SCOTUS Tweet and Addendum to Selected Scholars and to all U.S. Law School Deans

| July 14, 2018
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871


*N.B.: My name is Ellis Washington. I am a blacklisted Black historian, intellectual, writer, and law academic. I am blacklisted and discriminated against because I am a Nationalist and a 30-year Trump supporter. I am also a 30-year protégé of the jurisprudence of Justice Clarence Thomas. I have scrupulously modeled my entire academic career after this sterling example of Higher Law conservatism. And for championing Natural Law as a Strict Constructionist, Constitutionalist and Natural Rights jurisprudence founded by our Framers, like Justice Thomas I have suffered from Democrat Socialist Party’s “high-tech lynching” hypocrisy, existential treachery, and conservative creed hatred for almost 4 decades.

Thus, this SCOTUS Tweet and attached Addendum is an important document I created (and slightly augmented here from my original email) to chronicle my singular, 35+ year battle against Institutional and Ideological racism inside the American Academy; existential treason that has infested all U.S. institutions. Justice Louis Brandeis (the first Jewish Justice on SCOTUS) famously wrote that, “Sunlight… is the best of disinfectants” – therefore I will use the light of Veritas (truth) to disinfect, to expose, to deconstruct, and ultimately to destroy the Progressive Revolution—e.g., the Democrat Socialist Party’s 100-year treasonous plot to turn the Nationalist U.S.A. into the Globalist U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America).

I vow before the throne of God to fight this existential Democrat Party tyranny and Gestapo Globalism by an impassioned appeal to President Donald Trump to use his vast powers as our Chief Executive under the U.S. Constitution (Article 2, Sections 2 & 3), to tear down and destroy the Groupthink liberal fascism of the Marxist Academy by immediately signing an Executive order mandating that all public and private colleges and universities in America no longer receive federal funding due to their overtly Anti-American, Pro-Socialist existence—an untenable paradigm where 95-100% of U.S. colleges and law school faculty and administrators belong to the Democrat Socialist Party.

In my humble opinion it is only then that true institutional, intellectual and ideological “diversity” can be realized and implemented to all persons regardless of political affiliation, creed, color, national origin, gender, as legal, moral, and verifiable policy in all U.S. institutions.

This Addendum is a formal essay addressed to Professor Tracey Meares, who is the Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School. I picked this person as my addressee because 22 years ago in 1996 I contacted her and one of her future notable colleagues at the University of Chicago Law School several times to help me as a conservative, as a Christian academic to join their ranks. Her response was to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear towards my plight. Incidentally, her ‘notable’ colleague at University of Chicago Law School I reference was none other than a young, Barack Hussein Obama – a CIA cutout and Manchurian Candidate who would 12 years later go on to become the 44th President of the United States under the Marxist-Fascist slogan – “We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming [under Socialism Slavery] the United States of America!

Dear Professor Tracey Meares:

Tweet (sent to over 14,000 people): My Opus on Justice O.W. Holmes was rejected 3Xs by @HarvLRev. Dedicated to @POTUS exposing Holmes’s UnNatural Law LIES = “A new untruth is better than an old truth” – by restoring Natural Law & Natural Rights in the U.S. with Constitutionalist Jurists @ #RedPillBlack

Veritas Pro Christo et Ecclesia!

~Ellis Washington, J.D.

Director, Salt and Light Global, LLC



ADDENDUM Against “Institutional, Intellectual and Ideological Racism inside the American Academy” and in all U.S. Extant Institutions

