Myths vs. Facts (Part 4) – Illuminati Comes to America

| May 9, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Our dialectical philosophy abolishes all the notions of absolute and definitive truth.

~ Frederick Engels, Eulogy to Karl Marx

Although no evidence existed for the Federalist paranoia, some Illuminatists, Martinists, or Mesmerists made it to the United States.

~ Mark A. Lause, A Secret Society History of the Civil War (2011)

Prologue to Gnosticism – the root of all Ancient Secret Society Cults down through the Ages

In the Bible Jesus’s brother, the disciple James spoke out against secret societies, secret lodges, or what was then called the Cult of Gnosticism which claimed hidden or secret knowledge when he told the first century church of Christians in James 5:12 –  “… but let your nay be nay and your yea be yea.” In other words Christians were to always be truthful and honest with people and not to group themselves together under duplicitous and diabolical, secretive and surreptitious circumstances for all of these tactics and strategies are of your enemy the devil designed to ‘make it’ in this materialistic, fallen world that he (Satan) is the king thereof. How? This globalist treason is manifested primarily through the societal entities we call “Institutions”— Church, Culture, Law, Courts, Business, Politics, Medicine, Art, Architecture, Media, Academia, Book Publishing, Sports, Entertainment, Economics, Science, Humanities, Foreign Policy, etc.…

In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught his disciples what to pray for – “Give us this day our daily bread.” What this seemingly simple passage teaches us is that God understands that we are but dust, we are weak and have daily, physical and worldly needs that must be met otherwise humanity would perish. The question is this – Who do you go to for your needs – God or Satan? God wants us to come to Him for ‘our daily bread’ e.g., our daily food, clothing, health, jobs, money, and welfare needs that all humanity requires. Nevertheless, history has demonstrated to us repeatedly that human nature is evil, duplicitous, diabolical and deceitful, thus instead of following God’s path clearly outlined in the Bible in scriptures that I quoted above and in hundreds of other passages, mankind because of Greed and Pride has through the Ages gone down the opposite path… the Left hand path, the path of Satan, Satanism and Satanic ritual sacrifice we have come to know in modern times as Secret Societies, Mystery Religions, or the Cult of Gnosticism.

What is Gnosticism? In an earlier essay I had written in 2018 titled, Symposium—On the Confederacy, Nazism and Gnosticism, I wrote the following about the Satanic origins of all secret societies of mankind euphemistically referred to as Gnosticism—

“According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Gnosticism is defined as—”a dualistic religion that offered salvation through special knowledge (gnosis) of spiritual truth.” Concerning Gnosticism, it further states that—

“Another frequently encountered theme is that there is a special class or race of humans that is descended from the transcendent realm and is destined to achieve salvation and to return to its spiritual origins. Salvation is understood as a revelation that reawakens knowledge (gnosis) of the race’s divine identity; in contrast, the traditional Christian emphasis is on redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

“Historically speaking, Gnosticism is the cult of all cults for it provides Satan’s counterfeit thinking or Weltanschauung (worldview) as a substitute for truth of the Word of God by placing man’s thoughts above God’s will and over God’s Kingdom.”

Thus, in Modern Times the Cult of the Secret Society, the Cult of Gnosticism has descended like a cancer, like a bubonic plague on all Humanity down through the Ages. Therefore, whether you talk of seemingly benign “Greek Societies” existing today on all college campuses (Fraternities and Sororities), political groups (Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Constitutional Party, Green Party, Natural Law Party), Churches (particularly the oldest Catholic Church that is in reality a syncretic Cult that blended Old World Greco-Roman idolatry and paganism with Christianity), etc.… These and many other American institutions are infected with the Cult of Gnosticism, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, Rosicrucian secret society Satanism brought to America from Europe by men like Franklin, Jefferson, Paine, Clymer, General Layfette, John Paul Jones and others.

What we refer to today as the Illuminati (e.g., Enlightened Ones) only continues the Satanic Gnostic Cult of chosen ones in society who are superior to their common man banding together in secret societies to disseminate hidden or forbidden knowledge to themselves and their elite, chosen membership. As Pastor Paul Tillich would query, the question of ultimate concern here is this – Who is the intellectual Father of all Secret Societies under the Cult of Gnosticism – God or Satan?

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 7) – Illuminati: Who Brought it to America?


