Are We All Nazis Now? – “Operation Paperclip” 2020 – Part II

| April 9, 2020
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THINK … NOT GROUPTHINK! How many of these men named above in this very small sample of the Nazi Braintrust brought to America by the CIA and all our intelligence agencies after World War II (1945-60) have biological and ideological progeny living with U.S. today making democidal policies against the Natural Rights of America’s Republic? For further reading and research regarding my inquiry on Nazi Émigré influence on England, see book review by Ian ThomsonThe Hitler Emigrés: The Cultural Impact on Britain of Refugees from Nazism by Daniel Snowman.
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

[Morpheus to Neo:] Everything they told you was a Lie.

    ~ The Matrix, Part I (1999)

Bankers Hate Peace: All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars”—best exampled by the fact that both the US Federal Reserve and Bank of England financed Nazi Germany—which was expected to occur as the 8 powerful families that formed the cartel to create the US Federal Reserve Bank, also controlled the central bank in Nazi Germany.”

    ~ Sorcha Faal

The Coronavirus is just good old fashion Eugenics – Personalize the thousands, watch tens of millions die.

~ Alex Jones (InfoWars Monologue, April 9, 2020)

Prologue: Why was ‘Operation Paperclip’ Imposed on U.S.? (Hint: Think Control, Slave Chains for all, Democide)

ORIGINS OF CORONAVIRUS ALERT! I have a theory that the Coronavirus has institutional, and intellectual, ideological and Global connections to people whom our Intelligence agencies treacherously brought over here from NAZI GERMANY to America at the end of World War II – beginning in 1945-59 (perhaps even longer!) – in a super-secret program called “OPERATION PAPERCLIP”. How many Nazis immigrated to America? Perhaps as many as 16,000-20,000 (not the conventional BIG LIE of “1,000-1,600”) NAZI Scientists, Medical Doctors, Engineers, Architects and many, many other disciplines who built our NASA program, took over our public and private schools, our Academy, our Corporations, our Media while infiltrating, perverting and deconstructing virtually all of our Institutions including, creating BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS to Democide U.S. – to turn the World into an Apocalypse decimating the world population from its present numbers of 7.8 billion down to 500,000,000 in the Illuminati, Deep State and Globalist Gestapo democidal Nazi dream to usher in a New World Order . . . thus my rhetorical title – ARE WE ALL NAZIS NOW?

This second part of my essay deals with a fascinating book by William Strauss and Neil Howe, “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny” (1997) which President Trump has read and likes. The book review [from Amazon] – “William Strauss and Neil Howe base this vision on a provocative theory of American history. The authors look back five hundred years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a long human life, each composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that last about twenty years and that always arrive in the same order. . .” 


*N.B.: Because of the complexity and comprehensive depth of this material, it would be helpful if you haven’t read Part I of this essay series to do so before reading Part II, thus I have of necessity repeated some of the materials in Part I here in Part II


OPERATION PAPERCLIP” – [WIKI] “was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party.”

In Part I referred to a very interesting lecture and book by journalist Annie Jacobson exposing a treacherous and little-known chapter by all of our intelligence agencies (Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) and the Truman administration at the end of World War II (1945) that would see tens of millions of deaths worldwide yet in the name of “National Security” was compelled in secretly colluding with the now defunct German Reich to bring these evil, irredeemable Nazi Scientists – [e.g., the Nazi Braintrust] back home to America where before 1900 Nazism and the Nazi Party and the rise of a Ubermensch-AntiChrist like a Adolph Hitler was plotted and planned, funded and wargamed by the Globalist, Communist Left here in America.

The Nazis didn’t lose World War II, they came back home to America – back home to American leadership of a newly created space agency (NASA), to high-ranking positions in the American Academy including – Rocket Science, Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Aeronautics, Electronics (guidance systems, radar, satellites), Architecture, Medicine (biological medicine, chemical medicine, space medicine), Material Science, Engineering, etc… Since the subject matter of the Academy is integrated and the publicly declared academic backgrounds of the majority of the people brought to America via Operation Paperclip were in the science and medicine areas, it would be likely that not only were other members of the Nazi Braintrust brought here with expertise in other areas such as Psychology, Psychiatry, but also in other so-called liberal arts disciplines Law, Politics, Judiciary, Business, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Art, Music, and Literature.

