Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 39

| July 28, 2023
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1960 – d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia, Abortion and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children, Protecting Life and TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” for Careerism and Celebrity which is why I’ve been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 34 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold and trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) and Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—national currencies of the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund perpetual False Flag Wars) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside the Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that has recently exceeded 22 million views @ and on his social media, @Facebook, @Twitter— #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the Truth.”

“False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”

~ Plato

Remember in the movie RoboCop [1987] when corporate America aids criminals and helps incite riots so they can lower property values and then buy up the city while privatizing the city’s police force? Haha science fiction is crazy ~ @EsotericBot

The Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s use their front organizations to install their people in key positions in their governments to form a Shadow Government [e.g., “Deep State”] that they control. ~ @EsotericBot

You have been lied to all of your life. History has been a [Big] Lie created by the [Rothschild Khazarian] Cabal for thousands of years for Control.

~ #Plato’sAllegoryoftheCave

A. Prologue to using Aristotle’s “First Principles” as a Thesis Exposing the Hoax History we’ve all been taught for Generations under U.S.A., INC. and giving you a Synopsis of the Real History of The United States for America—a REPUBLIC

One of the most important things I’ve learned from reading the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) is this essential lesson of Life – In order to properly, systematically and comprehensively understand and study any given subject, discipline or area of inquiry one needs to always begin from First Principles. For example, here I am writing a long essay series about the Realpolitik, Law, Philosophy, Economics, Medicine, Business and History of the United States for America (a REPUBLIC). By necessity, I am exposing the imposter corporation country we are presently enslaved under. A country secretly established by the Rothschild family (e.g., the Central Bankers) known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. This little-known but stolen History of Humanity has allowed a very small Cabal of super rich, narcissistic, psychopaths belonging to various Satanic cults called among other names—Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, the Vatican, the Jesuits, and other secret societies along with their allied institutions including—Council of 13, Committee of 300, Octagon Group, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic New World Order aka, The One World Government.

From the Shadows for 150 years (1871-2021) the Rothschild Central Bankers in particularly have been using their trillions in fiat (fake, counterfeit) currency to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America, including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation that has enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every one of the 209 United Nations member state countries in the world in the perpetual bondage of Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery TO THIS DAY! *N.B.: For further research and reading see my comprehensive 5-part essay series on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka Central Bankers).

Therefore, using Aristotle’s First Principles let us propose a Thesis #1—To understand History always carefully examine and study the Politics and Philosophy, Story and Warmongerings of the 13 Illuminati Royal Bloodline Families. Why? Because following this technique will assist us in better understanding the REAL power behind the Shadows who manipulate Reality through the Ages vs. Understanding the God of the Bible who controls the Reality of Truth through the Ages —

First principles thinking consists of deriving things to their fundamental proven axioms in the given arena, before reasoning up by asking which ones are relevant to the question at hand, then cross referencing conclusions based on chosen axioms and making sure conclusions don’t violate any fundamental laws.”

*N.B.: For further reading regarding Aristotle’s First Principles, see Terrance Irwin’s fine and comprehensive work on the subject.

Thus, I will begin this essay with a quote by Morpheus to his protégée Neo in the 1999 movie, The Matrix—”Everything they told you was a [Big] Lie”. This statement is a restatement of the meme I used before by the great Spanish-American Philosopher, Historian, Essayist, Poet, Novelist – George Santayana (1863-1952)—“History is a pack of lies told by people who weren’t there. . . . History is always written wrong, and so always needs to be rewritten.”

*N.B.: The word Government actually means mind control. It etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It splits into two words: 1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”.


Below is some information taken from the Judy Byington Report of 16 June 2023 regarding what I refer to as a Summary of Real American History not taught by the Marxist Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Academy. The information in the text boxes below refers to direct quotes from Judy Byington’s GCR News Updates followed by some appropriate memes, my historical analysis, and commentary—

B. Synopsis of the Judy Byington Report for a GCR REAL News Update of (Thurs. 20 July 2023)

The last week of July US citizens would receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest paid to the Cabal and Social Security payments would increase. (I’ve heard as high as $5,000 per month!)

Tues. 25 July was Queen Diana’s Coronation date according to JFK Jr.

Aug. 2023: Exposure, Arrests of Major Satanic Child Sacrifice, Pedophile Groups

On Tues. 29 August the new Quantum Financial System will be official and made public.

Med Bed appointments could be made sometime soon.

Sometime soon the Supreme Court would announce their decision to reverse the 2020 Election because of Election Fraud.

When Trump’s presidency ended, JFK Jr. would come in as President and Trump would be elevated to Global Financial Ambassador to make the GESARA changes around the Globe according to Bruce.

Fall 2023 Massive protests and riots were forecasted to shake Canada’s core, ushering in a winter of discontent in the latter part of 2023 and early 2024.

