = GOD], The Prince of Peace. 


~ Isaiah 9:6 (written 740-700 B.C.) 


Jesus said, I AM the Waythe Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ~ John 14:6


No one is more hated than he who speaks the Truth.

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.


~ Plato 


Remember in the movie RoboCop [1987] when corporate America aids criminals and helps incite riots so they can lower property values and then buy up the city while privatizing the city’s police force? Science fiction is crazy. ~ @EsotericBot

#MauiFires, #OprahMauiLandGrab, #DEWFires #DemocratSocialistParty

The Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s use their front organizations to install their people in key positions in their governments to form a Shadow Government [e.g., “Deep State”, “Satanic New World Order”, ”One World Government”] that they control. ~ @EsotericBot

You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control. ~ #PlatoAllegoryoftheCave

A.    Prologue to using Aristotle’s ‘First Principles’ as a Thesis Exposing the Hoax History we’ve all been taught for Generations under UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., and giving you a Synopsis of the Real History of The United States for America—“… A REPUBLIC, if you can keep it.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

One of the most important things I’ve learned from studying the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) is this essential lesson of Life – In order to properly, systematically and comprehensively understand and study any given subject, discipline, or area of inquiry one must always begin from First Principles. For example, here I am writing complex, multi-part essay series about the Realpolitik, Law, Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Economics, Medicine, Business, Banking and History of these United States for America (a REPUBLIC). In doing this by necessity I am exposing the imposter corporation country we were all secretly enslaved under for 150 years (1871-2021). A phony country secretly established by the Rothschild family (e.g., the Central Bankers) in 1871 known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. (written in all capital letters indicating not a Country but a Corporate entity).

This little-known but stolen History of Humanity has allowed a very small Cabal of super rich, narcissistic, psychopaths belonging to various Satanic cults and secret societies called among other names are referred to as—Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, the British Monarchy (and all the Monarchies of Europe), Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, the Vatican, the Jesuits, and other secret societies along with their allied institutions including—Council of 13, Committee of 300, Octagon Group, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic New World Order aka, to impose a One World Government based not on Freedom but based on Tyranny, Treachery and Democide



From the Shadows for 150 years (1871-2021) the Rothschild Central Bankers in particularly have been using their trillions to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America, including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation that has enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every one of the 209 United Nations member state countries in the world imprisoned inside the perpetual bondage of Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery TO THIS DAY! *N.B.: For further research and reading see my comprehensive 5-part essay series on the History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka Federal Reserve Central Bankers)



Therefore, using Aristotle’s First Principles let us propose a Thesis #1—To understand History always carefully examine and study the Politics and Philosophy, History and Warmongerings of the 13 Illuminati Royal Bloodline Families. Why? Because following this technique will assist us in better understanding the REAL historical forces and Machiavellian powers behind the Shadows who manipulate Reality through the Ages vs. Understanding the God of the Bible who controls the Reality of Truth through the Ages — 

First principles thinking consists of deriving things to their fundamental proven axioms in the given arena, before reasoning up by asking which ones are relevant to the question at hand, then cross referencing conclusions based on chosen axioms and making sure conclusions don’t violate any fundamental laws.”

*N.B.: For further reading regarding Aristotle’s First Principles, see Terrance Irwin’s interesting and comprehensive work on the subject. 

Thus, I will begin this essay with a quote by Morpheus to his protégée Neo from the 1999 movie, The MatrixEverything they told you was a [Big] Lie”. This statement is a variation of the meme I’ve used before by that legendary Spanish-American Philosopher, Historian, Essayist, Poet, Novelist – George Santayana (1863-1952)—“History is a pack of lies told by  people who weren’t there. . . History is always written wrong, and so always needs to be rewritten.”



*N.B.: The word Government actually means mind control. It etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It divides into two words: 1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. 


Below is some information taken from the Judy Byington Report regarding what I refer to as a Summary of Real American History not taught by the Marxist Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Academy. The information in the text boxes below refers to direct quotes from Judy Byington’s GCR News Updates followed by some appropriate memes, my historical analysis, and commentary— 

B.   Commentary and Analysis on the Judy Byington Report for a GCR REAL News Update (Thurs. March 22, 2024)

·       · On Palm Sun. 1 April 1860 Q was created when 20 Generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to Fight the Khazarian mafia who created the slave trade and owned 99% of the U.S. Slaves. Today this battle is coming to an end. …Trump Q

·       Christmas Eve 1963 was the day 77 U.S. Generals came together and The Plan was born to Save The World. Three months later 133 Generals became part of Operation Freedom Eagle 35. You are a witness to 58 Year Military Delta Coming In Hot 2014 +22 Nations, 1600 Generals NCSWIC The last days of Joe Biden …Q The Storm

·       Thurs. 21 March Continuity of Government in Place, Military in Control, Derek Johnson:


Remember over 3 years ago I told this audience when Resident Biden was inaugurated at his fake inauguration on 20 Jan. 2021 that you are watching a movie, that Trump remains POTUS but he must allow the Democrats and the Internationalists or Globalists to think that they got away with stealing the 2020 election so as to catch all the criminal perpetrators in the world’s largest sting operation.

Byington has an interesting post about bloodlines and bloodline families secretly ruling the world for thousands of years. As an example of this Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix Construct or the 13 Illuminati Royal Bloodline Families – Bloodlines: President Lincoln’s son Omar Lincoln is JFK Sr. His brother’s father William Wallace is President Lincoln’s son. The two Kennedy brothers were adopted into the Kennedy Family. Both brothers are Lincoln Kahlooni by birth, not Kennedys. Abraham Lincoln is a Kahlooni = Druze/Jesus Bloodline. President Trump’s real father is General Patton. Trump was adopted into the Trump family. General Patton is William Wallace Lincoln Kahlooni’s son. (Remember, William Wallace is President Abe Lincoln’s son). Trump = Druze/Jesus/Bloodline. 


These Bloodlines run on the Righteous side and the Satanic (Cain) side of humanity and descend all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.


·       There’s a video of Pfizer CEO saying that the FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed.

·       “We are billions of people. Let’s just stand up and say stop. We will not comply” says Pascal Najadi, son of the World Economic co-founder. He calls for members of the WEF to be arrested for their role in injecting a “bioweapon” into 5.7 billion people, from which he and his mother are now dying. “It’s a democide, and you’ll be judged. It will be corrected in the name of humanity.”

·       Angels definitely don’t play the HAARP. It uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate geophysical events such as modifying the weather, earthquakes, climate change, hurricanes and the like. To put it simply, it works by transmitting high amount of radio frequencies into the Ionosphere. It “boils” the upper atmosphere and after heating and disturbing the ionosphere, the radiation will bounce back onto Earth in the form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans etc. HAARP and all the rest of the ionosphere heaters located around the globe are weapons of mass destruction, period.

