BIRTHDAY ESSAY Manchild Lebron James vs. HeMan President Trump (guess who wins? … AMERICA!)

| September 22, 2018
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*N.B.: Today is my fifty-seventh birthday. Praise be to Jesus Christ my Lord for blessing me these many years on earth to reflect His Praise and Glory alone. In biblical numerology 5 = Grace, 7 = Perfection—for this is the year that God’s grace will be perfected in my life as I struggle daily to walk not by the flesh, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Lebron James: King or Klueless?

I read this insipid little vanity piece on NBA icon, Lebron James being crowned the ‘King of Hollywood’ on the who linked to the original story in The Hollywood Reporter. I posted a version of this comment on my Facebook page and in the comment section at the end of this rather tiresome, meandering, vanity article which I have expanded here into a fully developed Reply essay to explicate important and more substantive issues of ultimate concern:

“As a 35-year blacklisted Black conservative historian and law scholar I wrote the world’s FIRST law review article on LeBron James shortly after he first came to the league in 2003 titled— Addendum: Lebron James—Separate but Unequal Revisited in A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness: A Word about Brown vs. Board of Education – 39 Valparaiso Law Review No. 1 (2004), pp. 87-94. Below is an excerpt from my original law review article published 14 years ago regarding Lebron James:

Addendum: LeBron James—Separate but Unequal Revisited

By Che Ali Karega** (with Ellis Washington)

May 23, 2003

Allow me to use a sports metaphor to analyze and challenge the spurious suppositions delineated in the Brown v. Board of Education opinion as told to me by my oracle, the philosopher Attorney Che Ali Karega (1950 -). Che (a.k.a. “the Machiavelli”), uses irrefutable logic and eloquence to show the utter falsity of the public policy presumptions relied on in the Brown opinion. Below are a summary of his ideas. Yesterday (May 22, 2003), high school basketball prodigy, LeBron James signed a ninety-million-dollar shoe contract with Nike. LeBron is from the industrial inner-city of Akron, Ohio. He will undoubtedly be the number one pick of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Unlike his White peers, against whom he played basketball most of his life, LeBron did not have the luxury to develop his skills in the nice, safe and well-equipped environs of suburbia. LeBron learned to play basketball in the language of the Brown opinion, in “separate and unequal” streets, neighborhoods, schools, in rat infested alleys, on broken asphalt courts, on basketball rims with torn or no nets—sometimes he played on bent, on broken, or on no rims at all. During the thousands of pick-up games, he played in the ghetto, LeBron had to be much more vigilant of certain unseen dangers than his White counterparts in suburbia ever gave thought to—of pimps, of prostitutes, of pathological violence, of drive by shootings, of gang rivalries, of drug deals gone bad with its ubiquitous mayhem and hopelessness.

Ironically, LeBron in his senior year had several people at his high school murdered including a close friend. Yet, after years of playing on inferior facilities, playing with inferior equipment, playing in inferior environmental conditions, LeBron emerges from his “separate is inherently unequal” background triumphant with a ninety million dollar Nike shoe contract—the number one pick in the NBA Draft (as a high school kid without one minute of playing time either in college or in the NBA)—his prodigious skills praised by such NBA notables as Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan, Dr. J., and Charles Barkley.

The irony about LeBron (and millions of others like him born into poverty and despair), is that he was much more motivated to succeed than his middle-class White counterparts in suburbia. But how can this be? Like the explorer-conqueror, Hernando Cortez (1485-1547), who burned the ships that brought him and his sailors to Mexico, thus preventing his men from returning to Spain when times got tough in the New World they had “discovered”—Going back was not an option. Failure was not an option. Giving up was not an option. LeBron systematically and effectively used the negative environment into which he was born, to catapult himself out of the ghetto, out of poverty, out of pathology and into wealth, success, and notoriety beyond the average person’s imagination.

