Myths vs. Facts (Part 3)—Influence in the French Revolution

| April 19, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The French Revolution and the Illuminati influence had such an effect on the future of Europe until one can trace all totalitarian movements such as Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism to organizations in the French Revolution.

~ Art Thompson, CEO of The John Birch Society [Episode 6]

The more things change; the more things remain the same.

~ Alphonse Karr (attribution to George Bernard Shaw)

There are no crimes, only criminals.

~ Robespierre

Prologue to a Utopia or Dystopia?

What is a Utopia? It is a mythological society where everything is perfect and there is no suffering. What is a Dystopia? It is the opposite or the aftermath of what an atheistic Utopia devolves into after a few years—tyranny, perversion, pathology, poverty, ignorance, crime, Genocide, Democide. Did you know that the subject of today’s review—The French Revolution (1789-1800) was a Utopia?

A few years ago I did a series of essays on the iconic book of this subject matter,The Faber Book of Utopias (edited by John Carey). While The Faber Book of Utopias contains well over 100 examples of Utopias by writers from our earliest history down through the Ages to Modern Times, one thing they all have in common—they all ended in tragic, catastrophic failure, in abandonment, or in most cases either in Genocide or Democide or both. This is Part 3 of my review of Art Thompson, CEO of The John Birch Society and his lecture series on American History: 1776-1876.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 5) – Influence of the French Revolution


“Welcome back starting with this segment of Myths vs. Facts. We will start to bring the names of some Americans into the discussion; in many cases you will be initially offended since you have never heard of the history. We will present our book, To The Victor Goes the Myths and Monuments: The History of the First 100 Years of the War Against God and the Constitution, 1776 – 1876, and Its Modern Impact, which details and substantiates what we shall say. Stay with us it gets very interesting.”

“It is very seldom that the influence of the Illuminati on the French Revolution is ever brought up, and what it is denied that there’s any influence, or that influence is underplayed. The influence of the Illuminati on the French Revolution existed as we have seen in earlier segments as stated by Winston Churchill. The problem with this segment of history and the role of the Illuminati is that there are those who deliberately obfuscate the role of the Illuminati and constantly deny the Illuminati influence. Then there are those who have not looked deep enough. Lastly, there are those who do not understand organization and its importance historically and politically – the value of organization is very important in understanding how movements start and grow. There are some historians who say that less than 30 members of the Illuminati were involved in the Revolution therefore they couldn’t have had much influence on the Revolution.”

“Let us give you an example of how a couple of dozen people working in concert can affect the outcome of a Revolution. First of all, we see Illuminati members such as Filippo Buonarroti (1761-1837) who started The Sublime Perfect Masters. Several lodges of these Masters were established in France controlled by the Illuminous Buonarroti during the Revolution. The Asiatic Brethren, at the time the Illuminati leadership was unknown they just thought it sprang up in and of itself, but it was run by Illuminous Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) – that’s by the way where we get the word mesmerized. Mesmer started 20 Harmony Lodges in France and ruled over them. Johann Joachim Christoph Bode (1731-93), recruited the Marquis de Savalette de Langes (1745-97) the head of The Paris Amis Reunis Lodge. Members of this Lodge were the heads of all the movements of the Revolutions of 1789 and 1792. Alessandro Calley Ostrow founded The Egyptian Right Lodges all over France. Dr. Boileau started the Log Contract Social.  And last, Nicholas Bonneville (1760-1828), Cercle Social did likewise across France back into Germany and into America.”

“Now here you only have really six members of the Illuminati and the leadership of these lodges besides those that were in the Asiatic Brethren’s huge influence due to the means by which they organized others into their web. Nicholas Bonneville perhaps was the most important of all these Illuminous since his organization had a profound influence on America and the ultimate formation of the Nazi and Communist movements. Let’s quote Karl Marx and Engels on this. They said,

This the revolutionary movement which began in 1789 and the Cercle Social, which in the middle of its course has as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s Conspiracy was temporarily defeated, gave rise to the Communist idea which Babeuf’s friend Buonarroti reintroduced in France after the Revolution of 1830. This idea, consistently developed, is the idea of the New World Order.”