·       In October of 1992 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed Agenda 21 as the “Agenda for the 21st Century” – a plan by the United Nations—launched in June of 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro—to micromanage all aspects of human life, by placing a command and control structure around all planetary resources, under the guise of addressing global environmental issues. Agenda 2030 is a mere milestone of the broader “Agenda for the 21st Century,” more commonly known as Agenda 21.

Analysis and commentary by Byington to the above news items includes—Epstein is about to boomerang back around and right now the Royals are dropping like flies with Paedo Prince Andrew back in the spotlight after nearly a year being hidden away due to his (and Meghan Markle [Dutchess of Sussex] long-term association with Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile island.

King Charles III is nowhere to be seen along with other main Royals. ALL the Satanic Royals are connected with Epstein including Charles. The Head of the Snake of the Central Banking Slavery System has just been cut off with Satanic Paedo Lord Jacob Rothschild recently announced Dead. Music Mogul P Diddy is back in the news which he was running his own blackmailing operation like Epstein in the music industry.

The Military are making sure certain key players are brought out and highlighted to the public for a reason. This is why they drop News like the Epstein files then we don’t hear anything big for a while. This is to drip feed the normies subconscious slowly and prepare them for when shit really does hit the fan. Because when the truth about the children comes out and who was involved in sex trafficking, rape, torture, sacrifice, murder of young innocent children it’s going to shock many. The truth about the children is coming and it will unite Humanity.

D. Operation Mockingbird and Order Out of Chaos—HAARP Weather Technology and Hegelian Dialectic 2024—Illuminati Globalist Deep State Cabal CIA Agenda:

·       Angels definitely don’t play the HAARP. It uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate geophysical events such as modifying the weather, earthquakes, climate change, hurricanes and the like. To put it simply, it works by transmitting high amount of radio frequencies into the Ionosphere. It “boils” the upper atmosphere and after heating and disturbing the ionosphere, the radiation will bounce back onto Earth in the form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans etc. HAARP and all the rest of the ionosphere heaters located around the globe are weapons of mass destruction, period.

·       In October of 1992 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed Agenda 21 as the “Agenda for the 21st Century” – a plan by the United Nations—launched in June of 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro—to micromanage all aspects of human life, by placing a command-and-control structure around all planetary resources, under the guise of addressing global environmental issues. Agenda 2030 is a mere milestone of the broader “Agenda for the 21st Century,” more commonly known as Agenda 21.


According to an article in Wikipedia, Operation Mockingbird – “is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes. According to author Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and influenced the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed when an April 1967 Ramparts article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA.[1] In 1975, Church Committee Congressional investigations revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups.” 

*N.B.: It is my contention based on 40+ years of assiduous research, writing and publishing (1983-2024) that Operation Mockingbird not only included media “front groups” but also includes the public and private schools (lower education), the Academy (higher education), Wall Street, Business, Medicine, Politics, Law, the Courts, Sports, Entertainment, and all institutions in American culture and society working in unison in points of intersectionality. The New World Order enslavement of We the People is both Systemic and Systematic, a Construct and Comprehensive. Thus, We the People no longer live in a Real World but exist in a Construct [Fake] World euphemistically referred to by Hollywood as “The MATRIX.” 



Most of the bullet points above are directly or indirectly affiliated with the CIA Fake News Propaganda project called “Operation Mockingbird.” For example, recently journalist Michael Baxter of wrote an unbelievable article which the Rothschild Khazarian press totally ignored titled –Janet Yellen Hanged at Gitmo.” In this bombshell article exposing the execution of Resident Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury for Treason, Sedition, Fraud, Crimes Against Peace, etc… one thing stands out—not ONE mainstream media outlet in America has published this news. Why? Because for years, particularly since the DC Act of 1871 We the People have lived inside an all-encompassing Matrix (e.g., Satanic New World Order) controlled by the Illuminati, the Catholic Church, the British Monarchy, and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia. Here is an excerpt from that article that presents the legal reasoning why Janet Yellen, Resident Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury was tried, convicted, and now as of Oct. 31, 2023, was executed by a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba—

[Article excerpt] “I hate you. I hate you, Crandall,” Yellen said, her voice strained and hoarse. “This is our country. Do you understand me? This is our country, ours, not yours, and nothing you do will change that. Do you hear me, Crandall? . . . Admiral Crandall sighed deeply, then ordered the hangman to fulfill his duty. The button was pushed, and Yellen gasped and choked and writhed as the floor beneath her feet disappeared. Somehow, the jarring drop had compressed her teeth and severed the tip of her tongue. Her blood-filled mouth gurgled, and bubbles of crimson spittle dripped down her chin. She did not die immediately because the rope was not long enough, and the drop was too short; her neck didn’t break. Instead, she gradually strangled to death over several minutes, her bulbous body twisting and thrashing.”

World War III is on the horizon as the Ukraine War winds down under a victorious Russian President Vladimir Putin whose army didn’t “invade” Ukraine but retook their territory and cleaned up the thousands of miles underground tunnel networks Biden, Obama, Hillary and the Deep State criminal syndicate have used for years to traffick children, drugs, and weapons. Now an even more desperate Deep State will be hellbent on causing world chaos by relocating its war theatre from Ukraine to Israel/Gaza, and soon to China/Taiwan. Why? War has always been their preferred de facto means for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, Catholic Church, Jesuits and Freemasons to wipe the slate clean, to cover up their nefarious and treacherous acts and move closer to reshaping the world into the image if its master—SATAN. For example, Col. Douglas MacGregor remarked in an interview with Tucker Carlson stated: “We are moving towards war with Iran and the chosen destination is Armageddon. The entire region is involved in the war”.

This War! War! WAR! mantra is the expected road to Democide against We the People by the Illuminati, Freemasons and Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, among other secret societies working in the shadows to democide 90% of the world’s population by 2030 (e.g., Agenda 2030). This is in accord with a recent comment by the Air Force secretary says China preparing for war against the U.S. and will likely attack us launching concurrent and targeted EMP attacks in big cities across America as a preemptive strike to thwart America’s retaliation when China will certainly invade neighboring Taiwan. In the meantime, because the Biden administration has sold out to Chinese CCP interests they (through the Democrat Socialist Party) have infiltrated America from within to destroy this country, therefore as we speak New York City is defunding the police to pay for the housing of illegal immigrants. Why won’t Democrats just work with us to secure the border? Because they worship a different “god” called Satan whose tactic is Ordo ab Chao = “Order out of Chaos.”


Furthermore, according to the Judy Byington Report, the U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 — including this latest report by Byington stating, “EMR (electromagnetic) waves. (H.A.A.R.P.) can penetrate everything on Earth. With EMR – electromagnetic pulses you can start fires and destroy everything on earth. Including to cause the earthquakes! Including a tsunami! Including Tornadoes!” Many experts see these record-level increases in natural disasters like the flooding in China and the fires in Maui, Hawaii are related to man-made intervention like High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which can cause any conceivable weather event, anywhere on the planet with pinpoint accuracy and intensity all controlled by mankind. Let that sink in! – 



It is axiomatic to understand the Reality of Truth and to purge one’s mind of the propaganda press, incessant CIA-MK Ultra mind control and the Hitlerian Big Lies in Politics and History that as stated on  Mon. 14 Aug. 2023—Exposed: Understanding the Dynamics Between the Corrupt Corporation UNITED STATES INC and Our Strawman – American Media Group. In other words, as I wrote many, many times before to understand hidden history, hidden politics behind the Shadows think in terms of Hegelian Dialectic = To establish the Satanic New World Order —1) Create the PROBLEM, 2) Fund the REACTION, 3) Mandate the [Final] SOLUTION. 





