Myths vs. Facts (Part 2)—Illuminati: Overall Facts

| April 4, 2019
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ALL IN THE FAMILY? President John F. Kennedy (1917 – 1963), 35th President of the United States (1961-63). Perhaps one of only 3 U.S. Presidents not
a member of a secret society. The other two are Lincoln and Trump. Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated by Deep State/Illuminati agents. To date Trump has over 18 assassination attempts on his life after 2 years, 3 months in office.
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Prologue to American Treachery: NO! Not President George Washington

Last week I had as my meme for the first installment of my series of essays on Art Thompson’s revelatory book on real history during and after America’s Revolutionary Era titled, To The Victor Goes the Myths and Monuments: The History of the First 100 Years of the War Against God and the Constitution, 1776 – 1876, and Its Modern Impact. The meme I used (cited below) was of my namesake George Washington, who by many learned observers is generally held to be one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history. However, like all humans, we are but dust. Our character is fragile, our character fickle, duplicitous and thus easily deceived by more strong, malevolent forces of the metaphysical realm who would destroy not only America but enslave the entire world.

Of course, I speak of the secret society called the Illuminati and the full-throated support President George Washington gave to this evil organization just 22 years from its inception (May 1776) in a letter to a friend, George Washington Snyder, dated Oct. 24, 1798. Washington wrote:

“It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.”

Needless to say, when I discovered this quote taken from the President Washington archives at the Library of Congress, written in his own hand, I was shocked and very disappointed but, as the Bible says—“The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” In this letter Washington (one year removed from his second term as our first President), is not only endorsing the existence of the Illuminati (along with the money of the Rothschilds who fomented the genocide of the French Revolution [casualties = 300,000-400,000] Washington goes further to laud the Illuminati as successfully infiltrating his own beloved Freemasons organization here in America. He even states how satisfied he is in discovering this news that the Illuminati is using his Freemasons as front organization to gain societal legitimacy and acceptance.

Today a growing number of people are now aware that the Freemasons were a Luciferian cult that successfully was infiltrated by the Illuminati. Thanks to Art Thompson’s opus and several other historians, it is now beyond all rational argument  that the Illuminati did great harm to dozens of nations for hundreds of years since its inception as a branch of the Jesuits in the late 1400s. Therefore, why is it logical to think that a new organization like the Illuminati would seek to infiltrate the Freemasons not only here in America, but all over the world? For world domination, and to bring as many souls to the god of this world, Lucifer (Satan).

Illuminati: Overall Facts—Episode 3


Last week if you recall we established the existence of the Illuminati beyond any reasonable doubt, and that it played a role in all revolutionary movements after its founding. Contemporary authorities like Abbe Barruel, John Robison, later Leon Trotsky, Winston Churchill, and even the state of California. This week we’re going to discuss their overall goals. Now we’ve stated that their primary goals are one-world government (to be ruled by them), and the elimination of God from public life. As part of this overall plan they have the following goals—

  • Destruction of Christianity
  • Destruction of nations in favor of internationalism (e.g., Globalism, New World Order)
  • Discouragement of patriotism with a substitute the cry for universal brotherhood
  • Abolition of family ties in marriage by means of a systemic corruption
  • Suppression of the rights of inheritance and property
  • State control of children

“They did not reveal their goals to the general public but kept it secret – not only of their society, but of its real goals. There have been several books written early on which obfuscated the goals of the Illuminati and tried to apologize for Weishaupt that he was being misunderstood. Anyone who tried to expose them was to be smeared and ridiculed as mad, and this has happened to anyone who’s ever tried to bring out the fact of the Illuminati and we can talk about that a little bit later when it is involved with the United States or early America even before the United States was formed.”

“The overall strategy concerning the existence of the Illuminati was delineated by Weishaupt. He said this –

“Conceal the very fact of our existence. If they discover us, conceal our real objective by profession of benevolence. If our real objective is perceived pretend to disband and relinquish the whole thing but assume another name and put forth new agents.”  

