UNLEASHING THE BEAST! —Why did Kwame Brown the 1st Pick of the 2001 NBA Draft Break his 20 Year Silence to Avenge his White Supremacy Black Haters?

| May 27, 2021
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.” 

 ~ Thomas Sowell

That’s the problem with society. They hate 3 things: Black men, Masculinity, and the Truth. Whenever someone tells the truth, they’re always labeled as crazy.

~ James Richardson

Everything that’s new and different they put into a cage.

You all know if I wake these kids up, all you Bitches going to get fired

~ Kwame Brown

Who is Kwame Brown? 

Whenever possible I like for people to tell their own story in their own words. That’s called AUTHENTICITY and REALITY and these simple foundational principles, (descending even further back than the ancient Greek philosophers—Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), have resonated with people throughout the Ages— no matter how many Big Lies the Devil tells, or how dedicated his legions of voluntary Slaves are in mind controlling the people, or in rewriting History.

Although I didn’t originally know this, for about a year Kwame Brown has had a presence on YouTube—Kwame Brown Bust Life. He also has a website: BustLife.com. Please increase the Power of One over the White Supremacist Black Haters (who are virtually all effeminate, duplicitous cowards and thus fear the uncensored voice of a Strong Black Man) by subscribing to his channel, purchasing products from his website, and helping Kwame Brown spread Veritas (Truth) and charity to our Youth by tearing down the Satanic foundations of Hollywood and TV, Big Sports and Big Entertainment built upon Race baiting, Lies, Hatred, Treachery, Perversion, Pedophilia, Child Sex Slavery, Adrenochrome, and Satanic Ritual Abuse (aka “The OATH”). Don’t be fooled, ALL big name sports stars have to take The OATH to get Celebrity & Soy Boy Suits, Satan Stamps (tattoos) and Mansions, Riche$ & Bitche$. 

Here’s how Kwame Brown summarizes his 13-year NBA career (at least the early years playing for Michael Jordan’s Washington Wizards after he was drafted by the NBA in 2001—

*N.B.: What stands out in this passage above? Many things for it reeks of an organized, calculated, evil, unjust conspiracy by his own Judas-Goat Black brother and sisters to ruin a young Black man’s LIFE by crippling a young Black man’s budding NBA career. And according to Kwame Brown, it was none other than that ESPN sports loud mouth—Stephen A. “Snitch” who was there 20 years ago at the very beginning of this Grand Defamation Conspiracy against Kwame Brown. In fact, the man who Kwame sometimes calls Stephen A. “Bitch” started his career as a nobody covering Kwame Brown in high school.

10 years after Kwame came into the NBA Stephen A. “Snitch” was already working hard for his Rothschild Khazarian Masters as a paid Judas-Goat assassin to defame the name of Kwame Brown with the long-term objective of killing the hopes and dreams of young Black athletes who in increasing numbers were skipping college and going into the pros. And because Stephen A. Snitch had a big mouth, was outspoken and hyper-emotional (like many women), this useful idiot was weaponized and sent out by his White Masters to many Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) while using Kwame’s name as a punchline of his jokes. . . But Kwame has repeatedly and rightfully asked him—Who sent Stephen A. “Snitch” out on this mission to kill the hopes and dreams of thousands and thousands of young Black athletes talented enough to enter the NBA, NFL, MLB straight out of high school? And Why? So far, Stephen A. Snitch has refused to answer this question, but everyone already knows the an$wer.

Stephen A. Smith de ESPN brindó una conferencia en Biscayne Bay Campus de  FIU – Aventura Americana | Miami | USA
VOLUNTARY SLAVERY ALERT THEORY—10 years after Kwame was in the NBA, Judas-Goat Stephen A. “Witch” in 2011-12 was sent out by his White Slave Masters on a multi-state tour of Historical Black Colleges and Universities [HBCUs], where his main topic was to bewitch and brow beat talented Black high school (and in some cases middle school and elementary) athletes not to go straight into the NBA, NFL, MLB, but to stay in college.