2026: U.S. (public) Tribunals slated for 2026 would coincide with Canadian Tribunals and World Tribunals that would connect everything from Deep State Human Trafficking to World Plandemic Deep State Operations, to creation of the Virus.

Of course, all of the dates above are speculative and subject to change. According to the Judy Byington Report Australian geologist, Ian Plimer, effortlessly disposes of some of the popular myths perpetuated by the Net Zero cult. “[Changes in climate] are driven by that great ball of heat in the sky, which we call ‘the Sun’. A trace gas (CO2) has nothing to do with our climate. If we get further away from the Sun it gets cooler and if we get closer to the Sun it gets warmer. No legislation, from Canberra or from the United Nations, can change the orbit of the Earth”.

With severe weather currently hitting parts of the world more frequently. Climate Change is a guise for patented weather modification technology.  Texas going gold-backed:

In 1823, the Rothschilds took over all financial dealings of the Catholic Church and the Vatican. This would explain how the Gestapo wing of the Catholic Church (e.g., the Jesuits – *N.B.:  Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope in history!) have had their dark, hidden hand in fomenting world wars and false flag conflicts among the Nations since the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s first efforts to use Machiavellian tactics to fund both sides of every war since the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99) which the Rothschild Central Bankers not only funded, but fomented or used their vast wealth to create hatred, economic chaos, and warmongering among the Nations! *N.B.: For further research see my essay, A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (1200-1913)—Part II.

Honduras plans penal colony in Caribbean for 2,000 MS-13 gang members, dubbed The New Devil’s Island. Ask yourself this question of ultimate concern—Why is the Resident Biden administration and the Democrat Party so heavily invested in wantonly breaking U.S. Constitutional law that they all swore a sacred oath to God and to all U.S. citizens to uphold at threat of being charged with TREASON and SEDITION, to push policies that bring millions of illegal immigrants into America with no fear of the Courts or the Rule of Law? Answer: C-O-N-T-R-O-L.


Amid ‘Sound of Freedom’ Media Attacks, Utah AG Doesn’t Mince Words, Says ‘Tim Ballard Is a Hero’ – YouTube Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes is a politician and public servant, but he’s also a confidant and friend of Tim Ballard, the subject of the new movie “Sound of Freedom.” Ballard, who is played by “The Passion of the Christ” actor Jim Caviezel, is a real-life former government agent; in the film, his journey of discovering the horrors of human trafficking and then going on a mission to save children is depicted. Tickets to the film continue to sell, bringing the topic of child trafficking to the forefront of the media.

Reyes, an associate producer on the movie, joined CBN’s Faithwire to defend Ballard against media narratives attacking his character. The Utah attorney general’s interview comes as some outlets also seem intent on trying to connect its themes to QAnon and extremism. Just consider the teaser for the Rolling Stone review, which read, “The QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.” A review in The Guardian called the movie “QAnon-adjacent thriller.” “Tim Ballard is a hero,” Reyes proclaimed, revealing he has joined Ballard on missions to rescue kids. Watch Reyes reveal behind-the-scenes details.

Jim Caviezel of the hit Child Trafficking movie “Sounds of Freedom” responded to a tweet saying his days are numbered because the CIA will go after him. He says he’s not suicidal but that it’s possible he could die from an “accident”, like the attempt on his life with the motorcycle “accident” in 2009 after Passion of the Christ.

The Freemason Symbol spells out the word “GAY.”

CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking: CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican | Politics | Before It’s News (

CIA/Vatican Control of Global Monetary System Through Child Exploitation: CIA-Vatican Control of the Global Monetary System Through Child Exploitation | Celebrities | Before It’s News (

CIA/ Vatican/ Obama/ Bush/ Clinton Child Sex Trafficking: CIA, Vatican, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Soros, Royals Child Sex Trafficking | Celebrities | Before It’s News (

European Royals Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties? | Celebrities | Before It’s News (

In a 2019 essay I wrote titled – Illuminati 2019: The Satanic Pedophile Cult that Feeds the Beast, I opened this work with the following two paragraphs below providing a historical context for the Cult of the Illuminati (and all ancillary esoteric Satanic cults and secret societies that surreptitiously have controlled the nations of the world for millennia under the nom de plume = “Deep State”), Illegal Immigration and the worlds obsession with child torture and pedophilia to worship Satan and to acquire power in this world virtually going back to the Garden of Eden! –

Illegal Immigration = Pedophilia = Human and Child Sex Trafficking = Trafficking in Aborted baby body parts = Adrenochrome = Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifices

PEDOPHILE ALERT! America, does it seem that an increasing number of news stories deal with human sex trafficking and child sex trafficking? NFL New England Patriot’s owner, Robert Kraft and Chicago singer/pedophile R. Kelly are just the latest two celebrities in a long list of people engaging directly or indirectly in adult and child sex trafficking. This has been going on for thousands of years – going back to ancient times in the Bible and God’s repeated warning to the Nation of Israel to stop sacrificing their children to long list of pagan, occultic, Satanic gods—Nimrod, Semiramis, Baal (Zeus), Molech (Moloch), Ashtoreth, Asherah, Shiva, Kali, Chac, and hundreds of others. Why is the Left pushing this Satanic, Child-Democide agenda so strongly? The CIA-Operation Mockingbird [OMB] media has a vested interest in keeping these vile acts hidden.

