Myths vs. Facts (Part 5) – Illuminati into Nazism

| May 19, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

The Bolsheviks were the Jacobins of the Twentieth Century.

~ Lenin

The problem that existed then and exists today is that in order to be successful, the Illuminati worked in both sides. One could not tell who was a friend, or foe if you opposed Illuminism or Jacobinism.

~ Art Thompson, CEO of The John Birch Society

Prologue: Slavery, Jim Crow, Eugenics and the Birth of Nazism in America

Conservative intellectual and film maker, Dinesh D’Souza wrote a landmark book, The Big Lie (2017), exposing the long-hidden but now voluminous, historical, and political connections between the racist/fascist Democrat Socialist Party in America and the racist/fascist Nazi Socialist Party in Germany under Adolf Hitler that officially began with the Munich Beer hall Putsch of 1924. To this day (where real history is even taught anymore on World War II in America’s public and private schools), it is so paltry and pathetic that it amounts to miseducation of generations of students over the past 100 years – from the end of World War I (Nov. 1918), the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (June 1919) that so economically crippled and demoralized Germany that during the ensuing 20 years between the World Wars it sowed the seeds of hyperinflation and societal anarchy from which the Antichrist Hitler and others would arise to reek their revenge upon the world 80 years ago when World War II was launched by Nazi Germany against Poland on Sept. 1, 1939 (My mother’s 5th birthday!).

Regarding the America’s history against Black people (dating back to slavery in the early 1600s and 100 years of Jim Crow discrimination [1865-1965]) that influenced, inspired and guided Hitler’s racist democidal war against the Jews which the Nazis justified under the pseudo-science of Darwin’s evolution atheism and Racialist Eugenics which was invented in 1883 by Darwin’s cousin, Frances Galton.

“Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population by excluding (through a variety of morally criticized means) certain genetic groups judged to be inferior, and promoting other genetic groups judged to be superior.” ~ Wikipedia  

D’Souza wrote the following about how the Nazi’s got their racist ideas and hatred of Jews, Blacks and the entire apparatus of racist and racialist Weltanschauung (worldview) against racial minorities right out of America and it’s politics of the Left – “This is not my view of the matter; it is the Nazi eugenicists’ view of the matter. In the early twentieth century, eugenics and Social Darwinism were far more prevalent in America than they were in Germany. Margaret Sanger and her fellow progressive eugenicists didn’t get their ideas for killing off undesirables—or preventing their births—from the Nazis; the Nazis got them from their American counterparts who dominated the field of international eugenics. So, there is a two-way traffic between Nazism and the American Left.” 

Dinesh D’Souza’s revelatory history book, The Big Lie (2017), resets, reboots, and corrects the historical record that the Left, Gestapo Globalists, and the Democrat Socialist Party in America has perverted for over 100 years – namely, how the Golden Age of Totalitarian, Fascism, and Communist Revolutions of the 20th Century created – The Young Turks, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito, Franco, Mao, Pol Pot, The Muslim Brotherhood, Edi Amin, Iranian Mullahs, Saddam Hussein, ISIS, and all the rest – had their intellectual, cultural, economic and political foundations in the Democrat Socialist Party of the American Left.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 9) – Illuminati into Nazism


“Welcome back again. This week we’re going to talk about the Illuminati into Nazism. Nazism is a form of Fascism, a variation of Socialism. Both of the primary movements known as Fascism – Italian Fascism and German Nazism, have their roots in Communism. Modern histories tend to erase the early history of the Fascist leaders that show connections to the Communist movement. We know that the early Communists called themselves Social Democrats. In fact, the use of the term ‘Communism’ came into use because the word ‘Socialist’ became unpopular. So, a new term was used after the Revolutions of 1848, Communism based off the circulation of the Communist Manifesto. Fascism is simply a variation of Socialism which has been designed to work in a country where Communism would not work to gain the control of the people; the people won’t accept it – in other words they won’t accept Communism but they’ll accept some variation the Conspiracy uses whatever form of totalitarianism that works for them at the time and place – Communism, Fascism, Socialism, whatever. “

~Karl Marx

“There are various forms of Socialism. Fascism, a moderate form in the beginning, and it can be linked to corporatism, a form of Socialism run by a coterie of businesses. And there’s Socialism, the system that regulates and/or controls all business and utilities. Nazism is the same as Socialism, but usually includes the racism and is more nationalistic in its application. Communism, which controls everything because no one really owns anything, the government does. It’s usually the more violent of all forms of Socialism and has led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Keep in mind that the Conspirators’ numbers are small and they have to fool the people into acceptance of the growth of government before it’s too late for them to recover their Liberty. “

“We know that the founder of Fascism, Benito Mussolini, was a leader in the Italian Socialist Party connected to Lenin. He pulled out of that [Communist] Party and formed his Blackshirts as the means to take over Italy. Now the Blackshirts and the Fascist movement was largely based on the work that the Carbonari had done over the preceding decades that united the boot of Italy into a single country. You may recall the Carbonari was the second generation of the Illuminati. The propaganda and infiltration into Italian society by the Carbonari movement had set the stage for a future totalitarian government. Now Mussolini was made to look as if he was an incompetent buffoon today, but he not only took over Italy, he set the tone for the future Nazi movement and the New Deal movement of Franklin Delano Roosevelt a decade later.”

