Myths vs. Facts (Part 6) – Conspiracy Behind the Democratic Club

| May 26, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Prologue to the American Illuminati

As we proceed to Part 6 (covering Episodes 11 & 12) his 40-part lecture series, Myths vs. Facts based on John Birch Society CEO Art Thompson’s magisterial opus, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments, let us revisit the 6 primary objectives of the Illuminati since their creation on 1 May 1776 (243 years ago—2 months before the birth of America [4 July 1776]). Yet, these are more than objectives, but political tactics and proven war strategies by the Machiavellian Illuminati designed to enslave and murder the Souls of Men and to perpetrate democide to many Nations throughout the world. Note that in year 2019 these are the six primary objectives of the Illuminati which have been integrated into America’s Democrat Socialist Party and modern-day Communism which is International Globalism—

  1. Destruction of Christianity
  1. Destruction of nations in favor of internationalism (e.g., Globalism, New World Order)
  2. Discouragement of patriotism with a substitute the cry for universal brotherhood
  3. Abolition of family ties in marriage by means of a systemic corruption
  4. Suppression of the rights of inheritance and property
  5. State control of children

For example, in a recent conversation with one of my intellectual mentors, Milt Harris, he stated regarding the current crop of 23 Democrats already declared in the 2020 Presidential election that, “These Democrats are all from the same tribe… If they turn on each other it will all be for show because they aren’t running against each other, they are running to unseat President Trump.” This statement by my friend, Milt Harris has more truth in it than meets the eye, for if one applies the 6 Nation-Destruction War Strategies of the Illuminati, one can see that today’s Democrat Socialist Party has been around almost 200 years. And from its inception has sworn fealty to the Destruction of Christianity which is most evident in their demonic policies, e.g., Slavery, Jim Crow Racism, Evolution Atheism, Racialist Eugenics, the Welfare State and Abortion which since the advent of Roe v. Wade (1973), which has murdered over 60 million innocent preborn babies who were all born under Natural Law. Babies who had Natural Rights and were all “Constitutional Persons.”

Therefore, since the days of the Loyalists (American traitors who sided with the English against General George Washington and the American Revolution [1775-83]), the Democrat Socialist Party and its precursors has allied themselves on the wrong side of history on every conceivable policy issue affecting America, including the Deconstruction of nations in favor of internationalism (e.g., Globalism, New World Order), Discouragement of patriotism with a substitute the cry for universal brotherhood, Abolition of family ties in marriage by means of a systemic corruption, Suppression of the rights of inheritance and property, State control of children.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 11)Conspiracy Behind the Democratic Club


“Welcome back again this week to Myths vs. Facts. This time we’re going to talk about how the Jacobins came to America. Last week we had briefly spoke on the Jacobin movement in France which led to the Reign of Terror, and then a strongman government under Napoleon. This week we began to look at the movement imported into the United States from France. As we do, we want to make something abundantly clear – The success of the Jacobin movement in America was due to the preparation of the political stage by the Illuminati and their minions. No large-scale political movement succeeds unless the base is created for that success. This seems to be one of the principles of politics that eludes most people the groundwork is done beforehand through massive education or propaganda. This came by way of several illuminated lodges societies and false religious organizations established by Americans out of Germany, but particularly France.”

“The Gallo American Society from France established by Jacques Pierre Brissot helped introduce Illuminati goals in America as well as a philanthropist churches introduced by Thomas Paine. Those Americans who did this some of you will recognize and some you won’t. Of those you do recognize you’ll be very disappointed to learn of their involvement. We will spend at least three weeks on this segment of conspiratorial history keep in mind that due to time constraints we will not be telling the whole story which is contained in our book, To the Victor Goes the Myths and the Monuments. Perhaps now is the time to point out the subtitle of the book, “The History of the First Hundred Years of the War against God and the Constitution from 1776 to 1876 and It’s Modern Impact.”

