Why is the Hardest Thing in the World Getting Black People ‘Woke’?!?

| December 15, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

History Alert! – Most Black Americans fail to know and understand their real history. For example, most Black people don’t realize that the legendary Abolitionist, Harriet Tubman (1822-1913), was a R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N. She and other Black Abolitionists like Phyllis Wheatley, Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, worked with White Abolitionists like –  William Lloyd GarrisonTheodore Dwight WeldArthur Tappan, and Lewis Tappan to eventually bring the Satanic, invidious institution of slavery to a Constitutional end in America, after the Civil War (1861-65). . . Yet, as in the 1850s & 60s so is it today where the Democrat Socialist Party politicized, weaponized and PROFITED from torturing and terrorizing, disenfranchising and murdering Black people by the millions going back to the arrival of the first Black slaves exactly 400 years ago in 1619 – long before there were any political parties in the British colonies.

“Everything they told you was a Lie.”

The Matrix, Part I (Morpheus to Neo)

Woke (/ˈwoʊk/) as a political term refers to an awareness of issues concerning social and racial justice. It is derived from the African-American Vernacular English expression “stay woke“, whose grammatical aspect refers to a continuing awareness of these issues.

*N.B.: Stay tuned Facebook Friends … I will convert these ideas {cited on my Facebook page, Dec. 1, 2019} into an essay next week in a renewed push to get Black America W-O-K-E before the most historical 2020 Election! Please help me spread VERITAS (Truth… especially to our YOUTH!)

Prologue: Are Black Conservative Republicans Free to Love America…? Free to support President Trump?

On my 27 Nov. 2019 Facebook page, I entered the following post: “40 YEARS A CONSERVATIVE ALERT! (1979-2019). I trace my apotheosis as a Conservative 40 years ago to year 1979 (the year I graduated from high school) – although I didn’t officially and publicly declare my Conservative worldview until Christmas Day 25 December 1982 – my senior year in college. I celebrated this revelation and intellectual epiphany by publishing my first two essays in Jan. & Feb. 1983 in my school Newspaper, The DePauw:

REAL HISTORY ALERT! Are we FREE in America to love America openly, to love President Trump without fear of Nazi censorship and Gestapo shadow banning tactics lodged against U.S. by the Technocracy Tyrants (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram, Tic Tok, etc.)? After feeling compelled to hide my Conservatism and the fact that I was a Republican for many decades … even to my church family at Antioch COGIC and Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan, you can only imagine my JOY at the number of Black people in 2019 America who are finally getting ‘WOKE’ through such movements as Candace Owen’s BLEXIT to RETURN to the Republican Party who (through President Abraham Lincoln) freed the slaves and passed the first 8 Civil Rights Amendments to end Slavery (13th Amendment), grant Blacks due process under law (14th Amendment) and grant Black people the right to vote (15th Amendment), among other pro-Civil Rights Amendments Republicans passed after the Civil War (1861-65) and subsequently into the Radical Reconstruction Era (1863-77) to help Black People to not only truly be FREE, but also EQUAL in America.

*N.B.: The Democrat Socialist Party is the Party of the “Loyalist” Traitors who sided with King George III against the Colonist Revolutionaries during the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) – Courageous men and women who “sacrificed their lives and their sacred honor” to put off the tyrannical Monarchy of England for a constitutional Republic. The Democrat Socialist Party was also the Party that weaponized the KKK to terrorize and rape, disenfranchise and murder Black people (and the courageous White people who supported Black equality whom the Democrats derisively slandered as “Nigger Lovers”) from 1865-1965. Finally, and most infamously, the Democrat Socialist Party is the Party who have murdered (through abortion) 36.2% of the Black population living today and continue to push Evolution Atheism and Eugenics Racialist Democide. Both of these pseudo-scientific propaganda screeds contend that Black people are by NATURE inferior to White people and are more closely related via DNA to MONKEYS and GORILLAS! This evil, invidious racist propaganda is still being taught at all American colleges and university “science” departments . . . TO THIS DAY! 🧐🥵🤑👹

Radical Republican political posters (circa 1865-early 1870s) showing the social, political and legal lengths the Republican Party went through to fight the racist Democrat Socialist Party in order to give the Black man and eventually all Black people the right to vote as the gateway to racial equality in America.

Message to my Detroit Cousin Lauren Lightfoot

Ellis Washington is with Angela Green and 69 others.