Nevertheless, I theorize that these hidden members of the Nazi Braintrust was not the number the CIA Operation Mockingbird Media gives U.S. to this day – 1,600 Nazis – It is all too convenient, it smells of disinformation. Therefore, could the real number of Nazi Émigrés from 1945-59 have been in the tens of thousands? And who is to say that this Nazi immigration program ever officially stopped shipping these evil Émigrés to America? And having been here for 80 years, would not these irredeemable, evil Nazis have had time to not only integrate and disappear into American society, to reproduce for several generations, but to fulfill their goals of coming home to America whose Globalist and Democrat Party had since the Age of Darwin and Galton secretly funded Evolution, Eugenics Conspiracy to help them rule the world under their Satanic New World Order dating back to 1776 – the year Satanist, Jesuit-trained Attorney Adam Weishaupt created the Illuminati (May 1, 1776) and 2 months later America declared its independence from England (July 4, 1776).

EUGENICS 2020 – Isn’t this picture worth a million words? Look at this Rogues Gallery of Villainy. Talk about the Uber-Rich Bloodmoney using the respectability of CIA-Nazi joint venture called Operation Paperclip together with Medical Doctors and Corporatist CIA-Operation Mockingbird Big Media to cause Global depopulation… just like Hitler and the Nazis tried to do 80 years ago by launching World War II (1939-45). REMEMBER: THE NAZIS DIDN’T LOSE World War II, THEY CAME BACK HOME TO A-M-E-R-I-C-A !


HISTORIAN EXPOSES BILL GATES’ TIES TO NAZIS AND MORE. See this revelatory video based on this long-hidden evidence by Greg Reese of InfoWars.

InfoWars Rant Gives Vital Hints How We the People got our Slave Chains (Hint: Coronavirus = Mass CIA-UK-Ultra Mind Control, Programming, Conditioning)

Alex Jones, founder of InfoWars, in his opening monologue on April 1 made the following prescient remarks about the Coronavirus fake pandemic which I found to be connected to the CIA-Nazi Operation Paperclip (1945-2020):

ALEX JONES: [Transcript] “It is April Fool’s Day and we have the April Fools virus in full effect. It is a real bioweapon that’s probably going to kill 80 or 90,000. We had the flu kill 80,000 in 1918. Did we have the total lockdown of society and the stock market plunging right now? No, we didn’t! But President Trump is getting ahead of it so the Globalists can’t use the crisis to bring in their own civil emergency. . . And so, he is trying to be in control of it so that they don’t bring in total lockdowns of every city – absolute, bonafide martial law.”

“At first the Globalists played it very slickly 9 weeks ago – they covered the severity. The Democrats said open the borders, let folks fly in from China even in late February, Nancy Pelosi  and others were saying it in San Francisco, De Blasio was saying it in New York. Trump said well we should control some of this to save lives like people flying in from Italy, or people flying in from China. Russia closed its borders, China closed its borders [however, China] would let people leave to give everybody [else in the world] the disease – It’s all scripted. And then they said, ‘Oh no, you’re not allowed to block people coming in from China and then on a dime, on March 1st  about a month ago they flipped and said it’s all Trump’s fault, it’s an American virus, America is a craphole, it’s going to have the most cases – because we’re (America) going to have the most testing, so they run the hoax WE’RE NOT TESTING! WE’RE NOT TESTING! We’re testing more than the whole world combined – hundreds of times the testing in China. China stopped testing [for the Coronavirus] two weeks ago. On record.”

Real vs. Dialectical History: All perverted, dialectical, construct history = Satanic History and can be summarized using the rhetorical devise of Hegelian Dialectic = Agenda -> Problem -> Reaction -> Solution = the Slave Chains of Humanity down through the Ages.