“Welcome back to another week of Myths vs. Facts. Again, we are concentrating on the illuminati influence in the French Revolution (1789-1800) because of the effect that the French Revolution had on worldwide Communism, but particularly on early American politics. During the sojourn of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and France, the

influence of the Illuminati was paramount in the various lodges and societies frequented by these two gentlemen, particularly The Lodge of the Nine Sisters (La Loge des Neuf Sœurs). John Paul Jones and Thomas Paine also frequented this Lodge. Now the differences between lodges and societies was that generally, but not always, societies had membership, but not initiation, and lacked ritual common to secret societies. Lodges however were based on the standard fare of secrecy and the idea of becoming part of a higher order above the common man. Such institutions catered to those who felt above other people or who wanted to become better than others by the companionship and a sense of secret knowledge of the Ages as if such knowledge did not leak out over the centuries. Such was the example of the Rosicrucians.”

The Council of Three: Franklin, Clymer, Paine

“Now the records of The Lodge of the Nine Sisters (and frequented by the previously mentioned Americans) were confiscated by the Gestapo, so we do not have a good record of those who attended or who were the Illuminous – whether they allowed non initiates to attend from time to time or not? It is known that they held special affairs where it was more open, for instance when they initiated the feeble Voltaire as a god where he was led to the ceremony on the arm of Benjamin Franklin. Voltaire died a few months later. It was Voltaire who suggested a secret society based on what became the Illuminati and its program (although there is no direct evidence) that there is a connection. Another lodge frequented by Americans, The Humanadid Lodge, a Rosicrucian entity. According to all the books published by the Rosicrucians while in Europe, Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer, and Thomas Paine were at the pinnacle of that organization and constituted what was called The Council of Three. In other words, they ran the entire Rosicrucian structure from the top down.”

“Now the Council of Three members of the Rosicrucians again were Franklin, Clymer and Paine. Later, Lafayette replaced Paine. Now both Paine and Lafayette were known Illuminous. Both Lafayette and Franklin belong to The Humanadid Lodge in Paris. It was Rosicrucian and no historian refutes the fact that Lafayette and Franklin were part of this Lodge. Since the majority of The Council Three were Americans it is illogical to believe that they did not bring the cult back to America when they returned. There’s no evidence of this in any form that we’re aware of at least, but the circumstantial evidence would seem to be so. Since the Council of Three would be revived to the surface once again about thirty-five years later and this time in America. More on this aspect in a future segment.”

“Rosicrucianism is far more difficult to research than Illuminism and apparently there’s an overlapping aspect between the two organizations even though the Rosicrucians claimed to be an enemy of the Illuminati. What facts are known make this claim suspect,  in fact one of the levels of membership within the Rosicrucian is known as the Illuminati. Also, the early Rosicrucian Council always contained a member of the Illuminati. We have seen some of the writings and publications of modern Rosicrucians that are for their members only. They’re steeped in ancient Egyptian religion as well as humanism. They are quite bizarre, and it makes one wonder how modern man can believe in such mysteries. There is nothing new and rather just ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead tripe. Years ago, they used to advertise for followers in the National Review magazine. We know that regardless of the truth of the matter Franklin, Jefferson and other Americans living in France brought back with them to America a religion that was decidedly anti-Christian, and, in some cases, anti-God. We will discuss these matters in future segments dealing with the direct influence of the Illuminati through France.”

“Let us add here that what we are presenting is not a detailed account of the Illuminati that takes way too much time and it is all contained in our book, To The Victor Goes the Myths and Monuments: The History of the First 100 Years of the War Against God and the Constitution, 1776 – 1876 and Its Modern Impact. Some have said we have not discussed the spiritual aspect of the fight. We figured that the organization’s goal of being anti-God was sufficient to understand that problem. We know that the Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776. When it ceased to exist, if it ceased to exist, came well into the 1820s for sure. Because there is no definitive evidence of the organization after this time, although Illuminati members continued to be in the leadership of subversive organizations.”

Was Karl Marx in the Illuminati?

