Entrance Exam Criteria that Test Character, Intelligence, Natural Law and Improvisation [Imagination]

| July 19, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia, Abortion and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children, Protecting Life and TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” for Careerism and Celebrity which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.


To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold and trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) and Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 22 million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com and on @Facebook,@Twitter— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871


“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” ~ C.S. Lewis

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to partake in the [Big] Lie. One word of truth outweighs the whole world.” ~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.”

~ Albert Einstein, Physicist

You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #Plato’sAllegoryoftheCave

A. Prologue to using Aristotle’s “First Principles” as a Thesis Exposing the Hoax History we’ve all been taught for Generations under U.S.A., INC. and giving you a Synopsis of the Real History of the United States for America—a REPUBLIC

One of the most important things I’ve learned from reading the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) is this—In order to properly, systematically and comprehensively understand and study any given subject, discipline or area of inquiry is to always begin from First Principles. For example, in this piece, I am writing a review essay based on an interesting work written by my son, Stone Washington, for the Libertarian think tank, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) titled – Don’t Stop At College—End Race-Based Admissions In Public Schools. Stone’s article addresses the recent SCOTUS case that essentially ended Affirmative Action which Stone believes should be extended to remove Affirmative Action in K-12 public schools.

However, Affirmative Action notwithstanding, I am positing a standard of school admission tests based on 4 criteria – Intelligence, Character, Natural Law and Improvisation [Imagination]. In so doing my analysis is not based on the illegitimate laws of the so-called country called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. (a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia corporation), but on what President Trump returned America back to its original origins of the Constitutional Framers on January 20, 2021 based on the Politics and Philosophy, Public Policy and History of the United States for America (a REPUBLIC).

In doing this analysis based on Aristotle’s First Principles, by necessity, I am exposing the imposter corporation country secretly established by the Rothschild family known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. whose stolen History of Humanity has allowed a very small Cabal of super rich, narcissistic, psychopaths belonging to various Satanic cults called among other names—Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, and other secret societies along with their allied institutions including—Council of 13, Committee of 300, Octagon Group, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic New World Order.

From the Shadows for 150 years (1871-2021) the Rothschild Central Bankers in particularly have been using their trillions to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America, including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England, this law was called the 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation that has enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every United Nations member state country in the world in the perpetual bondage of Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery TO THIS DAY! *N.B.: For further research and reading see my comprehensive 5-part essay series on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka Central Bankers).

Therefore, using Aristotle’s First Principles let us propose a Thesis #1—To Understand History always carefully examine and study the Politics and Philosophy, History and Warmongerings of the 13 Illuminati Royal Family Bloodlines. Why? Because following this technique will assist us in better understanding the power behind the Shadows who manipulate Reality through the Ages vs. Understanding the God of the Bible who controls the Reality of Truth through the Ages —

First principles thinking consists of deriving things to their fundamental proven axioms in the given arena, before reasoning up by asking which ones are relevant to the question at hand, then cross referencing conclusions based on chosen axioms and making sure conclusions don’t violate any fundamental laws.”

Thus, I will begin this essay with a quote by Morpheus to his protégée Neo in the 1999 movie, The Matrix—”Everything they told you was a [Big] Lie”. This statement is a variation of the meme I used before by the great Spanish-American Philosopher, Historian, Essayist, Poet, Novelist – George Santayana (1863-1952)—“History is a pack of lies told by people who weren’t there. . . . History is always written wrong, and so always needs to be rewritten.”

*N.B.: The word Government actually means mind control. It etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It divides into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”.

Source: Medium.com

B. On average, why do Asians, Indians and Ashkenazi Jews seem to get the Highest Scores on Standardized Tests and on Elite School Entrance Exams?