· Global Warming: Contrary to propaganda pushed by geology deniers, ice core data has repeatedly shown that temperatures were considerably higher in the past than those of today, utterly disproving the politically motivated, human-caused “climate emergency” narrative.

· In 1994, 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030

· Former Threat Advisor to the White House, CIA and the Pentagon Jim Rickards explained how project “Ice Nine”, which is code for the financial reset is being readied by BlackRock and other financial institutions to facilitate the NWO.

· Wed. 28 Feb. Mel Gibson on Telegram: Major panic for the Deep State: Biden public removal. Michelle Obama is popular in only 3 to 5 states. They have lost control over information on Twitter (X). Shut down is looming. Kamala Harris failing every rigged poll. RFK Jr. running as an independent. Boomerang.

· Self-appointed globalist technocrat, Bill Gates: “The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We’ll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem”. Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on farmers, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us, because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, and assume total control of the global food supply, under the pretext of tackling “climate change”.


World Depopulation/Democide through CIA Operation MK-Ultra Mind Control

The CIA Mind Control program eventually known as MK-ULTRA consisted of 149 sub-projects, plus another 33 closely related programs. There were 80 participating US and Canadian institutions including 44 colleges and universities – all funded by US taxpayers through a CIA Black Budget not subject to review. According to the Judy Byington Report, “The CIA has been known to work hand in hand with the Vatican’s Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult to run an International Child Trafficking and Drug/Gun Running Ring. In her biography “Twenty-Two Faces” Hill claimed she was tortured and made to watch the Human Sacrifice of another six-year-old child, later identified as Kathleen Shea. Evidently Shea had been kidnapped from Tyrone Pennsylvania several months prior and appeared starved and emaciated before her Summer Solstice death by the Satanic Coven.”

The purpose of CIA Mind Control Programming was to secure life-long power over an individual in order to create Super Spies, Terrorists, Assassins and/or have life-long control over a victim for whatever devious purpose.

Mind Control Programming was based on the Satanic Worship Practices of Rape, Torture and Human Sacrifice. Young victims were sold into the program by their Multi-Generational Satanic families.

The preferred victim was a young child subjected to prolonged trauma. It was found that the developing brain of a child under repeated rape and torture would permanently separate their thinking patterns into Multiple Personalities that could be controlled by their perpetrator throughout the victim’s life. The most effective programming would begin at a very early age and even in the womb through electroshock treatments for the mother.

In 1964 after a successful lawsuit by Mind-Control Survivor Linda McDonald (of the McDonald’s Hamburger Franchise Multi-Generational Satanic Family), Congressional inquiries supposedly ended MK ULTRA – not true. MK-ULTRA RESEARCH continued but was curtailed in 1967 and thought extinct by 1973 after MKULTRA documents were destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms prior to his resignation and another Congressional inquiry – that went nowhere.

Yet, the 1977 Freedom of Information Act was able to uncover 20,000 MK-ULTRA Financial Documents on the Mind Control Program that were not destroyed and proved the program to be ongoing – even to this day according to Satanic Ritual Abuse Mind Control Survivors.


Judy Note: The main purpose of the Global Military Alliance was to Save The Children. Could our World be more Evil?

·       Jeffrey Epstein worked for the Israeli Mossad and videotaped powerful people raping children to create blackmail material for the Rothschild State of Israel. Banks like JP Morgan covered up transactions that show these clients purchasing children for rape and sacrifice. Controlled organizations like Turning Point USA, The Daily Wire, PragerU, Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit never make a connection between Jeffrey Epstein and the Rothschild State of Israel. Both parties are enslaved to Israel and until that changes the United States of America will never be free.

·       The REAL purpose behind Epstein’s Island: What most don’t know and soon will come to learn is that Epstein’s island was a honey pot for DNA collection first, second it was an island for pedos to enjoy themselves, thirdly it was an island of prostitution.

1. DNA Collection: Mossad is behind the island. Ghislaiine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell was a known MOSSAD agent. The MOSSAD is Israeli CIA. They use black mail to gain power. The island wasn’t a hub for pedos, it was a hub for ANYONE wanting to fulfill a sexual fantasy. Many Hollywood stars are into children, yet you’d be surprised many went there to fuck same sex, or fuck many, of legal age.

2. Pedo Island: many Hollywood stars are pedos. Many are curious about it and lived it out on the island. The children were trained to collect skin (from scratching the backs of partners), hair was collected, and bodily secretions. If you knew the real technology of 2023, you’d not be surprised cloning has been going on for decades in our world.

·       Is it a woman’s right to kill her baby, especially through an abortion clinic that harvests the child’s organs while they were still alive? Satanic Covens commonly use abortion clinics for their Satanic Child Sacrifice Rites, while the clinics harvest live babies’ organs, tissues and traumatized Adrenochrome blood for a very lucrative profit. That’s why Leftists are pushing for legalized full-term abortions because the fully formed babies’ organs and blood sell for more, especially when the organs are harvested while the baby is still alive.

·       In past years the Clintons, Obamas, Biden and Trudeau have been purposely creating chaos in Haiti including kidnapping children and using them as subjects for their Satanic pedophilia and child sacrifice rites in the Haiti Forest, according to the former Haiti Prime Minister and Tucker Carlson.

·       On Mon. 8 April during the Solar Eclipse the Deep State was planning a biological attack on The People.

·       Obama, Pelosi, Biden and other politicians were believed to have taken millions in bribes to keep the Southern Border open for drug trade and human trafficking (especially the lucrative Sex Trafficking of children), plus promoted and funded illegal immigrants to flood the Border for the purpose of having them vote for Democrats through fake mail in ballots.

·       When Trump again acts as US President he intends to seal the Border, stop the invasion, and send Biden’s illegal immigrants back to their own countries.

·       The Q Movement World Alliance intends to dissolve political parties and have individuals run for office on their own merit in fair and free elections throughout the World via the new Star Link Satellite System that verifies qualified voters.

·       World War III has officially started. The Globalist Military Industrial Complex thugs want WWIII. They will use this conflict between Israel and Hamas to get what they want. It will have to be WWIII between United States & Iran using what is going on in Israel as a proxy – which would no doubt turn into a Nuclear Conflict that would also inevitably include Russia, China, and others. US involvement is certain. Biden and Netanyahu will go down in history as the two morons that started WWIII!