Qui Bono? (Who benefits?) However, this unsolicited advice was not for the economic or vocational benefit of these talented young Black male athletes, but greatly benefitted his White Masters of the NBA and NFL who wanted to continue pimping young Black athletes who were their #1 revenue source at all the major big sports colleges for decades. Yet by LAW (and bribing crooked politicians), these same talented Black boys (many from the ghettos) could not enjoy any of the BILLION$ and BILLION$ in revenue made off their names and likeness (even after they left college!) I call this treachery VOLUNTARY SLAVERY and although Stephen A. “Witch” and his fellow Judas-Goat Sports Mafia helped promoted it, yet We the People of America’s REPUBLIC believe that King Kwame Brown will soon end it!


{The King responding to a troll in the comment section [beg. @16:37]} “We need critical thinkers over here… We are talking about a bigger plot, a bigger scheme that Black boys were coming out of high school at an alarming rate. There were 5 my year, and there were more the following year. And the next thing you know there is a smear campaign on Kwame Brown and everything he did was wrong, everything he said was wrong. And the next thing you know we at college campuses, the next thing you know we got a “One-and-Done” Rule, next thing you know we have a G-League…the next thing you know your ass is back under control.”
~ Kwame Brown, “I’m Back!

But there is good news. Kwame has vowed to expose all the “Punk Bitches” (who for decades and decades pretended to be unbiased sports commentators), for being the hateful, hypocritical hacks that they are. Kwame vows to end their careers one-by-one. Kwame vows to stop their daily MINSTREL Act for the White Man as Slave Traitors (and Slave Traders) for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia by defaming the Black Man and destroying Black families.

Many of these fake hate “sports journalists” like Stephen A. Snitch, Rachel “Hate-chel” Nichols, Skip “Count Dracula” Bayless, Matt “Becky-with-the-good-hair” Barnes, Stephen “Ima Thug” Jackson, Mike Wilbon, Chris “Glow stick” Broussard, Rob “Shrek Face” Parker, Jemele “Jezebel” and all the rest of the Black Boulé Sports/Hollywood Reporter Mafia who have sold their collective Souls to Satan and made millions and millions of dollars hating on Black athletes and saying its not “Personal”!? Do they think we’re stupid?

However, I strongly believe than many of these same Judas-Goats will soon become unemployed; some will be going to prison; some will even face execution by the U.S. Military. Why? Not only for their crimes of fraud and character defamation of Black men while masquerading as “sports journalists”, but in order to get these jobs (that they didn’t deserve in the first place), to join “The KABAL” they secretly committed evil acts of Pedophilia, Pedovore (cannibalism), Child Sex Trafficking, Human Sex Trafficking, and other forms of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) against helpless women, children and BABIES, including High Treason against America! (aka “The OATH”). Why? The Kabal demands blackmail materials to be kept on file and used against you for purposes of coercion, compliance, control, and for what the Nazis called, Gleichshaltung (bringing or forcing into line) before they allow your career to ascend up the Illuminati pyramid. If you don’t comply with the Kabal you will be Blacklisted, a family member will be killed (“sacrificed”), or in some cases, you will be suicided (e.g., a murder made to look like a suicide).

FACT!—Did you Know that “Educated” Black People can be some of the most Racist People in the World?

It’s obscene that in America there are legions of college educated Black “journalists” who are very eager to make careers by destroying the lives and families of Black men like Kwame Brown and against thousands and thousands of other Black athletes and Blacks of other “unacceptable” worldviews like Christianity and Political Conservatism. The unified Defamation Conspiracy against Kwame was like strangling a little innocent baby lying in the crib. Who would do that? The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, the Freemasons (for example, Shaq, another sports commentator, is a 32nd Degree Freemason), and the legions of chosen token Blacks who are always willing Judas-Goats to betray their own race, that’s who!