Follow the money. Qui bono? (who benefits?). A required question I always teach my students to ask themselves whenever the media, politicians, or anyone for that matter is trying to convince them to do or not do something. The CIA-OMB fake journalists want to protect themselves for participating in or being allied with pedophiles (Democrats and Republicans). This is the mandated road to riches most famous people must take in our society—Broadway, Hollywood, Sport stars, entertainers, Rappers, Rockers, politicians, judges, doctors, lawyers, Wall Street bankers, Ivy League academics, and virtually all of the most elite members of society. It’s always been that way [“The System”], but QAnon (est. 10/28/17) and Trump Tweets have opened the Matrix for U.S. to escape. I pray many, many more people will escape cyber slavery and move to FREEDOM and LIBERTY in the name of JESUS CHRIST!

D. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Smallpox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrail/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoax:

VACCINE WARNING: U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing harm in the human body leading to injury and death.

How deep does Executive Order 13818 really go? What nurses and Doctors will be affected by the crimes against humanity with the vaccines?

“These Vaccines Saved No One!” Dr. Pierre Kory unloaded the Truth on the Wisconsin State Legislature. “We have baby formula, which kills a couple of babies, and the entire product is removed from the market. You have a faulty muffler on a car, and they recall 300,000 cars. And here you have all of these deaths being reported, and nobody’s doing anything.”

CDC Humiliated: Amish Reject Big Pharma and Emerge as the Healthiest People in the World! – American Media Group (

Dr. Peter Glidden: You kill cancer with nutrition. Now you are aware Selenium can kill it. Starve the cancer’s food source which is sugar and glutamate.

Wed. 19 July: Pfizer building was destroyed today by tornado about 40 minutes from where I live. It happened in Rocky Mount, NC. 50,000 pallets of medicine destroyed. I wonder if any of it had MRNA as an ingredient ? This large Pfizer plant is responsible for making a quarter of all sterile injectables used in US hospitals.

According to the Judy Byington Report, the Unvaccinated Won’t Be Unvaccinated for Long with mRNA in the Food Supply. “We’ve confirmed: this mRNA stuff is in the food supply,” reported attorney Tom Renz. It turns out that Merck has been injecting mRNA into pigs since 2018. “For all you guys that stood strong and said no to these mRNA vaccines. Well, you’re gonna get them anyway right through your food.” Although the Propaganda press is trying desperately to keep the truth from reaching We the People particularly about the Covid-19 vaccine lies including the government-sponsored DEMOCIDE against millions of Americans and billions of people worldwide leading Dr. Reiner Fuelmich to remark: “Everyone in the World who has promoted this bio-weapon fake vaccine is guilty and will be held responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.”

Satan always brings temptation first voluntarily, second, by force. This is his tactics in forcing the Covid-19 or mRNA into the food supply so as to change the DNA of mankind. Once this is done then we are no longer “created in the image of God” as the Bible says but are new creatures of Satan created in the image of the Antichrist. Another example of the governments of the world committing mass Democide against their own people using Covid-19. Why are so many flights delayed and cancelled on a daily basis in America? Remember at the beginning of the Covid Plandemic when all of the airlines mandated that their pilots get the clot shot? Remember that tens of thousands of pilots refused and took early retirement. Remember the uninformed pilots pressured by their airlines to get the shot? Many of them have died (some have died while in flight!) or suffered careering ending debilitations like blood clots, AIDS, cancer, mental breakdown, and other maladies.


7 billion people on the planet and all will have a stellar account on the QFS.

Protocols 16 and 17 are in place to assist the Quantum Compliant Banks the ability to assist in helping set up your accounts and transfer your fiat to digital for you.

The fear of trying to do all of this yourself should not be of concern. QC Banks will have the ability to assist here and educate.

According to the Judy Byington Report on this subject, “The Quantum System is not being set up for just banking but for military, elections and so much more. Far larger than one can fathom, especially if one is to believe what gurus are pushing. Larger than the information providers are informing you of.” The Report continues that “The systems of old have to be dismantled so that there is never the option of going back to them. (Bridges being built and Bridges being dismantled at the same time) and that they are taking steps to remove influencers/criminal behavior in all of this. Punishable for certain, not the old system or ways.” \

THINK. . . Why QFS?!? The upcoming Quantum Financial System (QFS) will be a necessary National and Global economic failsafe system designed to not only facilitate all financial transactions, but to remove the Satanic controls of the New World Order controlled by the Rothschilds Banking Cartels worldwide which for hundreds of years has only mired the nations of the world in Rothschild Chattel Slavery (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold and trading people’s identities like animals on Wall Street) and Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!


