| June 11, 2012
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washington120609Conservative historian David Barton, in his outstanding new book, “The Jefferson Lies: Exploring the Myths You’ve Always Known About Thomas Jefferson,” has once again presented an opus that shines the light of truth on the lies and propaganda of atheism, progressivism, liberalism, humanism and secular elites who possess a venal hatred for American exceptionalism.

Barton asks, “Why can today’s Americans list so many negatives about Jefferson but so few positives? The answer is found in five 20th-century practices that now dominate the study of American history and its heroes: Deconstructionism, Poststructuralism, Modernism, Minimalism and Academic Collectivism.” Barton’s major purpose for writing this book is “to reverse the effect of the five malpractices of modern history that have distorted not only the presentation of Jefferson in particular but of American history in general.”

What will students most likely tell you when you ask them to name America’s Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution – men like Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Hamilton, Witherspoon, Hancock? If they know anything about these men, they will most likely mumble something about they were all rich, white, landowning slaveholders who discriminated against women and terrorized blacks, killed the Indians and stole their land. This is a classical example of the deconstruction of American heroes, morals and institutions – common in today’s classrooms – and is demonstrative of the tragic fact that many Americans can enumerate our nation’s sins while being ignorant of the numerous things that were right about our history. Democratic socialists, atheists, progressives and liberals in particular can detail every injustice that has occurred in America over the past four centuries; however, these same people fall silent when presented with evidence that America is still the envy of every people in the world – every people, that is, except Americans.

What are most American students in our public schools taught about the framers? They mistakenly believe that all the founders in the painting above were proslavery, anti-women and Indian killers. Barton chronicled that when he asked some of those same students to point out in the painting above notable religious signers such as Robert Treat Paine, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Rush, Francis Hopkinson, John Witherspoon, Lyman Hall, Charles Carroll, or others, they looked at him with a blank expression and confessed that they’ve never heard those names before. Even our brightest American students can only name Jefferson and Franklin in colonial period paintings – the two least religious among the founders – but not the others.

Here is a standard definition of Deconstructionism:

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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