Letter to Generation Y: Live the Classics

| June 3, 2013
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booksIntroduction: My father is Professor Ellis Washington, a legal commentator. In his 2011 WND.com article, “Letter to Generation Y” he is trying to help his professor friend, Professor Leonard McCoy’s son, Rashaan Thompson, a member of Gen. Y, to get back on the right track so he can go back to college as a freshman and have a successful career and a beautiful life in the future.

My father also has used me as a case study to develop my intellectual abilities by critical reading of the classics and essay writings based on these enduring works of the Ages. In this article my father tries to explain various literary techniques based on reading the classics that can help Rashaan be accepted back into college through improvement of his character and critical thinking skills.

Read & Live the Classics

My father also references some of the greatest authors in Western Civilization that are found in The Book of Great Books by Dr. W. John Campbell with their astounding views on society told in the worlds classics. When I was 12, my fathers made me read, and write essays on the 100 classic books in The Book of Great Books, which mirrored the traditions of Dr. Ben Carson’s mother to young Ben and brother who lived in the ghettos of Detroit as my father did. My father pushed me to write detailed summaries of all 100 books on a daily basis. This project took me approximately 2 years to complete. Though this grand task was greatly fulfilling, I wasn’t satisfied with just this conclusion of my work and on my own I endeavored to write essay analyses of some of my father voluminous number of essays so that I could become a more intellectual, and scholarly student.

My father even states the political views of President Barack Obama which he believes often appears ignorant, ill-informed, partisan and demagogic; that his radical views and policies are sympathetic to Marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism , liberalism, humanism and hedonism. The latter being the love of pleasure and self-absorption, has during his presidency been most destructive to America. This state of affairs connects directly to Generation Y who voted for Obama disproportionately than other demographic groups . Gen Y (perhaps Rashaan) should not follow the path the president has started but instead should follow the great thinkers of Western civilization who have made America famous for its excellent literary style, politics, economics and history.

In the beginning of the article you will see a picture of Casey Anthony who is a Generation Y member a.k.a. “Echo Boomers,” or “Millenniums” (1977-1994) but is unconvicted of murder in 2012 when she has clearly murdered her young daughter, Caylee. Casey outrageously, has inked a tattoo on her back which reads “beautiful life” just weeks after the death of her daughter, and in a sense shows that she is overjoyed over the horrible incident as she lives a “better life” without having to worry about taking care of her little baby any more. Now she could “party like its 1999” homage to music icon “Prince”). My father uses her as an example to show how corrupted Generation Y members can be if they choose to blindly follow their peers, break God’s Commandments through narcissism, self-will and materialism as examples of why Rashaan should stay on the right track and push for excellence, sever the restrictive slave chains of Generation Y members.

In conclusion, my father also references how the younger generation have no moral code or intellectual foundation other than hedonism (lovers of pleasure and materialism). My father taught me that Life is a war and those who have no knowledge of war strategies and tactics as cited in two war classics—Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War’’ as well as “On War” by the polish General Carl von Clausewitz (1780 -1831). As I end this summary of the article “Letter to Generation Y” I suggest that you critically study and learn from the various strategies gleaned from the classic; ideas that my father has affirmed in his original article and apply them to everyday life.

In my opinion I believe my father’s article is outstanding! Throughout this article I have gathered important knowledge on Generation Y’s struggle, including all the current dangers that threaten them. I have also learned a great deal about classical literature, politics, philosophy, history, law, economics, war tactics and strategies that everyone in the world should utilize. Americans must regain our greatness and then we shall become the victors over life rather than its pitiful victims. It is my enduring prayer and hope that Generations X, Y and Z (my generation) will follow the strong educational path and enduring lessons the classics have to edify us, instead of the corrupted path president Obama has left rooted in making one group, class or racial group constantly fighting each other.


In recent conversations my father had with his former university colleague, Professor Leonard McCoy, we are happy to report that his son Rashaan has made a personal transfiguration from his earlier character missteps and after paying for his juvenile indiscretions, he has reenrolled at Georgia Southern and possesses an “A” average. He has a part-time job and is really focused on his destiny at hand which is reminiscent of the wise admonition of black conservative icon Booker T. Washington –Do all you can with what you have and never be satisfied.

Although I am not a member of Generation Y, I being born in 1997 am a member of Generation Z, nevertheless, I urge all of my Gen. X, Y and Z brethren to follow these 3 important life principles: 1) Love the Lord, Jesus Christ our Savior above all else and follow His Word; 2) Love America by following the Constitution and supporting the original intent of the Constitutional framers who helped shape America’s foundation; and 3) Do not allow yourselves to be tempted by Satan to commit any sins against the Lord, including the betrayal of your fellow country from corrupt politicians pushing Darwinism, Marxism, communism, socialism, progressivism and liberalism.

If we do this, then (and only then) can we make this metaphysical journey truly be a Bella Vita – a beautiful life.

Originally Posted at Global Politician

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  1. Jennifer says:

    WOW! You are a member of generation z, same as my son. I believe the generation Z group to be some highly intelligent people. My son is,(I can go on and on about his intellectual abilities) and I can see you are very smart as well.

    I am a generation “Y.” I think you guys may be right about a good majority of us. A good number of the generation “Y,” can be very self centered materialistic. I do know that was the direction I was headed before I had a few life events that made me mature. I know by looking at my peers that this is somewhat true.

    I think the generation z and younger is going to have to save the generation Y someday 🙂 You guys are very bright, wonderful kids. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you very much Jennifer for your kind words and interesting insights. I hope that you will continue to refer my website, books, essays for others to read… especially the youth who need to learn about real history, Classical literature and critical thinking skills if America is to survive this existential Progressive Revolution after the last of the Baby Boomer Generation like Barack Obama leave office. I loved reading about your opinions of the various generations (X, Y, Z) and the worldview they seem to espouse.

    Please stay in touch my Friend and Happy New Year!

    ~Professor Ellis Washington


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