“Now this is a quote from The Holy Family published in 1844 four years before Marx and Engels published The Communist Manifesto (1848), they say the Communist idea of a New World Order. We will explore this further in the weeks ahead. Now Bonneville’s Cercle Social led the way for the innovation of many of the tactics used today in the Conspiracy we battle in modern times. For instance, the use of Semantics – changing the meaning of words. The formation of Fronts such as their Universal Federation of the Friends of Truth which had six thousand members. Publishing organs like their paper The Mouth of Iron reaching several thousands. Another paper they issued was The People’s Tribune. As a matter of fact the use of the term Tribune in almost every newspaper founded within a few decades after this were founded based on the Socialist ideas of Bonneville. And they attributed their name of their papers to the Tribune.”

“They were also a cult and Anti-Christian and formed so-called churches out of their midst to promote occultism and being against the Christian religion. Now again we’re looking at a handful of people wielding tremendous influence through organization in the building of fronts and newspapers. Semantics was used to overturn the old society and institute the forerunner of what we call today “Political Correctness” by what words were socially acceptable or unacceptable.  They offered new meanings to words; even the opposite of the original meaning in some cases. They even wrote a new dictionary to foster these changes. Bonneville, for instance is credited with introducing the greeting “Citizen” rather than the polite manner of address in France at the time – Monsieur.”

Atheist Paine – Creator of “Churches”?

Napoleon Illuminati?

Thomas Paine lived with Bonneville for a number of years and they shared many things, including Bonneville’s wife. Benjamin Franklin was the man who originally encouraged a young Paine to immigrate to America, and we will discuss this in a future segment.  Paine started The First Church of the Philanthropy in 1797. Soon eighteen of these churches were formed in Paris. They were finally banned by Napoleon (1804-15), but at the time the movement had already moved into America. Members of the Illuminati in France decided to call themselves at one point the Philadelphus in order to throw off the authorities from what and who they really were. This likewise has thrown off historians as to Illuminati influence. Now the story is too long to include herein but as a result of the Reign of Terror and the ascendancy of Napoleon to the leadership of France the Illuminati went more underground and their influence was curtailed due to the authority of Napoleon. In a nutshell, the Illuminati helped bring Napoleon to power, and then he turned on them. This is also the case later when his nephew, Napoleon III (1808-73), was put in power by the Illuminous and then he turned on them as well.”

“For those who believe that it’s an impossible thing to defeat the Conspiracy there are lessons to learn from a French Revolution for all of the influence of the Illuminati after installing themselves into the leadership of France they lost control to Robespierre and then Napoleon and then again with Napoleon III. While the results of the loss of Illuminati control could be said was possibly worse under Robespierre it was slightly better under Napoleon and not that excessive under Napoleon III, we’ll get into more of this next week.”

Epilogue: Veritas Education = LIFE – Liberal Education = DEATH

When Thompson writes, “The French Revolution and the Illuminati influence had such an effect on the future of Europe until one can trace all totalitarian movements such as Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism to organizations in the French Revolution,” in my opinion he has made a strong and substantive historical assertion that you would perhaps never hear taught today by a history teacher in our Communist public school systems, nor from a PhD Professor of History from any of our top Ivy League institutions like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Cornell, University of Chicago… Why? As I stated in Parts I & II of my series on Thompson’s excellent book reviewed here – QUI BONO? – Who benefits? When you ask yourself, who benefits from a Communist education system based on miseducation, lies, perverted history, immorality, deceit, societal deconstruction and democide, the obvious answer you have is stated by the Founding Father of the genocidal and democidal French Revolution, Robespierre—

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 6) – French vs. American Revolutions


“We are spending time on the French Revolution and the effect of the Illuminati on that event due to the profound influence that it had on American politics at the time – even up to today in the Western world, and even into the Middle East.  Americans believe the French Revolution was the same as ours. It was the American Revolution that protected God-given rights, it limited government – in other words it gave us Liberty. Whereas the French Revolution was based on democracy, atheism, and gave them Tyranny. The American people were better educated in the elements of freedom and this has always been a problem for the Conspiracy in its attempts to subvert the American

System.  As John Adams wrote,

But what do we mean by the American Revolution do we mean the American War? The Revolution was affected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”

“Now that was the condition before the war and the Revolution would never have happened without the change in the American people. As to the need of what we needed after we obtained our Liberty, John Adams had this to say, “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” As you can see knowledge is so important and this is the foundation of the overall strategy of The John Birch Society – education first, action second. As a result, we shall explore in a later segment how the Illuminous have done all they can to limit the knowledge of the American people.”