“Now we don’t have the time to get into it but the [Fascism] formula was set by Mussolini in Germany. It became more totalitarian than Italy while in America more lenient. But make no mistake about it you can research this and discover just how much influence there was on the American government in the 1930s by Mussolini’s Fascism. This is covered more in depth in my forthcoming book on the Council on Foreign Relations. Now the influence of Fascism was more benign in America due to the education level of Americans which made them harder to be subjugated under the Socialist controls of the New Deal of Roosevelt. Outside of a detailed study of the roots of Nazism no one can see the line from Illuminism to the Nazi movement. There are studies that claim a direct line into the occult Tula Society that started the Nazi Party, but the research is not substantial enough. One should look at the history of Babeuf and Buonarroti in France and their offspring to see the roots of Nazism.”

“The lineage from the Illuminati to Nazism is very detailed. For the sake of time I will give you a general sense. We know that the two main goals of Illuminism: the elimination of god and the creation of a New World Order were certainly the goals of the Nazi movement. Hitler for instance said in his so called, Hitler’s second book found at the end of World War II, that he was a Socialist. Hitler said the design for the Nazi swastika flag contained the red field to stand for the character of the movement read the color of Communism.”

Nazi Flag

“We also know that a photograph exists of the Commissars in charge of the Bavarian Soviet Republic in Munich in 1919. It shows Hitler in the photo. This photo is not refuted, rather it seems to be largely ignored. It was shortly after the Communists attempt in Munich to establish Soviet [Communism] that Hitler was recruited by the Frei Corps as an instructor and then as an infiltrator into a small Fascist group where he became a leader and it was renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis. Then large amounts of money started to pour into the movement. We know that certain British and American personalities [contributed to Hitler’s Nazi Party] … later after the movement got traction, but we do not know where the initial funding came from. We do know this that the Illuminati started in Bavaria where Munich is the primary city, from there it fanned out into all of Germany.”

The German Union set up by the Illuminati effectively prevented the German people from reading literature that promoted the principles of true Liberty. Meanwhile, the Illuminati infiltrated the universities, the public schools, and certain governments of the German Confederation. Now the leaders of the Illuminati and it’s second and third generation leaders, and many of the illuminated professors in the universities etc., were all racist to a certain extent – Marx, Engels, Hegel and on and on. They set the tone of future movements of racial hatred while the Nazis thanked Americans for their model of eugenics, they also honored the Illuminati member Christoph Meiners (1747-1810) as a founder of their racial theory who wrote with another Illuminati member Ludwig Timotheus Spittler (1752-1810) in Göttingen School of History Magazine. In other words, the Nazi racial theories came from the Illuminous.”

“The German public schools adopted the Prussian design of education by the State for the State … As a result of tremendous Illuminati influence, it was only a matter of time before the German people were educated in supporting some form of totalitarianism, the Nazi movement was what it became. The Nazis and the Communists formed Street armies and they battled one another for control of the streets at rallies events held by both entities. The Nazi units were known as the Brownshirts named after the color of their uniforms which they’d originally received from the German government surplus. Once the Nazis won the battle for the streets many of the Communists simply joined the Brownshirts where they were quite comfortable since there’s very little difference between the two. They became known as ‘beefsteak Nazis’ – brown on the outside and red on the inside. The roots of the Communist movement and the Nazi movement was as a result of decades of voluminous infiltration and influence on the German society. Because of this and the Nazi and Communist education the German people have sustained over the years it is difficult to imagine that the German people will experience what we call liberty any time soon. The problem is they think they have it already.”

“Next week we’ll begin to look at the influences that arose in France during the French Revolution that were imported into America through the Jacobin movement it will be very interesting you.”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 10) – Jacobinism: A Revolution of Terror


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs Facts. We’re going to start a few segments on Jacobinism. Lenin said that “The Bolsheviks were the Jacobins of the 20th century.” This statement fully understood would tell the story of the Jacobin movement in France and the United States without the necessity of anyone exploring who and what the Jacobins were. All of the outrages described in earlier segments on the French Revolution came about due to the influence of the Jacobin movement. Without this coordinated influence of the many people that worked within the Jacobin movement the breakdown of what we consider law and order would not have taken place; at least not in the national sense in France. The Jacobins became the vanguard of the [French] Revolution and the extreme leading edge of the breakdown of society using the guillotine as the instrument of enforcement in town after town. The executions by the guillotine were not confined to Paris. The terror had to be up close and personal to be effective so the guillotine was widely used across the country. It had the same effect that beheadings by terrorists have today in the Middle East.”

