Justice Clarence Thomas. . . and the Road Not Taken

| January 5, 2020
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In a reflective mood: Justice Clarence Thomas in his Chambers at the Supreme Court (2008)

About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ EllisWashingtonReport.com & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Some people have decided that the Constitution is not worth defending, that history isn’t worth defending, that the culture and the principles aren’t worth defending. Certainly, in my position, they have to be worth defending. That’s what keeps you going, that’s what energizes you.”

~ Justice Clarence Thomas

Prologue to the De Facto Leader of the Supreme Court of the United States for nearly 30 Years!

When the Heritage Foundation posted an excerpt regarding a multi-part upcoming documentary by Legal Fellow GianCarlo Canaparo, they were planning to do regarding my intellectual mentor of 30+ years Justice Clarence Thomas, I was so elated that I broke my de facto vacation from social media to make this last Facebook post a few hours before the New Year 2020 which (at the time of this writing) received over 170 likes, shares and comments (a world’s record for my social media posts):

Ellis WashingtonDecember 31, 2019 at 7:29 AM 

Part of my original post was deleted by the Facebook Fascists. Here is my original message celebrating my Intellectual Mentor of 30+ years, Justice Clarence Thomas:

REMEMBER! Justice CLARENCE THOMAS has been my intellectual mentor since my arrival at Harvard with Barack Obama in 1988. Obama and I took two different paths—Obama took the New World Order-Illuminati-Soros path towards $$$, Celebrity, Political Power, Socialism, Treachery. I took the God-Jesus-Holy Ghost path of Obscurity, Veritas (Truth), Natural Law, Natural Rights, Conservatism, and beginning a Friendship with a future Justice Clarence Thomas. . . and a future President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, where me, George H.W. Bush’s Campaign Manager Lee Atwater, (and others) begged the GOP establishment to make Trump, Bush Senior’s V.P. in 1988. Regrettably, the GOP didn’t listen. . . and the rest they say is History!

Which path would YOU have taken 30 years ago?!?

*N.B.: Book Dedication Page: At the completion of my 10th book manuscript, The Progressive Revolution (Vol. 5: Jan. 2017) which sent to the publisher with the signed date, 15 May 2016 (8 months before Donald Trump would become the 45th POTUS). Admittedly, I was a bit nervous for, if I was wrong about a future President Trump, my book would have contained that glaring error into perpetuity. Nevertheless, I am eternally joyful that I trusted in the prompting of the Holy Ghost whenever I read the above book Dedication to Justices Thomas, Scalia and to President Trump. It was the right road to take to demonstrate (especially to the Youth) the singular importance of getting an intellectual mentor in your life to guide your cognitive and spiritual development. It is almost as important as Life itself!

End of the Prologue section of Vol. 5 with the date I completed the manuscript to my publisher Hamilton Books.

Later in my initial New Year’s Eve post celebrating Justice Thomas I added this addendum: *N.B.: ATTN ALL PARENTS: Get an “Intellectual Mentor” for every child you have. In 2015, my son Stone Washington‘s freshman year in college, I gave him my mentor, Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Thomas accepted his new, young protégée… and the rest they say is History!

The Eternal Importance of Mentoring through the Generations: {pictured} Justice Thomas, Dr. Walter Williams (then Professor Emeritus of Economics, George Mason University) and my son, Stone having lunch together at the Hard Times Café in Fairfax Virginia, December 13, 2016.

Here is an excerpt on Justice Thomas from my book, “The Progressive Revolution…” (Vol. I: 2013) chronicling my 30+ year history of how Justice Clarence Thomas shaped and guided my understanding of Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence, History, Politics and many, many other disciplines right at the same time when I attended Harvard Law School with the future 44th POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.

Below are screen shots of my 10th book, The Progressive Revolution: Vol. 5 extolling the yeoman’s work of protecting the defending the U.S. Constitution including Natural Law and Natural Rights by my intellectual mentor of 30+ years – Justice Clarence Thomas:

One of my Facebook friends, Steve, while thanking me for my Justice Thomas post asked me if Thomas, Obama and myself all attended Harvard Law School at the same time? And I answered that, “Just me and Obama were classmates back then (1988-89). I discovered Judge Thomas’s writings while at the Harvard Law Library reading law reviews. One law review in particular that I remember one weekend at the Harvard Law Library in 1988 perusing the law journals and by chance coming across Judge Clarence Thomas scholarly writing— Thomas, Toward a “Plain Reading’ of the Constitution — The Declaration of … in Constitutional Interpretation,” 30 Howard Law Journal 691, 692 (1987). It was a spiritual and epiphany experience for me that would have a profound impact for the rest of my life, which was only heightened 3 years later in Oct. 1991 when, despite the collective invidious racism by the Democrats of the Judiciary Committee (particularly Chairman Sen. Joe Biden) Judge Thomas with a vote of 52:48 became Associate Justice Thomas of the Supreme Court of the United States.” I still get chills just thinking about that Magnificent day for America.