The impetus of this essay came from a recent article I read by my son, Stone Washington that he published on the website of think tank he works for, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) – Don’t Stop At College—End Race-Based Admissions In Public Schools. Below are my comments which for this essay I have amplified and embellished to demonstrate my bigger point – that the our original “Republic” has been hijacked by a small cabal of Central Bankers called the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and some highly placed members over various secret societies like – the Illuminati, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and internationalist Globalists like – the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization in order to deconstruct and destroy the God given Natural Rights of We the People that are protected under Natural Law which the Constitutional Framers enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and replaced them with a counterfeit country called, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a corporate dictatorship wholly owned and operated by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia or Central Bankers both here in America and in virtually all of the 209 United Nations member State countries around the world.                                       

In this essay I include a detailed history of Natural Law and Natural Rights because in this analysis absent these two Originalist philosophies of Textualism Law, and legal interpretation, the edifice of Constitutional Law, Civil Rights, Justice, Equality Under the Law and the American REPUBLIC will of necessity come crashing down like the Tower of Sauron at the conclusion of part 3 of The Lord of the Rings [Return of the King] movie.

*N.B.: Movie clip of this climatic scene here.

C. Analysis of Stone Washington’s Article—Don’t Stop At College—End Race-Based Admissions In Public Schools

After reading Stone’s very interesting and innovative article linked above, I began pondering—What are the real qualities that every elite high school and elite college should look for in crafting an entrance exam whose students aren’t merely myopic robots, Einstein’s or Brainiac’s, but worthy and well-rounded students who after college will positively contribute in the words of Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes, to the “Marketplace of Ideas”? (*N.B.: For further reading see my comprehensive essay – 1918-2018—100 YEARS OF UNNATURAL LAW OF JUSTICE OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES).

The quality of “Improvisation” or what Albert Einstein called “Imagination” caused me to direct my inquiry to my childhood friend, Professor Rodney Whitaker, who is now the University Distinguished Director of Jazz Bass and Jazz Studies at Michigan State University, who of course has supreme expertise in improvisation, and thus in IMAGINATION. The reason I criticized entrance exams at high school and college levels (even Law School and Graduate School levels) is because they have very little to do with picking quality students who will positively contribute their knowledge to the Marketplace of Ideas to help Humanity in a substantive way. Thus, thinking about the importance of Improvisation skills (that all Jazz musicians MUST possess and demonstrate at all times) on a recent Facebook page post I wrote the following:

My son, Stone Washington published a recent op-ed on a Supreme Court case regarding racial discrimination in school admissions. I wrote a comment on his essay that present some of my ideas in order to get more racial diversity at elite high schools and colleges by requiring students to be tested on other societal qualities than just rote memorization of facts and figures and biased knowledge. Why not test for IMPROVISATIONAL [e.g., “IMAGINATION”] elements of character?!? Here are my comments, let me know what you think. [COMMENTS] Ellis Washington

To Stone Washington: Very well-written article and your great ideas and the succinct and strong way you have expressed them in writing has motivated to look at the Entrance Exam Paradox in a new and I hope more positive light that will move away from the Left-Right rhetoric that has plagued this race-based school and college admission issue since the 1960s. Stone, your opening paragraphs of this very timely article are brilliant and set the stage for things to come—

Stone wrote: There’s an important battle brewing in our public schools between equity and treating students equally under the law.

Equitable treatment of one class of students always breeds inequitable outcomes for less fortunate students. This discriminatory new form of Affirmative Action is beginning to take hold of elite public schools in America. It used to be that all students were expected to receive equal treatment in our public education system, following Brown v. Board of Education (1954). But the reality shows that some students are treated more equally than others.

Instead of applying an equal set of standards to all students, some elite public schools in America are beginning to adopt selective admissions standards that favor certain students’ groups over others. Color-blind equality under the law is no long a satisfactory benchmark, as administrators now seek to  artificially control how their incoming classes will appear.

If one racially group is deemed too successful as a representative portion of an admitted class, policies are put in place to level the playing field be enabling less successful racial groups to expand their representative size at the expense of admitting less high-achieving students. This is often called racial balancing.” (RELATED: NEETU ARNOLD: Are Universities Using Application Essays To Racially Discriminate?)

Equal admissions standards are being eclipsed by “equity” at competitive public schools like Thomas Jefferson (TJ) high school in Alexandria, Virginia. TJ has consistently been ranked the top public high school in the U.S., designed for gifted students in the STEM fields. For years, the school has abided by a strict test-based admission program, admitting students on the basis of their performing well on a standardized exam. There were no determining factors to an applicant’s race. Asians tended to outperform their peers on the exam, steadily growing in size as a result of high-test scores. In 2021, Asians comprised 73 percent of the overall student body. . .