The Jacobins, the main political party of Robespierre and of the French Revolution (1789-1800), were the cultural and intellectual, political and economic fore-bearers of the Modern Democrat Socialist Party in America, the National Socialist Party [Nazi] of Adolf Hitler (1924-45) during World War II, and the primary political party throughout Europe propagating family breakdown, Socialism, anti-Patriotism, Genocide, Democide and the Illuminati objective of a ‘One-World Government’ or ‘New World Order’ who today are collectively called the political “Left”, Socialists or Globalists.

Robespierre and the Collapse of his own immorality

“The Jacobins were named after the Jacobin Club of Paris. Those who attended the meetings of the Society of Friends of the Constitution and then within a short time those who attended the network of clubs that grew up all over France and under the leadership of the Illuminati. The general revolutionary philosophy was held by all but later rivalries for power split the Jacobins into factions. These faction leaders found themselves killed by other Jacobins at the guillotine until finally Robespierre and his henchmen achieved the leadership until they too were executed. Those executed by the Jacobins not only included royalty, priests, nuns, but anyone who could be a rival to Robespierre in his immediate circle. This ultimately became the norm relative to who was the victim of the guillotine.”

“Now keep in mind that not all Royals were executed nor were all priests since some were members of the clubs forming the Jacobin movement. Now this demonstrates that the movement was not anti-royal in the strict sense since some were spared, they were part of the Illuminous coterie. The fact that Catholic priests were involved was an indication that there were those Illuminous who were on the inside helping to destroy the Catholic Church to be replaced by Illuminism. This was also true of Protestant churches; it remains true today. We hope we will be able to demonstrate that in America there were clergy who are more enemies of Christianity than most can imagine today. This has always been a problem and it changed the American church into something nearly unrecognizable from the time of the American War for Independence.”

“As the violence of the French Jacobins accelerated some of the leaders became the forerunners of what became Communism and Nazism as we have previously demonstrated. The problem that existed then and exists today is that in order to be successful the Illuminati worked in both sides. One could not tell who was a friend or foe if you opposed Illuminism or Jacobinism. [General] Lafayette was an example of this. His loyalty was to himself before any revolutionary movement he was involved in. Therefore, his loyalty was always suspect until, ultimately he became the leader of the Carbonaries in France. The situation in France deteriorated to the point where no one could trust anyone and in order to survive people would denounce others to the authorities just to make themselves seem loyal to the cause.”

“The power that Robespierre exercised was through his influence over the French assembly and they finally stood up to Robespierre and had him and his closest allies executed. Now at this point the Reign of Terror as it became known subsided and ultimately Napoleon was named Consul. Also, the International aspect of the movement instilled by Illuminism was replaced by French Nationalism quite quickly. The influence which caused this to take place was the attempt by France to conquer Europe by force under Napoleon. In other words, the military campaigns of Napoleon began to instill in the French a national pride due to their many victories.”

Napoleon: Military Genius or Illuminati Puppet that went rogue?

“The victories of the French were not simply due to the superiority of the French army and the prowess of Napoleon, but the aspect that is never discussed was the Fifth Column of Illuminati in the targeted countries. The Illuminous had installed Napoleon and while he served their goals he was supported within the targeted countries by the Illuminati who worked to see that he achieved success. It was a very important member of the Continental Masonry. Talleyrand, a member of the Illuminati who was instrumental with other Illuminous in the rise of Napoleon I from 1797 to 1799. It was not unusual for governments under the protection of Napoleon’s France to have a radical change. For instance, the government of Bavaria was the entity that tried to warn the rest of Europe on the danger of the Illuminati but to no avail. They saw in it a completely different type of organization that had existed before and was designed to subvert not only existing governments, but society itself away from God.”

In 1804 Napoleon takes the crown from the Pope and crowns himself Emperor of France. Painting by Jacques David.

“Under Napoleon the Bavarian government came under the leadership of the Illuminati. Along the way Napoleon became more important to himself than his loyalty to those who had installed him. It became obvious that Napoleon was starting to separate himself from those who had put him in power [the Illuminati]. The time frame of this happening was marked by Napoleon’s divorce from Josephine in 1810 and his marriage into the royal family of Austria to Maria Louise. The Austrian royalty was the biggest opposition to Illuminism at the time. Once this happened the Illuminati turned on him and was interpreted by the Illuminati that Napoleon had turned on them completely. And ultimately it led to Napoleon’s fall. Next week we shall look into the introduction of America in the Jacobin movement.”

