The Damnation and Deconstruction of Harvard University

| March 8, 2020
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Just 3 Out Of 260 Harvard Faculty Members Plan to Vote Trump: Survey
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The one mile radius between MIT and Harvard is the center of the center of the Deep State. Every evil starts in the one mile radius of MIT and Harvard, and I know these guys and have figured it out.”

~ Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

I am used to men who mock and scorn the things beyond their comprehension.

~ Goethe, Faust (Part I, 1808)

‘It may one day be said that the Coronavirus delivered the deathblow to the New World Order…’ [Harvard is part of the New World Order].

~ Pat Buchanan

From Perfunctory Facebook Posting to Complex Critical Theory Essay

Some of my essays of late are derivative from prior posts on Facebook. For example, my last essay, “Treason and Cowardice at Harvard Law School,” was inspired by a recent Facebook post about the Marxist Academy, thus this essay is also about exposing Harvard University which is derivative of the two previous Facebook posts below:

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, 2020 Senate candidate who is running against failed Democrat presidential candidate, Harvard Professor and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), posted this article last week which prompted my repost and reply on Facebook –

 Ellis Washington March 4 at 5:05 PM ·  . . . . And this is why I proposed in my latest essay that President Trump must withhold federal funds from all colleges and universities because since the publication of Charles Darwin’s Evolution Atheist screed, “On the Origins of the Species” – these Marxist Academics have infiltrated all the Faculty and Administrative positions at virtually every college in America and kept Conservatives, Christians like me out in the cold. It’s not fair or just. Why should our tax dollars go to paying the inflated salaries of these Socialist Slavemasters to miseducate and propagandize U.S. . . ?!? Enough is enough! *N.B.: My recent Essay exposing Treachery and Cowardice at Harvard @…/treachery-and-cowar…/.
 Ellis Washington March 3 at 6:24 AM ·  Congratulations Judicial Watch! ! Tom FITTON You did it again. If I was Trump’s advisor I would advise him to immediately defund all of the Marxist/Evolution Atheist Colleges in America and give 1/2 of that money to Judicial Watch for their yeoman’s work in exposing these Democrat Dirtbags and 1/2 of the money for housing for all our Courageous Veterans who gave Life and Liberty in defense of our Sacred REPUBLIC.…/judge-orders-hillary-clinton-…/… REMEMBER. . . Every Witch will have its Day.

The article posted by Dr. Shiva was from a March 3, 2020 Daily Caller article by Mary Margaret Olohan titled, “Just 3 Out of 260 Harvard Faculty Members Plan to Vote Trump: Survey” and is reprinted as follows—

“Out of 260 Harvard Arts and Sciences faculty member respondents, only three faculty members said they plan to vote for President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, a survey of faculty shows.

survey conducted by the Harvard Crimson found that 44% of faculty surveyed said they would vote for former Harvard Law School professor Sen. Elizabeth Warren. (RELATED: Warren Says Her Education Secretary Must Meet Trans Child’s Approval)

Image result for elizabeth warren harvard salary
As of 2020 Harvard University has 16,000 staff and faculty, including 2,400 professors, lecturers, and instructors, yet to this day not one of them voiced any opposition or criticism against this shameful waste of taxpayer dollars regarding this anti-intellectual, fake American Indian fraud. Why? Follow the 3 Cs = Communism, Cowardice and Collusion and because Warren is part of their soon dying academic Marxist monopoly. While many of them were motivated to defame President Trump and even libel him to their students in their perverted course materials, yet their 150 year “Long March through the Institutions” will soon fall to utter deconstruction and damnation based in part on Trump’s Revolutionary Executive Order #13018 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption (Dec. 21, 2017).
Image result for Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
President Trump’s EO# 13018 (signed 21 Dec. 2017) – Harvard University’s collusion with China regarding the Dr. Charles Lieber Affair is only the tip of the iceberg. President Trump EO #13018 will comprehensively expose and destroy the Crimes Against Humanity done by Harvard, Yale, all of the so-called ‘Ivy-League’ Schools and all of the colleges and universities in America which most have been for decades not institutions of ‘Higher Learning’ but servile and traitorous Communist Concentration Camps effective only in producing generation after generation of Groupthink Socialist Slaves we call “students”.
For further reading about the meaning and reach of Trump’s EO #13018, see Estela Jordan’ — Summary of Trump’s Executive Order targeting human rights abuse and corruption (27 Dec. 2017).