A major reason why I am writing this essay is to preserve my original Facebook post before the Facebook Fascists can delete or edit my post and pervert the original meaning or even disappear its original existence. This Nazi state of affairs is why I wrote the subtitle to my 5-Vol. collection of Socratic dialectical essays and other published writings – “. . . History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages.”

At the Dawn of Year 2020 are We the People Currently Living in a Fascist Nation?

Remember! Alex Jones of InfoWars was totally deplatformed on all social media since 6 Aug. 2018 for no other reason than for the Deep State being angry that for 25 years Alex Jones has told U.S. about the Machiavellian, treachery of the Deep State, the Shadow Government, the Democrat Socialist Party, the RINO Republican NeoCons and the Gestapo Globalists like the Rothschild Central Banksters and the Illuminati just to name a few. To demonstrate the censorship by these Technocracy Tyrants like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google, for example, another Facebook friend, Dahlee wrote this reply to my Justice Thomas post:

Dahlee Bartell Rebecca Landrum ATTAWAY, A+
“Couldn’t have said it better! Glad you replied to Ellis! My posts mysteriously disappear, as well, I wonder 😎 why…” The reason why is Liberal FASCISM and Gestapo Globalism writ large that is trying to take over the world and put Trump supporters and Christians inside Concentration Camps and Re-education Camps. Some of these treasonous activities are currently being directed by the United Nations:

(Above) The United Nations job posting literally ask for Americans (“English speakers”) to become a “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer.” Let’s deconstruct the meaning of those three terms to examine just how profoundly existential the treason of the Democrat Socialist Party actual is:

  • Disarmament = Bye-bye Second Amendment (e.g., the Right to bear arms against a fascist, tyrannical Gestapo government hellbent on demociding as many of U.S. as possible in their Satanic efforts to create a One-World Government here in America and a New World Order with Globalist entities like the United Nations, the European Union, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, George Soros and Communist China literally calling the shots on who lives and who dies. Guess which side of the equation Trump supporters, Nationalists, Patriots, Christians, Libertarians, Independents and believers in Natural Law and Natural Rights will be on?
  • Demobilization = U.S. Citizens (now disarmed) will be sent en masse by the tens of millions to FEMA Concentration Camps and FEMA Re-education camps that have since 2012! Already been set up and equipped by the Barack Obama administration (2009-17) all over America. Most people don’t realize that this history has already been repeated before. . . When? Just like America under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his successor President Harry Truman did to the Japanese-Americans, the Italian-Americans and to the German-American citizens during World War II (1939-45). George Santayana—“Those who don’t remember their history are doomed to repeat it.”
  • Reintegration = Those of U.S. who successfully complete the dictates by the Globalist Gestapo in the Re-education Camps first formulated under the Obama administration with logistics from Hillary Clinton’s State Department will be allowed to re-enter American society. But be under no illusion, the “New” America you will enter into will be very different from the one you currently enjoy:
    • 1) There will be no Constitutions, No Bill of Rights to protect your God-given “inalienable rights” that originate under Natural Law and Natural Rights;
    • 2) Unless Christians renounce their faith, they (and millions of others who refuse to renounce their Natural Rights) will be summarily tortured and executed;
    • 3) All Trump supporters (including Trump and his family) will be tortured and executed if they are deemed unfit for Re-education (Reintegration) back in a Neo-Nazi American society.

*N.B.: Post (below) leaked 2012 Army report putting Americans in Concentration Camps and military policies allowing for the killing of rioters and demonstrators in America. These are the same tactics dictators of the past have followed to secure absolute power over the people including—Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Tito, Mao, Saddam Hussein, the Iranian Ayatollahs, etc.… These actions by our own American government against We the People amount to  DEMOCIDE writ large!