Jacobins in America

“We have to remember constantly that the goal of the Illuminati and its offspring has two goals – the elimination of God, and the establishment of a One-World Government which they call the New World Order. From the very beginning of our country this is manifested itself in America by attacking religion and the Constitution. It is difficult to understand those who want to eliminate God and their actions and beliefs can be rather bizarre and hard to believe. At the time it was the American Democratic clubs that was used as the front for the Jacobins. Already by the late 1700s these organizations would foment and lead opposition to George Washington and the Constitution particularly after it was ratified. Many good people were caught up in the debates [and] ironically it was those who wanted less power vested in the American government – these individuals were unfortunately the dupes of the Jacobins.”

All U.S. currency has been purposely embedded with numerous Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism. Cui bono – who benefits? Not We the People who are viewed as useful idiots and slaves of the Illuminati.

“However, keep in mind that in order to be successful in America the Illuminous had to work both sides which meant it was the so-called Republican Democrats versus the Federalists political parties. To better understand the influence of the Jacobins let’s focus a bit on the Democratic clubs. When they were initially formed a political party, they referred to [be] the Republican Party then it became the Republican-Democrat Party. This was done to fool Americans into thinking that the Republican Party stood for a true Republic. Within a few years they moved their adherents into supporting Democracy which included their name change from Republican to Republican-Democrat to finally simply Democrat. The Democratic clubs also stirred up the populous into armed rebellions to promote the French revolutionary plans in America over real or imaginary issues. The intent was to bring the United States into the International Revolution controlled by France.”

“During the same time of 1792 the first Jacobin Club was formed in the capital city of Philadelphia. They grew to about 42 groups throughout the country, now that might not seem like much but consider that the country was small at the time. The Jacobins were partisans for revolutionary France and called themselves “Citizens” – singing La Marseille, calling themselves Republicans even though their clubs were called Democratic. Again, this was a move to change our system from a Republic to a Democracy by confusing the two terms. The purpose of the Jacobins was either to bring America into the French revolutionary orbit as part of the international revolution, or to break off the western portion of the United States including the Mississippi Valley as French territory.”

“Now Washington criticized the Democratic clubs in a letter to John Jay. He wrote quoting—

“That the self-created societies who have spread themselves over this country have been laboring incessantly to sow the seeds of distrust, jealousy and of course, discontent hoping thereby to affect some revolution in the government, is not known to you. That they have been the fomenters of the Western disturbances admits of no doubt in the mind of anyone who will examine their conduct.”                 ~ George Washington

“Washington wrote several times that he was convinced that the democratic societies and the Jacobins came out of the Illuminati. As one example to a minister Washington wrote this—

Washington went on to say that he doubted that there was a separation between the Illuminati and the Jacobins. The United States Senate in its reply to Washington’s speech at the opening of Congress November 1794 also referred to secret societies fomenting insurrection, yet both Jefferson and Madison criticized Washington for his opposition to the Jacobins and became part of the Republican Party.”

“Understanding the effect of a stirred-up populace and how it helps create the condition for revolt the Whiskey Rebellion played a major part in the Jacobin strategy. Now according for the New York Senate Report of 1920 Revolutionary Radicalism, we have this—

“As an illustration of the effect of European movements upon the United States we make reference to the influence which the Jacobin Clubs of the French Revolution had upon the malcontents in the United States in the latter part of the 18th century. The Whiskey Rebellion of Western Pennsylvania was the outgrowth of agitation carried on by so-called democratic societies acting under the guise and protectors of civil liberties which received their inspiration from the French revolutionary societies.”  ~ New York Senate Report of 1920 Revolutionary Radicalism

“Also, Noah Webster, an early American educator and the creator of the first American Dictionary, stated that the Democratic clubs formed “…a league of societies disciplined to the orders of Chiefs whose views were concealed even from the members themselves and which must be crushed in its infancy or it will certainly crush the government.” So, we see through the words of Washington and others that the Democratic clubs constituted a conspiracy to overthrow the government and seize the Western portion of the United States away from the hands into the hands of the French Revolution. Also, according to Noah Webster that the followers of the movement had no idea of the forces that controlled them and the direction they were being led. As you can see this is a standard problem within all of the movements we are discussing. There is the open movement which is led by people behind the scenes who do not necessarily have the same motivation as their dupes.