Why? Since most Black people are emotional rather than rational or critical thinkers, and most Black people don’t come from money and generational wealth or know their own history, it is very easy to pay token Black Judas-Goat Negroes a few dollars to destroy their own people. It worked during Slavery times and it works today. If you don’t believe me, just ask civil rights icon Malcolm X who was assassinated just 2 DAYS after uttering this truth to millions and millions of Black Americans

Do you think White people stopped using the proven tactics and tricks of divide-and-conquer by raising up a few Black Judas-Goats (who W.E.B. DuBois called the “Talented Tenth”) to herd the masses into the abyss, ended with the assassination of Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X and MLK. . .? This Black Sports Treachery Conspiracy continues to this day, yet like the biblical David defeated Goliath there is today a despised, disrespected retired NBA “bust” and “scrub” named King Kwame Brown who alone is avenging himself, avenging his family, avenging his fellow NBA, NFL, MLB Black brothers who have been so disrespected and exploited for so many, many years by putting an end to this Grand Racist Conspiracy against their own people executed by the Black Judas-Goat Sports Media Mafia who Kwame aptly names the “Go-Along-Get-Along-Gang”. 

If you still don’t believe me, just ask billionaire Globalist financier George Soros whose first job at age 14 in his native Hungary during World War II (1939-45) was selling out his fellow Jews to the Nazis (which in a 60 Minutes interview in the 1990s(?) with Steve Kroft Soros describes this period as “one of the happiest times” of his life… “a very happy making, exhilarating experience…”). George Soros has also spent billions founding and financing hundreds of radical, anti-America organizations through his Open Society Foundation including – ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter [BLM] —

Using my Facebook Page to Help King Kwame Brown Defeat his Black Haters

*Message below sent to about 500+ YouTube sports show comment sections, 500+ YouTube Sports Pages, & 1,000+ Facebook & Twitter feeds. The beef between Kwame Brown and his legions of White Supremacist Black Haters called “sports journalists” is nicely summarized in an article by Complex.com—Kwame Brown’s Beef With Gilbert Arenas, Matt Barnes, and Stephen Jackson, Explained.

🗣DISCLAIMER: In my opinion all of Kwame’s Haters are talentless, cowardly, treacherous HACKS who gleefully and relentlessly got pleasure and career advancement by defaming a 17-year-old child as he struggled to became a Man for 20 years while not having the decency of fair play to invite him on their shows to defend his NBA career, or to defend his Manhood. Why were these sports commentators (who most couldn’t make it in professional sports themselves), be given their positions of power by Big Corporate Media Satanists? 

ANSWER: Always Follow the $$$—By pimping thousands and thousands of talented young Black boys in high school for decade after decade and coercing and bewitching them with with “Higher Education” Big Lies (as early as elementary school!) from Judas-Goat Negroes like Stephen A. “Snitch”—a racist, democidal, eugenics system that continues to exploit young Black boys for Billion$ and Billion$ in annual college sports revenues to this DAY! Furthermore, to keep the high school Blacks athletes on the White Man’s Plantation in economic dependency and vocational destress, Big Colleges draft punitive one-sided rules preventing these poor Black student athletes from making any of the Billion$ and Billion$ in annual revenues generated by their sports talents, but stolen from them by the NCAA and Big Name colleges. How? By securing the very lucrative trademark and copyright monopoly rights against these young Black athletes (e.g., building Billion$ sports stadiums and sports facilities, selling sports jerseys and other memorabilia and marketing their names and likenesses. . . even after they leave college!

IN THE NAME OF ENTERTAINMENT, Big Sports is based on the exploitation and emasculation of the Black Man; a wicked, Eugenics system conceived to help destroy the Black Family, and on an ultimate level to deconstruct Christian American society with unlimited distractions and entertainments which hide the multi-BILLION$ & TRILLION$ paid for the building of underground tunnels with Maglev Train Systems stretching for over thousands and thousands of miles long throughout America, in every major city in America and in every major capitol all over the world (even tunnel systems under lakes, rivers and oceans!) These gargantuan structures are called D.U.M.Bs = Deep Underground Military Bases)—which for thousands of years hid underground Satanic Rituals like — Pedophilia, Pedovore, Adrenochrome extraction, Baby Body Parts Marketing, Abortion (Blacks are aborted more than anyone else!), Illegal Immigration, Human Sex Trafficking, and Child Sex Trafficking industries, just to name a few of these Horribles—

American Media Group | Medeea Greere – List of DUMB's by State: Complete  List of Deep Underground Military Bases in US (video) – Rob Scholte Museum
May be an image of outdoors