December 1 at 9:27 AM · 

GETTING YOUR OWN PEOPLE ‘WOKE’ IS THE HARDEST THING TO DO IN THE WORLD ALERT! As many of you know during my 40 years as a Conservative, Pro-Trump Christian (1979-2019), I have had very few true Black friends and ever fewer devoted relatives in my birth city of Detroit, and throughout America that will even speak to me anymore or acknowledge any of my 40 YEARS of singular, assiduous work to bring America back to God, Jesus, Natural Law and Natural Rights via my 11 books (translated into over a dozen languages, published on 5 continents), 30+ scholarly law review articles, and 3,000+ essays, articles, monographs, essay review, book reviews, Socratic dialectical works, etc… And I socialized with and in some cases worshiped with these People for 30-40 Y-E-A-R-S!

Why the Collective Psychopathy and Mass Delusion? Why the Savage Tribalism and Groupthink, Hatred and Disrespect from my own People? The Bible says, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own people, and in his own house. (Mark 6:4; John 4:44; Luke 4:16-30).

Remember: The Bible and History tells us Jesus Christ was ‘despised and rejected’ by his own people – the Jews who with the Roman Governor of Judaea Pontius Pilate crucified Jesus on Easter Sunday 28 A.D. … And this Global rejection of Jesus exists . . . TO THIS DAY!

Billionaire Globalist Michael Bloomberg and the Reemergence of Liberal Fascism

On Dec. 1st I posted the Facebook message below. My Detroit cousin (Lauren Lightfoot) took exception to the Bloomberg meme I included with it:

Ellis Washington [Facebook posting] December 1 at 6:15 AM · Donald TRUMP 2020 or Democrats Stealing Election through Redistricting (and dozens of other election fraud tactics) like in Virginia?!? [Excerpt] “According to this report, earlier this month the Foreign Ministry extensively documented how a leftist run US Federal Court redrew all of the voting districts in Virginia to favor the Democrats—and because of, left the Republican Party unable to put up candidates in 25% of Virginia’s State Senate races—thus enabling these socialist Democrats to take full control over Virginia—in spite of the fact that 860,993 Republican voters outnumbered 823,694 Democratic voters.”
*N.B.: Note Michael Bloomberg will soon enter the Democrat race for President. He is Founder/CEO of Bloomberg Media, 3 Time Mayor of New York and Uber Billionaire (worth more $$$ than Trump so he can fund his own election even by $3-$6 BILLION). Look at what he thinks about the Rule of Law and our sacred First Amendment! ! ! God Help U.S.!

The Bloomberg meme I borrowed below was contained in the above article from WhatDoesItMean.com. What drew the ire and hatred from my cousin is when I linked that post picturing new Democrat Presidential Candidate Michael Bloomberg – because she is not a Trump supporter. She didn’t understand that I posted the article NOT to gain more Trump supporters, but to give balance, truthful, real, relevant information inside the Arena of Ideas – Raw news that you will not get from the Fake News Propaganda media which is hellbent 24/7 on spewing Lies, Disinformation, Hatred and Racial Division.

Democrat Fascism Alert! The vile and arrogant, hateful and unconstitutional words uttered in this meme above by Michael Bloomberg will willingly (and thus, tragically) be accepted by most people in America … despite their political predilections. Why? Because Michael Bloomberg has been authenticated and legitimized by this corrupted, sin-cursed world and it’s perverted, fake, deceitful, invidious institutions. In other words, Bloomberg is a billionaire Globalist who among many things is the co-founder, CEO, and majority owner of Bloomberg L.P. who has vowed since his presidential campaign announcement NOT to say anything bad about his Democrat competitors. . . but has vowed to reserve their propaganda and lies for only one man… President Donald J. Trump! Bloomberg’s tactics are straight out of the playbook of Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels and amounts to Liberal fascism writ large!
Thomas Jefferson’s words in the meme above is of course the corollary (or consequence) of the political Fascism and Socialism Slavery uttered in the Bloomberg meme cited above. Yet, as we approach the 2020 Elections most people only remember Jefferson as a slave owner not for being one of the singular great geniuses and Renaissance Men of American History who hated the institution of slavery and fought all of his life to abolish it.