D. What if SCOTUS had the Vision and Courage to use Natural Law and Natural Rights Jurisprudence in the landmark anti-discrimination case, Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954?

Stone, you may recall that in 2004 I published two law review articles celebrating the 50th anniversary of that landmark Civil Rights anti-discrimination case, Brown v. Board of Education (1954). One of the articles had this rather provocative title – Brown v. Board of Education: Right Result, Wrong Reasoning. What I was getting at here is that the so-called premise or original intent of the Brown case – eradicating racial discrimination in public school education was laudatory, but the Supreme Court’s legal reasoning in Brown was essentially a redundant construct; a convoluted and contrived question lacking in a requisite answer. In particular, the section in the case that seemed to really affect the legal “reasoning” of SCOTUS relied on the sociological experiments and research of why little Black girls and White girls favored certain dolls to play with while rejecting dolls of other colors?  However, in my humble opinion, this Black vs. White doll preferences of children research was done in the late 1940s by the husband/wife Sociologist team – Kenneth and Mamie Clark was frankly irrelevant and not at all germane to the state’s interest in treating all races equally in education access based on the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

According to the Brown v. Board of Education article in Wikipedia: “The Court supported this conclusion with citations—in a footnote, not the main text of the opinion—to several psychological studies purporting to show that segregating black children made them feel inferior and interfered with their learning.[46] These studies included those of Kenneth and Mamie Clark, whose experiments in the 1940s had suggested that black American children from segregated environments preferred white dolls over black dolls.

The Court then concluded its relatively short opinion by declaring that segregated public education was inherently unequal, violated the Equal Protection Clause, and therefore was unconstitutional:

We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of “separate but equal” has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Therefore, we hold that the plaintiffs and others similarly situated for whom the actions have been brought are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.

— Brown, 397 U.S. at 495.[47]

My conclusions regarding Brown (or any other legal case of constitutional concern) are the absolute necessity for Judges and Congress to always rely on the plain language of and text of the U.S. CONSTITUTION. . . PERIOD! That said, the Bill of Rights (a litany of 10 absolutely fundamental Natural Rights based on Natural Law that all humans share and no State, or law or Legislative ordinance can ever take away because these fundamental Natural Rights come from GOD not Man. The Brown v. Board of Education could have gone down in history as the must succinct case in American constitutional history if the Justice simply had the vision and the COURAGE to quote the transcendental words of Thomas Jefferson’s Preamble to The Declaration of Independence—

*N.B.: One more passage come after this quote—“That to Secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” Thus, if the Court had written their opinion using a Natural Law and Natural Rights worldview (the original political and philosophical, legal and constitutional worldview first adopted by the Framers of the Constitution when writing all of America’s founding documents including—The Declaration of Independence (1776), the U.S. Constitution (1787) and the Bill of Rights (1789). In other words, if the Supreme Court had the vision and moral courage to obey their sacred CONSTITUTIONAL and JUDICIAL oaths that they all took before ascending to the High Court—

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Then this would include all 9 members of SCOTUS following a Natural Law and Natural Rights jurisprudence in all of their deliberations. In other words, it would have been quite impossible for any judge, any Justice, or any federal or state legislation including the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate to pass any law that by its very nature contravened one of the Natural Rights of Man founded under Natural Law including treating a Black person to be inferior to a White Person or mandating a Black person to a segregated, inferior education generation after generation.

*N.B.: In an 2015 essay titled – Magna Carta: 800 Years of Natural Law, I wrote the following passage explaining the historical necessity in American Jurisprudence to always delineate the law from a Natural Law and Natural Rights perspective—”One of my favorite definitions of Natural Law “Natural Law,” according to David Adams’ book, ‘Philosophical Problems in the Law,’ “contains principles and standards not simply made up by humans, but rather part of an objective moral order, present in the universe and accessible to human reason.”The Ancients like the Greek and Roman writers, frequently wrote of a “Higher Law” based on the laws of God that transcended the laws of Man and the laws of Emperors and Kings, and that bound them all.