Mel Gibson on Child Sex Trafficking and Hollywood: “I was introduced to the dark practices of Hollywood in early 2000s and was threatened with serious repercussions should I ever speak out. And I don’t just mean my career I mean my life was threatened, my family’s life would be in danger. I can only talk about it now as those people, those industry executives, they’re all dead now. “This isn’t anything new and has been taking place since before Hollywood was even founded. If you research this phenomenon, you will find lurking in the shadows of every dark era in history. These dark, multidimensional occult practices have been used in secret societies for hundreds of years. Hollywood is being used for social programming and mind control and their message is being projected into the psyche of the American people and people everywhere.”

“The Oligarchs running our world are pedophiles controlling the Global Child Sex Trafficking Systems,”according to the former UN executive director and president of the Club of Rome, Europe. “The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations is similar to the Davos Agenda (WEF). Eight Million Children Go Missing Every Year.”

Richard Branson was worse than Epstein. Branson catered to the A List and Royalty. While Epstein catered to the B List. Branson has islands in the Virgin Islands, near Epstein’s Island. His airline is called Virgin. Does anyone think about why it is called Virgin? Lolita Express.

To understand Real History properly and systematically, understand that the entire world is controlled by Satanic secret societies who worship their “god” Satan through Global child sacrifice networks and institutions which they use to fund perpetual wars by the Vatican. At the top of the Illuminati Pyramid of Power includes  – the 13 ILLUMINATI ROYAL BLOODLINE FAMILIES, ROCKEFELLERS, ROTHSCHILDS – KHAZARIAN MAFIA – CIA – CENTRAL BANKERS, MOSSAD, BRITISH ROYAL FAMILIES. For example, in 1823, the Rothschilds took over all financial dealings of the Catholic Church and the Vatican. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope in history! This would explain how the Gestapo wing of the Catholic Church (e.g., the Jesuits) have had their dark, hidden hand in fomenting world wars and false flag conflicts among the Nations. When the British Royal Family went bankrupt in the 1870s the Rothschilds acquired “breeding rights” to the British Royal Family as payment to keep this family solvent. This goes back to the 1870s under Queen Victoria. Meaning = All of the Royal Family = Not English but KHAZARS = “Fake Jews”.

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s first efforts to use Machiavellian tactics to fund both sides of every war began with the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99).The Rothschild Central Bankers not only funded these wars, but fomented or used their vast wealth to create hatred, economic chaos, and warmongering among the Nations!

Below is an excerpt from my 5-part essay exposing the evil Rothschild family titled – A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia—Part 1 (100-1200 AD)

America’s #1 Ally throughout History = Russia (not England or Israel)

We the People were always taught England was our closest ally followed closely by Israel… Wrong! It was always RUSSIA! —100% THERE WOULD BE NO U.S.A. WITHOUT OUR FAITHFUL ALLY, RUSSIA WHO FOUGHT WITH US IN MANY WARS FOR U.S. SURVIVAL – FROM THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, WAR OF 1812, CIVIL WAR, WW I, WW II, COLD WAR, SYRIAN WAR . . . Right up to TODAY. In fact, Russia’s present leader, Vladimir Putin, is essentially the co-leader with President Trump of the Anti-New World Order called, “The Alliance.” This is why since the Apotheosis of President Donald J. Trump (15 June 2015) Russia and President Vladimir Putin have been Public Enemy #1 and demonized relentlessly by the Khazarian Mafia fake Jewish media. It’s the Rothschild/Illuminati favorite war tactics—Nation Deconstruction through Divide-and-conquer, Infiltration over Invasion, Perversion over Truth. However, their Khazarian Mafia tactics didn’t work and Trump and Putin, America and Russia remain a central part of “The Alliance”—a Globalist network of world leaders like India, China (w/o the CCP), Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Australia, Burma, Vietnam, etc.… allied together to defeat the Illuminati Satanic Secret Society New World Order Networks and the Rothschild Debt-Slavery Central Banking cabals.

The KM Rothschild private Fiat Counterfeit Banksters plot eternal revenge against the American Colonists and Russia who assisted them for losing the Revolutionary War: When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships.”  

“They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD. The Rothschilds and their English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession.   Their favored plan is to set up an American central bank, featuring Babylonian money magic and secret counterfeiting…”

~ Preston James and Mike Harris – Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (2015)

REMEMBER! If you don’t ask the right questions, you’ll never get the right answers! —THE CIA WAS FORMED AFTER WORLD WAR II WITH THE HELP OF MIND CONTROL EXPERTS BROUGHT INTO THE US AND CANADA FROM NAZI GERMANY. And 3 years after the so-called “end” of World War II the modern Nation of Israel was founded on May 12, 1948. Israel’s intelligence Agency (Mossad) was formed about 18 months later on Dec. 13, 1949. Much of America’s foreign policy, monetary policy and Hollywood/Entertainment is controlled by the Nation of Israel and their Machiavellian policy apparatus called Zionism. 

Zionism: The Ultimate MK Ultra Mind Control Psyop—Judy Byington reports regarding Zionism that during the end of World War II that the Rothschild family paid out the British Government to reform Israel under the Zionist Foundation and the political agreement signed 2 Nov. 1917 titled The Balfour Declaration. In other words, the Deep State Cabal (e.g., Rothschild Khazarian Mafia) set up the Zionist Movement not to declare the independent nation of Israel for the Jewish people, but for the Khazarian Mafia (who pretended to be of the Jewish faith) to have a privately owned Headquarters in Israel for their Child Sex Trafficking, Organ, and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring. That contract with the British Government ended on Tues. 31 Oct. Halloween – which instigated the present war in Israel for the purpose of taking control of the land and kick out the Palestinians.”



In a 5-part essay series I wrote back in 2021 titled – A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia—Part 1 (100-1200 AD), I stated the following delineation of “Real” Jews vs. Zionists or Khazarian “Jews”), Israeli Prime Minister (and virtually all of the leadership in modern Israel today are Zionists, not real Jews at least in an ancient Hebraic DNA sense of the word)—

Real Jews vs. Babylonian Talmudic “Jews”

Scientific FACT! Historically there were Real Jews [= Jesus and the Bible Prophets] vs. Fake Khazarian Mafia Jews [= Babylonian Money-Magick, Talmudic “Jews” of Slavic, Caucasian ethnicity]. Whose voice is speaking in the above meme? THINIK! Eugenics Racism: Prime Minister Begin characterizing his people as “the master race”, as “divine Gods on this planet” and all other races of the world as “inferior races” and “insects” to presumably be eradicated all has an odd ring to it, doesn’t it? THINK! Adolph Hitler (a Khazarian Jew and a direct descendant (grandson on his mother’s side) of Nathan Rothschild) who was secretly supported by the Rothschilds literally from birth and raised from obscurity as a Manchurian Candidate to wage war against his allegedly own Jewish people using his Democidal Eugenics Nazi worldview to murder over 20 million people (including 6 million Jews) during World War II.