Contrary to the erroneous, paternalistic, pathetic, inferior, and dangerous presumptions about Black people made in the 1954 Brown opinion, LeBron, who also maintained a 3.5 G.P.A., proves to any rational or intellectually honest person that it is not about going to school with White children that guarantees a good education for Black children (or develops good basketball skills for that matter), but good old fashioned, Horatio Alger, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps, discipline, discipline, discipline, dedication, and practice. Reliance on Leviathan government remedies or in vacuous, irrelevant judicial opinions will never guarantee success . . . in this life or in the life to come. *N.B.: Che Ali Karega; Ellis Washington, Addendum: LeBron James—Separate but Unequal Revisited, 39 Valparaiso University Law Review, 93-94 [2004], Art. 4

**Che Ali Karega, B.A. (1972) M.A. (1973); Michigan State University; J.D.; University of Wisconsin (1975), noted criminal defense attorney in Michigan and former JAG officer with the U.S. Navy and criminology professor at Michigan State University. Che is currently a retired attorney living in Powder Springs, GA.

When Manchild Lebron attacked HeMan Trump in the political realm the results were the same as if Trump had been foolish and arrogant enough to challenge Lebron to a one-on-one basketball game on national TV – a total SLAUGHTER!

1988-2018: I’ve ridden the Trump Train for 30 Years

Until 2016, I generally found Lebron to be personally affable and engaging, even if he was equally obtuse and infantile when speaking publicly about any subjects outside of basketball, sports, and Rap Slave Songs. However, I became increasingly disgusted by Lebron’s low level of political intelligence when he came out so strong for Hillary in the 2016 Presidential Campaign and came out so hatefully and moronically against Trump in such an unprovoked manner – even calling him “a bum”. Regardless of your politics, as a political and presidential historian I can boldly affirm that Donald Trump is a Man’s MAN whom I’d been a devoted admirer of for decades and with whom millions of Americans like me recognized Trump as the embodiment of pure, bold, unapologetic AMERICANA.

MISEDUCATED LEBRON—For somebody possessing a rudimentary and unremarkable high school education, no college, and total ignorance of the Literary Classics, Lebron is of the mistaken idea that sports skills, money, mansions, miseducation, and celebrity = Wisdom, Knowledge, Intelligence, Manhood, Character. It doesn’t, and it never did! The latter character traits are only developed in the crucible of LIFE, earned through cognitive discipline, physical affliction by learning to be a man from a real MAN and by studying the Bible. For 30 years I learned the precepts of manhood and jurisprudence from my beloved intellectual mentor, Justice Clarence Thomas.

However, Lebron James, having been abandoned by his father, raised by a child-mother of 16 years-old in the ghettos of Akron, Ohio, absolutely has superior physical gifts, yet is profoundly retarded, impoverished, deficient, and crippled in terms of education, psychological, historical and political intelligence. For further readings Lebron James, see my 5 volume opus, The Progressive Revolution—2007-2017 Writings—History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America).

Going back to my Harvard days 30 years ago, I briefly attended Harvard Law School with Barack Obama for 1 year (1988-89) and regularly argued with my fellow liberal useful idiot students at Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Law School. My argument back then was regarding the 1988 GOP Convention and who candidate George H.W. Bush would chose as his running mate? I argued that Bush must pick Donald Trump as his V.P. and not that affable, yet unremarkable dolt Dan Quayle (despite the fact Quayle and I graduated from the same Alma mater (DePauw University).

Question for the Ages: What has Dan Quayle done for America, for the Republican Party, for minorities like me who went to his Alma mater, DePauw University and reached out to him many, many times through the years to work for the Republican Party while concurrently struggling to ‘make it’ in a rigged system of White privilege, Liberal Fascism, and Gestapo Globalism? Answer: NOTHING! Trump, on the other hand, has become one of America’s great builders of empires and in my opinion in just 18 months become the greatest President in U.S. history.