~ Adam Weishaupt

And that is what they have done over the years. The thing is that any time anyone exposed them or any of their fronts they were ridiculed, they were said that this had nothing to do the Illuminati, these are just people doing various things on their own, that’s a mistake, it’s ignorance, whatever excuse that they need to use for the machinations of the Illuminati.”

Before we go further with Art Thompson’s narrative let’s define our terms. What is the Illuminati?            

ILLUMANTI – people claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of  something.

“some mysterious standard known only to the illuminati of the organization”

a sect of 16th-century Spanish heretics who claimed special religious enlightenment.

noun: Illuminatus; plural proper noun: Illuminati – a Bavarian secret society founded in  1776, organized like the Freemasons.

With Illuminism defined, next let’s look at some of the goals cited above which are all diabolical: 1) Destruction of Christianity – As stated by Art Thompson in the first episode this is the first and highest goal of the Illuminati. Why? The Illuminati is a Satanic cult dedicated to the glorification of Lucifer (Satan). That said, all of their goals of necessity must be to the glorification of Satan through the destruction of Christianity, it’s singular enemy from antiquity. Thus following First Principles of goal 1 flow all of the other Illuminati goals including: Destruction of nations in favor of internationalism (e.g., Globalism, New World Order); Discouragement of patriotism with a substitute: the cry for universal brotherhood; Abolition of family ties in marriage by means of a systemic corruption; Suppression of the rights of inheritance and property and State control of children, among many other goals of course, but for the purposes of this short essay this is a good synopsis and starting point for the rest of our review of Art Thompson’s book.

Illuminati Control through dominating the publishing industry

“Now one of the tactics that the Illuminists always did was try and take over the publishing industry in any country where they had expanded – the newspapers, literature, magazines, etc.… When they were discovered by the Bavarian government they pretended to go out of business and resurfaced as The German Union. Now the German Union was really quiet an extensive front of the Illuminati. It really was a series of literary clubs (they had over 400 of them) in Germany. Now this was a series of local groups of literary clubs ostensibly established to provide literature newspapers and magazines to a wider group of people by sharing their cost,” Thompson stated.

“You see in that day literature was very expensive – magazine subscriptions newspapers everything was very expensive compared to what it is today. So, what they did was they formed these groups in their little locales, country villages across Germany – 400 of them at least – and then they shared the cost of subscriptions, new books etc., and then they would swap them around and so forth. And by this means they literally took over the publishing business in Germany by controlling what was disseminated through their reading societies. They promoted their own authors for instance and drew a veil of silence over those who were independent and were not part or parcel of their independence. So, from this time forward between the German Union and the Illuminati infiltration into German universities they set the stage for a Socialist Germany and the racial biases that culminated in the Nazi regime,” Thompson said.

This section of Thompson’s lecture reminds me of an excellent book I read on the anti-Nazi pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas who cited these two revelatory statements by Bonhoeffer regarding the dystopian, anti-moral times that set the stage for the  Rise of Hitler and the Third Reich. In 2011, I wrote a series of reviews of Metaxas book on Bonhoeffer but these passages are regarding the spiritual climate in America in the early 1930s according to Bonhoeffer where he was studying:

“[The Union students] talk a blue streak without the slightest substantive foundation and with no evidence of any criteria … They are unfamiliar with even the most basic questions. They become intoxicated with liberal and humanistic phrases, laugh at the fundamentalists, and yet basically are not even up to their level.”

“The theological atmosphere of the Union Theological Seminary is accelerating the process of the secularization of Christianity in America. Its criticism is directed essentially against the fundamentalists and to a certain extent also against the radical humanists in Chicago; it is healthy and necessary. But there is no sound basis on which one can rebuild after demolition. It is carried away with the general collapse.”

Of course, Union Theological Seminary in New York has always been a hotbed of liberal Fascism, Socialism and even Communist theology of the Democrat Party Left. One of their most noted faculty is the Black Communist Theologian, Cornel West.