G. CIA/OSS Operation Paperclip = Hitler and the Nazis didn’t Loose World War II (1939-45), they came back Home to the Americas where they Secretly Rule the Nations of the World Under the Satanic New World Order to this day!

In fact, in the Fulford Report Ben says to “EXPECT A LOT OF CHILDREN TO BE RESCUED FROM HUMAN/CHILD TRAFFICKING RINGS AS MILITARY/POLICE WHITE HATS OPERATIONS KICK INTO OVERDRIVE.” He further states that there will be so many operations that will hit Mainstream Media [MSM] news stations, social media networks of police and Trump White Hat Military raids operations that are rescuing children through the United States. These very important open police operations will coincide with military operations and ALLIANCE operations that will bring in the ALARM on child trafficking, through the next 10 months on the highest levels humans have ever heard of human child trafficking.

If you think child sex trafficking and child sacrifice is a thing of ancient history. . .? Think again! Fulford affirms that “These open [child rescue] operations WILL connect with the CONGRESS/ MUSK/ TRUMP/ROGAN/ RFKJR several top podcasters around the world EXPOSING the REAL pandemic, human/child trafficking sex Industries connected to elites, governments, entertainment and [Deep State] military. As U.S. CONGRESS has plans to PUSH the EPSTEIN exposure files, the CIA and FBI is in sheer PANIC as the EVENT [Trump as POTUS all along, and Resident Biden the Imposter] comes closer.”

Another historical anomaly that Fulford exposes is how the Deep State throughout human history skillfully acquires power through infiltration. In other words, like the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia did in 100 B.C. – killing people on the road and then assuming their identities, those same evil tactics are still used to this day! For example, Fulford, “exposure of Justin Trudeau and his family heritage and linings are connected to CIA operations and honey traps … His own mother was CIA created prostitute at the young age of 15 and had sex with Rolling Stones and famous people and politicians, by the age of 18 she married Justin Trudeau’s father’s Pierre Trudeau who was in his 50s (Who was a pedophile himself) and both had Swingers parties and orgies through the world with politicians and Elites…. The month that Justin Trudeau was born his family was just a hundred miles from Fidel Castro’ and the Trudeaus blocked all media on a secret weekend they went to Cuba (this is facts and has been reported) …



Invasion through Infiltration

Fulford continues that, “In this very moment JUSTIN TRUDEAU was conceived and it was well-known that Pierre Trudeau was infertile and never had children even into his 50s …  Months later after Justin Trudeau was born, he was introduced to his real father Fidel Castro and photos were taken. It’s well known in the CIA and top-level Intel agencies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was CIA handled and was used also as an elite male prostitute …as Was Justin Trudeau who was a male prostitute for the elites and was used in sex honeypot [Deep State] OPERATIONS and BLACKMAILED his way to the top through CIA/MI6 control ops to become prime minister.

If your head still is reeling from the fact that Canada is currently ruled over by a Communist infiltrator who is actually the biological son of the Cuban mass murder Fidel Castro, Fulford cites another “well known story that the CIA/ George H.W. BUSH also used Obama as a prostitute and Obama was created long ago to become president, and use black communities as voters to sustain power for CIA. As Trudeau now separates from his wife and the Canadian government actually once put out a public report insisting that Trudeau is not Castro’s son… The military ALLIANCE doors are closing in.


H.    Illegal Immigration = Pedophilia = Human and Child Sex Trafficking = Trafficking in Aborted baby body parts = Adrenochrome = Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifices

PEDOPHILE ALERT! America, does it seem that an increasing number of news stories deal with human sex trafficking and child sex trafficking? NFL New England Patriot’s owner, Robert Kraft and Chicago singer/pedophile R. Kelly are just the latest two celebrities in a long list of people engaging directly or indirectly in adult and child sex trafficking. This has been going on for thousands of years – going back to ancient times in the Bible and God’s repeated warning to the Nation of Israel to stop sacrificing their children to long list of pagan, occultic, Satanic gods—Nimrod, Semiramis, Baal (Zeus), Molech (Moloch), Ashtoreth, Asherah, Shiva, Kali, Chac, and hundreds of others. Why is the Left pushing this Satanic, Child-Democide agenda so strongly? The CIA-Operation Mockingbird [OMB] media has a vested interest in keeping these vile acts hidden.

Follow the money. Qui bono? (who benefits?). A required question I always teach my students to ask themselves whenever the media, politicians, or anyone for that matter is trying to convince them to do or not do something. The CIA-OMB fake journalists want to protect themselves for participating in or being allied with pedophiles (Democrats and Republicans). This is the mandated road to riches most famous people must take in our society—Broadway, Hollywood, Sport stars, entertainers, Rappers, Rockers, politicians, judges, doctors, lawyers, Wall Street bankers, Ivy League academics, and virtually all of the most elite members of society. It’s always been that way [“The System”], but QAnon (est. 10/28/17) and Trump Tweets have opened the Matrix for U.S. to escape. I pray many, many more people will escape cyber slavery and move to FREEDOM and LIBERTY in the name of JESUS CHRIST!


I.      Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Smallpox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrail/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoax:


·       Microsoft has patented a “Crypto Currency system using body activity data,” meaning that people will generate Crypto Currency from their body energy. Coupled with the nanotechnology inside the vaccines, each vaccinated person could in addition act as an antenna or transmitter.

·       The Spike Protein in CV Vaccines is a Cancer Trigger: It binds to the breast cancer and ovarian cancer gene, BRCA. Cancers are now exploding: The spike protein attacks the bone marrow and your dividing stem cells, hence the increase in cancers. It doesn’t matter which ‘vaccine’ you take; they all produce the same spike protein which attacks your cells. This is a crime against humanity where we’re using a dangerous product that is harming our human body, harming our hormones, harming our reproductive organs.


In an earlier Judy Byington Report quoting a German MEP, Christine Anderson: “For god’s sake, stop complying. Start rebelling. They are out to get you if you do not resist. The so-called “pandemic” was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global “emergency.” The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this. In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the wellbeing of regular people, and it isn’t any different now.

REMEMBER! Illegal Immigration = Pedophilia = Human and Child Sex Trafficking = Trafficking in Aborted baby body parts = Adrenochrome = Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifices. Hollywood has for nearly 110 years (since 1915) told you that they were about corrupting the morals and culture of society through movies (after that they used radio and TV to deconstruct societal morality, family structure and religious traditions). Look at the meme below—I DON’T TRUST WORDS, I EVEN QUESTION ACTIONS, BUT I NEVER DOUBT P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S. People we have to turn off the Tel-LIE-vision and start connecting the dots for our own survival and for the survival of our children’s generation. These Machiavellian tactics and strategies of the Democrat Socialist Party, the Globalists and the Satanic New World Order remind me of a famous quote by Brock Chisholm—


According to a recent Judy Byington Report, “Hundreds of Indian farmers have been using Pepsi & Coca-Cola to spray their crops as its 10 times cheaper than buying pesticides and keeps the crops bug free. Some states in south India have even banned the manufacture and sale of Coke, Pepsi, Sprite and other drinks, claiming they contain high levels of pesticide residues. Both Pepsi and Coca-Cola are in denial about their products being used as pesticides because they say there is nothing in the drinks that can be used as pest control.” If famers are using Coke products (which actually contains “cocaine” thus its name!) what generational harm (e.g., cancer, diabetes, autism, psychosis) do you think children and adults have suffered for over 130 years since these popular drinks have been in public use?