The French Revolution = Proto-Communism = Devout Islam

“The French Revolution was the forerunner of all Communist Revolutions. The American Revolution, on the other hand, was the beginning of human progress all around the world. In the Middle East today the Marxist movements look to the French Revolution not the American Revolution as to their beginning. The Egyptian Brotherhood and the Ba’ath political movements look to the French Revolution as their root. This can be documented by looking up the Ba’ath movement and who started it you can do that on your own. Father Yaka a leader of the Egyptian Brotherhood in the 1960s said this—’The groundwork for the French Revolution was laid by Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquieu; the Communist Revolution realized the plans by Marx, Engels and Lenin…The same holds for us as well.’ So, the foundations or the founders of both of these Marxist-based movements in the Middle East have stipulated that their roots go back to the French Revolution. The Ba’ath movement has had a great effect on some of the countries of the Middle East such as Iraq and Syria even into Iran. You couldn’t look up the Ba’ath movement online and find out who their leaders were and then look into their biographies and you will see they all look to the French Revolution as the beginnings of their philosophy, not the Koran.”

On the morning of April 15th, a fire broke out in the attic of the 870-year-old Cathedral of Notre Dame, an iconic and historical cathedral in France. Under the 2-year leadership of the feckless, Globalist French President, Emmanuel Macron France has been in utter chaos. Macron has deep links to the Illuminati, having come to the highest post in France from nowhere. His mission: Through a series of False Flag events destroy France and Europe and prepare it for the Globalist New World Order.

Macron, a Modern Day Robespierre?

Macron was a banker for the Rothschilds and we know that the Rothschilds and the Illuminati have alliances dating back to the French Revolution where among their many grotesqueries was the fact that they hated the Catholic Church and Christianity and therefore killed many clergy, Christians (including between 100,000-300,000 French Christians at the Vendée when they refused to renounce their faith. Robespierre and the Jacobins also burned down many hundreds of churches and cathedrals all over France in their demonic, atheistic obsession to rid France of Christianity during the French Revolution.

Thus, in modern times we witness history repeating itself in France 220 years since the end of the French Revolution – Robespierre presided over the burning down of hundreds of churches and cathedrals during his evil reign (1792-94). Likewise, the Globalist, Illuminous President Emmanuel Macron has presided over the destruction of almost 1,000 churches from 2018-April 2019… and counting! Playwright George Bernard Shaw was certainly correct when he said—”The more things change; the more things remain the same.” In my opinion, the Gestapo Globalist and Illuminist French President Macron is a modern-day version of the infamous Robespierre.

Paris Burning—Police: 875 French Catholic Churches Desecrated in 2018 Alone. The number rises to 1,063 when you include desecration of cemeteries and other sites in 2018. The Muslim terrorist group ISIS created by the Deep State Globalists including Obama, Hillary, England Prime Minister Teresa May, Germany Prime Minister Angela Merkel and other New World Order traitors – of course rejoiced as the most iconic symbol of French Christianity was set ablaze… Disgusting! Qui bono? Who benefits? Devout Islam, the New World Order, or both?

“The American War of Independence established and maintained individual freedom and limited government, whereas the French Revolution established a Reign of Terror in the guillotine beheading untold thousands who were so-called ‘enemies of the State’ – royalty, priests, nuns, even common citizens. Isn’t it strange how totalitarians love cutting people’s heads off? The French Revolution was inspired by Illuminati forces and their minions. It tried to eliminate religion and soon under Napoleon tried to unite Europe by force. Many Frenchmen died because they refused to renounce their faith in one province alone in the Vendée at least 100,000, some say up to 300,000 devout Christians were slaughtered by the French army – their own men, women and children, for their refusal to acknowledge the rule of an atheist government. There are shrines that exist today in the Vendée that contained their bones.”

“The French Revolution and the Illuminati influence had such an effect on the future of Europe until one can trace all totalitarian movements such as Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism to organizations in the French Revolution. To make sure the record was even more hidden than what it was, the Nazi Gestapo seized the records of French Illuminated lodges that existed during the French Revolution. Now whether these records are archived or not, whether the Germans still have them or not, or whether they were destroyed immediately, or at the end of World War II is unknown. If these records still exist, it would behoove some student of the history of the Illuminati with a command of both the German and French languages to try and ferret them out and to publish them. We believe that such information would be very pertinent to the history of the United States as well based on the Americans who were involved at the time such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and others. Some of these Americans imported Illuminism to our country we will begin to demonstrate this in our next segment.”