“So, this is a real virus and it is manmade. It has four different receptors or delivery systems to attack four different parts of the body. And the consensus at the Senate Intelligence [Committee] and the Pentagon and people who are part of the Pro-America camp there is that this is a Globalist attack by the Deep State through Communist China because America was taking over the New World Order and Americanizing it 1776[-style] worldwide … It was always apart the American century, the American millennium. It was really the Renaissance going into overdrive at the end of World War II but it all got hijacked by the Eugenicists scientific dictatorship that [President] Eisenhower warned U.S. about in his Farewell Address in 1961. He said the Technocracy… the scientific Elite are in control of the “military industrial complex” and are establishing a tyranny over all thought, all science and all industry, and are the great threat. That’s because they had proposed to him what they had already set up that’s beyond the Manhattan Project.”

“That’s the competing systems – a pro-Human future, a pro-liberty future vs. an authoritarian, anti-human, robot future. The Globalists lust after robots that will follow all their orders, cutting humans out of the equation, and making U.S. OBSOLETE – like The Obsolete Man.  That is the last Malthusian/Eugenics operation.” [End of InfoWars transcript excerpt]

Logic is an enemy, and truth is a menace.” “He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshiped. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete.” ~ Rod Sterling, Narrator of The Twilight Zone

Are We the People all Nazis Now?

*REMEMBER: One of the main academic disciplines recruited after World War II by our OSS and Army CIC = Joint Intelligence Operations Agency ( = JIOC) in Operation Paperclip was M-E-D-I-C-I-N-E. No doubt if one was to trace the medical origins of today’s “Pandemic” – the Coronavirus or Covid-19 – it would descend back to these Nazi doctors who worked for Adolf Hitler, many in high-ranking positions of leadership and brought back home to America. To demonstrate how comprehensive and complete the Communist MK-Ultra Mind Control Media has been at programming U.S.; note rarely does one find a link to Nazi or Nazi-Sympathizer on the Left in the mainstream media. Never! Because that is exclusively reserved for President Trump or for any Christian or Conservative who rises to positions of power and influence in order to use Illuminati, Communist and Alinsky disinformation tactics to destroy said person.

Was President Wilson referring to the Illuminati in this quote above? It certainly has a ring of truth that he was.

Therefore, because of the demonic alliance of the CIA-Operation Mockingbird and the Corporatist Big Media that descends from Hitler’s legendary propagandist, Julius Streicher (1885–1946) – Editor of the Nazi Newspaper, Der Stürmer – today we don’t call these people or institutions ‘Nazi’ or ‘Nazi Sympathizer’ or ‘Nazi Sponsored’ Institutions like the Ivy League or the Public Ivy League. Like  Harvard University and the Head of the Chemistry Department Dr. Charles Lieber who first created the Coronavirus but weaponized it with an HIV-door, including SARS and MERS components. In Jan. 2020, Dr. Lieber was arrested by the FBI for secretly colluding and lying under oath about his economic relationship with the Communist Chinese for years. The Communist Chinese Party gave Dr. Lieber $150 MILLION to set up a biological weapon’s lab in… (wait for it) Wuhan, China. English writer and iconoclast Futurist David Icke offers some rather prescient analysis regarding the Qui Bono – Who benefits? Because if you don’t ask the right questions you will never get to the proper answers. Icke does both.

Hitler did NOT die on April 30, 1945 by suicide – He (and many, many high-level Nazis) escaped to South America

[Reprinted from Part I:] Remember those original 1,600 Nazi Scientists and Doctors brought from Nazi Germany to America in Operation Paperclip were really perhaps 10Xs more (16,000-20,000). What else did they do besides build our NASA program? They had girlfriends, they had wives, they had many, many, many babies over the past 80 years. These Nazi Émigrés were given all of the most coveted, affluent, laudatory positions in American society. These thousands and thousands of Nazi Émigrés were appointed deans, presidents, professors to our most elitist Ivy-League and Public Ivy schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, MIT, CAL, Stanford, U of Chicago, U of Michigan, U of Texas – where they influenced generations and generations and generations of American students over the past 80 years… even to THIS DAY.