Also, my intellectual mentor, Justice Clarence Thomas, in a law review article wrote very beautifully about this transcendent Higher Law in its application to American jurisprudence. Thomas Jefferson, in his Declaration of Independence, summarized Natural Law philosophy established in the Constitution as “…the law of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The original intent of the Constitution’s Framers understood that liberty, justice and Veritas (truth) could only be achieved when law and morality were indissolubly and forever integrated as the foundation of the rule of law. To separate legality and morality as Positive Law has done since circa 1900 has only led society and civilization into the abyss of chaos, anarchy and nihilism.

That Natural Law, according to St. Augustine (354-430) was immutable (unchangeable and belonging to all humanity forever!) was written in Latin with the aphorism—Lex inuista non est lex, which translated to English means—An unjust law is no law at all.

(and restated by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) and in modern times repeatedly adopted as a vital rhetorical weapon to defeat the evils of racial discrimination and racial segregation by Civil Rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King (1929-68) which he used in various speeches, but most notably in his famous Letter from a Birmingham Jail (April 16, 1963)

E. Simple Solutions to Solve all Race-Based School and College Admission Problems—Test IMAGINATION vs. KNOWLEDGE or KNOWLEDGE + IMAGAINATION. . . Life if more than S.T.E.M.

Stone, here are some of my ideas on the subject. After talking with you, I have modified my solution from a 3 to a 4-part solution that the entrance exam should be in. I believe it was Justice Breyer who once stated regarding the Court’s mandate to use racial considerations of “Affirmative Action” to eradicate racism in society that, “To stop discrimination we must discriminate.” This, in synopsis, is the crux between the Left and the Right political views on racial discrimination on the High Court. While standardized testing to get into elite public/private schools and colleges has some merits, I believe it should be only 25% of the consideration. The other 75% would be centered on Intellect, Personality, Character, Improvisatory criteria including—

  • 25%—for Standardized Exam
  • 25% —Interview/Oral Exam = Ability to speak on a variety of subject matter in an impromptu and improvisatory manner to determine if the student can show proficiency other than rote memorization, which a monkey can do,
  • 25%—Written response for Short Essays,
  • 25%—Improvisatory Skills = Ability to present a formal, written discourse and to argue from multiple points of views comparing and contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of various arguments on the spot using IMAGINATION.

These revised comprehensive entrance exams would of necessity present a diversity of racial groups in elite high school or college admissions. How? First, we need to make schools like colleges and have the sciences and the HUMANITIES represented. For example, I noticed that the elite Thomas Jefferson high school that was mentioned in appellate litigation Stone mentioned in his article where he wrote this statement—

Equal admissions standards are being eclipsed by “equity” at competitive public schools like Thomas Jefferson (TJ) high school in Alexandria, Virginia. TJ has consistently been ranked the top public high school in the U.S., designed for gifted students in the STEM fields.

Life if more than S.T.E.M.! ! Why do we only have elite schools that are so limited to the STEM fields where everyone knows Asian, Jews, Indians and upper-class White students are bred for generations and whose parents spend tens of thousands of dollars in tutors, high school and college preparation courses which is a multi-BILLION $$$ industry in 2023. Why? Not to select the most worthy students enter elite high schools, elite colleges and top-tier law and graduate school, but to make sure their children have an upper hand in perfecting the taking of these bias and racially discriminatory tests where other races including Blacks, Hispanics, lower class Whites are at a constant disadvantage as these so-called “standardized approach” to test intelligence and knowledge of certain myopic fields of study fail to include Character considerations and non-intellectual fields of study like Improvisation and Imagination as a viable and sought after educational disciplines the most elite high schools and colleges, Law Schools and Graduate schools should offer.


F. How many Asians, or Jews or Indians are in the NBA or NFL?

As a corollary argument, think how many Asians, Indians or Jews would excel at elite schools where basketball and football are the main subjects of study? That 73% figure of Asians that were admitted into the elite Thomas Jefferson high school would be cut way, way down to below 10%, if that high. Why? Because traditionally those ethnic groups do very poorly in competitive physical activities like sports, especially football and basketball which require students of huge musculature, speed, and stature. If sports were the be all, end all measure for elite high school and college entrance exams we would probably have to have Affirmative Action to get more Asians, Jews, and Indians into elite sports schools in the name of “racial balancing” that artificially decreased the number of Blacks (who are superior in competitive sports) in order to affect racial balancing to include Asians, Jews and Indians. This scenario would be ludicrous, right?