Virtually all influential people in society including—Sports Stars, Hollywood, Politicians, Wall Street, the Rap Industry, Law, Judges, Doctors, the Academy, Business, Medicine, Engineering, Technology, etc. must be a part of the Deep State, “The Club”, “The Kabal” when they take “The OATH” to Satan in return for Celebrity, Gym Shoe Deals, Book Deals, Women, Clothes, Cars, Jewelry, for Riche$ & Bitche$. REMEMBER! The Rothschild/Illuminati Kabal always demands blackmail materials on you to be used in the future for coercion purposes and for what the Nazis called Gleichshaltung (bringing or forcing into line), before they allow your career to ascend up the Illuminati pyramid. It’s always been that way—look up the Legend of FAUST.💀☠️

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HISTORY ALERT! Climbing the Illuminati Pyramid for Celebrity—DID YOU KNOW that Black Slavery wasn’t over at the end of the Civil War in 1865? Did you know that 6 (6-6-6) years later in order to pay off the war debts from the Civil War (1861-65)(18=666; 61 & 65 combined to 666) the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia made a secret deal with our 18th (18 = 6-6-6) President Ulysses S. Grant (President Lincoln’s main General and hero of the Civil War) and certain politicians (of both political parties), judges, academics, intellectuals, secret societies to create a new, sovereign city (Washington, D.C.) and make that City-State a separate, sovereign country to rule over a “NEW” America which was likewise changed from a “Republic” into a Corporate Dictatorship controlled by a Central Banker Kabal called the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia? This was all done in the treasonous, secret legislation called the “D.C. Act of 1871“.

Meaning? We the the People (Black, White, Asians, Hispanics) numbering over 330 MILLION people have all been both Physical/Chattel Slaves as well as Economic “Debt Slaves” to the Rothschild Central Bankers for 150 YEARS (1871-2021). Unknown to most of us was while for 150 years our country was stolen from U.S., We the People have existed (not lived) inside a Construct, a MATRIX, a fake Country, a Concentration Camp, . . . until The Apotheosis of President Trump set U.S all free from the Chattel Slavery [e.g., Federal Census (every 10 years), Birth Certificates, Social Security #s] and Debt Slavery of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia [e.g., “Federal Reserve Banks”, fiat, counterfeit paper $$$ based on nothing] under Executive Order #13772 on 3 February 2017.
This Presidential EO was activated by President Trump and implemented the U.S. Military under his Insurrection Act Powers at 12:01 am, 20 Jan. 2021, just 12 hours before Biden’s fake Inauguration later that day at 11:43 am (17 mins. before noon). QAnon = 17th letter of the alphabet. The Biden administration is completely controlled by the U.S. military in order to wake up Normies and mind-controlled Slaves.

WARNING!! This video (and most others by Kwame Brown) contains adult language. Viewer discretion advised!

Shout out to my fellow Detroiter, Jalen Rose for being virtually the only sports commentator to defend Kwame Brown on TV and radio and he did this 10 years ago! His reward for being a real Black Man was that Jalen Rose was soon thereafter fired for beating the insufferable racist hack, Skip Bayless in many debates. Like you Jalen, I was born and raised in Detroit (2655 Montclair). I lived in the neighborhood that you lived in about 4 blocks from the Southeastern High School you attended. 33 years ago (1988-89) I went to Harvard Law School with Manchurian Candidate BARACK OBAMA, but way back then I chose Patriotism and TRUMP over Communism, Treason, and Pedophilia and have been Blacklisted for over 40 years for being a strong, independent, iconoclastic Black MAN! To demonstrate how real a Nigger I am, my 11th and final book published in 2018 (dedicated to President Trump) is titled, NIGGER MANIFESTO

Thanks Kwame Brown for the love & respect you sent to DETROIT in several of your monologues, because like your name, Detroit (and Detroiters) are always dumped on without always being a just cause. I Hope you get your own podcast VERY soon. You are (to use the street vernacular) a REAL Nigger! We need millions of more strong Men like Kwame, Jalen and Judge Joe Brown in America that can articulate Truth and to expose the Communist Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Media that have abused children for Satanic Rituals for many, many YEARS! To learn Hidden Reality, visit my critical thinking blog @ EllisWashingtonReport.com.