Morpheus to Neo – The Matrix Movie (1999) – “Everything they told you was a LIE.” These declassified FBI files raise questions about Hitler’s death in the Führerbunker. The CIA-MK Ultra mind-control Corporatist media told U.S. and the world that Hitler died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head along with his new wife, Eva Braun in the Fuhrer’s bunker on 30 April 1945 as Stalin’s forces moved closer to finding Adolph Hitler’s lair. We now know the truth about that incident (including the fact that Hitler lived for at least another 20 YEARS) from revelatory documentaries like Hunting Hitler and books by Gerrard William and Simon Dunstan and their 2011 documentary and 2014 book Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler or Dr. Jerome Corsi, Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Nazi Germany (2017).

FIGURE 1. Leading document in declassified FBI files reporting sightings on Hitler in Argentina. FBI Vault. Quotes from document: “[blank] reports contact with [blank]. Claims to have aided six top Argentina officials in hiding Adolf Hitler upon his landing by submarine in Argentina.”; “According to [blank] he was one of four men who met Hitler and his party when they landed from two submarines in Argentina approximately two and half weeks after the fall of Berlin.”; “INFORMATION OBTAINED BY [BLANK] FROM [BLANK] UNABLE TO BE VERIFIED..”
Facsimile of FBI letter and transcript posted at Hitler’s mad dash to South America. A conspiracy 71 years in the making. (version 2).

Epilogue – YEAR 2020 = ‘The Fourth Turning’ World Catalyst Event

80 YEAR FOURTH TURNING WAR CATALYST EVENT CYCLES – WE THE PEOPLE are now living in the Fourth Turning Catalyst Event that since the American Revolution (1775-83) occurs like clockwork every 80 YEARS. (This number is also in the Bible with the numerical value of 40 Years where Jewish society was upended and reset because of the sins and apostasy of their forefathers).

Writer Sorcha Faal writes regarding the Fourth Turning or the next 80 Year Catalyst Event: 2020

“With these four American “generations” having an average 80-year-cycle to complete their Fourth Turning, such as it being about 80-years between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War-Reconstruction Era—80-years between the Civil War-Reconstruction Era and the Great Depression-World War II Era, this report grimly points out, this year of 2020 shows it being exactly 80-years removed from the Great Depression-World War II Era—thus meaning that like President George Washington, President Abraham Lincoln and President Franklin Roosevelt before him, President Donald Trump is leading a “Crisis Generation” into an era of destruction.”

In the Bible 40 years is a generation, thus these 80-year Catalyst Cycles are in reality two generations (8 in total) 8 = Perfection in Biblical numerology. I believe that God’s grace is demonstrated by allowing these Turning Catalyst Events to be twice as long as a biblical generation because in these Last Days, God is urging mankind everywhere to Repent and to turn from evil to good through belief in the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ.

Sorcha Faal continues his analysis of the Fourth Turning historicism thesis:

“Exactly as the Fourth Turning theory being followed by President Trump predicts, this report details, a “catalyst event” is needed to throw this current “Crisis Generation” into their era of destruction—such as British troops firing on American patriots to ignite the Revolutionary War, the rebellious Confederate States firing on Fort Sumter to ignite the Civil War, and the Empire of Japan bombing Pearl Harbor to ignite World War II—and today sees this “catalyst event” being the global coronavirus pandemic that’s not only thrown America to its economic knees—also sees the fracturing of the already strained ties between the United States and China.”

YEAR ONE 1776—This section identifies the ubiquitous False Flag pretext or trigger event that has been used by the Illuminati and their legions of front organizations, institutions and governments for centuries. Another way of understanding a False Flag event can be deduced by several popular and perverted aphorisms beloved by the political Left:

If the entire, perverted understanding of History isn’t self-evident by the Hegelian Dialectic, then someone would have to invent the Hegelian Dialectic in order to understand the Machiavellian plots by the Globalist Gestapo and Deep State Traitors during these dystopian times since the American Revolution to 2020.