“After this time, we have no evidence that [for example] Marx was an Illuminous. He was a flunky that wormed his way to an influential position in the movement with the help of his friend Frederick Engels. Now don’t get us wrong Marx was very important, but only much later. If he had been in an Illuminati early on, his rise would have been much quicker. We have no evidence of what organization may have replaced the Illuminati, or if it was replaced, we do know that the tactic of Weishaupt was always to make it appear as if the organization dissolved but then come back as a different group under different agents. More will become clear as we proceed, but if you want the complete story, we remind you again to get our book, so order now and follow along.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 8) – Illuminati into Communism


“Welcome back again this week to another segment of Myths vs. Facts. We’re going to talk about the Illuminati evolving into Communism. First, we have to realize that the Illuminati was (maybe it still is) a Conspiracy, we just don’t know if it exists today or not. As such it is illogical to believe that as a Conspiracy, you’d only have one face to implement its agenda. It’s similar to the legend of the Hydra, cut off one head and another will grow in its place. Now Winston Churchill, you may recall from an earlier segment, wrote that all revolutionary movements in the 1800’s emanated from the Illuminati. This would include Anarchism, the Carbonari, and especially Communism. These revolutionary movements may seem to oppose one another, but in reality, they have the same conspiratorial father – the Illuminati, and they all have the same basic agenda regardless of the road they take to achieve it… and the call for a One-world government.”

“The origins of these revolutionary movements that exist today tell us that there’s a common thread and that they may even probably have a common unknown leadership – not only unknown by the general public, but even unknown by the members of such groups. Let us return to the legend of the Hydra since it fits nicely into the instructions of the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt when he said, “A cover is always necessary.” And he said, “Conceal the very fact of our existence.” If one exposes the head of the Hydra a new head replaces it. When dealing with secret societies this is common.

Hercules vs. the Hydra

Now Frederick Engels, Karl Marx’s partner, explains the process in a piece he wrote in 1885 that there were actually two levels of Communism, one open and one secret. The secret Conspiracy (and even unknown to Communist members themselves) it was this group behind the scenes that constituted part of the real Conspiracy. We quote from a few lines of On the History of the Communist League by Frederick Engels he said in 1836, “The most extreme elements of the secret Democratic-Republicans Outlaws League… split off and formed the new secret League of the Just. The League… was at that time not much more than the German branch of the French secret societies “ Now some of you may wish to access this particular article and see it in its entirety so we’ll provide a link to it in the description and you can go there and read it.”

“What Engels was describing as a secret society derived from the Illuminati which controlled the French secret societies and [was an] important link in the Illuminati to the infant Communist organization. Since it was secret, only the members of the seat of the secret society knew who the real leaders were, but that’s only an assumption; it is entirely possible that only the leaders of the secret society knew of their parentage and actual leadership. Now this is extended into modern times in the Communist movement and we have two examples of this in Dr. Bela Dodd and Benjamin Gitlow. Both who served on the Central Committee of the Communist Party USA in the late 1930s into the 1940s. In both instances, each thought they were at the very top of the Communist Party, yet they discovered they were not. Benjamin Gitlow was the editor of the Communist Party organ, The Worker. He wrote a book called “The Whole of their Lives” which exposed how the party functioned and how he came to realize that there was a force in other words a leadership behind-the-scenes that even he could not see. He knew it existed because he saw their results but was never able to identify It.”

“Dr. Bella Dodge story is outlined in the book, The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen where she describes how she was instructed by Moscow to follow the orders of the three wealthy American capitalists. She ended up by saying, “I would certainly like to find out who was really running things.” Now here are two examples where they had no idea there was a hidden agenda, a hidden leadership, and that they were being manipulated all the while holding top-level positions in the Communist Party. The surface Communist movement is controlled by a secret upper echelon leadership unseen by anyone, and it has been this way since its foundations out of the Illuminated secret societies in France. We have the word of Engels for this. This is one of the reasons that the Conspiracy does all it can to stop people from thinking about any political conspiracy that comes close to the real story. Exposure is a very important step towards stopping a conspiracy. We shall see how important a role this plays in a future segment on President Andrew Johnson. Exposure remains an important aspect of stopping what is happening in our country today. This series is only a background to begin to show what we are dealing with is a Conspiracy extending back to the Illuminati and retains the main agenda of the Illuminati today, so Communism came out of illuminism – next week Nazism.

Epilogue—Fascism of Robespierre or Faith in Jesus Christ?