Prologue to the Progressive Revolution

Professor Tracey Meares, while I lived in Chicago (between 1994-97), I contacted you 3 times through a mutual friend (a very kind woman who worked at the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals whose name escapes me now), but I believe she was a secretary to one of the federal judges there. For a brief time in 1996 I was a clerk in the office of Chief Judge Richard Posner’s Court. Our mutual friend advised me to reach out to you for help obtaining a law faculty position. Not only did I reach out to you, but I reached out to other faculty members of yours at the University of Chicago Law School and at many, many other law schools (e.g., Barack Obama, Judge Richard A. Posner(*), later—Eric Posner, Dean Thomas J. Miles, Martha Nussbaum, Edwin Chemerinsky, Lee C. Bollinger, Dean Mark West, Dean Evan Caminker, Dean John Manning, Dean Martha Minow, Dean Elena Kagan, Laurence Tribe, Charles Fried, Randall Kennedy [my Professor at Harvard], etc. etc.). All of you ignored me, but God didn’t ignore me. Jesus heard my cries and I’m still battling inside the Arena of Ideas 35 years later writing and fighting for Ideological Justice, Natural Law, Natural Rights, the Original Intent of the constitutional Framers – declaring the end to Liberal hegemony inside the American Academy and in all U.S. institutions under the Feudalist, Fascist, Globalist system I call “Socialism Slavery” but the Marxist media and Globalist Gestapo elite refers to as the “New World Order”.

Although many of my academic writings are contained in the Chamber’s Library of the Supreme Court of the United States, yet this solicitude does not elevate my economy, therefore, will you help me this Day to get more Christian and conservative scholars like me on the faculty at Yale Law School? Will you help me this Day to get more Christian, Nationalist, and conservative scholars on the faculty at every college and university, graduate and law school in America for real 50/50 Ideological Diversity in higher education and in all public and private schools?

Professor Meares, you are the Founding Director of the JUSTICE Collaboratory at Yale LawSchool arent you? Well, I should be one of your biggest clients for I have been seekinIdeological justice inside the Progressive Academy for 35 years.

Professor Tracey Meares, please read the book cover of my attached 2018 memoir, Nigger Manifesto: Institutional, Intellectual and Ideological Racism inside the American Academy. It will give you an inkling of my 35 years of torture, bankruptcy, rejection, ostracism, family break-up – my Sisyphus struggles for existential Equality – not in the 1860s racist America, but in the twenty first century 2018 racist America. As English Playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “The more things change, the more things stay the same.” Therefore, Professor Meares, will you live up to the rhetoric of your scholarship (cited in your quote below) and help a blacklisted Black conservative scholar suffering 35 years of tortuous neglect to overcome institutional and ideological racism to obtain a deserved faculty position at Yale Law School? – To fulfill my destiny as a faculty member at an American college or law school in the country that I devoted my entire academic life to achieve; struggling in a country that I truly love – AMERICA the Beautiful.

President Trump and the Deconstruction of the Deep State (“Liberal New World Order, RIP”)

Know this Professor Tracey Meares – I am exceedingly serious about this fight for ideological justice. I am not going away. I am just getting warmed up. If I don’t get Ideological Justice and Institutional Equality from Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Colombia, Stanford, Princeton, U Michigan, U Chicago, Berkeley, Northwestern, and all the rest, for all people despite their color or creed, politics or race, I vow that I will take my case directly to President Trump and make my case for him to enact aggressive policy initiatives to abort all federal funding to all U.S. colleges and universities – to stop funding these Monopolies of Marxism we call colleges, these Citadels of Communism we call universities and law schools that have so systematically miseducated generations and generations of students to the deconstruction of American morality, culture and our Judeo-Christian traditions over the past 160 years.

Darwins Evolution theory is based on invidious racismThus, why then is it stiltaught as ‘truth’ anscience insidAmericas Progressive Academy? ANSWER: The LiberaProgressive American Academy is RACIST.

I consider 1860 Year One of that fateful, infamous decade because the preceding year was the publication of Charles Darwin’s unscientific screed of Evolution Atheism—On the Origin of Species (1859), which I aggressively critiqued in my 2011 opus—Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law. Even Richard Haas, that liberal demigod of the Globalist, Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) in a revelatory essay published March 2018 preached the Democrat Socialist Party’s own eulogy titled— Liberal [New] World Order, RIP.

President Trump at NATO headquarters, Brussels, Belgium (12 July 2018). President Trump, brick-by-brick, is systematically deconstructing the Democrat Socialist Party in America and is destroying its Globalist infrastructure and institutions—NATO, UN, EU, IMF, WTO, World Bank, UNESCO, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), George Soros Open Society Foundationetc., — institutions which were created 50-100 years ago to end all Nation-States, to destroy American culture and it’s Judeo-Christian traditions, and to create a New World Order or One World Government based on Evolution Atheism and Socialism Slavery ruled by an elite oligarchy of billionaires and administered by legions of Anti-Christian, Anti-human Socialist Apparatchiks.

