NFL = Negroes Forfeit Liberty (aka, New Faustian LIE)

| September 15, 2018
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The brain on the left of course is a normal, healthy brain. The one on the right is a typical brain by an ex-NFL player who spent his youth and prime early adult years running 25-30 mph crashing into another man of equal weight, power and force from the opposite direction! Thus, the brain on the right is afflicted with trauma, dementia, ALS, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy [CTE].
Why? The slavish, foolish NFL players made a Faustian bargain with the Devil-NFL for money, women, sex, mansions, luxury cars, body piercings, ear rings (a symbol of slavery), Tattoos (a slave stamp that tells Satan you’re his property) and worldly CELEBRITY… And now thousands of ex-NFL players (as far back as 30, 40, 50 years ago) are suffering from such tortuous maladies as CTE, ALS, and dementia. Now, these barbarian brutes must give the Devil his due (i.e., sacrifice to Satan their collective lives).
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The NFL is a pro at setting up benefit programs for injured players, then systematically denying those benefits when they are sought. It has been doing it for years…

That 80 percent of the injured players are Black, and 82 percent of their claims remain unpaid are facts the NFL does not want you to know.

~ Roger Stone

On Sept. 4th Washington, D.C. bon vivant and Republican icon Roger Stone, a trusted aide of President Richard Nixon in the 1970s, first campaign manager of President Trump 2015 Campaign, and his friend for 40 years, posted a stunningly prescient article on a modern day sports tragedy where the 32 mega-rich NFL owners are like the Grim Reaper sitting atop a mountain of money; preventing the ex-NFL players who are part of the 2017 NFL Concussion Class Action Lawsuit Settlement from economic justice—money desperately needed for themselves and to help their families. Roger Stone’s article is titled – THE REAL — AND MORE IMPORTANT — NFL SCANDAL WHAT THE “MEDIA” IS IGNORING ABOUT THE NFL.

Tattoos are a gateway for Satan’s ownership of you. Leviticus 19:28—Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD

I have highlighted some of the article’s more salient points of why the NFL’s class action lawsuit for players suffering and dying from brain damage which ironically can be summarized by Stone as, “The NFL is a pro at setting up benefit programs for injured players, then systematically denying those benefits when they are sought. It has been doing it for years…” Furthermore, Stone’s love for all humanity comes to the fore in this article where Stone, like a clarion trumpet, declares, “That 80 percent of the injured players are Black, and 82 percent of their claims remain unpaid are facts the NFL does not want you to know.”

This shows the venal hatred, invidious racism, and moneygrubbing nature of the NFL that is beyond the pale, therefore I have recast the aphorism – NFL = “Negroes Forfeit Liberty” or “New Faustian LIE.” Why? Because once you read Stone’s article you are confronted with the fact that perhaps thousands of former NFL players have literally sacrificed all—their minds, their bodies, their character, their manhood, and in a growing number of cases, their lives (e.g., their eternal SOULS). . For what? For wasting their lives playing a pathetic child’s game where they dress up in buffoonish, colorful clothing of slaves to participate in a spectacle of vanity for the drunken masses. Here inside the “arena”, the “stadium” historically and theological is not an arena or stadium at all—It is in reality Satan’s pit (which the Bible mentions 239 times), or cauldron of perdition is where large, fast and strong men of prodigious physical power perform physical and dangerous feats for the entertainment of the masses who could care less about the long-term detriment to their minds and bodies… or to their eternal souls.

Who was Faust and what is a ‘Faustian Bargain’?

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica—”[Professor] Faust is bored and depressed with his life as a scholar. … In many versions of the story, particularly Goethe’s drama, Mephistopheles [Satan] helps Faust seduce a beautiful and innocent girl, usually named Gretchen, whose life is ultimately destroyed when she gives birth to Faust’s bastard son.” Therefore, Professor Faust in the twilight of his life reminiscent of the biblical King Solomon, had deduced the pointlessness and banality of all human life—‘All is Vanity saith the Preacher’! Although Faust possessed much in secular learning or worldly knowledge nevertheless he was tricked by the Devil by entering into a contract with him to obtain youth and to fulfill all of his lustful pleasures of this world in exchange for his immortal soul. In the end, he lost all including his love (Gretchen, his son from their union, all of the people whose lives Faust intersected with he destroyed). Finally, Professor Faust lost his own life and his soul was cast into Hell for eternity.