Only 20% of the faculty surveyed said they would vote for 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and only three out of 260 respondents said they would vote for Trump.

The poll also found that the majority of Harvard faculty identify as either very liberal or liberal: 38.4% of those surveyed identified as very liberal, 41.3% identified as liberal, 18.9% identified as moderate, and a mere 1.46% identified as conservative.

The paper conducted the poll in late February through a 74 question anonymous survey distributed to more than 1,000 members of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences between Feb. 20 and Feb. 27.”

In my biographical treatise on the subject published in 2017, NIGGER MANIFESTO: Institutional, Intellectual and Ideological Racism Inside the Academy, I summarized my nearly 40 years of devotion to intellectualism with this conclusion on the book’s back cover page—

For over 35 years I have worked indefatigably, I have labored assiduously to build a relevant resume as an iconoclastic law scholar zealous for Natural Law, Natural Rights, and the original intent of the constitutional Framers–a Black conservative intellectual born in the ghettos of Detroit. Yet as a Black intellectual what is my reward for 35+ years of meticulous research? My reward is that in a de jure (legal) and de facto (unofficial) sense I am effectively blacklisted by White and Black Progressive academics who over the past 50 years have increasingly come to dominate the Academy. Instead of being welcomed as an equal, my prolific scholarly output has been mocked, marginalized, slandered, and scrupulously ignored by the academic community. We conservative scholars, academics, and intellectual have no home to go to in our futile, Sisyphus-like existence to be accepted into the Socialist Academy. We are discriminated against, ignored, mocked, summarily rebuffed, and quickly learn that we are faced with the ubiquitous, chilling, yet invisible sign above every faculty inquiry —NO CONSERVATIVES NEED APPLY! … Yet, on 8 Nov. 2016 We the People elected President Donald J. Trump!

In a 2015 article of the same title that the book above was derivative of at n. 35, I put a finer point on my speculations about the real, paltry percentages of ideological conservatives such as myself at America’s elite Ivy League colleges to be closer to 0-5%. I wrote—

“I’m certain by their own admission and assuming they were honest that 80% numbers is certainly higher. I would surmise that the actual number of liberal/progressive academics approaching 95-100 percentiles. Here is an excerpt from the Lichter study titled, “Liberal College Professors. . .”

How Long have Communists Infiltrated and Dominated the American Academy?

I trace the socio-political shift in America’s Academy away from a Judeo-Christian worldview to an Evolution Atheist or Eugenics Racialist worldview to the publication of Charles Darwin’s anti-science screed, On the Origin of Species (1859) followed a decade later by his nephew Francis Galton’s equally racist, anti-science screed, Hereditary Genius (1869), followed two years later by Darwin’s magnum opus, The Descent of Man (1871). Since the Academy had been looking for a pretext to deconstruct and eventually destroy its former Judeo-Christian foundations of all intellectual knowledge, when these twin demon writers (related by blood to boot) wrote their propaganda tracts of lies and deceit of course the Illuminati infiltrated Intellectuals, Academy, Media, Politics, Law and Court all closed ranks to extol the death of “Jewish” fables and superstitions and the beginning of a new era of Post-Enlightenment Enlightenment based on Science, Reason, Logic and Proof. Nietzsche, a favorite philosopher of the Humanist Atheist Academy proclaimed as early as 1882 that, “GOD IS DEAD.”

With the help of centrally planted Illuminous agents, Harvard University acted fast to gradually purge all adminstrator and faculty who openly expressed a Christian worldview — Christian intellectuals who who built Harvard, a braintrust intellectually descended from hundreds of years Biblical Theism and Christian faculty, deans and presidents, therefore, I call 1870 YEAR ONE for the Institutionalization of Liberal Fascism Inside the Academy. Here is a quote from my book, The Progressive Revolution – Vol. 5: 2014-15 Writings – History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (Hamilton Books, 2017) –

An Ironic Case for Numerical Diversity (Ideological quotas) in Institutions

What if Trump sued Harvard in a class action lawsuit against all American colleges and universities? On what grounds you may ask? On the grounds that the Liberal fascist faculty that for 150 years have propagated “Diversity” yet only 1.46% of the Harvard Faculty in 2020 are Conservative. What percentage should We the People use as a baseline for intellectual diversity at Harvard and by extrapolation in all institutions in America? What about using the percentage of electoral college votes Trump received over Hillary to win the 2016 Presidential election. That sounds fair doesn’t it? Of course, the Democrat Socialists will rant and rage:

Hillary won the actual vote!