Trump the Triumphant achieved all this with the full weight of D.C. political Judas-Goats and Gestapo boots planted firmly on his neck—the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DNI, and other intelligence agencies—the Democrats, RINO Republicans and his own de facto Attorney General Rod ‘The RAT’ Rosenstein actively engaging in treasonous plots against President Trump and against his entire administration in early Feb. 2017—just 2 weeks after Trump assumed the presidency. So far, this treasonous 25th Amendment  plot was headed by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein together with the feckless, compromised AG Jeff Sessions, Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly, former FBI Directors James Comey and Andrew McCabe, and others. Remedy? President Trump must clean house from top to bottom inside his administration before the Deep State and Shadow Government traitors murder him politically and physically—Remember Reagan (almost assassinated). Remember JFK( assassinated by the Deep State). Remember Lincoln (assassinated)!

But I digress: GOP Candidate George H.W. Bush didn’t listen to the wise, prescient counsel of his campaign manager, the legendary GOP political genius, Lee Atwater’s advice to pick Trump as his V.P. and in my opinion this political failure caused America to slow down and (in the Recession of 2007-08) stop the Reagan Revolution and to plunge U.S. into a 30-year Socialist Slavery abyss until We the People got ‘woke’ and elected President DONALD J. TRUMP on 8 Nov. 2016.

What would American presidential history have been like without the Clintons, Bush-43 or Obama? V.P. Trump would have all but guaranteed a second Bush-41 term, followed by 8 years of President Trump. (During the 1988 Republican campaign Bush Senior adviser Lee Atwater suggested Trump as the V.P. for George H.W. Bush, but Bush demurred and didn’t follow through. Picture—1988 GOP Convention: Trump (with boxing promoter, Don King and GOP candidate George H.W. Bush).

‘Stable Genius’ Donald Trump with GOP Political Genius Lee Atwater (GOP Convention, 1988).  Lee Atwater, always the visionary GOP prophet, begged George H.W. Bush to pick Trump as his V.P. however the unremarkable Bush, a tool of the Globalist Gestapo (“New World Order”) rejected this wise advice, and purposely crippled America economically, culturally, societally and globally for the next 30 years after conservative icon, Ronald Reagan left office in Jan. 20, 1989.

Manchild Lebron vs. HeMan President Trump— ‘Coach’ Father vs. Real Father

A boy and a man are two very different physical and spiritual beings—virtually two distinct species of humanity. For example, to compare a baby lion cub to a full-grown male lion guarding the pride with his life is indeed a gross but useful understatement. As I alluded to in my law review article on Lebron James excerpted above, unlike Trump who had a very strong father-figure in his life Lebron was abandoned by his father and whose mother was only a child herself of 16-years-old when she birthed and raised him in gross poverty inside Democrat Party Concentration Camps, i.e., the ghettos of Akron, Ohio.

I say this about Lebron’s background not to belittle or humiliate him, for I myself was abandoned by my father when I was a baby of only 18 months old (as chronicled in my 2013 essay, Nigger Manifesto); and though I would spend the next 55 years of my life trying, struggling to find father figures to raise and guide me to manhood, to fatherhood, to citizenhood, to Christian maturity—it was an existential struggle that Trump didn’t need having been raised by a strong, loving, disciplined father (Frederick Christ Trump Sr.), a father Lebron apparently didn’t have in his life (outside of the ubiquitous high school ‘coach’ who serves as the closest thing to a father-figure in the lives of most professional athletes. However, this coach/father-figure archetype fails in most cases because a real father doesn’t base his love of his biological son on how well he performs in the sports arena (or in any other sphere of life), and should he ‘fail’ the father-son/coach-player relationship is ended and the son cast out of the ‘family’ which is of course represents the sports team he plays on rejecting him.

