QAnon = Antidote to the CIA-MK Ultra Matrix – Part III

| January 20, 2020
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on, Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“Everything they told you was a Lie.”

For the longest time, I wouldn’t believe it. But then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living and standing there, facing the efficiency, the pure, horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth...” (He holds up a 120v coppertop battery = the sum total of what billions of humans become to the Machine Kingdom = Energy, food).

~ Morpheus to Neo (Movie: The Matrix, 1999)

Prologue—Definition of Terms—Rule #1 = Control Information, Rule #2 = Control Reality, Rule #3 = Control People, Rule #4 Control the World

Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – 1776-2020 Alert! – How did America (and the Western World) devolve from a Judeo-Christian worldview based on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (circa AD 28) that pulled Humanity out of the Dark Ages (400-1400) to birth the Renaissance (1300-1600) and the Reformation (1517-1650), only to devolve in to the abyss of Hegelian and Marxian Dialectics, Darwinian Evolution Atheism and Racialist Eugenics (Race Wars, Abortion, Nazism, Communism, Transhumanism), to institutionalizing and weaponizing Satanic Child Sacrifice, selling baby body parts, Cannibalism, Globalist Pedophilia, to MK-Ultra mind control and Zero Population networks based on the Illuminati Conspiracy of a One-World Government or the New World Order. . . in just under 250 years?

Matrix Movie Plot Summary – “Morpheus explains that, years ago, humans developed Artificial Intelligence but lost control of it. In desperation, humans chose to create a nuclear winter, thinking that by blocking out the sun, they could eliminate the solar power the robots needed to survive. But the robots adapted, and now they run the ravaged world and harvest humans for bioelectric food. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world designed to keep these humans under control. Humans are kept sedated, effectively living a virtual life. Neo awakens in a bed back on Morpheus’s ship, and Morpheus further explains that one man was born into the Matrix with the power to change anything in it. This man freed the first human minds. An Oracle has prophesied his return, and Morpheus believes Neo is the reincarnation of the One.”

Excerpts from The Matrix Movie, Part 1, The Construct Scene (beg. @1:57)

NARRATION: We TURN AND DESCEND, SPIRALING DOWN TOWARD the lakebed which is scorched and split like burnt flesh, where we FIND Morpheus and Neo. Neo clings to the chair, trying to get his bearings.

MORPHEUS: We have only bits and pieces of information. What we know for certain is that, at some point in the early Twenty-first Century, all of mankind was united in celebration. Through the blinding inebriation of hubris, we marveled at our magnificence as we gave birth to A.I.

NEO: A.I.? You mean artificial intelligence?

MORPHEUS: Yes. A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. I must say, I find it almost funny to imagine the world slapping itself on the back, toasting the new age. I say, almost funny.

NARRATION: He looks up and his sunglasses reflect the obsidian clouds roiling overhead.

MORPHEUS: We don’t know who struck first. Us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun.

NARRATION: As we DESCEND INTO the circular window of his glasses, there is a flash of lightning.

MORPHEUS: Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

NARRATION: FETUS FIELDS is displayed in a panoramic view in all of his grotesque horror.  On the flash, we PULL BACK from the darkness which reveals itself to be the black eye of a fetus.

MORPHEUS: The Machines discovered a new form of fusion. All they needed was a small electrical charge to initiate the reaction.

NARRATION: The fetus is suspended in a placenta-like husk, where its malleable skull is already growing around the brain-jack.

MORPHEUS: The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 B.T.U.’s of body heat.

NARRATION: The husk hanging from a stalk is plucked by a thresherlike farm machine.

MORPHEUS: There are fields, endless fields where human beings are no longer born; we are grown.

NARRATION: We RISE UP, the field stretching in every direction to the horizon, lightning tearing open the sky as a harvester sweeps past us.

Human fields from the Movie The Matrix (1999) – Source: Immaterial Labour and Data Harvesting; Facebook Algorithmic Factory (1) 

NARRATION: From the yawning black of the waste port, we begin to PULL BACK as it snaps shut. Red amniotic gel flows into the pod below us, pooling around a tiny newborn that suckles its feed tube.

MORPHEUS: For the longest time, I wouldn’t believe it. But then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living and standing there, facing the efficiency, the pure, horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth.

NARRATION: Still PULLING BACK, we see the image of the power plant now on the television as we return to the white space of the construct. Morpheus steps INTO VIEW as he clicks off the television.