From 1942 to 1946, the Manhattan Project was founded to conduct research and tests on nuclear weapons.

In 1945, at Los Alamos, New Mexico a research laboratory headed under theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, developed and successfully exploded the first nuclear weapon called “the gadget”.

The Little Boy and Fat Man bombs were created and then used about a month later in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

After World War II, The Manhattan Project conducted weapons testing and other research involving nuclear power. [WIKI— The first nuclear device ever detonated was an implosion-type bomb during the Trinity test, conducted at New Mexico’s Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range on 16 July 1945. Little Boy and Fat Man bombs were used a month later in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. . .]

On March 5th, 1970 the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons went into effect. The treaty was created to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, achieve nuclear disarmament, and to promote the use of peaceful nuclear energy.

Here are some notes from an interesting article in by Henry Makow (16 July 2023) regarding the new Hollywood movie nuclear physicist, J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, the head of the Nuclear Bomb Project (e.g., Manhattan Project) during World War II. A nuclear bomb that was ostensibly dropped on two cities in Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki by U.S. President Harry Truman in order to stop the escalation of the war and to bring it to a quick end thus saving hundreds of thousands of American soldiers lives.

[ Notes]

It’s clear from the trailer that this movie is a dud, although they’ll hype it.  It’s a tired old Hollywood cliche: assembling a team for a critical mission. The hydrogen bomb would guarantee world peace, says the movie.

Oppenheimer was a Communist Jew who gave atomic secrets to the Soviets (see below), but this movie won’t address that. The Movie Biz distracts and deceives us while the WEF prepares for our enslavement. We seem to want to be distracted and deceived. Have you seen any movies about the COVID hoax? Do we even want to? The exception is “Sound of Freedom.” 

According to Eustace Mullins, the Communist Jewish bankers shepherded the bomb into existence. They dropped it in order to trauma-brainwash the human race just as they brainwashed the Jews using the holocaust. 

Like Jews, after Hiroshima, humanity lived in constant fear of annihilation. Life became meaningless. We lost faith in God’s loving purpose and life’s promise. Instead, we had a deadly new enemy and a “Cold War.” Naturally, the bankers gave the (((Russians))) the bomb to make the threat real.

(Disclaimer- Many knowledgeable people don’t believe nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. I reserve judgment.)

From Atomic Bomb – Manhattan Project “An Entirely Jewish Affair” By Larry Romanoff, April 09, 2023

“One part of history that has been deeply buried is that the Jews were all expelled from Japan prior to the war, first from the city of Nagasaki and later from the entire country…it is quite plausible, if not very probable, that Baruch chose Japan and Nagasaki for the atomic bombs in retribution for Japan’s expulsion of the Jews.”

*N.B.: The Robert Oppenheimer movie’s star role is played by Irish actor, Cillian Murphy, award-winning actor as “Thomas Shelby” in the Netflix TV series Peaky Blinders.

*N.B.: (Robert Oppenheimer, 1904-1967) “J. Robert Oppenheimer was selected by Bernard Baruch as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project… At the first successful detonation of an atomic bomb on July 16, 1945, “Oppenheimer … shrieked, “I have become Death, the Destroyer of worlds.” Indeed, this seemed to be the ultimate goal of the Manhattan Project, to destroy the world. Oppenheimer’s exultation came from his realization that now his people (the Jews) had attained the ultimate power, through which they could implement their five-thousand-year desire to rule the entire world.”

*N.B.: This esoteric phraseology is from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad GitaVishnu is trying to persuade the Prince [Shiva] that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, – “I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds” – based on Oppenheimer’s 1965 TV broadcast. Since 2004 this statue of Shiva appears on the grounds at the CERN European Research Center based in Geneva, Switzerland! Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence.

G. DAVID WILCOCK: GLOBALIST PANIC: RFK Jr. Drops Bombshell—COVID-19 Virus Was Man-Made! HOLLYWOOD in Crisis: The Intensifying Exposure of Unthinkable Crimes! 💥💣

Prepare for an earth-shattering revelation that has sent shockwaves through the globalist elite—the renowned RFK Jr. declares that the COVID-19 virus was deliberately created! Panic ensues as major Hollywood actors prepare to expose the dark underbelly of the Hollywood pedophilia network. Our previous predictions have come to fruition, as Mark Wahlberg boldly steps forward to confront Hollywood’s pedophilia horrors, seeking protection from the impending storm. The CIA and Hollywood are on the edge of their seats as the Epstein files draw closer to Congress, exposing the deep ties between Hollywood’s pedophilia, the satanic child sex trade, and the Biden laptop revelations, soon to be etched into the annals of Congressional records.

The Truth Unveiled: Hollywood Actors Caught in Pedophilia Videos!