Epilogue to the Mother of All Liberal Fascist Political Groups

You will never fully understand the Machiavellian motivations and democidal deceit of the political Left in America, in Europe, and throughout the world unless one understands their philosophical political roots of all Leftist-Communist-Fascist thinking in modern times—The French Revolution (1789-1800). The demonic ‘hook’ that they’ve used to fool the mob (the people) is their promise of ‘Utopia’ – a heavenly state of affairs on earth under human control. As I stated in my Prologue to this essay, every man-made attempt of establishing a Utopia throughout history has always devolved into Dystopia – abandonment, political chaos, confusion, tyranny and eventually genocide, and democide.

This willful ignorance of Utopia history reminds me of the commentary by John Carey, editor of The Faber Book of Utopias wrote regarding the great English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes’s magnum opus, Leviathan (1651) – “The idea that people can live under government and be free is, as he [Hobbes] points out, ridiculous. To talk of a “free subject” is just as illogical “as if a man should talk to be of a round quadrangle.” As much as I hate to admit it Hobbes was right, the history of Humanity is the history of societal catastrophe, deconstruction, tyranny, yet the atheist Hobbes’s cynicism about the irredeemable qualities of Humanity was overstated because the Bible says, “With God all things are possible.” In other words, America’s constitutional Framers knew about the ideas and writings of Hobbes, but they chose other moral, Christian writers to base their Constitution on, most notably – William Blackstone, Charles Montesquieu, John Locke and the B-I-B-L-E!

To summarize Mr. Art Thompson’s lecture on the French Revolution (Episodes 5 & 6) brings to mind two things: First, that it is beyond all rational argument the French Revolution was the mother of all modern-day Liberal Fascist Political groups, organizations and political parties – the most notable and enduring of course being the Democrat Socialist Party in America which continues its anti-America crusade to purge U.S. and society of our Judeo-Christian foundations and traditions. Secondly, a famous aphorism from the Bible by King Solomon from Ecclesiastes 1:9 – There is nothing new under the sun. What does this mean? History has an ebb and flow to, if it doesn’t repeat exactly, it rhymes. History has a distinct and therefore predictable rhythm that those serious students of history will be able to detect and categorize and associate with other seemingly disparate and unrelated events. However, a strong caution must be stated emphatically here that one can only connected seemingly disconnected strands of history handed to us down through the Ages only if one does not have an agenda other than VERITAS (truth).

The political meme above is not hyperbole or a joke. I wish it was, but it succinctly summarizes the main political campaign policies put for by some of the leading Democrat Party candidates in lieu of the 2020 presidential election. As one reads this list of infamy, I posted this meme on my Facebook page on April 8th with this caption—

  • DEATH VOTE vs. LIFE VOTE… You choose in 2020!

In other words, I was synthesizing the popular political policy positions down to its lowest common denominator as Socrates would do 2,500 years ago using his iconic Socratic dialectical reasoning. Thus, the meme above comes down to this binary choice by the voters – either you vote Democrat = Death Vote vs. Republican = Life Vote. I state this dualism in such stark terms not because the Republicans are inherently more morally superior than Democrats (I have my issues with Republicans also), but on these issues stated as bullet points in the above meme, every one of them deals either directly or indirectly with killing a person (abortion = killing babies [even after they’re born] vs. protecting the most venal people in society = Pedophiles; a place ( = America and the world being systematically deconstructed through Gestapo Globalism = Communism); a thing (the economy, Open borders = No more U.S.A., Slavery Reparations = Ignores the fact the Democrat Party weaponized slavery as a political cudgel for over 230 years); an institution (schools, military, elections).

Fascism = Jacobinism

So, when Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tries to get Congress to pass her “Green New Deal”, it’s the same fascism as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Old “New Deal” from 1934-45. Fascism = Jacobinism, thus when President Reagan stated that Fascism was really the basis of the New Deal, historically he could have went further back in history by stating that the French Revolution was the basis of the New Deal and all Leftist, democidal politics in modern times.

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