To wit, my opus, The Progressive Revolution, Vol. 5 was dedicated 15 May 2016 – “To Donald J. Trump” as the “45th President of the United States of America.” 8 months BEFORE Trump took office). Know this Professor Meares, that President Trump has that book (and other works of mine) in his personal library. Also, remember on 9 July 2018 at 9:00 pm (EST) President Trump will name another constitutionalist jurist to SCOTUS – a critical appointment that will ultimately move the balance of power of the Court precipitously to the Right – towards Natural Law, Natural Rights, and towards Originalism which is the Original Intent of the constitutional Framers.

I mean no disrespect, but Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg (age 85) and Stephen Breyer (age 79) can’t avoid the Grim Reaper forever. They will soon retire or be retired. And President Trump already has many, many more conservative Strict Constitutionalists to replace these Progressive, activist Justices whose career rulings on the Constitution belie a perverse affinity for “Personal Policy Preferences” and not towards a devotion and fidelity to the blackletter text of the U.S. Constitution, Natural Law, Stare  Decisis (judicial precedent), original understanding.

FDRs New Deal Policies = the Old Stalinist Socialist Policies

Under the leadership of President Trump Strict Constructionists and Textualists, Originalists and Constitutionalists will have a longer lasting control of the Supreme Court not witnessed in history since FDR’s treasonous takeover threat called the “Switch in Time Saves Nine” of 1937, 81 years ago – aka ‘The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 (frequently called the “court-packing plan”) was a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more Progressive justices to the U.S. Supreme Court’ in a treasonous effort to pass his unconstitutional, Socialist “New Deal” legislation.

Political cartoons regarding Progressive icon, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s fascist takeover of SCOTUS called his “Court-Packing Plan” (1937). He withdrew the Court coup after two conservative Justices (Chief Justice Charles Evan Hughes and Justice Owen Roberts) mysteriously started voting with the Progressive wing of SCOTUS in the landmark case–NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. (1937). Judicial treason that started America on the road towards Socialism under FDR’s “New Deal” programs.

For the past 100 years, or since the Progressive administrations of President Woodrow Wilson (1913-21) and later FDR (1933-45), Socialist, Liberal, Progressive, and Globalist hegemony has accelerated to this day in their zeal to seize control of and pervert all U.S. institutions, yet on 8 November 2016 God and Destiny united in unison and unleashed the Age of Trump who has enacted conservative policies designed to stop this naked tyranny of liberal hegemony which I predict will soon come to its inevitable and deserved end including the Democrat Socialist Party’s monopoly over public school education, over higher education and all U.S. institutions. I wrote a 5-volume book series that comprehensively chronicles this rich political history and internecine Sturm und Drang titled— The Progressive Revolution: History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages– 2007-2017 Writings (5 Vols).

The Empire Strikes Back (Harvard’s Hubris Hegemony and Hypocrisy)

In the name of real Ideological Diversity and Veritas, I promise through my contacts inside and outside the Trump administration to send this Addendum to President Trump and to aggressively advise him to immediately cut all federal funding to all U.S. colleges and universities (e.g., Marxist propaganda and Miseducation factories) and make U.S. colleges use their bloated, lucrative and unconstitutional ENDOWMENTS (e.g., monopolistic hedge funds) to balance their own budgets and to cut the exorbitant faculty and administration wages that aren’t properly tethered to actual market forces, or related to real (quantifiable) economic value to the degrees offered (e.g., What is the economic value in the marketplace for college degrees in—Black Studies, Woman’s Studies, Feminist Studies, Asian Studies, LGBTQ Studies, etc.?)

Furthermore, since the Left loves Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest’ scientism screed so much, let all U.S. colleges and universities, law schools, medical schools, business schools, engineering schools and graduate schools of every type live or die according to market forces and their extant intrinsic educational and economic value in the Arena of Ideas, rather than being artificially propped up by governmental largess and the Groupthink hegemony of the Democrat Socialist Party. What I mean by this proposal is that ideas and academic disciplines that can withstand the crucible of Veritas and realism, history and rationality will live, those ideas and intellectual disciplines that cannot withstand the crucible of Veritas will of necessity die. Therefore, I wrote years ago that, “Liberalism will always fail because it will always collapse upon the weight of its own immorality.”