In modern times virtually all celebrities, artists, entertainers, musicians, singers, actors, sports figures and the like in order to “make it” must perform many secret rituals like swearing allegiance to Satan (Luciferians), receive his mark (i.e., be marked by some form of tattoo(s) [at 12:40-14:00], or bodily piercing, and of course perform human sacrifice and engage in many other sexual acts of degradation against yourself and others). Through the ages going back to antiquity (before 500 AD) secret societies like Pagan cults, the Mystery Religions, and during the Age of the Enlightenment (1600-1800)—The Rothschilds (internationalist bankers), the Illuminati, the Jacobins, the Freemasons, the Democrat Socialist Party, and in Modern Times (1900-present) Internationalists groups like the Unites Nations, UNESCO, EU, Soros’ Open Society, Davos, CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergers, Military Industrial Complex, etc. thrived and flourished in all societies, yet they are just a fraction of the tens of thousands of Luciferian organizations existing in modern times hellbent on damning our collective souls to Hell for eternity by any means necessary. This Faustian or existential battle is the Narrative of Life, of Humanity down through the Ages which as a form of entertainment is encapsulated in grand spectacles we call sporting events—

Follow the Money. Roger Stone is very prescient to the heart of the matter when he writes, “For many years, the NFL used tobacco industry tactics to deny any link between football and degenerative brain diseases, even going so far as to create phony medical panels and publish fake scientific papers to mislead players and the public.”  Big corporations like the NFL colluding with big corporate law firms hellbent on maximizing profits for themselves on the corpses of the majority Black ex-NFL players suffering from ALS, CTE, dementia and other torturous maladies, has been tried again in again throughout American legal history. It’s a tragic yet repeated narrative.

“So, when the deal was struck between the NFL and the class of retired players, it was touted as a watershed event.” Here, Stone exposes the BIG LIE that this so called ‘watershed event’ allegedly to bring a measure of monetary ‘justice’ to the NFL players who suffered traumatic brain injuries that went undiagnosed for years, in many cases decades, could now be compensated. The class action lawsuit was filed in 2011, the settlement with the ex-NFL players made in 2017, yet here we are nearing the end of 2018 and over 90% of the claims made for brain injury have not been compensated despite the fact that many NFL players had already died of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Remember: the Class Action Lawsuit for NFL Concussions was filed in 2011 and settled in 2017.

Divert, Deconstruct, Destroy, Repeat

Roger Stone’s contention is that the kneeling controversy was made an infamous cause célèbre by ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, the self-righteous, self-appointed crusader against ‘White police brutality against Blacks’ in 2016. By the way Candace Owens, Director of Communications at Turning Point USA said, “Sixteen unarmed black men were killed by police officers in 2016. If you are watching CNN, you would’ve thought it happened every single day. OK? That’s a problem.” Therefore, the weekly kneeling by now a minuscule number of NFL players is in essence a fake social issue promoted by the fake media to highlight overpaid, ignorant Black multi-millionaires who are fronting as SJWs (Social Justice Warriors).

This fake NFL ‘protest’ has only served as an unnecessary distraction from the real NFL scandal of the rampant denials of negligence compensation to the mostly Black ex-NFL players in the Concussion Class Action Lawsuit of 2017. The NFL’s liability is estimated to be between $1.5 and $2 billion. Like Goethe’s tragedy, the ex-NFL player’s Faustian deal with the Devil-NFL in the end will cost them much, much more than mere money – their demonic deal will cost these hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of ex-NFL players suffering brain trauma their health, their honor, their character, their manhood, their family’s security, and to most of them… their lives.

Other problems with the fake settlement regarding the real NFL Concussion Class Action Lawsuit as reported by Roger Stone include the following:

  • Corrupt Co-Lead Class Counsel? Co-lead class counsel Chris Seeger’s cozy relationship with the NFL has left many wondering whose side he is on. Some have accused him of having the case settled before it was even brought. After all, he never demanded the NFL produce a single document, there was no discovery in the case.

If you would look up the word “Shyster” in the dictionary a picture of Chris Seeger should appear. Why? This man is the co-head legal representative (hired by the NFL owners) to ‘represent’ potentially thousands of NFL concussion claims. Talk about conflict of interest. Attorney Seeger’s allegiance is not to the players whose claims he has denied with the assistance of an incompetent federal judge to the tune of 90%. Seeger’s allegiance seems to be with the 32 billionaire NFL owners and their high-priced whore Commissioner Roger Goodell (who recently received a HUGE raise himself) wants to pay as little as possible to these tortured souls—many of these now retired NFL players are suffering from concussions, brain damage, memory loss, dementia, ALS, CTE and other maladies; many are living in poverty.