Pay attention as the real truth emerges—the Hollywood actors are caught in the very pedophilia videos that reside within the Epstein files, Hillary Clinton’s laptop, Podesta’s computers, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Weiner’s laptop, and the vast servers containing irrefutable evidence. The late Ted Gunderson, former head of the FBI in Los Angeles, bravely exposed the pedophilia rings, satanic rituals, child sacrifices, and sex trafficking operations connected to the dark operations of the CIA and the government. Now, military, Congress, and white hats hold these damning videos and evidence, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal the story of the century—an intricate web of deep state blackmail operations, encompassing Hollywood’s darkest secrets and even a military coup against Trump.

Hollywood in Turmoil: Panic Sweeps the Elite as Revelation Looms!

Major panic engulfs Hollywood as the eight-year operation draws closer to its climax—celebrities are in a frenzy. The CIA, Mockingbird, and the Epstein saga collide in a perfect storm of terror, exposing the hidden secrets of the entertainment industry. Brace yourselves for the unraveling of the unthinkable—an exposé that will shake the foundations of the deep state operations, unveiling their heinous crimes, including the insidious pedophilia rings. The world holds its breath as NCSWIC—the storm is approaching, and truth will prevail!

According to the Judy Byington Report, “The globalist stronghold is in disarray as the cables reveal that the CIA has issued a dire warning to Hollywood elites—Congress is meticulously planning to launch an assault on the Epstein saga, human trafficking, and the explosive Biden laptop scandal that will expose the dark underbelly of Hollywood’s pedophilia and child sex trade. But beware of the false narrative circulating in the CIA-controlled mainstream media—the claim of a Hollywood strike due to AI replacing actors in movies and commercials without their consent. This is a smokescreen—a meticulously planned false flag operation orchestrated by the CIA to divert attention from the real truth.”

Exhibit A: Regarding the exposure and implosion of Underground Pedophilia Networks in Hollywood (i.e., “Pedo-Wood”) is exacerbated by the ongoing writer’s strike followed closely by the actor’s strike. Look in the near future for other parts of the movie industry to join the writers and actors in this strike for one cannot make movies without these two indispensable parts. Exhibit B: The 4th of July 2023 release of Mel Gibson’s produced movie exposing the rampant pedophilia and child trafficking (and worse) that his secretly perpetuated in Hollywood to this day titled Sound of Freedom, a 2023 American action film directed and co-written by Alejandro Monteverde, and starring Jim CaviezelMira Sorvino, and Bill Camp.

*N.B.: For further reading and research, see the informative article in titled – Guess What Hollywood’s Hiding Now?


Nikola Tesla’s Pierce-Arrow electric car from 1921 ran on pure Etheric Electricity.

It was a self-recharging car and did not run on batteries, oil or gas.

Electric vehicles have been around for much longer than most people realize. This is not even a myth, just a cover up of our lost technology so that they could bill us every step of the way and have a complete control over us.

Free energy = Independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, live off grid, have heat and electricity, and live your life happily without government interferences.


Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and Jacob Astor were all passengers on the Titanic. These three men were the most wealthy people of their time; thus, their opinion was very important in the matters of government and economics.

These three were valiant opposers to the idea of a Federal Reserve Bank. (Which has nothing to do with USA, it’s privately owned bank) These 3 people had to be destroyed by any means, in a way that no one would suspect they were murdered.

Roman Catholic secret society called Jesuits, with their bankers, desperately wanted a central bank in the United States. Once the Federal Bank reserve opposition was gone, they got their bank and started WW1 months later.

In Part II of this 5-part essay series on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, I concluded with a synopsis of how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia really increased their New World Order Satanism agenda at the beginning of the twentieth century achieving major accomplishments in the span of a 6-year period in the early 1900s (1907-13)—

Think! Follow the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia breadcrumbs—[1] Panic of 1907 leads to [2] the super-secret first meeting of Rothschilds at Jekyll Island (22 Nov. 1910), leads to [3] the sinking of the Titanic (15 April 1912), leads to [4] election of Rothschild puppet President Woodrow Wilson (5 Nov. 1912), leads to [5] the 16th Amendment (Federal Income Tax), passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified Feb. 3, 1913; leads to [6] the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment (8 April 1913)—(the direct election of Senators by the people thus removing Senator’s former allegiance to local interests because prior to the 17th Amendment Senators were elected by State legislatures, not directly by the people in that State like now).

The passage of the 17th Amendment, leads to [7] the Rothschild second secret Jekyll Island meeting (Christmas Eve, 1913), leading to [8] President Wilson passing the Federal Reserve Act (23 Dec. 1913) on the same day the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia were secretly finalizing their plans to establish a THIRD BANK OF THE UNITED STATES they deceitfully called the “Federal Reserve” (23 Dec. 1913) Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence!

*N.B.: For further reading, see Mike Bird’s revealing 2015 BUSINESS INSIDER article – There’s a wild conspiracy theory that the Rothschilds sank the Titanic to set up the Federal Reserve.