Trump has been a public figure for over 50 years yet he didn’t come to U.S. as our literal savior until Nov. 8, 2016 when he became the 45th President of the United States. Nevertheless, there were telltale clues that like King Jehu being used by God to overthrow the Satanic Pagan reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel or the Biblical Queen Esther whose heroics saved the Jews in captivity in Persia from complete Genocide. In 2016, Trump has at the 11th hour literally saved millions and millions of U.S. from Democide by the Globalist Gestapo and Deep State Traitors like Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Comey, Strozk, Page, Clapper, Fauci, Birx and legions of other New World Order Apparatchiks. Sorcha Faal continues his revelatory analysis in article regarding the book, The Fourth Turning Catalyst Event in the context of 2020 being Year One of this 4th 80-year cycle which was first spoken of by ex-Trump advisor Steve Bannon in a Feb. 2017 interview whereby he stated he referred the book to Trump, who read it and took its policy and history conclusions to comply with his Trump administration objectives:

“… the war powers invocation made by President Donald Trump—war powers Trump invoked by his signing an Executive Order on 18 March 2020 titled “Executive Order on Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of Covid-19” which gives to him near unlimited powers as outlined in the Defense Production Act he activated into full force and national law—powers most specially over the entire United States economy Trump is now able to deal with any way he deems necessary to protect his nation and its peoples—and after invoking these war powers, saw Trump then issuing another Executive Order titled “President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts” to expand his economic war council—all of which was followed by Trump going to the White House press room where he declared himself “a wartime president” to the American people—but most fearsomely, are war actions taken by Trump previously predicted to come by his top strategist Steve Bannon—who over three years ago, in early February-2017, gave a barely noticed interview wherein he explained how Trump was being guided by a theory about America’s future laid out in a book called “The Fourth Turning: What Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny”—is a theory that warns of a coming “cataclysmic event” like the coronavirus pandemic that destroys the old order and brings in a new one in “a trial of fire”—but before this new world order rises, there must first be a “massive reckoning”. .”

In the midst of the Illuminati-Rothschild False Flag event called the Great Depression, FDR in his famous First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933, uttered these assuring words for the Ages – “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”… And in his Pearl Harbor Speech of Dec. 8, 1941 given the day after the false flag bombing of Pearl Harbor by Imperial Japan on Dec. 7th. – “A date which will live in infamy”. That said in 2020 We the People should not fear the collective hysteria regarding the deaths by Coronavirus which according to the figures at at the time of this writing =

World Coronavirus Count: 1,453,000 infected, 83,585 dead USA: 402,471 (12,914 deaths), Italy: 136,000, Spain: 142,000, Germany: 108,000, France: 109,000, UK: 55,000

*N.B.: To put this man-made tragedy in its proper historical and medical context, the U.S. deaths from the common flu in the winter of  2017 (alone) = over 80,000! The latest medical research predicts that the Coronavirus “Pandemic” is no worse than the annual common flu. Sorcha Faal continues:

” Left unanswered at this moment about the coronavirus pandemic “catalyst event” being used by a President Trump presiding over a feared “Crisis Generation” rushing headlong into their era of destruction, this report says, is exactly “whom is manipulating whom”—a question needing urgently to be answered as top German medical scientist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has exhaustively detailed the fact that this novel coronavirus is a normal occurrence happening in China every year for decades, and has him telling everyone in panic “Stop there is nothing going on”—a finding confirmed by one of the world’s top virus experts Professor Jihad Bishara, the director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital in Israel, who is now telling every world leader to calm the hysteria over this “exaggerated” coronavirus most people won’t even know they’re infected with—and if infected with this coronavirus, sees 100% of its patients being cured within 6-days after they take a simple malaria drug called Hydroxychloroquine—and is a drug first approved for use in the United States 65-years-ago in 1955.”

Finally, Sorcha Faal’s article on the book, The Fourth Turning brilliantly exposes the demonic tactics and Machiavellian strategies of the Illuminati, Deep State and Globalist Apparatchiks whose singular objective is to Democide U.S. all ASAP!