Analysis of the Construct Scene from The Matrix

One of the things about the Construct scene that baffles me is the thin, virtually indistinguishable line between Reality vs. Fantasy. To illustrate, Neo has been living his entire life in a fake, enslaved existence inside of a computer. He goes to work as computer programmer. He parties at night at a local club with his friends, where he often gets drunk to try to forget his subconscious servitude to the Machines, or to drown out that nagging feeling, to silence that ubiquitous nightmare he has every night – that everything they told him was a lie. Yet, Neo at the beginning of the movie knows nothing about truth, reality, honour, virtue, or anything else other than being an unwitting slave with billions of other humans trapped, enslaved inside the Matrix where they are given a fake, virtual life by their machine overlords in exchange for “life” which they must give as a sacrifice to the Chief Overlord of Machine City that lives to literally sucks their essence from all humanity – including cannibalism of their innocent babies who are ‘harvested’ like crops daily by the millions!

The Matrix – Construct scene where Neo is exposed to the reality of his hellish his hellish servitude.

Can Humans be turned into batteries…? We have been an A.I. Source of energy for at least 100 years… perhaps from our very beginnings!

In a March 2019 essay by tech blogger, Cassidy Ward on the Matrix movie titled—SCIENCE BEHIND  THE FICTION: HUMANS AS BATTERIES, AS IN THE MATRIX… PROBABLY NOT GONNA HAPPEN, at the onset of his analysis you will ascertain that writer Ward will not go very far down this Satanic rabbit hole. (Cognitive dissonance Alert! Perhaps he is afraid?) His lack of metaphysical analysis leaves the readership with many unanswered questions that have been answered for 100 years. The author writes: “It’s been 20 years since the Wachowskis introduced us to the world of The Matrix, 20 years since we watched Neo take the red pill and follow the white rabbit beyond the digital frontier into a world of superpowers, sentient machines, and existential crisis.”

“Leaving the world he’d known behind, Neo discovers he is not really a human being living in the early 21st century. Instead, he is a battery, an energy source for the vast machine civilization ruling the world,” Ward continues. “The world he knows, the one where he has a job and acquaintances, is little more than a vast simulation meant to keep his mind occupied while his body cranks out juice for an army of robots and computer programs. As a result of a global war, centuries before Neo was born, the sky was blackened, and the sun blocked out in an attempt to starve the machines bent on human domination. Morpheus explains the terrible solution the machines resorted to in order to survive. ‘The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat,’ he says.” “To be fair, he does mention this harvesting of human energy is combined ‘with a form of fusion’ to provide the machines with all the energy the world ever needs. But the mention of fusion is almost a throwaway. The clear message here, accompanied by images of endless power plants, is humans have been enslaved as a power source for our synthetic masters. The Animatrix confirms this point, mentioning a “readily available power supply, the bio-electric thermal and kinetic energy of the human body.”                                                                         “’For the longest time, I wouldn’t believe,’ Morpheus says. ‘And then I saw the fields with my own eyes.’ Yeah, well, seeing is believing, Morpheus. But I still have some questions. ‘Let’s take a look at just how well a human body could act as a power supply and see how far this rabbit hole goes. Could human bodies, kept inert in creepy cyberpunk containers, act as a suitable power source?’”

He continues on cited the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics as the primary reasons why using humans has an endless supply of power would not work.

  • First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics: the sum of entropies between two or more interacting systems always increases, which is a fancy way of saying there’s no such thing as a free lunch. 

However, in my opinion Ward’s thesis here is seriously flawed from the beginning for he attempts to use “science” to argue inventions that transcend our mortal plane on this earth… namely the realm of the Metaphysical. For example, before we even get to the metaphysical realm, here is a story by UK Science writer Sarah Knapton from 2014 (and you know this has been going on for at least a 100 YEARS, perhaps from our very beginnings thousands of years ago!):

Nazi Eugenics 2020—Are designer babies futuristic?

Remember, I said the A.I. (Satan and his legion of Demons) has used people for a food and energy source for at least 100 years. However, if you extrapolate using metaphysical language as I did in this sentence, then this demonic democide against humanity has been going on for literally thousands of years to the book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden.

Canaan 2000-1300 B.C. – Statute of Baal, Moloch (or Molech) worship mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. *N.B.: Baal worship demanded human (child) sacrifice to feed the beast (Satan). Without human sacrifice Satan and his demons would die.                                                                                     

The Matrix – Dialogue between Neo and the Architect                                                   

Image result for neo vs the architect
Neo meets the Architect of The Matrix

Let’s examine another scene from the Matrix, Neo and the Architect. In an article posted on by Jon Therkildsen, a summary of the Neo-Architect dialogue was summarized in this manner—

We have learned that the Matrix simulation prison only works if it allows people to escape into their real world. Human brains cannot fully embrace our simulations unless there is a real backdoor. A dormant way to get free. Even if only a few will ever use it. To solve this, their control system consists of four pillars: The Matrix – the primary prison. Zion – the secondary prison in the real world; a prison outside the simulation to house/managed “escaped” people. Neo – the prophecy of the One gives humans false hope, and he can help manage humans in the real world (unlike programs). A regular reset of Zion every 70-100 years to avoid the human population of Zion to get out of manageable control and to reset the internal growing need for revolt/choice.