Thompson further states, “All leaders of Illuminati and its progeny have been racist – Anti-Semitic, Anti-Slavs, etc. They’ve done all they can to create racial divides as a means to divide-and-conquer the people – building hatred and getting people warring against one another; either within a country or between countries. War has always been the primary means to change society. There are other means to do so as well which we will get into as we move along, but war has always been the primary means to change society and we’ll see that this is what Marx and Engels had to say in the Communist Manifesto needed to be done; not a Communist revolution as much as it was a revolution to change society. They use every means to start wars and we’ll explore this tactic as we proceed through our series.”

Illuminati: Control by Infiltration

“The Illuminati also used the tactic of infiltration into other organizations. One of the main organizations that they infiltrated and took over was the Grand Orient Masonry or Continental Masonry. The book by John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy… was written primarily to his fellow Masons in England to warn them to watch out for Illuminati agents trying to infiltrate English Masonry. Now what had happened was this Weishaupt actually invited Robison to come to Bavaria and take a look at the Illuminati organization in the attempt by Weishaupt to recruit Robison, who was a very substantial individual in the British community – well-known in the scientific and literary community and he was a top leader in English Masonry. He hoped that he could convince Robison to interject and introduce the Illuminati into British Masonry. When Robison saw what it was all about, he was appalled and subsequently did more research on top of what he had learned by being in the presence of Weishaupt and wrote the book, Proofs of a Conspiracy to warn Masonry and others of this terrible new organization called the Illuminati and its real goals.”

“Now too many people have been misled by the idea that the Conspiracy is Jewish or Masonic – the root is Illuminous, and one has to keep their eye on that reality and not be pulled off into tangents that lead nowhere. We’re going to discuss this more as we go along, but our book, To The Victor Goes the Myths and Monuments goes into why the Conspiracy cannot be Jewish or any other group or race. If it was, it would not work since those minions who serve the Conspiracy, who are not Jewish or Masonic, or whatever would realize they had no chance to rise to the top if they were excluded due to their different religion or race. After all who wants to work for somebody when they know that they haven’t got a chance of moving up the ladder of success? Or in this case the diabolical success. So that is part of the problem when people look at the Illuminati, they think it’s one thing when it really is simply all different races and people involved in this sort of thing …,” Thompson stated.

Weishaupt essentially used proto-Feminism to divide-and-conquer the sexes (Nations)

Myths vs. Facts (Part 4)—Illuminati: American Members


Despite the historical secrecy of the Illuminati, would the twenty-first century which has continued the birth of Modernity beginning in 1900 make the need of surreptitious lists like that of the Illuminati to be passé? Perhaps, but why? Since the Socialist Revolutions of President Woodrow Wilson (1913-21) and FDR (1933-45) over 100 years ago Socialism (one of the pillars of the Illuminati) has become accepted in American politics. Thus, for the past 100 years, perhaps longer, the Democrat Socialist Party has become the de facto political, social, religious, economic, judicial, business, medical organization for all things anti-Constitutional, radical, perverted and evil in American society. As we explore Art Thompson’s excellent opus, I would imagine that all of the American members of the Illuminati would be card-carrying members of the Democrat Socialist Party—then and now, and thus by definition imbedded Traitors to America that must be exposed and brought to justice.


“Well welcome back to another week’s Myths versus Facts. We’re going to stick with the Illuminati. Let’s get a little more specific about just who were members of the Illuminati. Now there have been several books which detail the known membership of the Illuminati, but one thing is quite noticeable about them all it is the lack of naming any Americans who were members. Of all the members of the Illuminati, Americans are the most secretive. Of all the books who talk about the Illuminati, very few referenced the Illuminati Manifesto of World Revolution.

This volume included a list submitted to the Austrian government in Vienna by the government of Bavaria of high individuals who were members of the Illuminati. Keep in mind that Bavaria was the state in which the Illuminati was founded. This list contained the names of Lafayette and Thomas Paine.

General Lafayette: High Priest of the Secret Societies

“Lafayette probably belonged to more secret societies than just about anyone you can name. He was always dabbling in revolutionary causes and always found a way to get out of any pickle he found himself in relative to who held the power of government at any time. By the time Lafayette came to the United States in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of our country, he was a leader of the Carbonari in France you may recall that Trotsky said that the Carbonari was the culmination of the left-wing of the Illuminati,” according to Thompson.