“As history has long proven that “In war, truth is the first casualty”, this report concludes, it remains absurdly astonishing that the United Nations is warning that coronavirus-related unemployment could be greater than what was seen in the 2008 global economic collapse—an absurdity matched by US stock markets wiping out all nearly all of its gains since President Trump was elected—but when looked at logically and scientifically, sees this global coronavirus pandemic hysteria being the type of ploy globalist-socialist forces and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs would try to use to destroy Trump—but who haven’t factored into their demented equation the fact of Trump’s presiding over a “Crisis Generation” nation of peoples primed and ready for an era of destruction such is now upon them—and whom, with his war powers, Trump is now able to direct and point towards every enemy he has and they won’t even ask why—and explains why even as the US sinks deeper into the abyss, their confidence in Trump’s economic prowess remains unchanged.”

Trump’s Message to America = Do not FEAR despite the collective hysteria on the DrudgeReport headlines (7 April 2020):

Food Bank Line Stretches Miles in Florida…
Coronavirus can reactivate; 51 recovered patients test positive again…
Mysterious Heart Damage… Eye pain new symptom?
Hunt Is on for Genetic Clues to Why Impact Varies…
Survivors Face Uncertain Road Back to Normal…
‘It was life-altering’… MCDONALD’s staff walkout over unsafe conditions…
DOLLAR TREE cashier battered during social distancing beef…
Grocery workers beginning to die…
Online Food Services Struggle to Meet Spike in Demand…
Truckers warn supply chain in jeopardy…
Sailors slam Navy for virus response on ships…
Fiery speech ignites deeper political crisis…
Residents Alarmed after Cops Use ‘Purge Siren’ to Signal Start of Curfew…
Plane Flyovers, Video Surveillance Enforce in Detroit…
A ‘Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders…
As Trump administration debated travel restrictions, thousands streamed into USA from China…
430,000 arrived since January!
Navarro memos warning of mass death circulated in January…
More than half of Chicago cases are African Americans…
High-income Philadelphians getting tested at far higher rates than low…
Nursing Home Presuming All 800 Residents, Staff Infected…
Conservative Pundits Weren’t Only Ones to Get Pandemic Wrong…
Porn, booze, tobacco, weed, chocolate consumption rising…
Modeling coronavirus: ‘Uncertainty only certainty’…

*N.B.: Cooking the Coronavirus books: MN Senator and Dr. Reveals HHS Document Coached Him on How to Overcount COVID-19 Cases — WITH COPY OF DOCUMENT (VIDEO). This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years.

GOOD NEWS REGARDING THE CORONAVIRUS. Since April 1 there has been a 75% drop in Coronavirus exposure and deaths to such a degree from March’s numbers that even the propagandistic New York Times was forced to expose the fact that fake coronavirus deaths were ubiquitous due to the fact that America’s #1 killer – heart disease/heart attacks and all cancer deaths were at a virtual zero level beginning this year.

Do you understand how this works? Do you understand the difference through the Ages between Real History vs. Dialectical (= Construct, Fake) History? It’s always presented to We the People by our Slavemasters the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rothschilds, George Soros, the Globalist Gestapo, the New World Order using the democidal paradigm of Hegelian Dialectics:

Or in the context of the Coronavirus fake pandemic the Fourth Turning scenario would look something like this:

Agenda 2030: New World Order (90+% depopulation through False Flag pandemics, Eugenics, War, Killer Vaccines, Democide, Concentration Camps – Remaining Human elites merge with demons through A.I.)   Problem: Humans, like a virus, populate too fast, destroy too many natural resources and have become a virus on the earth that demands a cure (= Globalism, New World Order, One World Government).   Reaction: Unleash a False Flag fake pandemic as a Beta-test (Overton Window) to deduce how many humans will forsake their God-given Natural Rights in exchange for safety and “security”? Benjamin Franklin – “Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”   Solution:  You can only save the world from annihilation by allowing the Globalist  Slavemasters to first protect (enslave) you, then concentration camp (democide) you.
Agent Smith’s Interrogation of Morpheus from the Movie: The Matrix, Part I (1999).

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  1. Jim Nuchols says:

    Scary stuff. Reminds me of Jim Marr’s Rule By Secrecy. Great article!


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