Democide – “The intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”

Epilogue: Evidence that Justice Clarence Thomas has been the de facto Intellectual Leader of the Supreme Court of the United States for the past 29 years

Although at first blush the section above seems off topic regarding Justice Clarence Thomas, I would disagree to those holding such an opinion. Why? Anyone with only a rudimentary knowledge of the Natural Law, Natural Rights jurisprudence of Justice Thomas on the Supreme Court for the past 29 years would realize that Justice Thomas is the diametrical opposite of a Liberal ‘Activist’ Jurist like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, or Sonia Sotomayor whose jurisprudence is based on the Wilsonian lie of “Living Constitution” jurisprudence, first expounded over 100 years ago by Laurence Tribe, the liberal Constitutional scholar Barack Obama studied under while we were students at Harvard Law School. On the contrary, Justice Thomas believes in interpreting the Constitution not based on a judge’s personal policy preferences, but on the RULE OF LAW which is what Congress in their capacity as the lawmakers, have instituted into American law… Nothing else uttered or enacted by a judge should be considered legitimate law, but in Justice Thomas view is illegitimate judicial activism and judicial lawmaking from the bench.

No doubt a great deal of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere vague sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle. Living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and in practice. Society is a living organism and must obey the laws of life, not of mechanics; it must develop. ~ Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States (1908), p. 16
To read my original 2007 essay on Justice Clarence Thomas that I reprinted in my 2013 collection of essays above, see: Justice Clarence Thomas – My Friend.

In Oct. 2017, I was invited by the Editors of the Faulkner Law Review to give a lecture regarding my constitutional and historical findings that I had written in a monumental law review ironically celebrating the 100th anniversary of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s infamous 1918 Harvard Law Review article titled—Natural Law— invidiously gloating about the death of Natural Law and Natural Rights in American Constitutional jurisprudence. Thank God Justice Holmes greatly overstated his point and was wrong because 100 years later America had the sense enough to elect President Donald J. Trump who at the time of this writing has appointed nearly 200 federal court Article III judges (including 2 Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh) all of whom have sworn fealty to Natural Law and Natural Rights jurisprudences, which is synonymous with Original Intent, Originalism, Textualism:

Historically I like (when the law review editors allow me) to include a detailed outline of my academic works like that above. Why? Because it allows the reader to follow my train of thought and to allow specialists to go right to the section(s) of my article that they wish to apply more scrutiny to do so unencumbered. See generally, Ellis Washington, 1918-2018—100 YEARS OF UNNATURAL LAW OF JUSTICE OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES.

To give one an example of Textualism jurisprudence, or using what recently deceased Justice Scalia (d. Feb. 2016) called “The Four-Corners Rule” of the text, to interpret any given law before the Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the following important statements on Textualism or Natural Law jurisprudence— “Ours is the job of interpreting the Constitution. . . If a party wishes to claim a constitutional right, it is incumbent on him to tell us where it lies, not to assume or stipulate with the other side that it must be there someplace.” 

Finally, it cannot be overstated that the Deep State never thought Hillary Clinton would lose in Nov. 2016 and thus were arrogant and sloppy in leaving mountains of evidence demonstrative of their duplicity, quid pro quo (systemic bribery), treachery and democide. Now Trump has all 17 intelligence agencies including the NSA, CIA and FBI working for him. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of the combined military forces. Trump receives all of the most top secret daily briefings and is completely aware of the past and present history of the Democrat Socialist Party and Deep State secret plots, plans and treason at his fingertips and will expose it to the American people through the ubiquitous QAnon movement, Trump’s Twitter Feed, and from a growing legion of Alt-Right journalists like—Ipot.com, SGTreport, Just Informed Talk, Daniel Lee, X22Report, Cirsten Weldon, Tiffany Fitzhenry (Twitter), Larry Johnson (Twitter) which I believe soon an in due course will deconstruct and destroy the entire Socialism Slavery and New World Order networks based on Satanic Child Sex Trafficking.

Justice Clarence Thomas is the model of the type of Natural Law, Natural Rights, Original Intent jurisprudence President Trump will use as his model to appoint his third, his fourth, his fifth and perhaps his six Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. A necessary step in order to reset SCOTUS and to bring that often lawless, renegade institution under the chains of Constitutional accountability. This statement reminds me of one of my favorite aphorisms by President Thomas Jefferson:

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  1. Steve Sanger says:

    What an excellent and informational article. I’m very proud to have been mentioned by a scholar of your standing, albeit for asking you a silly question I could have googled. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of our Constitution, our Country and our Countrymen. Hats off, Mr Washington!


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