Open Letter: We the People Will Not Fear the Coronavirus… nor the Gestapo Government!

| April 19, 2020
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The Bill ‘Gestapo’ Gates Foundation used the Hegelian Dialectic (AGENDA = New World Order, One World Government, Zero Population: 1. Problem [plan/patent/release Covid-19) 2. Reaction [create world hysteria with fake, overblown pandemic causing World Great Depression and millions of deaths] 3. Solution [Make hundreds of BILLIONS in testing kits and forced “Mark of the Beast” Vaccines to everyone in the world causing billions to die in Hitlerian Nazi Eugenics Part II].

Dear Huntcliff Neighbors:

*N.B.: This is an expanded version an earlier version of this Open Letter that was sent via email to about 700-750 of my fellow Huntcliff residents on Resurrection Day, Sunday 12 April 2020 – *Dedicated to the ‘Princess of Huntcliff’- MADISON… my newest Friend.

Prologue: Greetings and Finding a New Friend in Huntcliff

BLESSED PASSOVER & RESURRECTION DAY TO YOU ALL! The Lord moved me to extend this greeting to all of my fellow Huntcliff neighbors on this very Holy Day when Jesus triumphed over sin and the grave so that We the People could live life Victoriously in Holiness.

My name is Ellis Washington. I am a historian and law academic from Detroit, Michigan. My wife and 2 children have lived in Huntcliff for 3 years. Everyone here is so loving and kind. Whenever I’m working in the yard or going for a walk the Huntcliff neighbors always give me a nice greeting or wave as they drive by… THANK YOU!

Matthew 28:5-6 — And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not. ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.

To the Princess of Huntcliff: The dedication of this Open Letter is to my newest Friend, Madison, a 9th grade student and my neighbor who catches the bus to school near my house. On Resurrection Day I saw her Father, Xavier (“Buck”) while walking his dog. The conversation that ensued between us led to an amazing and profound epiphany experience for me:

ELLIS: This Coronavirus has everyone – America, the World locked up, enslaved in our own homes… without friends or personal contacts over a hyped-up biological weapon concocted by Dr. Charles Lieber at Harvard University, paid for by Fascist Fauci of the NIH and Gestapo Gates of the Gates Foundation and sold by the Obama Administration in 2015 to Communist China who released the virus to the world around Nov. 2019 from their Biological Weapons Laboratory in Wuhan, China.
DOUBLESPEAK and DECEPTION: Yet with all this worldwide hysteria over the COVID-19 ‘Pandemic’, it’s not about the Coronavirus – it’s about the Globalists trying to create a pretext for U.S. to exchange our safety and security for the fake health promises of the Globalist World Health Organization (W.H.O.) – To tank the U.S. economy, get rid of Trump, and finish their 16-year plan to create a New World Order or One World Government with China as the sole Super Power. Yet We the People are ‘Woke’ now. People all over America are revolting against the Globalist New World Order Nazis attempts at enslaving U.S. in our homes – by cutting off family relationships and friendships.

XAVIER: {Recalling an earlier conversation with Madison} I told Madison the other day, you are lucky if you leave this world with 5 friends. Madison, immediately responded to her father saying, “[With Professor Washington] I now have 5 friends!”

ELLIS: {Stunned silence} Tell Madison I gladly accept her as my Friend [for LIFE]. XAVIER: I will tell her what you said.

2 Young Men at Harvard – 2 Different Paths in Life

In 1988, 32 years ago, Barack Obama and I entered Harvard together, yet we would take two very different paths in life – One of us took the path of Celebrity, the other took the path of Obscurity. One of us took the path of Power, the other (because he was blacklisted) took a path of Poverty. One of us loves America, Natural Law and Natural Rights, the Constitution, the other despises these sentiments and laws as useless relics from a bygone era… I ‘ll let you deduce who is who by reading my latest essay posted on my critical thinking blog, My son Stone Washington (Clemson, 2019; Emory Law, J.M., 2020), is my faithful Managing Editor and Website Administrator. Read and share his excellent essays at Socrates Corner.

A Call to Fight our Deep State Socialist Slavemasters

During these troubled, dystopian times We the People are living in today with America and the World literally shut down over a Harvard/China-made, hyped-up common cold weaponized as a Fake global “pandemic”, let U.S. not give in to the Deep State traitors and Globalist Gestapo who would have U.S. all cowering behind our doors in fear, huddled besides our TVs, watching in desperation for a word from the CIA-“Operation Mockingbird”, MK-Ultra Mind-Control Media …{in a cynical tone} ‘Mr. Government: Can we please go to the grocery store and by some food’ so our family doesn’t starve to death? Are We MICE or MEN?