To help my Detroit cousin understand how much President Trump has helped Black America I posted on my Facebook page on 1 Dec. 2019 a 10/29/2018 WND.com article I’d read chronicling (some of) the Trump administration accomplishments in just his first 20 months in office with this message:  

Ellis to Lauren Lightfoot: “Cuz Lauren Lightfoot: I hope this article will compel you to reconsider your negative opinion about President Donald Trump. Here is a comprehensive article by my former media entity that I wrote for, WND.com titled, Better off now? Trump’s unreported list of accomplishments, detailing many (but not all) of the positive policies Trump has done for America (including Black America) IN LESS THAN 3 YEARS IN OFFICE!” “On the other hand, Barack Hussein OBAMA purposely and systematically devastated and destroyed Black America — Destroyed our Economy and Spiritual Wholeness through the FAKE 501(C)(3) Satanic, State-controlled Churches that no longer preaches Holiness, Purity, Sanctification and Obedience to Jesus Christ ALONE. Today’s FAKE 501(C)(3) Churches only preach Blessings, $$$, pro-Obama, pro-Leftist, pro-Globalist, anti-Trump Politics and merchandising the Gospel.”
President Trump signing an executive order removing Obama-era Socialism slave chains from our writs, ankles, minds, and unleashing America (including Black America) with unprecedented economic opportunities.

I had tagged about 70 people to this article including my Detroit cousin, Lauren Lightfoot who replied to me in this manner:

Lauren Lightfoot to Ellis Washington: “Good-bye. Please remove what you wrote from my page. Praying for you.” Lauren Lightfoot to Ellis:  “Ellis you were wrong for putting this on my page without my permission. You are wrong. I see why family don’t bother with you. You are real wrong. Trump will never ever be my God trying to act like it. Ellis leave me alone so l can praise my God. I’m family. You just messed over me. Don’t send me nothing else, please.”

Despite my Detroit cousin’s hateful and irrational reply to my efforts to get her (and other Americans, including Black America) ‘Woke’, for her (and millions of others victims of Socialism Slavery), it must be excruciatingly painful to the point of psychotic breakdown or cognitive dissonance to, on the one hand, be proud of your Detroit cousin who singularly for 40 years using his intellect to transcend the slave chains of Socialism Slavery. Yet, you remain bound, enslaved inside the Concentration Camp called Detroit … What to do? On a Psychic level you either join me (as other slaves joined Harriet Tubman in the 1850s and 60s) on the underground railroad toward freedom, or you attack me for leaving the slavery and psychopathic abuse of the Democrat Socialist Party – You cannot do both!

65 MILLION Reasons Barack Obama Sold His Soul to the Illuminati Satanists

Barack OBAMA policies destroyed Big cities across America where the majority of Black people live. I should know – I was born in America’s worst ghettos, inside the Concentration Camps of Detroit. I WENT TO HARVARD LAW WITH OBAMA 31 YEARS AGO… Like Campaign manager LEE ATWATER, I SUPPORTED TRUMP 31 Years ago for V.P. on the George H.W. Bush ticket just before I went to Harvard, yet at Harvard, I refused to take that Faustian/Illuminati Deal with the Devil (e.g., Globalists, New World Order, Democrat/RINOs) for $$$, Women, Fame, CELEBRITY and TREACHERY. Why not? Because . . . I AM A MAN!!! 

Memphis, Tennessee (circa Feb-April 1968) – garbage men on strike fighting for Justice over the death of two of their fellow brothers due to Democrat Party conspiracy to murder, racism, institutional terrorism, but also for better wages and safer working conditions (11 Feb. – 16 April 1968). In less than 3 weeks civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King would meet his death (4 April 1968) at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis preparing to join the garbage men protests against Democrat Socialist Party existential terrorism against Black people. *N.B.: The full war amory (armed soldiers with fixed bayonets, loaded rifles, dozens of armored tanks vs. peaceful Black men with “I AM A MAN” signs valiantly trying to crawl from the bottom of the socio-economic ladder for equal rights in America . . . just 51 years ago!
Ellis to Lauren: I hope to have you come back to this [Facebook] Forum when you’ve had a chance to really think about what I wrote… and WHY? It’s not personal. I have been given a mission to speak the Truth to many different people here in America and throughout the world and as long as God gives me breath I will speak and write the truth as I understand it. If the Truth hurts you, then that’s not my problem, but a personal issue between you and God. Time is running out. Don’t get the game twisted – I have a family that LOVES ME FOR ME. I don’t have time to make friends with stubborn, hateful, narrow-minded relatives and simple-minded, self-righteous church people… WE HAVE A REVOLUTION TO FIGHT to save this Republic and to Redeem our Fake, Money grubbing, Materialistic, Apostate 501(C)(3) Churches! Do you understand this?

Epilogue: How Many Black Americans Can You and I Free from Democrat Party Socialism Slave Chains?