“It is interesting that there are two full sized portraits that hang in front of the House of Representatives – the one on the left is of George Washington – the one on the right is of Lafayette. Most people who are unfamiliar with this fact cannot identify the person of Lafayette or say why he has the same position of honor as Washington. Certainly, there were more individuals in the American Revolution from foreign countries that helped far more then Lafayette did – Von Stuben, Pulaski and Kosciusko. It’s my opinion that Lafayette was placed there due to his position in the Conspiracy, not his position in our Revolution although that may be the public excuse. But why him? There are several men from European countries who came to America to help us that did far more than he did for the cause and by the way why isn’t another American up there like John Adams or someone like that?

Thomas Paine… A Proto-Communist?

Thomas Paine wrote a very brilliant essay called Common Sense (1775-76) which helped rally Americans to the cause of Liberty. After that he became more of a radical than a Common Sense revolutionary. His writing since he moved to England had become the stuff of the Communist lexicon – to set the stage for  the indoctrination of youth into the Socialist Movement. His book, The Age of Reason (1794), on the title page part three had this to say about its contents –

“An examination of the passages of the New Testament quoted from the

Old and called prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. To which is prefixed   

an essay on dreams also in appendix containing the contradictory

doctrines between Matthew and Mark.”

“So, we see right in the frontispiece a questioning of Scripture if you will. Paine’s Rights of Man (1791) contained the ideas of the welfare state, the graduated income tax, old-age pensions, and public housing. By 1797, Paine embraced an inheritance tax. While in England after leaving the United States, Paine started a few units of Illuminati and between that and his writings he was forced to flee Britain to France where he was made a member of the Revolutionary Assembly even though he was a non-citizen of France. Robespierre (1758-94), the head of the Revolutionary Government, had a habit of incarcerating any rival for his power and this he did to Paine. No one seems to know how Paine avoided the guillotine, but he lived to see Robespierre die. We will visit Paine again during our segment on the French Revolution and the Illuminati influence there,” said Thompson.

“No one knows for sure, or no one who does has ever published the exact number of members of the Illuminati. The estimates range from a few hundred to three thousand… By all indications the numbers are not that important as we will show next week it is how they’re organized. They all work together under monolithic leadership they worked on the same things at the same time and while they had a general agenda they were called upon to work on singular issues and items within political boundaries. This gave them greater weight than if they were simply doing this on their own as individuals even though they had a common, general goal,” Thompson stated.

“Adam Weishaupt kept his leadership even more secret than the organization. Once his

leadership was exposed several of his top lieutenants quit the Illuminati because they felt they were better leaders than he was. [Weishaupt stated] “Any really secret society keeps its leadership as the greatest secret of all.” This is why it is next to impossible to ferret out the conspiracy’s leadership today. Next week [Episodes 5-6] we will talk about the French Revolution a revolution from which France has never recovered.”

Epilogue—Utopia or Dystopia?

Remember since the Garden of Eden where humanities progenitors—Adam and Eve sold out the souls of billions and billions of humanity down through the Ages, for what? For Enlightenment from Satan who promised to give secret knowledge to Adam and Eve that he accused God of withholding from them if they only bowed to his will (over God’s commandments to the contrary) and eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

This tale of tragedy and woe has been a reoccurring, grotesque leitmotif throughout the Ages of Mankind and has taken shape in various Mystery Cults of mankind dating back to antiquity—Babylon Mystery Cults of Nimrod and his mother/wife Semiramis, Gnosticism, the Catholic Church which is the integration of Paganism, Gnosticism and Pseudo Christianity, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the CIA, FBI, NSA, Globalism, New World Order, and other secret societies and secret institutions that have enslaved mankind from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, until 2019.

Suggested Readings:

  1. Art Thompson, To the Victor Goes the Myths and the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016).
  2. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy  (John Birch Society, [1797], 1967 ed.).
  3. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, [1797], 2002 ed.).
  4. Ellis Washington, Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law, Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2011).

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