REMEMBER! The Unvaccinated Won’t Be Unvaccinated for Long with mRNA in the Food Supply. “We’ve confirmed: this mRNA stuff is in the food supply,” reported attorney Tom Renz. It turns out that mega drug manufacturer Merck has been injecting mRNA into pigs since 2018. “For all you guys that stood strong and said no to these mRNA vaccines. Well, you’re gonna get them anyway right through your food.” Not only will mRNA democide vaccine be forced surreptitiously upon We the People through our food supply, but through air (via chemtrails), soil and through our water supply. Although the Propaganda press is trying desperately to keep the truth from reaching We the People particularly about the Covid-19 vaccine lies including the government-sponsored DEMOCIDE against millions of Americans and billions of people worldwide leading Dr. Reiner Fuelmich to remark: “Everyone in the World who has promoted this bio-weapon fake vaccine is guilty and will be held responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.”



Satan always first brings temptation voluntarily, second, by force. This is his tactics in forcing the Covid-19 or mRNA into the food supply so as to Democide humanity, but more importantly for those who survive the Covid onslaught, to change the DNA of mankind and thus to remove God’s original spiritual purpose for creating mankind “in the image of God”. Once this is done then we are no longer “created in the image of God” as the Bible says but are new creatures of perversion Satan created in the image of the Antichrist (666). At this point in human evolution REPENTANCE will be quite impossible.

Another example of the governments of the world committing mass Democide against their own people using Covid-19. Why are so many flights delayed and cancelled on a daily basis in America? Remember at the beginning of the Covid Plandemic when all of the airlines mandated that their pilots get the clot shot? Remember that tens of thousands of pilots refused and took early retirement. Remember the uninformed pilots pressured by their airlines to get the shot? Many of them have died (some have died while in flight!) or suffered careering ending debilitations like blood clots, AIDS, cancer, mental breakdown and other maladies. 


J. AGENDA 2030 or The Obama-Hillary 16-Year Plan to Destroy America



*N.B.: Recent research discovered about the origins of this enigmatic document found by Allied Soldiers in 1919 at the end of World War I are very revealingI found in a Wikipedia article on CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, while denying the documents authenticity as “debunked” ironically states that this “Communist Rules for Revolution” document (beyond it’s obvious historical connections to Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto [1848]) perhaps has later literary origins back to 1871 in the writings of the 19th century Russian novelist Dostoyevsky— 


The text by Ivanov also shows significant similarities to the statements of Pyotr Verhovensky, a character from the 1871 novel The Possessed by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: “…we’ll make use of drunkenness, slander, spying; we’ll make use of incredible corruption; we’ll stifle every genius in its infancy. (…) But one or two generations of vice are essential now; monstrous, abject vice by which a man is transformed into a loathsome, cruel, egoistic reptile. That’s what we need!” (Chapter VII).[17]

The plan’s imperatives (corrupt the young, control the media, discredit the government, etc.) are remarkably similar to the debunked “Communist Rules for Revolution,” supposedly discovered in Germany in 1919 and published in English newspapers in 1946.[18][19]



Also, if this 1919 document is fake then why did Saul D. Alinsky (1909-72), a Communist agitator for the Democrat Socialist Party and the “Father of Community Organizing in America” in 1971 write the How to book for infiltrating Communism into America with nearly the same title, “Rules for Radicals” ? A book that openly plagiarizes and expands upon the 1919 book, “Communist Rules for Revolution.” In a 2013 essay titled, Barack ‘Adam Smith’ Obama? I exposed Rule #13, Alinsky’s last, most evil and effective Rules for Radicals:

“Every statement Obama says on economics is taken chapter and verse from his intellectual mentor Saul Alinsky, the father of Marxist community organizing and his vile 1971 biopic he personally dedicated to Satan titled, “Rules for Radicals.” Rule 13 says: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. The target for Obama and the Democrat Socialist Party attacks has always been capitalism and Christianity and the Progressive Revolution is their existential means “to fundamentally transform [i.e., deconstruct and destroy] America.”



Finally, Alinsky’s Communist tactics and strategies have influenced generations of treacherous Democrats and Globalists who would become future leaders in America including Hillary Rodham Clinton whose  undergraduate thesis at Wellesley (May 2, 1969) was done on Alinsky. Also, Barack Hussein Obama, as a Manchurian Candidate and future POTUS studiously copied Alinsky’s techniques as a community organizer in Chicago in the early 1990s under the tutelage of his Communist handlers, husband/wife Professors – Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.


K.  Why did President Trump issue Executive Orders: 13818, 13848 and 13959?

Trump won the election, and our amazing military knows that (the clowns on TV are bought puppets). He was impeached after he “lost” because the judicial and legislative branches knew he was still president, and they had no control over the military with him having a position in govt.  Note: you can only “impeach” people who hold a “position” in govt. Why would they impeach an incumbent president who “lost?”

In Feb. 2021 I wrote an essay titled – If you are Free, then Why have you been a Slave for the Past 150 Years? In this work I analyzed President Trump’s two most important Executive Orders: #13818 And  #31848—


WHY DO I SLEEP LIKE A BABY ALERT!?? Answer = 1. President Trump EO #13818 = “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” (21 Dec. 2017); 2. EO #13848 = “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” (12 Sept. 2018) and 3. EO #13959 = Prohibiting investment in “Communist Chinese military companies” (11 Dec. 2020) has allowed the new US Republic and Treasury to seize all assets (stocks, shares, trades, bank accounts, businesses, homes, investment companies) of these corporate entities and persons for Human Rights Abuse and Election Interference. See also, Ellis Washington, Greg Reese Podcast—Zionism and the Creation of Israel (11.12.2023).

To better understand Trump’s Genius Plan enacted 5 YEARS ago to not only expose, bring to Justice and seize all the ASSETS of all the Democrat-Republican Deep State Traitors including those complicit in the 2020 Election Fraud (incl. Big Media, Social Media, Wall Street, Judges, Politicians (Local, State & Federal levels), Unions, the Academy, Foreign Nations (China, Iran, Germany, England, France, the Vatican, Spain, Ukraine, Australia, Israel), Venezuela, The Crown, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, all the Billionaire Foundations & Trusts, Satanic Societies & 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families (the Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Bloomberg), the Globalist Gestapo (UN, EU, IMF, WHO, World Bank, UNESCO… Everybody!) Read President Trump’s EO #13818 (21 Dec. 2017), EO #13848 (12 Sept. 2018) and EO #13959 (12 Nov. 2020).