Hillary won the actual vote!

Hillary won the actual vote!

They would be correct (openly stealing 6 states notwithstanding). The numbers according to CNN stated “the Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%).” Yet I propose not using the numerical number of votes, but the constitutional number of votes based on the Constitutional Framer’s genius of inventing the Electoral College (proportional number by state) where the winner takes all the Electoral votes for each state and commonwealth. When I Googled who won the Electoral College in 2016? – I got this info:

“Ultimately, Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton 227, as two faithless electors defected from Trump and five defected from Clinton. 2016 United States presidential election on November 8, 2016 = 538 members of the Electoral College 270 electoral votes needed to win.”   *N.B. : Source search

How the Democrat Socialist Party Seize and Keep Power with Minority Numbers?

It is said, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” therefore, when Professor Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit-trained Satanist, Lawyer, Philosopher created the secret society known as The Illuminati on 1 May 1776, few people understood at the time that this was a opposite reaction to what was to come 2 months later on 4 July 1776 – the birth of America when Thomas Jefferson wrote his Natural Law and Natural Rights treatise called The Declaration of Independence.

Throughout it’s 244 year history one of the Illuminati’s greatest and most effective tactics is Infiltration through Insurgency which is “the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region.” They usually don’t create novel institutions and governments from without, but systematically, surreptitiously overtime infiltrate and deconstruct them from within just like their father Satan “that Old Serpent” who slithered his way into the Garden of Eden to cause the damnation of our fore parents of Humanity – Adam and Eve.  And so, this existential leitmotiv or idée fixe has been obsessively and redundantly repeated down through the generations even to this day so, therefore when I recently read an article on with the following comment, I had to include this section:

disqus_SVk7V1z4IW  Jay • 20 minutes ago • edited Absolutely! Really need to clean house on the permanent government positions. That’s where the deep state is burrowed mainly. Ever notice how all of their positions are protected from being fired or dismissed? Even in academia, which is part of the deep state, once they have tenure, that’s it, they will program the nation’s young people for decades. They must be stopped.

My response:

Ellis Washington  disqus_SVk7V1z4IW • a few seconds ago I’m working on an essay right now exposing Harvard’s hypocrisy. I will add this tenure element… . Thanks! It should be out on 3/7 @

How Many Harvard Professors are Slaves to the Fate of Faust? The Case of Professor Charles Lieber

How Long has Harvard been Allied with Communist China against U.S.?

The subject of Tenure naturally exposes just one of the legions of existential tactics the Deep State apparatchiks like the administration and faculty of Harvard University, the Ivy League and virtually all American colleges have increasingly used to ensconse themselves deep inside the Deep State. Once again I refer to this period of history as YEAR ONE 1870 during the Birth of the Evolution and Eugenics Revolutions.

Goethe’s Faust (Part I: 1808): An Allegory of the Deconstruction and Damnation of Academic Man divorced from God, Natural Law and Veritas [Truth] (the latter is Harvard’s deconstructed motto now divorced from Christ and the Church). Original 1692 motto: Veritas pro Christos et Ecclesia = Truth for Christ and the Church.

Journalist Sharyl Attkisson wrote an article explaining the damnation of Harvard University through the person of Dr. Charles Lieber titled – Harvard’s top chemist arrested, accused of hiding Chinese government ties, writing: “The head of Harvard University’s chemistry department Charles Lieber has been arrested on charges related to his alleged ties to China’s communist government.” Attkisson continued, “Prosecutors say that under Lieber’s Thousand Talents program contract, prosecutors say Wuhan University of Technology in China paid $50,000 a month and provided Lieber with living expenses up to $158,000. Authorities say Lieber also received more than $1.5 million to set up a research lab at Wuhan University of Technology. In return, Lieber allegedly agreed to provide multiple services for the Chinese university including publishing articles and applying for patents. Harvard has placed Lieber… on indefinite administrative leave.”