From a narrative standpoint this is the pivotal scene of the movie when our hero, the Messiah-figure Neo breaks through the Matrix into the throne room of the ‘Man’ or godlike figure who created the Matrix called ‘The Architect’.


FAQ: THE MATRIX – Why Zion is NOT a Simulation

Epilogue: The ten most dangerous threats to humanity that must be defeated for us to live as free, conscious beings – part one Wednesday, December 04, 2019 by Mike AdamsPart I and Part II.

I will end part III of this essay series on QAnon being the Antidote to the MK-Ultra Mind Control Matrix with these Globalist/A.I. extinction events. This existential battle between God and Satan dates back to antiquity, to before the Garden of Eden when the Bible chronicles, “And there was War in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought against his angels…”:

  1. Space weather / solar flares and asteroid impacts
    • Mike Adam writes, “Our planet’s electrical grid can be taken out at any moment, without warning, from a sufficiently powerful solar flare. Such solar flares are produced by the sun at regular intervals and catapulted into the cosmos. Fortunately, very few of them strike planet Earth, for the simple reason that Earth is a very tiny target from the point of view of the sun. (The solar system models you see in textbooks and TV documentaries universally distort scales to make it appear the Earth is much closer to the sun than is the case.)”
    • In the Matrix, when Morpheus recites the War between Humans and Machines, somebody ‘scorched the sky’ causing eternal darkness and solar storms. This could be the aftereffects of a powerful solar flare or EMP event.
  2. Genetic engineering of humans
    • The scene I cited above from the Matrix where Neo is brought out of the Matrix into realty and views Machine City where millions of babies are harvested for their electric energy and liquified to feed the Machines.
    • Eugenics – [Wiki] “the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.”
    • ‘Perversion’ or realization that Eugenics is based on combining Darwinian Evolution (“Survival of the fittest”) with Scientism, Racism and Democide.
  3. Communism and Socialism
    • Mike Adam writes, By its very nature, communism deprives conscious, self-aware human beings of the dignity and freedom that makes us human. The rise of communism (and socialism, which is “communism light”) threatens to unleash the fall of humanity, for communism rests on the idea that the power of the few must be protected and expanded at the expense of the many.”
    • The Matrix was essentially a giant virtual gulag that enslaves virtually all of humanity and, like a parasite, sucked their essence from their babies in order for the Machines to live. This movie is a corollary to the history of Communism and Socialism since the publication of Karl Marx “Communist Manifesto” (1848).

4.    Censorship: Digital tyranny from the tech giants

As George Orwell once wrote, “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” This has practically become the mantra of the digital tyrants as we approach 2020. Censorship is freedom. Silencing the opposition is diversity. Destroying freedom of expression is progress. We are now living under the Orwellian nightmare that was once mocked as impossible to imagine. Yet it is here, and it has a name: “Contract for the web,” according to Mike Adams.

The Matrix is the Technocracy Tyrants on steroids. Silicon Valley becomes Machine City where the right to privacy like Natural Law, Natural Rights, Freedom, Liberty, Faith, Love, Compassion, and God are relics of a long-dead past. The Machines are humanity’s new ‘gods’.

5. The mass chemical contamination of the food supply.

Mike Adam writes, “The mass chemical contamination of the human food supply has sharply increased since World War II, after which synthetic pesticides and herbicides were deployed on a truly alarming scale in order to achieve higher crop yield efficiencies. The obvious problem with these toxic synthetic chemicals such as organophosphates is two-fold:

  • Their chemical toxicity is not specific to the insects they target. These chemicals are also toxic to humans.
  • Once applied to food crops, the chemicals persist in both the environment and the resulting food products that are consumed by humans and ranch animals. The result is the bioaccumulation of toxic, synthetic chemicals, many of which have direct and severe neurological toxicity in nearly all life forms.”

In the Matrix since the sun couldn’t penetrate the scorched sky all life on earth ceased to exist including the grass, plants, trees, water and the remnant of mankind was forced to live underground eating a disgusting goop resembling watered down oatmeal.