Regarding the understanding and insane reach of President Trump’s BOMBSHELL EO #13848, you must first realize that Trump comes from a family of Tacticians and Critical Thinkers. For example, Trump’s family going back before World War II with his Father Fred “JESUS” Trump (a maverick NY business mogul) and his genius Uncle John G. Trump (MIT Professor), who was tasked with protecting the Tesla files after the CIA had Nikola Tesla murdered to prevent him from giving the entire world free energy over 100 years ago! = NESARA). All Trump’s tactics and strategies to defeat the Deep State traitors and Globalist Gestapo while preserving the Natural Rights of We the People are straight out of Sun Tzu’s classic war treatise—The Art of War (475-221 B.C.). Trump applied Sun Tzu’s precepts to a modern corporate, business climate in his own iconic book, The Art of the Deal (1987). 



L.  The Obama-Biden Crime Family and their Deep State Allies

· Biden Crime Family

·       Thurs. 21 March Bank records, e-mails, texts, photos, visitor logs, phone calls, and sworn witness testimony shows Biden was fully involved in Hunter’s corrupt foreign business deals. Democrats and their media allies have covered it up.

·       Thurs. 21 March Rep Byron Donalds outlined the money trail from a Chinese Communist Party-controlled entity that eventually found its way to Joe Biden himself. Money went from the CCP, to Hunter Biden’s bank account, to James Biden’s bank account, eventually withdrawn by Sara Biden, and then given to Joe Biden. This is how corrupt US bureaucrats/oligarchs are who launder money in exchange for policy decisions and State secrets. We have a paper trail confirming the sitting POTUS is receiving money from China. The United States is compromised.


“In 2008 something unbelievable happened for us in the FBI – We were getting lots of rumors about this ‘HIGH LEVEL asset’ that worked for SEVERAL intelligence agencies at once!!! This person went on to become the president of the United States in 2008.”

“His code name was ‘RENEGADE.’ He is also known as, Barry Soetoro!!”

“When the Cabal ran him for president, it was a culmination of many of their plans for so many years! His mission was to destroy America from within, one institution at a time”.

RED ALERT: RED October is coming along nicely. Article 2 Section 4 states the PRESIDENT SHALL BE REMOVED from office under the following conditions—

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”.

This section establishes the grounds for impeachment of the President, Vice President, and other federal officials. The process of impeachment requires a majority vote in the House of Representatives to bring charges, followed by a trial in the Senate, with a two-thirds majority required for conviction and removal from office. Impeachment requires a majority vote in the House: 218 Republicans have as of today in The House: 221 118th Congress (2023–2025) Majority Party: Democrats (48 seats) Minority Party: Republicans (49 seats) Other Parties: 3 Independents Total Seats: 100

“A federal court has just affirmed that there is hard evidence that the First Family apparently engaged in a long pattern of extortion, bribery, influence peddling, tax fraud and staggering abuses of power. These First Family crimes are not conspiracy theories. There is hard evidence. There is a growing list that the White House, Department of Justice and FBI, among other most important Executive Branch Agencies, are in on it. They threatened and coerced Social Media platforms. They have been weaponized to cover this all up – to censor, suppress, disfavor viewpoints of conservative Social Media posts. They are panicked because it is hard to cover up the inescapable evidence of the last few weeks that proves that the Biden Family is hopelessly corrupt”. …Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, on Mon. 6 Nov. 2023

CNN Admits Most Americans Hate Biden:

Resident Biden, Congress & SCOTUS will all soon be exposed and brought to Justice before a Military Tribunal at Gitmo Charged with Murder, Pedophilia, Fraud, Sedition, Treason, Misprison of Treason, and Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government. This final and desperate Globalist push to establish their Satanic New World Order – led by billionaire psychopaths Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeff Bezos and Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson) – to flood America with illegal immigrants from all over the world is designed to destroy America by destroying its culture, religion and laws with people who obviously could care less about “National Sovereignty.” President Trump as told U.S. many times that “a country without borders is no country at all.” Thus, another Machiavellian purpose of flooding America with illegal immigrants is to distract from the bad news for Resident Biden on Tues. 16 May when Congress was informed by a Whistleblower that the entire IRS team was removed from the investigation of Hunter Biden’s business dealings on order of the Department of Justice (DOJ) – the order suspected to have come down from President Biden himself. 



Biden Crime Family Child Trafficking: The Biden crime syndicate is one of the most evil secret societies in world history, guilty of child trafficking and high treason against America, FBI and DOJ whistleblowers allege.

Rest assured that President Trump and his White Hat Military Alliance know about all of the treacherous plots and plans of the Resident Biden administration and his puppet master Barack Obama who is in the basement of the fake White House whispering treacherous words of sedition and treason. But it won’t work because, as I mentioned above, President Trump and the White Hat Military Alliance already know about the Democrat’s 16-Year Plan to Destroy America and essentially hand over our precious national sovereignty to CHINA! It’s NOT going to happen!

Did you know that Biden and Obama are biologically related and that virtually all of the 45 Presidents of the United States come from one English King?


*N.B.: REMEMBER! For years I have proclaimed that – To understand REAL History, always follow the 13 ILLUMINATI ROYAL BLOODLINES!! Since this article was published in 2012, 5 years before Donald Trump became president (01/20/2017-01/20/2021), I feel reasonably secure in stating that Trump’s genealogy does not descend back to King John of England. Information I’ve viewed from declassified military intelligence sources has Donald Trump being the biological son of America’s greatest war hero, GENERAL GEORGE PATTON and his nurse/secretary, Jean Gordon, was Trump’s biological mother. The resemblance is undeniable! 

Tragically neither parent lived to see Trump’s first birthday! On 21 December 1945, shortly after the end of World War II General George Patton died in a mysterious jeep accident that many now believe was a conspiracy to murder. His lover, the then 21-year-old Red Cross nurse, Jean Gordon, likewise died under mysterious circumstances on 8 Jan. 1946. I’m not certain if she actually died sometime after Trump was born on 14 June 1946 and her actual death hidden by the Military White Hat Alliance in order to secure the newborn baby Trump and arrange for a proper adoptive family to raise him to become America’s future champion of Freedom and Liberty and the downfall of the demonic Deep State and the Satanic New World Order. More research is needed here.


N. “United States Citizen” SCAM! Conspiracy Cabal on Telegram:   

All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the King, these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law, which are the living, breathing, flesh and blood Sovereign people. 

All of the Agents in power beginning with the King, the Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials, wanted to obtain power and control over America, and the Constitution pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends. So, they began to devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into corporate fictions.

These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses without exposing their treachery,and so our private and public education must be controlled. 

Without any real Constitutional basis, the U. S. Department of Education was created. 

The Constitution made it the responsibility of each state to educate its people and several states challenged the Congress in the courts.

The matter was eventually heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, which has never been a Constitutional Article III Court from its inception, which I will explain. 

The sovereign states had been abolished in 1790 by the adoption of Article 1 of the Statutes at Large, which converted all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government lawful jurisdiction everywhere. 