Kwame Exposes the Hypocrisy and Hatred of Black Sports Media Slaves

KWAME to LeBRON: Instead of trying to be this big Social Justice Warrior, I wish LeBron would tell young Black men how to stop whoring around and get married to their high school sweethearts like he did. I wish LeBron would tell these young Black men that instead of getting one of these fast-ass little girls to mess around with, get a nice, quiet girl like Lebron’s wife, Savannah. 

That sounds good Kwame, but allow me Beyond the Veil; allow me to take you a little deeper down this rabbit hole which leads straight to HELL—

What kind of Devilment is LeBron talking about?!?—Pizza = Adult sex parties with little girls. This a Satanic rite required for all the big names in Hollywood, Sports Stars, Politicians, Judges, Wall Street Bankers, and all Celebrities to move up the Illuminati pyramid. *N.B.: A few months after this disgusting admission, LeBron was rewarded by his Satanic masters and given part ownership of the Boston Red Sox baseball team.

KWAME to JEMELE HILL: [beg. @21:20] – “I know you worried about your job – get a new one! Your job shouldn’t be to take down Black people. Your job should not be to fake like you some G*D activist when all you do is hang and live and talk around White people and to make sure that only the sh—t you do is hurting us.”

America—What’s at stake? Freeing millions of people from the New World Order of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who according to the Georgia Guide Stones, Agenda 2030, and Globalist Gestapo Bill Gates want to democide 95-98% of the world’s population by 2030. What’s at stake America? Freeing millions of people of all races from the Satanic bewitchment of sports, movies and entertainments. These ubiquitous distractions keep people enslaved causing them never to fulfil their God-ordained DESTINY! In the meantime the secret societies—the “Hidden Hand” enslaving U.S., mind-controlling U.S. behind the scenes for decades, hundreds, even thousands of years are fearful that their cloak of anonymity is being removed for the world to see by one little, unknown, NBA “bust” and “scrub” of a Black man named Kwame Brown. 

Now everyday Kwame Brown watches sports media shows very carefully and posts many detailed and complex videos (that most people don’t possess the mental acuity to fully appreciate the subtle and hidden meanings thereof) exposing to the world that he’s coming like a Force of Nature to destroy this entire stinking, corrupt, perverted Tower of Babel these sports and entertainment media devils have hidden behind for far too long. Kwame means business and said as much in one of his recent blogs (beg. @7:18You all know if I wake these kids up, all you Bitches going to get fired!

All of these self-hating, Black Judas-Goats getting Riche$ & Bitche$ in Sports, Hollywood, Politics, the Academy, Wall Street, Law, History, Medicine, Science, Engineering, Business, Technology, Media have all been chosen to push Evolution/Eugenics Racism, White Supremacy and the Democide of the New World Order by hating on and defaming Black men who most are just trying to make a living to feed their families by playing sports. Yet, King Kwame is single-handedly ending this era of Sport Talk Pedophile Media . . . hopefully forever!

What Kwame and President Trump have in Common?

In this sense the Apotheosis of King Kwame Brown rising up single-handedly to destroy the Sports Dept. of Satan’s Rothschild Khazarian Mafia reminds me of the Apotheosis of President Donald J. Trump who with his legendary family—(For example, his uncle Professor John Trump was a student of Nikolai Tesla and legendary MIT Professor of Science who decoded the Tesla paper after this genius was murdered (perhaps by the CIA or FBI) for wanting to give the world free, unlimited energy as early as the 1890s! and Trump’s grandfather and father, Fred JESUS Trump, were both maverick business tycoons) who many believe had connections to Military Intelligence dating all the way back to World War II.

