Symposium—Lunch with 2 New 11 year-old Students and a Jewish Mother

| April 5, 2022
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Education is the kindling of a flame, not filling of a vessel. - Socrates  Professional Education Quote
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, (b. 1961- d. 09/29/2019), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I have been blacklisted since 1989 – for over 33 yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard University’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Death certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded like animals on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, Death Taxes, Fiat/Counterfeit currency not based on Gold or Silver, but based on NOTHING!—promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers to fund False Flag Wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), then read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog that recently exceeded 20 million views @ & on Facebook#JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Socrates (470-399 B.C.) was a famous Greek philosopher from Athens, who taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle, and Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. Socrates used a simple but cleverly profound method of teaching by asking revelatory, piercing questions. The Greeks called this form “Dialectic” – starting from a thesis or question, then discussing ideas and moving back and forth between points of view to determine how well ideas stand up to critical review, with the ultimate principle of the dialogue being Veritas – Truth.

“The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”

~ Socrates

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”


When I look at you two boys (Wade & Luke) I not only see two very handsome and smart young men, I see 2 flames that, when put together, will produce a great light for the world to bear witness.

~ Professor Ellis Washington (aka Socrates)


Socrates (pseudonym for Professor Ellis Washington)



Sherri (Wade’s Jewish mother)


Prologue — Improving this Present Generation by Reaching back to the Youth Generation 

Socrates: We are gathered here together for lunch at Tijuana Joe’s on this very rainy Tuesday afternoon where I am meeting for the first time my 2 newest students, Wade Hampton and his best friend, Luke. I met Wade’s mother (Sherry) who owns HC Computer  last week when my laptop needed rebuilding. I knew she was a special lady because the very virus that I perceived to be with my laptop (“Bitlocker”), she already knew about it and had an explanation on the counter that Bitlocker was not the actual problem, but a primary program of the Microsoft operating system. As she was examining my computer, Sherri also noticed the meme I had as a screen saver regarding the real cause of the Civil War which immediately resonated with her and she took a picture of it for her son–

As we got to know one another, I mentioned that I went to Harvard with President Barack Obama (1988-89), but took an opposite path in life which I codified in my critical thinking blog— Sherri was very intrigued and spoke of her son, Wade being very interested in reading my blog. Although he is only 11, he was very intellectual beyond his years and devoured anything related to History. Sherri was kind enough to set up this lunch date so that her son, who has been reading articles and really loved them, could meet me personally and so that Wade and his good friend, Luke, could ask me many questions about my writings, but also ask me any questions about what they were interested in and about. . . LIFE.

Since I am writing about this luncheon in the Socratic dialectical style, I will take on the pseudonym of Socrates.

Sherri: (to her son) Well Wade, don’t be shy… ask Mr. Washington the question you had for him.

Wade: (hesitant but resolute) Mr. Washington, I really like reading your blog and already I’ve learned a lot about many things. My first question is this — How do you write about so much information?

Socrates: Wade you have asked a very good and difficult question. I am 60 years old and have been writing (publishing) since I was 20, encompassing about 2/3 of my life. Therefore, even years before I published my first published essays during my senior year in college (Jan. & Feb. 1983–Birth of a Conservative Intellectual Parts I and II, I was already doing a lot of reading—The more I read, the more I wanted to learn. The more I learned, the more I realized how much I didn’t know. The more I realized how much I didn’t know, the more I wanted to read. The more I read, the more I wrote, and so the Circle of Learning continued for me to this day. It reminds me of a famous saying by Socrates—

Top Best Socrates Quotes

Wade, what essays of mine have you read, and what was your favorite so far?

Wade: My favorite essay I’ve read of your so far is the one about President George H.W. Bush being a real Nazi.

Socrates: I’m very happy that you picked that essay as your favorite so far. That is a very important essay, for it teaches students about forbidden history that the public and private schools either refuse or are afraid to teach kids.

Wade: Why do the schools teach fake history?

Socrates: That’s another very intelligent and difficult question, Wade. You must understand that for many, many years we have all been living in a fake world. We exist in a construct world like a computer program. The counterfeit existence of this world reminds me of the 1999 movie The Matrix. Everything you think is real is fake, and the invisible world is, in reality, the REAL world. 

Morpheus to Neo—“Everything they told you was a [Big] Lie.” ~ The Matrix Movie (1999)

Newthink vs. Oldthink— Socratic Dialectical Inquiry – 1776-2020 – How did America (and the Western World) move from a Judeo-Christian worldview based on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (circa AD 28) to Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Wars like the American Revolution (1775-83) & the French Revolution (1789-99), the Rise of the Illuminati, Hegelian and Marxian Dialectics, Darwinian Evolution Atheism and Racialist Eugenics (Abortion), to Institutionalizing and Weaponizing Satanic Child Sacrifice, Globalist Pedophilia, MK-Ultra mind control and Zero Population networks based on the Illuminati Conspiracy of the One-World Government or the New World Order in just under 250 years?

Sherri: OK, I can see that Luke has a question he really wants to ask Socrates. Go ahead, Luke.

Luke: Socrates, what if you like a girl in school and your mother tells you to go with a girl of your own color?

Socrates: Well, I wasn’t expecting a question like that! Since you are a little boy, you are under your parents’ jurisdiction, which means that under law, you must obey them. But that doesn’t mean that you have to blindly follow everything your parents tell you to do without question. Remember, this is America. In this country we have a First Amendment, which, among many important rights, has a right called, “Freedom of Association”. What does this mean? It means that as creations of God, we possess the God ordained right to associate (or not associate) with anyone we want to (within reason). 