Chris Seeger’s law firm even capped lawyer fees for outside counsel (i.e., lawyers not part of Seeger’s law firm) which had the intended effect of discouraging NFL players from using ‘outside’ counsel for their settlement which to date has enriched these charlatan, Shyster lawyers to the tune of $52 million while thousands of ex-NFL players wait, suffer and an increasing number die while waiting for economic justice from the NFL, an organization they literally died for… Nevertheless, their foolish Faustian bargain with the Devil in effect caused them to live for celebrity, live for vanity, live for houses and cars, live for women and sex, only to ultimately die for nothing!

  • Dirty Tricks –The NFL has used every dirty trick in the book to stall and evade paying claims. The NFL would have us believe that retired players (80% Black) conspired with board-certified doctors of neurology, whom they also convinced to falsify a diagnosis signed under penalty of perjury. The accusation is patently absurd!

Once again, these NFL players (80% Black) like me born in the ghettos of Detroit in the early 1960s—escaped ghetto life with its attendant issues of depression, despair, fatherlessness, hopelessness, gang life, grinding poverty, ignorance, crime, drugs, miseducation, poor schools, to essentially win the lottery of life by being blessed by God to possess the unique physical skillset to play in the NFL. Yet, their bargain to escape the Ghetto Life was itself a Faustian bargain with the Devil to obtain worldly gain—for money, women, sex, mansions, cars, jewelry, for notoriety, for celebrity… but at what COST?!?—for NFL does not mean “National Football League” but “Negroes Forfeit Liberty”. NFL does not mean National Freedom and Liberty, but “New Faustian LIE” for the Liberty and Freedom, the Equality and ‘Social Justice’ these poor, miseducated ex-NFL players are trying to get for their traumatic brain injuries for themselves, and for their families before they die are all based on a false, duplicitous, Faustian LIE!

                                            Faust—Part I (1808) by German poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
  • And Then the Audits StartedAs of August 27, 2018, over 55 percent of claims have been audited. Some plaintiffs have been audited and cleared, only to have their claims placed back in audit a few months later — all a dirty trick to delay and frustrate players to give up or, better for the NFL, just die.

Another NFL trick against player’s concussion claims is to delay by auditing their claims. This takes lots of time and money, and delays their legal claims sometimes by years, while in the meantime the Slave masters of the NFL hope is that their former NFL (voluntary) slaves will do the right thing and perform a live last performance of the Nike motto—JUST DO IT (DIE!) Why? No ex-NFL players with CTE, ALS, Dementia = No money to pay out, thus NFL = Not For Long (to get ‘Economic Justice’, because we, the NFL only promotes Marxist Social Justice).

  • Denied – As of August 27, 2018, only 18 percent of submitted claims have been paid. The numbers are far worse when we drill down. The bulk of the claims are for dementia, making up 69 percent of submitted claims with a qualifying diagnosis. Of those claims, only 5.5 percent have been paid. Yes, that’s right — 94.5 percent of dementia claims are unpaid! This is a pattern the NFL has used for years: delay, deny, wait for players to die!

Kneeling as Slaves vs. Standing as MEN

There you have it folks – 94.5 percent of dementia claims of NFL concussion victims are as of Aug. 27, 2018, unpaid (not including maladies like – ALS, CTE, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, suicides, and other maladies). This is a travesty of justice, yet I pose this Socratic dialectical inquiry—Why don’t all of the nearly 1,700, multi-millionaire current NFL players JUST STAND UP for their fallen brothers who are now dying painful, torturous deaths because they cannot survive the cruel NFL waiting game? Why are ex-NFL players dying by the hundreds without just compensation? Follow the money. Follow Faust. The current NFL players have like their fallen brothers made a Faustian bargain with the Devil, thus their NFL masters have bought and paid for their silence, their complicity, their duplicity, their cowardice, their treason that prevents them from STANDING in solidarity with their fallen ex-NFL brethren suffering tortuous brain damage and other painful life-long physical sufferings. Instead these NFL morons kneel like slaves every week with the Judas-Goat, Colin Kaepernick pushing the entire multi-billion cash cow of professional sports into the abyss as the league’s popularity continues to slide downwards.

Advice to NFL Players: Get off your knees like SLAVES and stand strong like MEN for your ex-NFL players whose HEALTH and LIBERTY, CHARACTER and LIVES have all been forfeited in a Faustian bargain with the NFL-Devil, Commissioner Roger Goodell, and corporate Shyster attorney Chris Seeger.
  • Taxpayers Left Holding the Bag The typical player involved in this settlement didn’t make millions of dollars: They had a three-year career that ended with an orthopedic injury and were then cast out by the league. Their brain injuries manifested later, leaving them unable to support themselves. And who is left paying the tab when the NFL is allowed to shirk its responsibility? The American taxpayer!

