| May 27, 2012
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washington120526Greece is doomed to a swift death now that its socialist cancer has reached critical mass. Socialism always kills. It just kills some countries faster than others.

~JP – comment on article about Greece

Did socialism kill Greece? It’s an obvious question as the country that gave us Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Greek Septuagint and Western civilization teeters on the brink of economic catastrophe. Will Greece leave the European Union (EU) and forsake its globalist currency, the euro, and return to the drachma? Most experts think at this point there is a 50/50 chance Greece will. When Greece leaves the EU, will the inevitable economic collapse of the nation lead inexorably to the total collapse of the EU and all of Europe? As Americans, why should we care what happens in Europe? Will the fall of Europe precipitate the economic collapse of the United States since so much of our trade is with nations there?

Conventional wisdom holds that if Greece returns to their former currency, that radical austerity measures would soon follow plunging the Greek economy into a catatonic state. The Greeks’ nearly a month of“statutory holiday allowance” every year, the average retirement ages between 48-55 and their notoriously bloated pensions would almost immediately come to an abrupt end or reduced dramatically, because their currency will be worth about as much as the German mark was during the Weimar Republic (1919-33) – and we all know how that German tragedy turned out That’s right: hyperinflation, needing a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a stale loaf of bread, anarchy in the streets, the rise Hitler, the Nazis, Kristallnacht, the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, World War II and the Holocaust.

I believe that when Greece leaves the EU later this year it will spell the beginning of the end of that vaunted socialist Tower of Babel called European Socialism, and other countries on the brink will follow suit. Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Britain, France and, yes, the country that is keeping this Marxist coalition together, Germany, will eventually collapse, the latter under the weight of supporting the bloated pensions of all the freeloader countries inside the EU.

Greece is what happens eventually to all socialists countries – they run out of other peoples’ money, they collapse – first into ineffective public policy, then societal instability, democracy, socialism, totalitarianism, anarchy, nihilism and eventually death.

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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  1. Crankywhitewoman says:

    Mr. Washington, you are a magnificent writer. In just four paragraphs, you explain in a precise and easy to understand way what other so-called wordsmiths are unable to explain as clearly in four pages.

  2. Crankywhitewoman says:

    Mr. Washington, you are a magnificent writer. In just four paragraphs, you explain in a precise and easy to understand way what other so-called wordsmiths are unable to explain as clearly in four pages.


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