Below are a few subsequent Facebook dialogues generated from my initial posting of that WND.com essay citing nearly 200 accomplishments Trump has achieved for America in just 20 months:

Peggy Lightbody to Ellis: Ellis, do you mind if I send this [WND.com article] to my friends? I live in Washington State and I have many friends who are Democrats because that is what their families have been for years, no other reason. I hope that some of them will read and get some sense about what is going on. One of my Black friends who we have been friends for 25 years, found out I am for Trump and she will not have anything to do with me now. She asked if the reason I didn’t like Obama was because he was Black? Of course, my Marine husband said I should learn to keep my mouth shut, but I want to help bring Americans together. I love all people. . .

Mark C. Dudley to Peggy: If you allie [sic] yourself with a racist and a hate monger [sic] then you will be construed as one unfortunately.
  •  Ellis Washington to Peggy: I would be Honored Peggy Lightbody and thank you VERY much for doing this for me anytime you wish. Please ignore my immature and hateful Nephew Mark C. Dudley… He more than anyone should be aware by now what MLK said many years ago … “Truth [though it be] crushed to the earth will rise again.”
Mark C. Dudley to Ellis Washington: You know Uncle it’s not about immaturity at all. It’s about knowing WRONG when I see it. I remember once one of my friends tried to disparage you. I immediately showed you the respect and love a family member shows another by stepping in to let that friend know I wasn’t going to allow anyone to disparage my uncle. I see here that you don’t extend me the same courtesy. Martin Luther King said a great many things. Most of which the Christian Right would never print in fear that it would turn the light of truth ON THEM. I must say that today you have disappointed me a bit more than usual.

Ellis Washington to Mark C. Dudley: If you call the POTUS of over 63 MILLION people who voted for him in the 2016 Election “a racist and a hate monger” without one shred of evidence to support your supposition, then you have called me (and those 63+ Millions of U.S.) those vile and untruthful epithets.  I would be happy to continue to tolerate your Hatred, Abuse and Disrespect over the years I’ve been known to you as a Professor and as an Intellectual Mentor if you could produce just one thing – Can you show me an email, a letter, a recording, heck, I’ll even take a note you wrote on a scrap piece of paper, of you showing 1/10th of that same level of Hatred, Abuse and Disrespect you wrote to me above … to JUST ONE of your White Cornell University Professors that taught you back in the 1990s?

You can’t do it! … WHY? Because even though I wrote an extended, historical essay in 2018 defending you, extolling you personally, while exposing the Institutional Racism of your Ivy League alma mater, Cornell University . . . YET, your self-hatred prevents you from hating them as much as you do me (and other Black & White Republicans). But WHY? While I’m not a psychologist, I did study psychology and thus I truly believe you to be a victim of Freudian Psychological Projection and irrationally taking the side of the racist Democrats who have democided you via the Stockholm Syndrome. Thus, this Self-hatred embodied in the twin demons of: 1) Freudian Psychological Projection (= blaming others for the crimes you committed) and, 2) Stockholm Syndrome (= siding with your tormentors) blinds you and enslaves your mind keeping you (and Black America) perpetually enslaved and shackled on the Democrat Plantation.

Therefore, (and with a strong tinge of irony) you possess not a whit of Hatred for your legions of White Marxist/Eugenicist Democrat Party Professors at Cornell University who for decade-upon-decade have profited from promoting their Racist, Racialist, Eugenicist, Evolution Atheism, Marxist Democidal worldview and lies that they publish… FOR PROFIT! These PhD professors of yours at Cornell University (and other Ivy-League universities) are the ignominious intellectual lineage of that evil OSS/CIA Project from the 1940s called, Operation Paperclip… an existential Nazi intellectual legacy of infamy that continues to poison and perverts the minds and hearts of the American Academy, American students and American Society . . . TO THIS DAY!

Thus, this self-delusion and Transference allows you to concurrently dump that misplaced Hatred, Abuse and Disrespect upon me who have for 30 years shown you nothing but the utmost respect and solicitude as I have tried to be an Intellectual Mentor and Friend to you and to our entire Family who I’ve reached out to for Y-E-A-R-S. . . yet all in vain. Why? I’ll let the legendary Abolitionist REPUBLICAN Harriet Tubman answer that question for you dear nephew …

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  1. Peggy Lightbody says:

    Thank you so much Ellis, for what you are doing to help unite our country.The connection is not going to be through me telling other whites what I believe.I want to subscribe and will be sure to send your knowledge on to all of my friends, in the hopes that it will strike at the heart of many and they will pass it on to others. Only by reaching out can we touch their hearts and show our love.


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