FAUSTIAN Deal with Devil-Hollywood—In order to covet more money, mansions and celebrity, ALL Hollywood actors, entertainers, rappers, rockers, artists, politicians, judges, professors (the guardians of Democrat-controlled institutions), fake pastors/deacons, cult leaders, Darwinian Scientists, and including athlete sell-outs like Lebron MUST regularly perform secret Satanic rituals and Luciferian/Illuminati sacrifices or else. What you ignorantly understand as body beautification (cuttings, piercings and tattoos) opens a portal into the demonic kingdom—tattoos are Satan’s stamp of ownership over their souls. That’s why virtually all these useful idiots of Hollywood, directors, actors, moguls, rappers, rockers, and sports stars came out in fanatical unison against Trump and his pro-Americana, America First politics of hope and prosperity. But why? These Judas-Goats want to give this world to their king, Lucifer. These hypocritical Hollywood Democrat Devils want the opposite for U.S.—Perpetual P-O-V-E-R-T-Y, Genocide and Slavery, Child Sacrifice (abortion) and Democide! I bet Lebron didn’t know that the Democrat Socialist Party of Obama/Hillary and their ally Planned Parenthood are responsible for 61% of all Black births in 2018 are ending in infanticide? (= abortion, death).

Notice that until the 2016 campaign of Trump vs. Hillary you didn’t hear that much on politics from Lebron James – yes there would be a Tweet here and there about Obama when the Cleveland Cavaliers won the 2015 Championship and was invited to the White House by President Obama for the ubiquitous photo-op. However, you can tell that the Deep State, Globalist Gestapo operatives and their Democrat Party Slavemasters all work in the shadows to pick and choose who will triumph and who will fail in this world. They have obviously told Lebron in no uncertain terms that he MUST speak out against President Trump at every opportunity if he expects his NBA, Hollywood, and marketing ventures to continue their upward trajectory, otherwise there will be quick and irreparable negative consequences for Lebron and against everybody he loves.

When you make this Faustian deal with the Devil (as all sports figures [especially soccer], entertainers (like John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Selena), artists, Hollywood, politicians, judges, Justices, top lawyers, doctors, intellectuals and businessmen, etc.) you must make frequent, secret rituals to Lucifer. Satan hates that man is created in the image of God, thus, to get more money and to keep your celebrity you must become increasingly vile to your own body and to the body and lives of others (primarily though sex orgies, ritual child sacrifice, the drinking of blood and other fluids while reaffirming their allegiance to Satan). *N.B.: the recent story about Beyonce’s ex-drummer of 7 years accusing the star of ‘extreme Witchcraft’ and Satanism has been known for years.

How else can one explain the Groupthink, fanatical, rabid hatred leveled against President Trump (and by extension, against Trump supporters which number over 63 million voters in the 2016 election)? What was Trump’s sin? President Trump’s only sin is praying to God and Jesus Christ to help him SAVE and SERVE America, in making America have the greatest economic growth of all time, having Wall Street break over 100 record highs since his election of Nov. 8, 2016, being feared and respected by leaders across the world, including communist North Korea who is on the path to total denuclearization, China backing down from Trump’s $200 billion tariffs against their unfair trade practices, the Muslims of the  Middle East cutting back on Islamic terrorism, Islamic Iran on the brink of a Trump-inspired revolution, the European Union signing a trade deal with U.S. ending TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), Mexico signing a historic trade deal with U.S. that removes the economic shackles of NAFTA from our necks, record low unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Women, etc. etc.

Miseducated Lebron James with his worthless high school diploma based on Socialism Slavery probably knows nothing about how positive a growing number of Black Americans find President Trump’s policies for their economy, their families, their communities? Why? Because Lebron’s Democrat handlers commanded him to speak out against Trump as being ‘anti-Black’ and like a dutiful voluntary slave Manchild Lebron must obey his Democrat/Globalist Gestapo Slavemasters or risk destruction to his NBA career, his mansions, his cars, his jewelry, his Hollywood projects, his collective “Brand”. That’s the Judas price – 30 pieces of silver – one pays when you sell your soul to Hollywood-Satan— you sacrifice your character, your manhood, your family, your RACE… and like Professor Faust, ultimately your LIFE and your SOUL.