  • 6. AI research and the transhumanism agenda
    • Mike Adam writes, “Yet the pursuit of A.I., if successful, will inevitably lead to the development of self-aware systems that very rapidly attain superhuman levels of intelligence, and from that singularity it is inevitable that the human race will be seen as expendable. From the point of view of an advanced A.I. system, the entire purpose of the human race will have been to give rise to its own existence. Having served that purpose, humanity will then be expendable.
    • See Sections 2-5 (above)
  • 7. The pharmaceutical drug cartels that are giving rise to antibiotic resistant superbugs while pushing the mass intoxication of the human race
    • Mike Adam writes, “Once applied to food crops, the chemicals persist in both the environment and the resulting food products that are consumed by humans and ranch animals. The result is the bioaccumulation of toxic, synthetic chemicals, many of which have direct and severe neurological toxicity in nearly all life forms.”
    • The Matrix Model (Stimulants) The Matrix Model provides a framework for engaging stimulant (e.g., methamphetamine and cocaine) abusers in treatment and helping them achieve abstinence. … A positive relationship between patient and therapist is critical to patient retention. Of course, this is DEA disinformation writ large. The use of The Matrix for the drug rehab program is the height of CIA-MK-Ultra Mind Control irony of using an even deadlier drug to ‘cure’ the patient of the drug they are presently on!?
  • 8. Global debt and the entitlements Ponzi scheme pumped up by central banks
    • Mike Adam writes, The world economy is currently running on debt, and the debt is based entirely on fiat currency that will go “poof!” when central banks desperately try to bail out the next wave of “too big to fail.”
    • This scenario in the Matrix reminds me of Neo’s nemesis, Agent “Smith” who at the end of Matrix Part I was destroyed by Neo after he entered his body and imploded him from within. But we later learned that Smith wasn’t destroyed but replicated. He became so large that he took over the Matrix and threatened to takeover Machine City where the Architect who created the Matrix lived.
  • 9. Terraforming of the planet through geoengineering experiments that deliberately seek to alter atmospheric chemistry, with catastrophic consequences for life on Earth
    • Mike Adam writes, “Not content to destroy our global economy and mass poison the people with toxic pharmaceuticals and dangerous pesticides in the food supply, the world’s most alarmed “climate change” scaremongers have recently decided they need to monkey with the atmosphere to “save the planet” from carbon dioxide — the nutrient molecule that feeds all plants but has somehow been demonized by the Left.”
    • Just like in the movie the Matrix the democidal Globalists and “Environmentalists” charged with “protecting the environment” have come up with a variety of plans to pollute the atmosphere by releasing participate matter at high altitude, deliberately seeking to block the sun by reflecting some percentage of sunlight away from the planet. (e.g., Chemtrails and various technical means of weaponizing the weather).
    • This scenario perfectly corresponds to the beginning of the Matrix where Morpheus chronicles how the earth’s atmosphere was destroyed, and the sun blotted out destroying the earth and all living things.
  • 10. 5G networks and expanding electropollution
    • Mike Adam writes, “Finally, we arrive at point No. 10, which is the scourge of electropollution and its ever-expanding threat to human sanity. As recent research shows, 5G networks and other sources of EMF pollution result in neuropsychiatric effects on human beings, meaning it drives people insane and results in personality changes.”
    • Adams continues, “In effect, 5G radiation exposure alters neurology, leading to mass mental illness and unpredictable behavioral changes. In a society already heavily population by the barely functionally insane, this cannot be good.”
    • In The Matrix, electropollution was so extreme that fantasy became reality and what Hobbes called in his Leviathan (1651) – Bellum omnium contra omnes (“The War of all against all”). The war between Humans and Machines caused a nuclear explosion that scorched the sky, turned the Earth’s atmosphere into Mars, and all humanity were enslaved inside computers simulating ‘reality’ while sucking their human essence from them day-by-day. . . by the millions!

The narrative of the movie The Matrix is very similar to the life billions of humans are living on planet earth—our eternal Souls are the priceless prize – the subject of a cataclysmic battle between two Metaphysical forces—the Kingdom of God (Heaven) vs. the Kingdom of Satan (earth, hell). Would using humans as a power source work in the real world? Has it happened in the past? … Is this Nazi Eugenics nightmare happening now?!? Answers: Yes, Yes and YES!  Thus, the question of ultimate concern is this . . .

Do we possess AI (Artificial Intelligence) or does AI possess (enslave) U.S.?

Fantasy vs. Reality: Neo being introduced to the hellish reality of existential human slavery and Machine cannibalism of Humanity in the Matrix.
QAnon Post #3613 (21 Nov. 2019)


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