*N.B.: Central Banks are neither Federal nor public, but a private corporation wholly owned and controlled by the Rothschild Central Bankers. They own the printing press to print TRILLIONS in counterfeit money based on nothing while charging excessive usury (interest) and taxation. What’s the collateral? We the People are their collateral. This was achieved by RKM forcing governments to create Birth Certificates (1900-46, info collected by the U.S. Census Bureau) and Social Security numbers (beginning 14 Aug. 1935 [same year the U.S. Secret Police, BOI was renamed FBI]) solidified the fact that RKM views over 7 billion people worldwide as a non-human, corporate assets to be collected and traded, monetized and democided in whatever manner seems best for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.


J. Executive Branch = Military and President Donald J. Trump – Why did President Trump issue Executive Orders 13818 & 13848?

President Trump never seceded the US Presidency. They acknowledged him as Commander in Chief of the greatest military operation in the world. They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. Kennedy and Reagan (Bush = CIA Director, Bush = VP).

Trump won the 2020 election over Joe Biden with over 80% of the total vote and winning all 50 states, and our amazing military knows that the clowns on TV are bought and paid for propaganda puppets. Trump was impeached multiples times after he “lost” the 2020 election because the judicial and legislative branches knew he was still president, and they had no control over the military with him having a position in government. *Note: You can only “impeach” people who hold a “position” in government. Why would the Democrats impeach an incumbent president who “lost?”

In Feb. 2021 I wrote an essay titled – If you are Free, then Why have you been a Slave for the Past 150 Years? In this work I analyzed President Trump’s two most important Executive Orders: #13818 And  #31848—


WHY DO I SLEEP LIKE A BABY ALERT!?? Answer = 1. President Trump EO #13818 = “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” (21 Dec. 2017); 2. EO #13848 = “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” (12 Sept. 2018).

To better understand Trump’s Genius Plan enacted 5 YEARS ago to not only expose, bring to Justice and seize all the ASSETS of all the Democrat-Republican Deep State Traitors including those complicit in the 2020 Election Fraud (incl. Big Media, Social Media, Wall Street, Judges, Politicians (Local, State & Federal levels), Unions, the Academy, Foreign Nations (China, Iran, Germany, England, France, the Vatican, Spain, Ukraine, Australia, Israel), Venezuela, The Crown, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, all the Billionaire Foundations & Trusts, Satanic Societies & 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families (the Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Bloomberg), the Globalist Gestapo (UN, EU, IMF, WHO, World Bank, UNESCO… Everybody!) Read President Trumps EO #13818 (21 Dec. 2017) & EO #13848 (12 Sept. 2018).

Regarding the understanding and insane reach of President Trump’s BOMBSHELL EO #13848, you must first realize that Trump comes from a family of Tacticians and Critical Thinkers. For example, Trump’s family going back before World War II with his Father Fred “JESUS” Trump (a maverick NY business mogul) and his genius Uncle John G. Trump (MIT Professor), who was tasked with protecting the Tesla files after the CIA had Nikola Tesla murdered to prevent him from giving the entire world free energy over 100 years ago! = NESARA). All Trump’s tactics and strategies to defeat the Deep State traitors and Globalist Gestapo while preserving the Natural Rights of We the People are straight out of Sun Tzu’s classic war treatise—The Art of War (475-221 B.C.). Trump applied Sun Tzu’s precepts to a modern corporate, business climate in his own iconic book, The Art of the Deal (1987).

K. The Obama-Biden Crime Family and their Deep State Allies

Resident Biden, Congress & SCOTUS will all soon be exposed and brought to Justice before a Military Tribunal at Gitmo Charged with Murder, Pedophilia, Fraud, Sedition, Treason, Misprison of Treason, and Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government. This final and desperate Globalist push to establish their Satanic New World Order – led by billionaire psychopaths Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeff Bezos and Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson) – to flood America with illegal immigrants from all over the world is designed to destroy America by destroying its culture, religion and laws with people who obviously could care less about “National Sovereignty.” President Trump as told U.S. many times that “a country without borders is no country at all.” Thus, another Machiavellian purpose of flooding America with illegal immigrants is to distract from the bad news for Resident Biden on Tues. 16 May when Congress was informed by a Whistleblower that the entire IRS team was removed from the investigation of Hunter Biden’s business dealings on order of the Department of Justice (DOJ) – the order suspected to have come down from President Biden himself.

Biden Crime Family Child Trafficking: The Biden crime syndicate is one of the most evil secret societies in world history, guilty of child trafficking and high treason against America, FBI and DOJ whistleblowers allege.

Did you know that Biden and Obama are biologically related and that virtually all (but 2) of the 45 Presidents of the United States descend from one English King?