Speaking of Liberalism, let’s examine Harvard University (e.g., “the Mecca of Liberalism”) and their rampant hypocrisy of policy issues like the fake Indian ancestry of Sen. Elizabeth Warren(D-MA) that Harvard to this day sanctions and Harvard’s expropriation and exploitation of the sacred, ancient Tamil scrolls. Another Harvard hypocrisy is the Harvard endowment question. For example, here’s a chart regarding Harvard’s excessive endowment which is the largest of any U.S. college in America:

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a conservative Republican candidate running a competitive Independent campaign against former Harvard Law Professor Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), has literally been on the warpath against liberal fascism or what he deems as Harvard’s hubris, hegemony and hypocrisy:

Dr. Ayyadurai said, “As these numbers indicate, Harvard is a hedge fund masquerading as a University, which perpetuates this facade by reinvesting large portions of its hedge fund proceeds to unleash propaganda that it is a ‘world-renowned’ institution of higher learning and scholarliness dedicated to advancing humankind. This branding attracts financing from well-meaning folks, compelled to ‘join the club’ so their children get preferential treatment when applying to Harvard and access to Harvard’s insider network. This dynamic is rarely discussed in the mainstream media.” Nearly one-third of the students admitted to Harvard are beneficiaries of a well-documented legacy and preferential admission system that is not merit-based but on “who you know” or who donated money.

Dr. Shiva is using his political platform to expose Harvard’s hypocrisy in granting minority status of “Indian” to Professor Elizabeth Warren where she has presented no quantifiable DNA evidence proving her Native American ancestry by using his clever campaign slogan: “Only a REAL INDIAN Can Defeat the Fake Indian” –

Why Socialism Slavery and Gestapo Globalism will ultimately be destroyed?

Indeed, every word I have written over the past 35 years is an existential judgment against those who are entombed in their isolated ivory towers – those tens of thousands of pampered, cloistered academics who for decade upon decade, upon decade – for 160 years smugly and arrogantly enjoyed their lucrative legal and academic careers – demigod Democrats who could pay their bills without bankruptcy, feed and educate their children without worry, get coveted book deals, speaker’s fees and invitations to give their sagacious declarations on the alphabet fake media anytime they desired. These elitist, Marxist and Progressive professors are skilled sophists at raining rhetoric down like Niagara Falls with their fake media allies serving as their propaganda megaphone and slavish stenographers (e.g., ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, WP, Fox, NYT, LA Times, The Economist, Der Spiegel, HuffPost, Salon, New Yorker, The Nation, The Atlantic, New Republic, etc.), yet I predict a coming Democrat drought in the near future – an existential famine against Socialism and Progressivism, against Liberalism, Communism and Gestapo Globalism.

Why? Because you used Globalism and Evolution Atheism to attempt to destroy America’s Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions. Because you turned a blind eye and a deaf ear when you could have helped my legitimate cause for Ideological Justice. Why? Because you could have helped hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions in other vocations) of neglected and needy conservatives, Christians, Natural Law, Natural Rights scholars whose academic careers were summarily aborted without just cause. Why? Because we are Christians, Nationalists, Libertarians and Conservative scholars – we are not Democrats, Atheists, Socialists, Bolsheviks, Progressives, Liberals, Humanists, Jacobins, Globalists, Fascists, or Communists.

For 35 years you have had my numerous apologetics against Ideological Racism, against Intellectual Fascism and treated me like a Nigger and ignored my warnings against ideological racism. I truly believe that Progressive faculty members and administrators at every college and university, law school and graduate schools in America will soon lose their monopoly dominating higher education together with their atheistic apparatchiks who have ruled over and enslaved every U.S. institution since the DarwinistProgressive coup of 1860. Soon you will no longer be able to ignore the righteous anger of We the People or claim plausible deniability. Judgment Day is coming for the Democrat Socialist Party and against all of her extant institutions the Left and her allies have perverted, corrupted and deconstructed since 1859.