Since these injuries occurred after the injured NFL players were thrown out of the league their severe medical conditions should be covered by Medicaid and Medicare, but why aren’t they? Because the NFL owners, their servile mouthpiece Commissioner Roger Goodell, a feeble judge well past his prime, and their Shyster lawyer Chris Seeger have all worked together in a conspiracy of evil to deny as many of the concussion claims as possible. Why? Well, of course money, but even more important to the NFL is protecting its “reputation”. The less claim the NFL pays out, the better (from their point-of-view) they are in the public domain because the implication (false as it is) is that we the NFL only paid out credible claims of negligence on our part.

You see decades ago there was an internal, multi-decade report on the NFL’s concussion protocols that would have made the NFL look very negligent in this area going back to when statistics on player injuries were regularly kept as far back in the 1950s. The NFL fought tooth-and-nail to keep that internal report and those negative statistics under the judge’s gag order meaning that valuable historical internal NFL statistics on the health of its players over decades would remain out of the public domain and under NFL control theoretically forever. Another racist injustice against the NFL players and their current comrades are all silent because as Holocaust survivor and human rights hero Elie Wiesel famously said of the local German citizens of the early 1940s who knew what the Nazis were doing to the Jews yet turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to their suffering—“SILENCE IS CONSENT.”

  • Where is the Judge? In audio recordings of proceedings two years into the case, she can be heard asking class counsel Seeger, “What is TBI?” The answer: Only what the entire case is about: traumatic brain injury.

As if the tragic plight of the former NFL players who are awaiting justice in their concussion lawsuit haven’t been through enough torture already, add to this scenario a an 83-year old judge who seems to be suffering from dementia herself in that she didn’t even know what “TBI” meant, though it is what the entire case has been all about for the past 7 years since the NFL Concussion Class Action Lawsuit was initially brought in 2011. Who did she ask for the answer? Yes, that’s right her trusted ‘co-counsel’ Chris Seeger whose large corporate law firm to date has collected over $52 million in legal fees. Chris Seeger is a Shyster lawyer of the lowest ilk that the demented judge treats like her doting grandson only adds insult to fatal injury that the hundreds, perhaps thousands of ex-NFL players continue to suffer. Talk about conflict of interest writ large!

  • Don’t Take the Bait Instead of focusing on the kneeling controversy, the president should be tweeting about this racist scam by the NFL.

Finally, this is probably the simplest yet most ironic aspect of this entire racist NFL class action concussion lawsuit: the Colin Kaepernick kneeling each week to protect police brutality is minuscule regarding White cops killing unarmed Blacks). As I stated earlier, this is a cleverly crafted distraction from the real travesty of justice—80% of former NFL players are Black suffering torturous injuries including brain trauma yet are being systematically blocked by the 32 billionaire NFL owners, Commissioner Roger Goodell, a Shyster lawyer, and his dementia-riddled federal judge overseeing this entire, disgusting, and treasonous NFL circus.

History of the Arena (aka, Pit or Cauldron)

We are all fools. We are all ignorant of history and don’t realize it. Every week we gather inside arenas, stadiums (Think: Satan’s pit or cauldron) for moronic entertainments by overpaid, mindless barbarians who care little that the public is paying their salaries by protesting against America and our flag by kneeling, raising a clinched fist, sitting down, and thus deserves our collective outrage by U.S. boycotting the NFL. For example, did you know that the ancient arenas and stadiums were scenes of the most gruesome torture where Roman emperors like Caligula and Nero threw Christians to the lions to be torn asunder for blood sport? Likewise the modern game of soccer (fútbol) has its origins in ancient Incan, Mayan and Aztec cult ceremonies were captured soldiers from battle would be tortured, decapitated and a game like soccer of today played with their severed heads, once again for blood sport entertainment of the audience.

Our modern-day obsession with entertainments, diversions, sports, Hollywood, AI, iPhones, the Internet, and spectacles of all types are the fundamental trick of Satan to damn us all to Hell. 1 John 2:16 summaries three primary tactics to lead us astray from God’s Word and our eternal destiny with Christ Jesus, our eternal sacrifice for the sins of the world—For everything in the world–the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life–is not from the Father but is from the world. This scripture brings to mind forgotten wisdom from the ancient Romans. The first aphorism are the sobering words of the second century Roman poet Juvenal (60-140), the second quote from the Philosopher-Statesman Cicero (106 BC-43 BC) —


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