*N.B.: REMEMBER! For years I have proclaimed that To understand REAL History, always follow the 13 ILLUMINATI ROYAL BLOODLINES!! Since this article was published in 2012, 5 years before Donald Trump became president (2017-21), I feel reasonably secure in stating that Trump’s genealogy does not descend back to King John of England (1166-1216), of the House of Plantagenet. In fact, Donald Trump is the biological son of one of America’s most celebrated war-time heroes – General Patton.

L. “United States Citizen” SCAM! Conspiracy Cabal on Telegram:

All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the King, these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law, which are the living, breathing, flesh and blood Sovereign people.

All of the Agents in power beginning with the King, the Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials, wanted to obtain power and control over America, and the Constitution pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends. So, they began to devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into corporate fictions.

These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses without exposing their treachery, and so our private and public education must be controlled.

Without any real Constitutional basis, the U. S. Department of Education was created.

The Constitution made it the responsibility of each state to educate its people and several states challenged the Congress in the courts.

The matter was eventually heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, which has never been a Constitutional Article III Court from its inception, which I will explain.

The sovereign states had been abolished in 1790 by the adoption of Article 1 of the Statutes at Large, which converted all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government lawful jurisdiction everywhere.

In consideration of the fact that the federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully own other corporations and all the American subjects to be educated have admitted under penalty of perjury that they are corporations, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. [See how sneaky and tricky lawyers can be? And all the more reason why lawyers should never be allowed to serve in government or in judgment of us].

The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the educational requirements of “United States Citizens” by virtue of their Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce! Bad law is bad law, no matter how you turn the paper and that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its “brainwashing” process of the American public, according to the Judy Byington Report. Furthermore, she explains how the Court arrived at its ruling because these are not ignorant men.  On every form you file to receive “government benefits” and even the “voter registration form” there is a question that asks: Are you a United States Citizen?

YES / NO and everyone circles the YES answer. Didn’t you? Now look up the definition of a “United States Citizen” in a reputable law dictionary. You will discover that a United States Citizen is a phrase designed to identify a “corporate fiction.”  Clever, isn’t it? You and every other American had no idea that you were admitting you were a corporate fiction when you circled that YES answer, and you did it under penalty of perjury!

REMEMBER! The United States for America (a Republic) was hijacked in 1871 (perhaps as far back as 1774) and turned into a CORPORATION called THE UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA, INC. (a Corporation). Under this Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix We the People = Stock (bought and sold on Wall Street like cattle or chattel = SLAVES). America until very recently thanks to President Donald J. Trump, was wholly owned by Britain (Queen Elizabeth II and her newly crowned son, King Charles III) who is really owned by the Rothschilds, and Britain is owned by the Vatican and the Pope, and of course the Rothschild have infiltrated the Monarchy and all the Popes since the early 1800s so that in reality all of the so-called “Royal Family” and all of the so-called “Popes” are secretly of Rothschild blood.

*N.B.: I reveal that interesting history regarding the Battle of Waterloo (1815) in Part II of my 5-par essay series on the History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia here—”Rothschild control over England was achieved in an ingenious manner during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-15) by putting out disinformation that Napoleon had won and selling related stocks that caused a selling Panic on the market, but Napoleon did not win the war, England did; so, the Rothschilds bought up all the English stocks (sold on the Rothschild “false flag” Panic) for pennies on the dollar and became even more richer than ever before, consolidating their ubiquitous power over the Sovereign nation of the City of London, the British Empire, Western Europe, and in Part III we will see their Debt-Slavery tentacles reach virtually every nation on earth.”

M. The Brunson Supreme Court Case [BARBIE & KEN VS. GOLIATH IRS UPDATE] and Takedown of the Biden Administration and all of the Corrupt Congress

Barbara and Ken Cromar were in an epic battle with the Deep State and our corrupt judicial system. Even though they had proven to a federal tax court that they owned no monies to the IRS, the Deep State descended on them with 75 men SWAT Teams and not only took their home, but all their possessions including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living. You can donate to the cause of Freedom from the Cabal IRS and help Barbie and Ken: MIRACLES In God We Trust Shop (

The hopeful and positive outcome before SCOTUS of the Brunson case will have incredible era-changing effects upon We the People in America (e.g., ushering the Biblical Jubilee called NESARA and GESARA). In fact, the Brunson Case alleged that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence, committed Treason by violating their oath of office to protect the Constitution by not investigating 50 formally presented allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election.If SCOTUS ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 allegations of fraud before certifying the 2020 Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress could be automatically suspended. Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…

Therefore, once you purge your mind of all the propaganda taught by our corrupt institutions including the school systems (public and private), the colleges and universities, and even ancillary institutions regarding education including—law schools, graduate schools, medical schools, engineering schools, pharmaceutical industry, social media, politics, public policy, law, religion, philosophy. . . EVERYTHING they told you is all lies, propaganda and disinformation designed to force you into a perpetually evolving democidal or Hobson’s choices – a repetitive, ubiquitous tautology referred throughout history as Hegelian Dialectic