President Donald Trump’s family have been fighting against these Satanic Deep State devils since the early 1940s!) It was the abuse and torture of millions of children and babies that caused Trump to be convinced by key figures in U.S. Military Intelligence to run for POTUS in the first place on 15 June 2015. Trump was hellbent on using his presidential powers by invoking the Insurrection Act that would destroy the pleasure and food sources of these despicable, evil cannibalistic Pedophiles who We the People for far too long have tolerated in America and Globally. President Trump says the days of doing despicable acts against Children and Babies to fulfill some perverted Satanic Ritual IS OVER!!! —

One of the commentators in one of Kwame’s YouTube posts made this astute statement—”Kwame is saying what a lot of us are thinking. He is exposing a system that has kept us in check and allowed psychopaths to divide and conquer us as a society; all this while at the same time roasting these people.” The “psychopaths” are now exposed as the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who have thrived as the Slave Masters over Humanity through a complex network of 13 Illuminati Bloodline families and secret societies. For 2,000 + years they have in one way or another infiltrated, controlled and enslaved through physical chattel Slavery (Yes, the Rothschild Family was at the vanguard of the Slave trade – look it up) and their Debt-slavery Central Banks System, both in America and throughout the entire world… until 15 June 2015 when the Apotheosis of Donald J. Trump with his elegant wife, Melania descended down that escalator at Trump Tower with a mandate which he Tweeted way back in 2012. . . ! And the world has never been the same—

I believe that like President Trump Kwame Brown has a tremendous LOVE for the children of the world and is working with the Boys and Girls Clubs across America to give needy children in the hood free gym shoes (especially for young boys with big feet like Kwame had growing up). I believe that Kwame is just getting started exposing and destroying the careers of these effeminate, treacherous Black sports commentators – Satanists really, who only got their careers and riches and celebrity by destroying their own people and by taking The Judas-Goat OATH to Satan and engaging in Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA = Pedophilia, Pedovore, Child Sex Trafficking, Baby body parts marketing, Abortion, Child Pornography, Soul Scalping, Soul Stealing, etc.). 

As a 17-year-old child who made history by being the first high schooler to go directly into the NBA as the #1 pick in the 2001 NBA Draft, you know that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (who controls all sports, entertainment including Hollywood) made the offer–the Faustian Deal with the Devil to Kwame Brown for Riche$ & Bitche$, Houses & Celebrity, Skinny Suits & Slave Chain jewelry if he would have sex with, torture, eat the flesh and drink the blood of little boys, of little girls, of babies and young women (as a Satanic initiation rituals into “The Club”, “The Kabal”, aka “The OATH”). But Kwame Brown being a REAL MAN, told the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the Illuminati to F—Off! Thus in revenge the Kabal have spent the past 20 YEARS trying to destroy this Man, but because Kwame broke is 20 year silence, We the People are finally learning the Truth and now have his back and are here for him 100%.

*N.B.: LIST OF ELITE PEDOPHILES & TRAITORS WHO TOOK “THE OATH” WHO ARE PRESENTLY EITHER INDICTED, IN PRISON AT GITMO OR EXECUTED—Back in February 2021, I wrote an essay with the thumbnail picture above which is based on the self-evident REALITY of 2021 that America and the world’s Elite Presidents, Prime Ministers, Generals, Hollywood Actors, Politicians, Judges, CEOs, Lobbyists, Academics, Intellectuals, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, members of Secret Societies (187,000+ sealed indictments so far!) who for the Crimes Against Humanity & War Crimes, Pedophilia & Child Trafficking, Treason & Sedition are (thanks to President Trump) at Gitmo, or are singing like a soprano to the FBI/CIA/NSA while being monitored wearing ankle bracelets (Oprah, Madonna, J-Lo, Nancy Pelosi), or have been Executed—Letter to These United States for America [Original 1776 Republic]—Real News for Real Patriots.
QUESTION???—Why did Kwame Brown the 1st Pick of the 2001 NBA Draft Break his 20 Year Silence to Avenge his White Supremacy Black Haters? 

ANSWER—Kwame Brown [speaking about the Judas-Goat Black Sports Media Mafia (beg. @7:18)] – “You all know if I wake these kids up, all you Bitches going to get fired!”  Not only fired, but sent to Gitmo or Executed for their Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes, Treason, and Sedition. 