Epilogue to a Socialist Slave Sell-out Lebron

Shame on you Lebron James for being such a slavish, sell-out traitor against the greatest President in U.S. History – Donald J. Trump, and for so aggressively and moronically supporting Democrat Hack Hillary Clinton who has a poor and neglected Black stepson (Danney Williams) whose prostitute, drug-addicted mother was abused by Hillary’s husband, Bill Clinton when he got her pregnant. To this day Bill and Hillary callously ignore Danney and keep him and his mother shackled in the slave chains of poverty and not lifted up as a respect family member and heir to their hundreds of millions net worth that daughter Chelsea will enjoy. Also, remember President Clinton and Hillary’s ‘Three-strikes’ prison reform that destroyed millions of Black lives in prison by President Clinton’s 1994 anti-Black prison reform law titled—Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act?

History Lesson: Democrat Socialist Party kept our forefathers in SLAVERY for 250 years (1619-1868), your Democrat Party terrorized our forefathers by the KKK for 100 years (founded on Christmas Eve 1865!) while at the same time your Democrat Party shackled Black people inside the prison of INSTITUTIONAL SLAVERY—e.g., 100+ years of JIM CROW RACISM, Democrat-run Concentration Camp big cities, Abortion pushed on Black women, Fatherlessness, Miseducation, Socialism Slavery, ‘Gangsta Rap’ glorify Satanism and Ghetto Life, etc., which has metastasized in modern times as “D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y” = Institutional, Intellectual and IDEOLOGICAL RACISM.

Lebron, if you are a real man then prove it—spread liberty and freedom to those millions tortured by the Demonic Democrat Party, and help our Black brothers and sisters crippled and killed by Socialism Slavery by spreading Christ and VERITAS and help promote my History and Law blog @

New mind alert! Lebron: No matter how many millions you have in your bank accounts, no matter how many mansions you own in the tony neighborhoods of Beverly Hills, Bel Air, or Brentwood, no matter how much celebrity you enjoy with Jay-Z, Beyonce all the top rappers like Drake, Meek Mill, and the rest of the Hollywood Illuminati Slaves, it will profit you NOTHING if you didn’t have a strong father or father-figure in your life. Lebron, although you are 33 years-old, to me you are still an undeveloped little boy who still walks like a boy, who talks like a boy, who thinks like a boy, who socializes like a boy, who are friends with other little boys of like mind. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul declared this eternal truth about boys becoming MEN—1 Corinthians 13:11 (King James Version):

Who is the Real King? The Real King James (who published the King James Version of the Bible in 1611) vs. the Fake Manchild ‘King James’ who spent his life selling out to Satanic rituals, Hollywood hatred, Rap music that celebrates Lucifer, Ghetto Life, violence, death, and misogyny. King Lebron James, the NBA steroid-addled celebrity dressing up in buffoonish colorful clothing, running up and down a basketball court inside America’s arenas (= Satan’s PIT), FOR WHAT!?! playing a childish, foolish little boy’s game with a little ball… FOR WHAT!?! … For the sacrifice of your eternal SOUL?!

King James (L) the man that published the Word of God in the English language vs. ‘King’ James (R) Manchild who defiled his body with tattoos of Satan’s stamp

My advice to you Lebron James is to shut up, grow up, BE A MAN, read my history books which chronicles Americana, History, Philosophy, Natural Law, the Framers and Jesus Christ. Lebron, put away children’s games, put away Satan-Hollywood, remove the slave stamp tattoos all over your body (which only tells Satan you’re his property), stop attacking real men like President Trump who has done more for America in 18 months than any other U.S. president in history has achieved in 8 years (or in FDR’s case, in 12 years!) And instead copy the manly, heroic, and godly example of President Trump and use your celebrity, your money, your influence to work not against Trump, but with Trump to Make America Great Again, and on a global level to always put America (and God) FIRST!

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    • As you can see I get very few personal replies. I thank you exceedingly for your response and to your friend’s daughter that she follows VERITAS in all things. Please keep in touch and share my writings with others… especially the youth who need to be red-pilled so as to be delivered from the Matrix into Reality and Redemption.


      ~ Prof. Ellis Washington


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