The inspiration (and title) to this essay came from the title of an opera by Hector Berlioz (1803-69) based on Goethe’s iconic masterpiece that shaped and defined Romanticism, FaustThe Damnation of Faust (1845).

Attkinson cited the yeoman’s work by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IO) to get to the bottom of the Lieber Affair which I believe is only the tip of the iceberg regarding Harvard’s 160 years of Treachery, Collusion with Communists, Exponents of Evolution Atheism and Eugenics Racialism, etc.:

  • Grassley also wrote to the HHS OIG on January 17, 2019 requesting actions the OIG has taken with respect to threats to research integrity. Last September, Grassley called for immediate action on three HHS OIG reports that raised concern about NIH research oversight.
  • In August of last year, Grassley sent a letter to the Comptroller General of the United States requesting that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) perform a review of how the federal government is implementing conflict-of-interest policies in taxpayer-supported research and what updates should be made by the executive branch to shore up its ability to detect and deter foreign threats to research. GAO has agreed to perform such a review.
  • Grassley has also extensively probed grant integrity at the National Science Foundation.
  • Grassley is also probing foreign threats to Department of Defense (DoD) research, finding that DoD does not vet all researchers working on taxpayer-funded projects, as well as numerous other failures in due diligence.
  • Grassley has also written to the Justice Department about concerns relating to Confucius Institutes and their abuse of our academic environment and why they have not registered as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

To date QAnon has about 6 posts regarding Harvard University which are very instructive in light of this Illuminati institution being infiltrated by Communists hacks masquerading as intellectuals or professors. IRONY of IRONIES ALERT: The Communist Party in China is presently being deconstructed by the same Coronavirus created by Harvard and UNC, paid for by Billionaire Democrat Socialist Bill Gates Foundation, but augmented and weaponized with SARS and HIV mistakenly(???) released in China and purposely released throughout the world. Conservative political commentator agrees with the ironic aspects of the Coronavirus: ‘It may one day be said that the coronavirus delivered the deathblow to the New World Order…’ Harvard is part of the New World Order. *N.B.: See Alex Jones interview of Professor Francis Boyle (02/20/2020).

Image result for : india lab picture of the coronavirus

Soon the Ivy League and the Communist American Academy will be deconstructed and destroyed. Why? Because President Donald Trump’s Executive Order #13018 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption (Dec. 21, 2017) will not only deconstruct and defund the entire Marxist Academy, but also return those billions (maybe even TRILLIONS) of ill-gotten gain and return it back to We the People. *N.B.: See Cirsten Weldon’s “GESERA-NESERA, Part 2” for a detailed discussion of how President Trump is presently enacting a Global Economic Reset.

Of course Charles Lieber won’t by himself lead Harvard to its self-imposed and deserved Damnation, but he and the Treasonous and Cowardly Harvard Law Faculty who hid their invidious sedition within the pages of a recent Student Note published in the Jan. 2020 Harvard Law Review exposed their proposal adding 127 new States – representing the 127 “neighborhoods” in Washington, D.C. – in a transparent effort to deconstruct America’s Republic could be a constitutional tipping point. Lieber like Professor Faust in Goethe’s Tragedy Faust is just one self-righteous Communist Professor who of course was caught when you follow the $$$ or follow the Honey [trap] (rarely are the crimes of the Marxist Academy any more complicated than these two aged-old sins). With only 1.46% Conservative faculty at Harvard that leaves 98.54% of the faculty de facto Communists. (*N.B.: “Liberal” is an irrelevant and misleading euphemism, a vestige of a long bygone era).

Artificial, irrelevant, anti-societal constructs like “Tenure” to the Marxist Academics at Harvard and throughout the American Academy is what Eugenics, Abortion and Illegal Immigration is to the Democrat Socialist Party and their Deep State allies and infiltrated Institutions… Literally it’s life blood (e.g., Satanic ritual child sacrifice, adrenal chrome, marketing of baby body parts, child sex trafficking, pornography, abuse, the institutionalization of Miseducation, etc.). President Trump over the past three-and-a-half years has been systematically cutting off the Democrat Socialist Party and the Deep State’s demonic and treasonous food sources. Let U.S. pray that these anti-intellectual Marxist, Racist Professors of the Ivy League and throughout the Academy will likewise have their Judgment Day.

