Can Dole, Scarborough, Christie fix GOP?

| June 8, 2013
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traitor-stabCan Bob Dole, Joe Scarborough and Chris Christie fix the Republican Party? Former GOP Senate leader Bob Dole, who lost his presidential bid against Bill Clinton in 1996, answered that essential question in his blunt way during a Memorial Day weekend interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday: “I think they ought to put a sign on the national committee doors that says closed for repairs until New Year’s Day next year,” Dole said, “and spend that time going over ideas and positive agendas.”

If the answer to this critical question is yes, then I believe the GOP will continue its downward slide into political irrelevance – a political strategy that will inevitably lead to the GOP being the perpetual minority party.

Something old: Bob Dole

Former Republican Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, a 1980, 1988 and 1996 GOP presidential candidate, is a bona fide American hero who has deserved the decades of national admiration for giving body, soul and career serving his country in World War II, yet Dole has been on the dole for most of his 90 year life.

“And there’s the rub,” as Shakespeare would say. The problem with the Democratic Socialist Party and the GOP (“Grand Old Party”) is the Faustian bargain it forces good people to make – Mephistopheles demands your soul for political power. For people like Dole, who stayed in politics and government so long that he lost perspective, cutting deals, or as Dole said, “[spending] time going over ideas and positive agendas [of the Democratic Party],” is more important than proving to the American people that the GOP stands for unchangeable principles.

Somebody needed to tell Bob Dole at the start of his political career in 1961, over 50 years ago, that you don’t further your agenda by spending most of your career furthering the agenda of your avowed progressive, political enemies who despise Veritas, Natural Law and the original intent of the constitutional framers.

Who sets America’s agenda – Democratic Socialists or constitutional patriots?

Something borrowed: Joe Scarborough

Joe Scarborough, a former three-term GOP congressman from Florida and present co-host of the uber-leftist MSNBC morning show (“Morning Joe”), is so delusional that he fronts as a pathetic sock puppet for co-host Mika Brzezinski who daily prompts him to launch profane maledictions against conservatives – yet Joe still considers himself a Republican. Real conservatives like radio host Mark Levin calls him “The Morning Schmo” and don’t consider him part of the GOP. I consider Scarborough to be a duplicitous, fake conservative in the ignoble tradition of a Quisling or a Neville Chamberlain appeaser who long-ago sold his conservative soul for a fat leftist paycheck and a cushy job at MSNBC – a Pravda-esque, propaganda fake news network.

Day after day after day Joe Scarborough rants and raves on his MSNBC soap box about how “outraged” he is at the “extremism” of the Republican Party for allowing itself to be “hijacked” by “the crazies of the radical right.” Scarborough has been especially venal in his criticism of the NRA, launching ad hominem attacks against the organization – twisted delusions claiming the NRA helps gun manufacturers profit off the mass slaughter of innocents.

I called Scarborough “something borrowed” because all his life he borrowed ideas of others desperately trying to fit into a world he didn’t understand; a history he didn’t know.


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  1. Victoryman says:

    In a word, no. I would ask the following questions to back up my simple statement of, “No.” Could three men with drills helped the Titanic stay afloat. Could three men with matches put out the blaze on the Hindenburg? Can Lurch Kerry, the dolt Hagel and the Quisling, Brennan want to exact a foreign policy beneficial to our country? Dole, who appeared senile while answering Wallace’s leading questions, Scarborough who is a legend in his own mind and McChristie, who is nothing more than a cheap New Jersey politician in a very large suit could not fix a flat tire, much less a political party. The republican party disappeared a long time ago to become the appeasing party – after a few minutes of bluff and bluster, cave in to whatever the democrats want under the cover of that obscene word, “Bipartisanship.” Our country needs new parties and new names for those parties. A Conservative Party and an islamo/Communist party.


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