*N.B.: For further reading see – Stereotype Threat: The hidden biases in our standardized tests

G. How I was accepted at the Elite Technical Magnet School, Cass Technical High School (Detroit, Michigan)

Allow me here to give an example of my own life. From 1976-79 I attended an elite and legendary college prep school (the second oldest Technical High school in American history, founded in 1907, Cass Technical High School. That school had over 4,000 students and graduating classes of 1,000 or more, however, its educational offerings weren’t as narrowly focused and intellectually myopic as the STEM program courses offered at Thomas Jefferson high school, but was greater or nearly so than many college offerings back then and even in 2023. I was a Vocational Music Major (French Horn) and went on to get a 75% scholarship at DePauw University (B.A., Music Education, History, 1980-83), a full scholarship at the University of Michigan (M.M. French Horn, 1985-87), where in 1987-88 I won an audition as the Assistant Principal Horn of the Symphony Orchestra of the State of Mexico (Toluca). From there, I earned a full scholarship to Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) where studied Musicology and Law during the same time that future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama was a law student there at Harvard.

Under today’s biased prep school admissions procedures, I could have never been accepted into Thoms Jefferson HS STEM program because math and science were my weaknesses (and I never have taken a class in engineering or medicine in my life!), but that doesn’t mean that I (and others like me) weren’t worthy of admittance to elite level schools. Nevertheless, with my educational background I was a Professor of Law, History, Philosophy, Political Science. I wrote 11 books, 35 law review articles and over 3,500 essays, articles, monographs, and Socratic Dialectical Essays published in scholarly journals on 5 continents and my books translated into over a dozen languages.

Ask yourself this important question—How many books or scholarly articles published in peer-reviewed journals have those Asian, Indian or Jewish Einstein’s and Brainiac’s admitted to Thomas Jefferson HS have written BY THEMSELVES without co-authors where one can never determine how much work (if any) that all of the so-called “authors” have contributed to the scholarly work(s) in question? In other words, what really have these “geniuses” done to contribute to the Marketplace of Ideas besides getting a high score on an artificial, racially biased entrance exam?!?

My oeuvre [e.g., collected works] would have been totally different, perhaps even eradicated completely from the historical record had I been born in today’s STEM obsessed environment that deifies students proficient in STEM but ignores or downgrades students who are proficient in the Humanities, yet the Humanities are still important in society and add depth, culture and meaning in ways the STEM subjects could never begin to realize or understand.

Therefore, my suggestion regarding the standardized testing paradox is to just create a test (or series of tests) that test the WHOLE MAN based on the constitutionally standard of Natural Law and Natural Rights and not narrowly contrive myopic knowledge that has no correlation to society as a whole. In other words, Is everything worthwhile in American culture and society solely based only on STEM subject matter . . . ? Hardly not, then why do we create so-called “elite” schools that only focus on and accept students with this myopic, artificial intelligence CONSTRUCT?!? It doesn’t make any sense.

In conclusion, for where the Asian, Indian or Jewish students may excel at standardize tests and rote memorization the Blacks, Hispanics and even  many White students will probably excel in skill sets that require improvisatory demonstration since they have as part of their culture musical/religious forms like – testifying in Church, Holy Ghost-inspired Preaching, speech making at family gatherings, proficiency or appreciation of improvisatory musical forms – e.g., Jazz, Latin Jazz, Tango, Salsa, etc. . . In other words, the entrance exams should test all aspects of the human condition and not just rote memorization of random facts and figures that have no legitimate, lasting basis on who will be the most successful student or who will positively contribute to the Marketplace of Ideas to Humanity.

*N.B.: For further readings regarding my Cass Tech years of IMAGINATION over KNOWLEDGE see the following essays – (1)  I Remember Chiarina Green (my High School Friend) (2) I Remember Dr. Morris Dunbar – Professor of Biology on MLK Day  (3) I Remember Rodney Whitaker (on John Coltrane’s 95th Birthday)  (4) Letter to Cass Tech High School Class of 1979—How Many Books have YOU Written?

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Category: Higher Education Articles

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