In conclusion, 20 years ago the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and all of their legions of little White Supremacist Black slave workers fronting as “sports journalists” were activated to ruin this young man’s promising NBA career. Yet Kwame Brown through sheer will-power, his strong ethnic Geechie upbringing (including his “Mommas Cooking”) played 13 years in the NBA and grossed more than $70m+ in career earnings and endorsements. To most people, that is not a “bust” but a respectable NBA career. Most importantly, Kwame kept his manhood, kept his humanity intact which makes every word he speaks, every retort to these sports media hacks resonate with his growing social media fan base. This is why Kwame Brown will soon have the most popular sports and critical thinking podcast in the world and all the dumb bastards who poked the lion, woke the dragon,

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Literary Metaphor—Kwame is the dragon who the tiny Judas-Goat Black Sports Media Midgets have awakened by shaming and defaming him and his family for 20 YEARS. . . After the Apotheosis of Kwame Brown, I promise you all Sports Media and Entertainment will never be the same. After just a month since Kwame started defending Black athletes the tenor and tone of Stephen A. Snitch and the rest of the Judas Goat Go along get along sports Mafia is decidedly more conciliatory and less hostile. Kwame: 1- Black Sports Boulé: 0.

unleashed the beast, or whatever metaphor you want to use, can now only stand there in the unemployment line looking stupid, or crying in prison for their Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Child Rape and Pedophilia while whispering one to another the stanzas to the poem I composed for Kwame below. . . 

Poem for King👑Kwame Brown

{written in His voice for His voice}

For 20 Years, We called this Man a bust, *But when he broke the Internet, Judas-Goat Niggers said, ‘He broke our Trust’,

For 20 Years, We called this Man a scrub, We said his Life over, his Life was Dirt, *But if that is true, then why all you Punk Bitches so Butt Hurt?

For 20 Years, my own People Defamed Me, Shamed Me, Blamed Me the Most, *But when I broke my silence, you said, I broke Satan’s OATH.

For 20 Years, We tried to break his Spirit, Pervert his Manhood, but in Silence
he just kept Lookin’. . . Spookin’,
*What the Hell is Kwame Brown’s secret Solution?—A Critical Thinking Revolution? I think it’s “Momma’s Cookin.'”

* * * * *

In your hateful arrogance, You even took The Kwame Brown Bust-Life Tour on the road—from Sea to Shinning Sea. OK students {1-2-3-rap along with me}—

Kept the Black high school athletes Bewitches,
— Kept national audiences laughing in Stiches,
Got my Coach fired just for being Snitches,
— But I never saw a dime on your Kwame Tour for Riche$. . .
What’s My Name?!
—$tephen A. Bitche$!


I didn’t even know you from Joe Blow, but you tried to be slick, Why did you look up my Family Info? — about my Father, about my Bros, words that hurt me So, because even I didn’t Know. . . . What’s My Name…?! Charlemagne tha Ho!

Didn’t Your Momma tell you, Never! Ever! open your mouth on grown Man’s Business? But you this big Woke Feminist that can only Yell, when you need to befriend a REAL Black Woman who knows what Time it is – Can’t You Tell. . .? What’s My Name…?! Jemele Jezebel!

Pop the Lock! Get the Glock! Roll the Dope! Bring All the Smoke! But now Who the Big Joke that came to Atlanta Scratchin’ for Action? But from Me I spoke the Truth like a Man, I gave you no Satisfaction. . . What’s My Name?! Stephen “Thug-Life” Jackson!

Do We Dare? Do You Care? Why You Stare? I saw you tryin’ to climb over your own security gate over There… Was that in Beverly Hills? Brentwood? or was it in Bel-Air? Now you got a Nigger over there, my Wife in his lap, sittin’ in MY Chair…? What’s My Name?! Matt Barnes, (but you can call me) – “Becky with the Good👱‍♀️Hair.”

* * * * *
For 20 Years We should have never messed with a grown-ass MAN!  *For 20 Years We should have left him alone, down in Brunswick Town,

Instead We have unleashed the Beast – not a Clown. What’s My NAME…?! Real Niggers call him. . . KING👑Kwame Brown. . .”

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  1. Carolyn Bryant says:

    Wow. Just wow. Still picking my jaw off the floor. However, the question of what exactly made KB come out like this is still a mystery.


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