Epilogue: Use my Essays, Scholarly Law Reviews and Books to Properly Educate our Youth

If you like my academic blog – which my last job as a substitute public school teacher I got kicked out of 4 schools in less than 4 months for teaching critical thinking – then please share my accumulated knowledge of 40+ years with others (e.g., 11 books, 30+ law review articles, 3,500+ essays, articles, monographs, Socratic Dialectical works)… ESPECIALLY WITH OUR YOUTH who need to learn to forsake Groupthink and Political Correctness, Socialism Slavery and LIES and embrace Critical Thinking based on God, Liberty and Veritas (= Truth).

Life is cyclical: In 1983, fresh out of college I began my first job as a substitute teacher in Detroit. Since I became a Conservative intellectual in my senior year in 1979 (publicized Christmas Day 1982 during my senior year in college) I could never in good conscience just be a public-school teacher = Communist Apparatchik. Therefore, in addition with the lessons I taught in music and history I surreptitiously taught Critical (Independent) Thinking. I lasted 2 years before they kicked me out of the Marxist Public School Concentration Camp in my native Detroit which in 2013 I chronicled in an essay – Detroit (1701-2013)… R.I.P.

Fast forward to Oct. 2019, despite my prolific scholarly output and academic credentials, I’ve been blacklisted for over 35 years and like Sisyphus unjustly damned to work in a series of demeaning, underemployment jobs including working as a Substitute Teacher, while Barack Obama, the guy I went to Harvard Law School 31 years ago – the Manchurian Candidate with no real resume or credentials zealously obeyed his masters like George Soros and embraced Satanism, Atheism, Islam, Marxism and sold out America’s most sensitive nuclear weapons secrets to China, Iran, N. Korea and with many other enemy Nations and was rewarded with becoming the “First Black President of the U.S.” but also illegally received a $65,000.000 book deal for giving a $350,000,000 deal to Pearson Publishing to develop the Marxist Common Core Curriculum. Irony of Ironies, right?!?

‘Question Everything’??? – I was always taught by older, wiser people that unless one asks the right questions, one will never get to the proper answers. In the post above QAnon asks all the right questions exposing the existential Duplicity and Treachery of the Obama Administration (2009-17).

Yet, despite my personal Sisyphus experiences in vocational futility, some of my students at these unremarkable schools in ‘the hood’ appreciated my being there VERY much. Below are a few instances of how I changed several student’s worldview at the 4 last schools I got kicked out of for teaching Critical Thinking and Exposing Communist Miseducation Concentration Camps they were enslaved in – to move some of my students away from Socialism Slavery and Groupthink to Critical Thinking Liberty:

  • Jan. 2020: Before teaching the lesson I gave a short lecture about by critical thinking blog: urging all my students to “Question EVERYTHING. Verify EVERYTHING… even what I was telling them at the time. Learn to Think for yourself.” A 7th grade girl at The RISE Preparatory School quietly but resolutely came up to me after class and said, “I am your daughter.” I was stunned because this had nothing to do with me or what I said, this was a profound spiritual Epiphany for her… and for me!
  • Jan: 2020: A 3rd grade little girl (‘Journey’) at The RISE Grammar School refused to sit in her assigned seat and sat next to me at the teacher’s desk despite my repeated threats to tell her teacher (and the principal!) if she did not return to her assigned. (I didn’t want the other students to get ideas). I then took notice of her unique demeanor and determined Spirit and asked her to give me a short narration of her Christmas break. What I heard over the next 20 minutes was one of the most beautifully organized impromptu soliloquy (with video inserts) that I had ever heard uttered by any child! I told her after her brilliant soliloquy that ‘You have taken me on a most marvelous journey’ (a pun on her name, ‘Journey’).
  • After about a month of teaching Critical Thinking at The RISE Grammar (grades K-5) and Preparatory (grades 6-8) Schools I became so beloved to the student body (not me but the Spirit of God in me), that especially with the Grammar School I could not come to the cafeteria without literally causing a riot as dozens of students spontaneously jumped up from their lunch tables – hugging me, begging me to come back to their class again, asking about my blog and telling me how much their parents and grandparents loved reading what I wrote. The entire experience was most overwhelming and emotionally touching.
  • Nov. 2019: My last week at Wesley International Academy, I substituted for a 4th grade class, but due to traffic I was about 20 minutes late. When I arrived at the class erupted in loud, sustained applause, and students dancing in the classroom shouting – “Yeaaah, it’s Mr. Washington!” Yeaaah! Mr. Washington is our teacher today!” Several teachers witnessed these spontaneous outbursts and were shocked… along with me.
    • Although I didn’t know this at the time, the Principal of this school, Dr. Mason was spying on me sitting down the hall from my class. Through deduction I learned he disapproved of me teaching critical thinking at the morning session where teachers were to discuss some news events (most just turned on CNN ( = “Communist News Network”) for 10 minutes of Lies and Miseducation!)
    • Dr. Mason never personally observed my class, nor after firing me, gave me the chance to explain my actions… as if teaching children to think for themselves needed an explanation. It does when you’ve sold out your own children to be indoctrinated and miseducated by Socialism Slavery. You must understand, to Dr. Mason I was a threat that had to be removed immediately, yet I found comfort in the words of George Orwell, author of the dystopian novel, 1984
  • Jan. 2020: I could barely walk down the hallways at another school I taught at for about a month – Main Street Academy, because once the students found out I was “the Man with that website” I was treated like a Rockstar. The students would mob me in the hallways and urge me to: “Tell us about the Illuminati” “Was Kobe killed by the Illuminati” “Why is everything they taught US a lie”, “Why is Satanic symbols on our money”, “Is the earth flat?” “Did you vote Trump”, How many books did you write”, “My Grandmother, Uncle, Father, Mother, brought one of your books and loved reading it”, etc.