In 1792 when Robespierre was elevated to head the National Assembly in the early years of the French Revolution he had two immediate objectives: 1) Dissolve the Monarchy and send King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette to the guillotine; 2) Dissolve the National Assembly which gave him the authority to do objective #1 and in its place make his political party – The Jacobins – the supreme and only authority in all of France to use as a merciless cudgel to rid France of its eternal enemy – Christianity. His genocidal/democidal motto was—“There are no crimes, only criminals.” In other words, in the mind of Robespierre (and every wicked authoritarian before and after him) everyone was already guilty, thus the only issue to be determine is what place in line would you be in as you approached the guillotine?

About 1800 years earlier an itinerate Jewish rabbi named Jesus said that, “I have come to set the captive free.” When we examine the 3½ years Jesus ministered on planet earth we see time and time again that he preached a gospel of freedom and liberty, veritas and holiness, but also a gospel of the counterintuitive, or a gospel of the ironic. For example, consider these rather anti-Robespierre-isms—

  • ~ Matthew 19:30But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
  • ~ Matthew 18:3And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
  • ~ Matthew 5:18 – For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
  • ~ Mark 10:14But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
  • ~ 1 Corinthians 14:20 Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
  • ~ Matthew 5:20For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees [the Secret Society Cult of the times of Jesus], ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The world stands at the precipice of the abyss, genocide and democide. How much better off would humanity have been had we followed the holy and righteous doctrine of Jesus Christ rather than the fascism and democide of the evil Robespierre and his Jacobin Party of the French Revolution from which the Socialist and Communist ideas of Karl Marx would come forth just 50 years later in the publication of his Communist Manifesto (1848).

The Book of Genesis and the Law of First Principles

The Cult of Gnosticism, the Cult of the Illuminati and all secret societies known to humanity including Freemasons can be traced back to the book of Genesis in the Bible. Film animator, Peniel Ngonde, my friend and colleague from England has done many outstanding and revelatory video sermons on how Satan has used Freemasonry, the Illuminati and other secret societies and Gnostic Cults to deceive billions of people in and outside the church. *N.B.: For further reference listen to his video sermon titled – A Freemason Raptured to Hell to see Albert Pike.

Remember the dialogue between Eve and Satan in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1-5. Every word, every diabolical phrase that Satan uttered to Eve was carefully crafted to pervert and misrepresent the holy Word of God, but it also followed the Natural Law of First Principles whereby the first time a thing is mentioned in the Bible will lead to the origins of a doctrine of God or a perverse doctrine of Satan or Mankind. For example, in Genesis 3:1-5 Satan made 5 statements of fact to Eve which were all sophistic, meaning they were plausible, they had a ring of truth, but were ultimately lies. Here are Satan’s statements followed by the Satanic doctrines and theology they would birth which are all part of the Cult of Gnosticism or the Cult of the Secret Society including the king of all Secret Societies – The Illuminati —

When God gave the Children of Israel the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) he repeatedly warned them through his prophet Moses against falling into Paganism and Idolatry which overtime begat the Cult of Gnosticism of the Sadducees and Pharisees, the Scribes, Lawyers and Herodians that constantly tried to find fault with the teachings of Jesus Christ only to be exposed as false teachers, deceitful, Satanic and “like whited sepulchers, clean on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones”). Gnosticism beget Eastern Religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Islam which are false religions based on the false ideas and perverted theology of mankind (e.g., inner peace, inner conscience, enlightenment, jihad, taqiyya, dhimmitude). Eastern Religions led to Spiritualism (obsession with all things metaphysical including the Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy, Theosophy and Spiritual Christianity). Spiritualism in turn lead to Modern Times and the Cult of the New Age Movement, or in politics the One World Government of the Antichrist. Thus, under the Cult of Gnosticism, the Cult of the Illuminati we see history repeating itself time and time again down through the Ages.

Although this is a false meme, yet Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed by Deep State apparatchiks like Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper and FBI Dir. James Comey to frame President Trump with the Russia Collusion hoax, remove him from office so that the Democrat Socialist Party’s 100- year objective for a One World Atheistic Government could now be realized, yet after 2 ½ years of investigation Mueller found no Russia collusion or obstruction by Trump.

Suggested Readings:

  1. Mark A. Lause, A Secret Society History of the Civil War (2011).
  2. Thomas M. Anderson, The Political Conspiracies Preceding the Rebellion (1882).
  3. Art Thompson, To the Victor Goes the Myths and the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016).
  4. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy  ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.).
  5. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.).
  6. Ellis Washington, Symposium—On the Confederacy, Nazism and Gnosticism, (Sept. 2018).

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