| June 3, 2012
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washington111119President Obama’s sustained attacks against presidential GOP candidate Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital is a shameless frontal assault against America and her free-market capitalist system, but it has backfired disastrously against Obama. Newark, N.J., Mayor Cory Booker said that Obama’s tactics against private capital were “uncomfortable” and “nauseating.” Nevertheless, just a few hours after telling the truth about Obama’s anti-capitalist demagoguery, Obama’s people yanked his chain and Booker was forced to appear on “Meet the Press” before a surreal hostage-like background and a stressed-out look on his face to recant for daring to tell the truth against messiah Obama.

Booker’s cowardice didn’t stop other notable Democrats from speaking out against Obama’s liberal fascism including: Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, Sen. John Warner, former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, former Car Czar Steve Rattner, former Rep. Harold Ford, former Clinton adviser Lanny Davis and most recently former president Bill Clinton. All have publicly sided with Bain.

Obama’s liberal fascist attacks on Bain Capital and against American capitalism remind me of an earlier more radical time in history when Hitler was running for election as chancellor of Germany in 1932. No, I am not calling Obama a Hitler, but I am stating in the most emphatic manner that Obama and the Democratic Party are using Nazi propaganda campaign tactics against Romney and the GOP.

Out of hundreds of propaganda campaign posters Hitler used to both deify himself and demonize his political foes, I have found two posters that were particularly vile and reprehensible, yet very effective in promoting Hitler’s National Socialist Party (the Nazis). The first one is titled “Arbeit und brot” (work and bread).

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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