Luke: Socrates, what do you mean, within reason?

Socrates: Indeed, Luke your mother would have every right to stop you from hanging around older kids who were smoking, drinking and doing illegal drugs all the time? Why would she have this right to restrict you from bad associations? Because she is your parent, and she loves you VERY much and so that you don’t do anything that could hurt you and damage your life in the future. But regarding the girl you like, explain to your Mom that she married a guy from Dominica, which isn’t part of America, but a commonwealth like the Virgin Islands or Guam, and that was OK even though we don’t live in Dominica, but in America presently, right?

Sherri: Luke, I have a story similar to yours. I’m Jewish and my husband who is Wade’s father is Protestant and believes in Jesus Christ. I was told by my mother if I married my husband that I would be diluting my “Jewish blood”. However, our marriage respects all faiths—Jewish, Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim—any faith that respects the right to worship God according to your own conscious, that’s good enough for me. 

Socrates: Wade, your mother tells me that you were named after a famous Confederate General of the Civil War, General Wade Hampton III (1818-1902). I did some research about your great-great-great grandfather who was a very important figure during the Civil War and especially during the Reconstruction Era  (1865-1877) after the Civil War. 

The Hammonds, Hamptons and Prestons

Wade Hampton I (1752–1835), member of the Virginia Legislature 1782–92, U.S. Representative from South Carolina 1795–97 1803–05. Father-in-law of James Henry Hammond and John S. Preston.

James Henry Hammond (1807–1864), U.S. Representative from South Carolina 1835–36, Governor of South Carolina 1842–44, U.S. Senator from South Carolina 1857–60. Son-in-law of Wade Hampton I.[51]

John S. Preston (1809–1881), delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1860. Son-in-law of Wade Hampton I.[52]

Wade Hampton III (1818–1902), South Carolina State Senator 1858, candidate for Governor of South Carolina 1865, Governor of South Carolina 1876–79, U.S. Senator from South Carolina 1879–91. Grandson of Wade Hampton I.[53]

NOTE: Wade Hampton III was also son-in-law of U.S. Senator George McDuffie HYPERLINK “”[54] and U.S. Representative Francis Preston HYPERLINK “”[55] and brother-in-law of U.S. Senator William Campbell Preston.[56]


General Wade Hampton III, who started off at the beginning of the Civil War and into Reconstruction believing that Black people are inferior or lesser than White people, and therefore deserve to be slaves. However, a few years after the end of the Civil War and perhaps in the tragic aftermath for Black people after Reconstruction was rescinded in a dirty political deal between the Rothschild Khazarian puppet masters, the Democrats and the Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes and the so-called treacherous Compromise of 1877, General Hampton changed his mind about Black people, went into politics and was one of the most vocal supporters of equal rights for Black people to White people nearly 100 years before Dr. Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement was known to history. Your Great, Great, Great Grandfather’s journey from darkness to light reminds me of a famous quote by my favorite philosopher, Socrates—

TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » “It is better to change an opinion than to persist  in a wrong one.”

Wade, one thing your mother told me about your namesake, General Wade Hampton III that made me do my own research about this great man was that he was so devoted to equal rights for Black Americans that his enemies used his views on Civil Rights to ruin his political career, and he was shunned and blacklisted by his fellow Whites in South Carolina, later dying a broken man.

Wade: Yes, General Wade Hampton started off bad, but changed his mind and later became good.

Socrates: Indeed, adults should be respected, but we are not perfect, and many times tell lies and do things that aren’t nice. Children must learn to embrace the good from adults because they are your elders, but to reject anything that contradicts the TRUTH.

Sherri: Luke, tell Socrates your story about the incident last year at the football game. 

Luke: Last year when I was 10 years old, we were playing football when about 30 kids were teasing a handicapped kid with autism. I was very angry at how those kids were ganging up on that autistic kid, so I went over there and tried to protect that kind from the mob by putting myself between the mob and that kid by hugging that kid. 

Sherri: What Luke didn’t realize was that autistic people usually have a negative reaction to people hugging them.

Luke: When I hugged that autistic kid, he reacted crazy which made all the adults including the coaches come over to where we were to see what all the commotion was about. They saw me next to the kid, who was having an emotional episode and immediately assumed I had caused all the trouble. The referees immediately kicked me out of the game despite me trying to explain what really happened. 

Later on, the coaches and other adults listened to my side of the story along with several others who saw that I was the one trying to protect the autistic kid from the mob of 30 kids that were teasing him. They then gave me a sit-down apology. But I was so upset, I missed school for the next week. 

Socrates: Doing what you did at 10 years old was remarkable. You are a brave and courageous young man. I suggest that you and Wade keep a notebook and write down the details of this story and other major events in your life. Call your notebook, The Biography of LUKE. The Biography of WADE. I can’t wait to read your books. Even though you boys are only 11 years-old, you have many, many interesting stories to tell others about your life.

Before we leave this restaurant, let’s take a picture. {Sherri takes a picture of me and the boys which is my thumbnail picture above}

I will see you boys again real soon! Thank you all for a WONDERFUL lunch.

P.S: Wade, if you are interested, I did a 20-part essay series on the Civil War by reviewing a book by the President of the John Birch Society, Arthur Thompson which is titled—TO THE VICTOR GO THE MYTHS AND MONUMENTS—The 20 essays I wrote about this fantastic book about the Civil War are posted on my blog @

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  1. Wade Hampton Holland III says:

    It is I wade, I learned a lot from Mr. Ellis Washington and he is a really nice man.


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