Despite my vocational career being aborted over the past 40 years, yet I have no regrets. Why? because I LOVE America! 40 years of being blacklisted, hated by family and friends, colleagues – some of the people who I worshiped with for decades and decades hate you with the vilest contempt… For what?!? For taking the time to tell them the real Truth about Law, History, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Science, Medicine, Philosophy … LIFE?!? Then I remembered the profound, yet sobering words Jesus said to his disciples in the Bible when He warned us that – “A prophet is not without honor save by his own nation and by his own people.”

Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesia!

Ellis Washington, J.D.

(Harvard’s Original [and rejected] 1692 motto = Truth for Christ and the Church)

AddendumFacebook Posting 16 April 2020

“OPERATION PAPERCLIP” 1945 = CORONAVIRUS 2020 – Please share my latest essay on the Coronavirus 2020 which I theorize is in actuality a regeneration of the CIA-“Operation Paperclip” (1945-60) where beginning at the end of World War II our Joint Intelligence Operations Agency (JIOA), the OSS (precursor to the CIA), and the Army CIC brought to AMERICA perhaps 16,000 – 20,000 NAZI Rocket Scientists, Engineers, Architects… and MEDICAL DOCTORS to build our NASA Program. What else did these men do here? How else did these Nazis affect U.S. society?

QUESTION: Qui bono – Who benefits?!? Could some of these evil, irredeemable Nazis [and their eugenicist and racist, intellectual and political progeny below] – many of them leaders of the Nazi Party, the SS, SA, and the Gestapo – have been the originators of bioweapons like HIV/AIDS, SARS, MERS, H1N1, EBOLA, CORONAVIRUS that We the People are battling 80 Years later today in 2020…?

Planners and Plotters – Deep State Deception and Treason: On 10 January 2017, just 10 DAYS BEFORE Trump became the 45th President of the United States, NIH Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci gave a keynote address titled, Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration, where he ‘warned’ (threatened, predicted) the incoming Trump administration would be ‘challenged’ ( = brought down to size, destroyed) with a viral pandemic. Exactly 3 years later like clockwork, America and the WORLD was afflicted with the Harvard-Communist Chinese-created/weaponized COVID-19. Affliction/Death totals as of 04/17/2020 = 2,239,000 infections, 153,913 deaths worldwide. Question:  Is China hiding the real COVID-19 death toll? 21 million phones VANISH.
Fascist Fauci, World Health Organization [W.H.O.], Bill Gates Foundation, and other Deep State Traitors must be tried for Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Peace.

UNDERSTAND THIS! President Trump is surrounded by Deep State, Globalist Traitors = Dr. FAUCI, Dr. BIRX, Dr. BIRX’s daughter, Rod Rosenstein’s wife (LISA BARSOOMIAN: Former Director of the NIH) … and many, many others including many members of CONGRESS (taking bribes through money laundering schemes and kickbacks) are all on the BILL GATES FOUNDATION Payroll = NAZI Eugenics ( = Biological Racism = Democidal Racism), Sterilization – Autism – Death Vaccines – World Depopulation, New World Order, One World Government Agenda.

Are We All Nazis Now…? Think about it…

Major-General, Brock Chisholm (1896-1971) First Director-General of the World Health Organization (1948-53). This vile, Satanic Nazi-Eugenicist Worldview is still operational today in 2020 under the Globalist, Illuminati, Rothschild cartels.

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