Epilogue—President Trump and the Apotheosis of Democrat Party Nazism 2020

The German public schools adopted the Prussian design of education by the State for the State,” stated Art Thompson in Episode 10 regarding the intellectual and political precursors of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. For this little-known history we now see that Hitler needed to only go back two generations to one of the Nazi’s supreme models justifying the primacy of the State as god – German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck who ruled Germany (1871-90). In a 2015 essay titled, Hitler’s Willing Executioners … then and now, I made similar historical connections between Germany’s Prussian ‘Empire’ Period (1871-1918) and the Nazi Period (1933-45) 60 years later:

I stated repeatedly in my ongoing essay series on Nazi Socialism vs. Wilson-FDR-LBJ-Obama Socialism, namely that the evil actions by Hitler and the Nazis weren’t that original particularly in their galling grotesqueries against the Jews and other “undesirables” or Untermensch (subhumans). However, the Nazis were dutiful students of history who learned from their own German leaders of the past like nineteenth century proto-fascist Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany (1871-90), a hero and model to Hitler and the Nazis. Von Bismarck was a vile, racist demagogue.

Remember Art Thompson’s Myths vs. Facts, Episode 2 where he cited the six-point overall plan of the Illuminati? Note that these primary objectives haven’t changed at all since the birth of the Illuminati (1 May 1776), just 2 months before America’s Declaration of Independence (4 July 1776). These are the six primary objectives of the Illuminati which have been integrated into America’s Democrat Socialist Party and modern-day Communism which is International Globalism—

  • Destruction of Christianity
  • Destruction of nations in favor of internationalism (e.g., Globalism, New World Order)
  • Discouragement of patriotism with a substitute the cry for universal brotherhood
  • Abolition of family ties in marriage by means of a systemic corruption
  • Suppression of the rights of inheritance and property
  • State control of children

Historically, one could draw a continuous line of demarcation from the birth of the Illuminati (May 1, 1776) to the French Revolution and every war since that time including World War I & II, right up to modern times. Art Thompson, in episode 6 of lecture series Myths vs. Facts stated it this way – “The French Revolution and the Illuminati influence had such an effect on the future of Europe until one can trace all totalitarian movements such as Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism to organizations in the French Revolution.” This is why writer Dinesh D’Souza could make these historical connections about Progressives and Liberalism with Nazism and Fascism that amounted to historical facts about how the American Democrat Socialist Party laid the intellectual and political groundwork for the birth of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi National Socialist Party 102 years ago with their overt organization, leadership and money that funded the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, leading directly the rise of Hitler just 7 years later in 1924 and the Munich beer hall Putsch.

Here are some historical connections D’Souza made regarding this history on the back cover of his revelatory history book, The Big Lie

  • Why Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler admired the Democratic Party (and why the fascists and National Socialists identified with the progressive Left)
  • How Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger inspired Nazi racial theorists
  • How leftist philosophers have intentionally (if covertly) promoted and justified Nazi tactics and the fascist ideal of the all-powerful centralized state
  • Why the anti-free-speech, anti-capitalist, anti-religious-liberty, pro-violence, pro-abortion Democratic Party is a national socialist (Nazi) party in everything but name
  • More than a book of arresting analysis, D’Souza shows how to begin the work of denazifying the American Left.

Thus, in the early twenty-first century we have reached the apotheosis of the Illuminati’s nearly 250-year Reign of Terror over humanity – Illuminism = Jacobinism (The French Revolution) = Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Liberalism, Progressivism and Feminism of the Democrat Party Left. All of these totalitarian, atheistic philosophies fall exactly in line with the 6 diabolical objectives of the Illuminati stated above. This is why Lenin, the communist dictator of the Soviet Union that “The Bolsheviks were the Jacobins of the Twentieth Century.” How could he make such a statement? Because he was honest about history and the intellectual and political precursors that birthed the world’s first Communist nation in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

D’Souza stated this historical connection of the Democrat Party with the history of Fascist movements all over the world in this manner—

“This is not my view of the matter; it is the Nazi eugenicists’ view of the matter. In the early twentieth century, eugenics and social Darwinism were far more prevalent in America than they were in Germany. Margaret Sanger and her fellow progressive eugenicists didn’t get their ideas for killing off undesirables—or preventing their births—from the Nazis; the Nazis got them from their American counterparts who dominated the field of international eugenics. So, there is a two-way traffic between Nazism and the American Left.” 

Suggested Readings:

  1. Ludwig Timotheus Spittler, Göttingen School of History Magazine,(1787-91).
  2. Thomas M. Anderson, The Political Conspiracies Preceding the Rebellion (1882).
  3. Art Thompson, To the Victor Goes the Myths and the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016).
  4. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy  ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  5. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.).
  6. Ellis Washington, The Nuremberg Trials: Last Tragedy of the Holocaust (Hamilton Books, 2008).
  7. ———————-, Hitler’s Willing Executioners … then and now, (Oct. 22, 2015).
  8. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).

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