N. Must Watch Videos:

Wed. 19 July Situation Update: Judy Byington: What’s Next As We Enter A New Frontier? Special Intel Report For Wednesday 19 July 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

Tues. 18 July Situation Update: Situation Update: NATO War Escalation! Ukraine Blows Up Crimean Bridge! AI Deep Fakes! MK Ultra & The CIA! More Biden Coverups! Scott Ritter Analysis! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Wed. 19 July Juan O’ Savin: Urgent Intel: What’s Next For America, the Great Reset, and the Storm (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

Wed. 19 July Bo Polny: Major Intel – Banks Closing – THIS IS IT! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

Tues. 18 July X22 Report: X22 Report: Deep State Right On Schedule! Trump Messages He Will Be Arrested & Indicted For Jan 6th Capitol Insurrection! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Remember! History since at least the late 1700s including the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99), all political and legal, social, economic and historical events have been staged beforehand like a Shakesperean play – usually instigated through series of complex, contrived, constructs we now know as False Flag Wars. Thus, history since the First Industrial Revolution (1750s-1850s) (and perhaps even further back than this) have been shaped, manipulated and controlled by a very small, but powerful Jewish Family called the Rothschild and through ancient secret societies like – the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Octagon Group, the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Davos, etc. . .

Even though you are considered an enemy of the corporate government, it actually has no jurisdiction over you as a living man or woman. However, if you agree to be a citizen of your corporate government, then it has jurisdiction over you. For example, to be a United States citizen means that you are an “employee” of the United States which is a corporation. If you want evidence of this, look at subsection 14 & 15 in Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this phrase (14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States””

*N.B.: For further research see Archives, Jan. 1, 2019 and @

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT [Facebook Post of 4 Aug. 2022]. . .  Did you know that the ENTIRE Bar (National and International Bar Associations all over the WORLD) and all Legal Systems together with all Justices, judges, lawyers, courts and law books is a 100% Conspiracy of Lies, Deceit and Injustice since the Middle Ages (1500s)…? Carefully study the meme above.

FACT: Under Admiralty and Maritime Law, the citizens of the U.S.A. INC. are considered the property of the British crown. This has been going for centuries and not only for the U.S. citizens, but for virtually all of the 209 United Nations member States of the world.

O. Epilogue and Conclusions—Escaping the False Reality of the Matrix = the Satanic New World Order through Embracing Jesus Christ = The Reality of Truth

In conclusion, Dave of X22 Report summarized the crucial state of Affairs the world, America and how We the People stand at the precipice of the abyss—Will we all fall into destruction and eternal damnation for allowing a smally cabal of psychopaths (e.g., the Illuminati, the Rothschild Central Bankers, the Freemasons, the Vatican, Council of 13, Council of 13, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and other secret societies) pushed Humanity to the precipice? No! X22 Report (beg. @11:14) stated this new and revived Glorious History of the future of America and the World once the Satanic New World Order and their slavish Allies are utterly defeated—

X22 Reports urges people to “Think about how they hate America, how they hate the Constitution, how they hate History, and how the country was born, and how the Founding Fathers created this incredible Constitution to allow people to live free and go about their lives. Remember, the Constitution is a living, breathing document. The [Framers] knew that times were going to change. They knew that people were going to need to add amendments, and they knew that they could not leave this up to the federal government. They knew it had to be from the bottom level and the people had to decide what amendments they were going to add to the Constitution. And they also decided…we are going to have to allow people to have rights that they were born with, and the federal government was going to have to agree to the contract and abide by all of these things in the contract.

You see the Founding Fathers knew this, they had been through tyranny, they had been through dictatorship, they knew exactly what would happen if another tyrannical government would come along. They always followed the same playbook and what happens is that people can’t recognize it in the beginning, but as times goes on people start realizing what is really going on and I think we are at that point where people are starting to see the censorship.”

Remember! History since at least the late 1700s including the American Revolution and the French Revolution, all social and historical events have been instigated through contrived, construct, False Flag Wars. Thus, history since the First Industrial Revolution (1750s-1850s) (and perhaps even further back than this) have been shaped, manipulated and controlled by a very small, but powerful Jewish Family called the Rothschild and through ancient secret societies like the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Octagon Group, the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Davos, etc.

*N.B.: Geopolitical analyst Benjamin Fulford in his weekly report (Oct. 31, 2022)(beg.@3:42) had the following remarks regarding how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia have used debt and chattel slavery to keep the nations in perpetual Satanic control and economic bondage—“This is Judge Anna von Wright telling the world about them—They [Zionists] have been doing the same thing since the Bronze Age (3300-1200 BC)—Introducing the concept of credit [e.g., “usury”], gaining access to someone else’s credit, accumulating debts on behalf of their victims, eating through the very substance of the country they invaded, killing their creditors and then moving on to a new Master.”

Don’t believe me? Do your own research. A good starting point is put search terms of one word or a phrase at the informative website— WARNING! Prepare to be Redpilled and to have your mind blown!

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