In consideration of the fact that the federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully own other corporations and all the American subjects to be educated have admitted under penalty of perjury that they are corporations, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. [See how sneaky and tricky lawyers can be? And all the more reason why lawyers should never be allowed to serve in government or in judgment of us]. 

The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the educational requirements of “United States Citizens” by virtue of their Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce! Bad law is bad law, no matter how you turn the paper and that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its “brainwashing” process of the American public, according to the Judy Byington Report. Furthermore, she explains how the Court arrived at its ruling because these are not ignorant men.  On every form you file to receive “government benefits” and even the “voter registration form” there is a question that asks: Are you a United States Citizen?

YES / NO and everyone circles the YES answer. Didn’t you? Now look up the definition of a “United States Citizen” in a reputable law dictionary. You will discover that a United States Citizen is a phrase designed to identify a “corporate fiction.”  Clever, isn’t it? You and every other American had no idea that you were admitting you were a corporate fiction when you circled that YES answer, and you did it under penalty of perjury! 



REMEMBER! The United States for America (a Republic) was hijacked in 1871 (perhaps as far back as 1774) and turned into a CORPORATION called THE UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA, INC. (a Corporation). Under this Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix We the People = Stock (bought and sold on Wall Street like cattle or chattel = SLAVES). America until very recently thanks to President Donald J. Trump, was wholly owned by Britain (Queen Elizabeth II and her newly crowned son, King Charles III) who is really owned by the Rothschilds, and Britain is owned by the Vatican and the Pope, and of course the Rothschild have infiltrated the Monarchy and all the Popes since the early 1800s so that in reality all of the so-called “Royal Family” and all of the so-called “Popes” are secretly of Rothschild blood. 



O. Must Watch Videos:

·       · See the dramatic movie on Child Sex Trafficking “Sound of Freedom”:

·       Wed. 20 March Situation Update: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 3/20/24 (

·       Thurs. 21 March Situation Update: Judy Byington, Unredacted: Trump’s Secret War on the CIA & Deep State, Deep State Planning Biological Attack During Solar Eclipse – Special Intel Report 3/21/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

·       Thurs. 21 March Juan O’ Savin & Michael Jaco: 03.20.24 – Trump Arrest, Election Theft (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

·       Thurs. 21 March X22 Report:


Child Genocide by the Canadian Government, Vatican and UK Crown:

·       Kevin Annett’s Award-winning documentary film Unrepentant:

·       Voice of the Republic of Kanata live Sunday 6pm EST On Sun. 10 March: “An Update on Bloody ‘King’ Charles and An Insider’s Account of how Church and State get away with murder as a law unto themselves.” …Kevin Annett

·       Republic of Kanata:

Books by Kevin Annett:

·       Murder by Decree: Genocide in Canada:

·       Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion:

·       Fallen – The Story of the Vancouver Four:

·       Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual


Remember! History since at least the late 1700s including the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99), all political and social, economic and historical events have been staged like a Shakesperean play – instigated through series of complex, contrived, constructs we now know as False Flag Wars. Thus, history since the First Industrial Revolution (1750s-1850s) (and perhaps even further back than this) have been shaped, manipulated and controlled by a very small, but powerful Jewish Family called the Rothschild and through ancient secret societies like – the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Octagon Group, the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Davos, etc. . . 




Even though you are considered an enemy of the corporate government, it actually has no jurisdiction over you as a living man or woman. However, if you agree to be a citizen of your corporate government, then it has jurisdiction over you. For example, to be a United States citizen means that you are an “employee” of the United States which is a corporation. If you want evidence of this, look at subsection 14 & 15 in Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this phrase (14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States””

*N.B.: For further research see Archives, Jan. 1, 2019 and @ 


SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT [Facebook Post of 4 Aug. 2022]. . .  Did you know that the ENTIRE Bar (National and International Bar Associations all over the WORLD) and all Legal Systems together with all Justices, judges, lawyers, courts and law books is a 100% Conspiracy of Lies, Deceit and Injustice since the Middle Ages (1500s)…? Carefully study the meme above.

FACT: Under Admiralty and Maritime Law, the citizens of the U.S.A. INC. are considered the property of the British crown. This has been going for centuries and not only for the U.S. citizens, but for virtually all of the 209 United Nations member States of the world.


P. Epilogue and Conclusions—Escaping the False Reality of the Matrix = the Satanic New World Order through Embracing Jesus Christ = The Reality of Truth 

In conclusion, Dave of X22 Report summarized the crucial state of Affairs the world, America and how We the People stand at the precipice of the abyss—Will we all fall into destruction and eternal damnation for allowing a smally cabal of psychopaths (e.g., the Illuminati, the Rothschild Central Bankers, the Freemasons, the Vatican, Council of 13, Council of 13, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and other secret societies) pushed Humanity to the precipice? No! X22 Report (beg. @11:14) stated this new and revived Glorious History of the future of America and the World once the Satanic New World Order and their slavish Allies are utterly defeated—

X22 Reports urges people to “Think about how they hate America, how they hate the Constitution, how they hate History, and how the country was born, and how the Founding Fathers created this incredible Constitution to allow people to live free and go about their lives. Remember, the Constitution is a living, breathing document. The [Framers] knew that times were going to change. They knew that people were going to need to add amendments, and they knew that they could not leave this up to the federal government. They knew it had to be from the bottom level and the people had to decide what amendments they were going to add to the Constitution. And they also decided…we are going to have to allow people to have rights that they were born with, and the federal government was going to have to agree to the contract and abide by all of these things in the contract.

You see the Founding Fathers knew this, they had been through tyranny, they had been through dictatorship, they knew exactly what would happen if another tyrannical government would come along. They always followed the same playbook and what happens is that people can’t recognize it in the beginning, but as times goes on people start realizing what is really going on and I think we are at that point where people are starting to see the censorship.”

Remember! History since at least the late 1700s including the American Revolution and the French Revolution, all social and historical events have been instigated through contrived, construct, False Flag Wars. Thus, history since the First Industrial Revolution (1750s-1850s) (and perhaps even further back than this) have been shaped, manipulated and controlled by a very small, but powerful Jewish Family called the Rothschild and through ancient secret societies like the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Octagon Group, the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Davos, etc. 



*N.B.: Geopolitical analyst Benjamin Fulford in his weekly report (Oct. 31, 2022)(beg.@3:42) had the following remarks regarding how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia have used debt and chattel slavery to keep the nations in perpetual Satanic control and economic bondage—“This is Judge Anna von Wright telling the world about them—They [Zionists] have been doing the same thing since the Bronze Age (3300-1200 BC)—Introducing the concept of credit [e.g., “usury”], gaining access to someone else’s credit, accumulating debts on behalf of their victims, eating through the very substance of the country they invaded, killing their creditors and then moving on to a new Master.”

Don’t believe me? Do your own research. A good starting point is put search terms of one word or a phrase at the informative website— WARNING! Prepare to be Redpilled and to have your mind blown!

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