Harvard University’s near $40 BILLION endowment should preclude acceptance of even $1.00 more of federal funds, which these moneygrubbing Marxists have shamelessly used for over 160 years in propagating Socialism Slavery, Evolution Atheism, and Eugenics Racism to legions of willing and useful idiot students generation, after generation, after generation. Enough is Enough! – President Trump must deploy his EO #13018 to bring an immediate and permanent end to all federal funds to every college in America.  We the People will no longer fund our own D-E-M-O-C-I-D-E.

Is Harvard University part of the Deep State Insurgency? Yes. For how long? Answer: Since Year One – 1870. *N.B.: 1870 was also the year Harvard President Charles Eliot appointed Christopher Columbus Langdell as Dean of Harvard Law School where Langdell abandoned Natural Law and Natural Right jurisprudence based on Christian Theism = the Original Intent of the Constitutional Framers and instituted a Darwinian Evolution Atheism worldview into HLS. This follows the Conspiracy of Harvard President President Charles Eliot (appointed in 1869) had began to do to Harvard University writ large.

150 Years: How much Blood money has Harvard University profited from Year One 1870-2020 Promoting Marxism, Socialism and Communism?

Tick Tock…! Tick Tock…! President Trump and the Patriots know all of your secrets including all of the Treason and Communist collusion by Harvard University, the Ivy League, and all of America’s colleges and universities that has been going on by these Deep State treacherous institutions for over 150 years. For example, Harvard University has a Confucius Institutes on campus – How many other colleges have a Confucius Institute on campus? (*N.B.: The Confucius Institute is a Communist Insurgency front group designed to takeover control of the American Academy from within and give controlling authority and power to China’s Communist Party).

Could the Coronavirus deconstruct and destroy the treacherous collusion of the Ivy League with Communist China?

Ironically, could the Coronavirus pandemic deconstruct and destroy the democidal Communist Party who since the Communist Revolution of 1949 gleefully and systematically murders hundreds of millions of its own citizens including – pre-born baby girls (400 million), Christians, Uyghurs (Chinese Muslims: over 1 million presently held in “Re-education Camps”), Tibetans (1.2 million), Falun Gong, Hong Kong protestors and many, many other minority groups opposed to Communist dictator-for-life rule of Xi Jinping. *N.B.: Professor R.J. Runnel (1930-2014) has done yeoman’s work chronicling the statistics of the mass murders of the Communist Party at his website which is still maintained.

“Democide is a term proposed by R. J. Rummel since at least 1994[1] who defined it as “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command”…   His research shows that the death toll from democide is far greater than the death toll from war. After studying over 8,000 reports of government-caused deaths, Rummel estimates that there have been [272] million victims of democide in the last century. According to his figures, six times as many people have died from the actions of people working for governments than have died in battle.”

*N.B.: Remember Harvard’s Fake DIVERSITY: Only 3 out of 260 faculty admitted they would vote for Trump in 2020. Currently only 1.46% of the entire Harvard University faculty/administrators are Conservatives… that leaves 98.54% of Harvard’s current faculty as admitted “Liberals” = Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Atheists, Eugenicists, Nihilists, etc.

To bring a defining point on the craven, disgusting nature of the Illuminati Infiltrators that are the Harvard Faculty – men and women who since 1870 infiltrated and destroyed Harvard’s original Christian mandate and motto – Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesia (Truth for Christ and the Church), therefore I will end this essay with Goethe’s iconic text (not on Faust), but instead Brahms musical setting of a poem by Goethe – Harzreise im Winter (1777) – his hauntingly beautiful Alto Rhapsody, Op. 53 written in 1869 [2nd Stanza (in bold) really applies to the existential treachery of Harvard University and its administration and Marxist faculty against We the People]:

Ach, wer heilet die Schmerzen
dess, dem Balsam zu Gift ward?
Der sich Menschenhaß
aus der Fülle der Liebe trank!
Erst verachtet, nun ein Verächter,
zehrt er heimlich auf
seinen eigenen Wert
In ungenügender Selbstsucht.
Ah, who heals the pains
of him for whom balsam turned to poison?
Who drank hatred of man
from the abundance of love?
First scorned, now a scorner,
he secretly feeds on
his own merit,
in unsatisfying egotism.

*N.B.: Music (with English subtitles) sung by Alto, Janet Baker.

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