                                UK Sun headline that shook PM Theresa May & the Globalist Gestapo to its core (13 July 2018)

European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker (“whose dad fought for Hitler in World War Two. And his father-in-law was a Nazi sympathizer who persecuted Jews in his home country”), is incapacitated by Trumphalism.

Epilogue and Requiem to the Progressive Revolution

Professor Tracey Meares, please read my essays to Harvard’s new Law School Dean John Manning, Part I & Part II and to Harvard’s previous President Drew Gilpin. Although they likewise ignored my repeated pleas for institutional, intellectual, ideological Justice, I am heartened by Harvard’s newly installed President Lawrence Bacow who has vowed to personally travel to middle America, to “Trump Country” (like Detroit, like Pontiac, MI where my wife was born and educated), with the implication to bring conservative students back into the Ivy-League. I hope President Bacow’s laudable efforts will not be compromised by his Progressive Harvard colleagues who doubtlessly will feel threatened by real ideological diversity in the student body as well as inside the faculty and through all administrative ranks.

I pray that President Bacow’s courageous efforts will surpass the vain rhetoric of all the others who refused to help me over the past 35 years. I also understand that President Bacow is a native Detroiter like me where I was born and educated. Perhaps that is a good omen? Time will tell. I used the term ‘back into’ because history declares that – Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, U of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Brown, and all of America’s earliest colleges were created and founded by ‘conservative’ Puritans, Congregationalists,  Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics, Unitarians and other Christian denominations under the political philosophy and constitutional jurisprudence of Natural Law and Natural Rights – which is the integration of legality and biblical morality. (*See my attached book, The Inseparability of Law and Morality, [University Press of America, 2002].

Also read my 2018 law review article on that Darwinist-Progressive-Socialist demigod, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (SCOTUS, 1902-32). This article systematically chronicles how the Democrat Socialist Party, the Progressives and the political Left over the past 160 years have gradually taken over America’s storied religious legacy and perverted every U.S. institution by separating Legality from Morality, by replacing Natural Law with Positive Law, Natural Rights with Naturalism, LGBTQ rights, Moral Relativism, Evolution Atheism and Gestapo Globalism. Professor Meares, is this what you mean by Diversity?  This is not Diversity, these Progressive policies amount to godless Perversity!

 Satan cast out of Heaven – (1866) –, Illustration by Gustave Dorée of Dante’s Inferno

In conclusion, Professor Tracey Meares (and to those copied in this letter that my Addendum applies), I present these Socratic dialectical questions for your consideration—Do you think your blind eye or deaf ear to my pleas for Ideological Justice for over 35 years will go on without recourse, without just appeal? Do you think that your betrayal against Natural Law, Natural Rights, and the Original Intent of the constitutional Framers will last for eternity? … for 5 more years? I promise you it will not! MLK famously declared – “Truth, crushed to the earth will rise again.” Therefore, Trumphalism, History and Americana are in unison and are all on the march – locally, nationally and internationally. Americana is existential, thus inevitable. Right now, tens of millions of Nationalists and Patriots are awakening from their 160-year slumber and will demand and receive true Equality and Ideological Justice in a comprehensive reformation of all U.S. institutions (national and international) including the Academy under the providential and iconoclastic leadership of President Donald J. Trump.

Lex iniusta non est lex!

~ Saint Augustine (also cited by St. Thomas Aquinas & MLK)

(An unjust law is no law at all)



*Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner on the Inseparability of Law and Morality,…/The-Inseparability-of-Law-and-Morality-Washington.pdf.

** Ellis Washington, Judge Richard Posner on Law and Literature, Part I & Part II.

From: Ellis Washington <>
Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2018 4:39 PM

Cc: ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>
Subject: FW: SCOTUS Tweet & Addendum

Books by Professor Ellis Washington (written & published during the years 1982-2018):

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Category: Commentary, Selected Scholarly Works

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  1. Peter913 says:

    I’ve read Nigger Manifesto–Institutional, Intellectual and Ideological Racism Inside the American Academy. Am sorry you suffered. You are not on the wrong path sir.
    But the N word? I haven’t used that word since Dr. Kings speech. You can be in my face; but, not in my face “black.” I take exception to that because IMHO it doesn’t lead to better communication


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