Early Americans did not look at conspiracy as a theory but a fact. John Jay who became the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, was the head of the New York Committee for detecting and defeating conspiracies. This Committee was in the genre of the 20th century investigating Committees of Congress trying to ferret out subversive activities by the Communists. Now getting back to the Whiskey Rebellion Washington finally lost his patients with a rebellion in the West after the takeover a Pittsburgh and ordered state militias under federal command to march into Western Pennsylvania where they put down the rebellion. When they marched into Harrisburg, Pennsylvania they found the French flag flying over the courthouse. Now one of the least reported aspects of the Whiskey Rebellion was the effort to suppress the clergy as the French had done. The French had not only eliminated Catholic clergy but Protestant ministers as well by a limit, I mean the guillotine, the Whiskey Rebellion never went to the extent of the French Revolution, but the seed had been sown – more next week.

Myths vs. Facts – Tax revolt or Illuminati-inspired False Flag to seize U.S. Western territory?

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 12) – Subversive Activities in the Late 1700s


“Welcome back to another week of Myths vs. Facts. As we mentioned before the Whiskey Rebellion was one of the main initiatives of the Jacobins. According to Washington, the Whiskey Rebellion was the first ripe fruit of the democratic societies he believed that Albert Gallatin, a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, at the time was behind the rebellion. Gallatin, like Lafayette, seemed to know when to switch sides and become a moderate when his safety was involved. We point out the background of Gallatin in our book but a quote concerning Gallatin and I believe will tell the story—

“To a higher degree than any American native or foreign-born, unless Franklin, with whose broad nature he had many traits in common, Albert Gallatin deserves the proud title, aimed by many, reached by few, of Citizen of the World.” ~ Albert Gallatin, American Statesman Series, John Austin Stevens (1888)

American Citizen or ‘Citizen of the World’? Albert Gallatin (1761-1849) – Secretary of the Treasury, Treaty of Ghent negotiator, Illuminati agent

“Gallatin represented Pennsylvania briefly in the Senate and the House of Representatives before being named Secretary of the Treasury by Jefferson. It’s interesting that Jefferson appointed him as Treasury Secretary since Jefferson was against the National Bank, but Gallatin supported it. Gallatin then went on to become the Minister to France under James Madison. By the way, while we are not going to get into this in this series, those who supported or opposed a National Bank depended on whether they were in the government or out of power. Those out of power opposed the banks, once they were in power, they supported it, and back and forth. Today, if you search the web or dive into many books you will more than likely find that Andrew Jackson is promoted as the one that destroyed the National Bank. What he really did was split up the money and federal financing among his friends, friendly to Jackson, then had the process continue behind the scenes.”

“Last week we briefly discussed that one of the least reported aspects of the Whiskey Rebellion was the suppression of the clergy the main propaganda argument used against the American clergy was that they were using the pulpit to preach politics; the same argument used by Liberals and Socialists today against the Christian Right. Apparently, it’s all right if the pulpit is used to support Socialist initiatives, but not Constitutional ones. It is part of the political correctness of the day and this political correctness battle is as old as the country itself.”

Thomas Jefferson – Illuminati or Illuminati Sympathizer?

“During the late 1700s the Western portion of the United States tended to be wrapped up in subversive activities and this was to be the case for a few decades. This was due to two basic factors: 1) the West was isolated from the coastal settlements many felt separated from the country, and 2) the French were very active in trying to separate the West, sending in their agents as well as the English and Spanish agents. Jefferson also didn’t help the situation. He made things more difficult because he defended the [French] revolutionaries, wrote letters of apology for Weishaupt and the Illuminati, and at the same time chastised those who wrote against the Illuminati, such as Robison and Barruel [*N.B.: See Suggested Readings at the end]. Jefferson even wrote that such people’s attacks on the Illuminati by Reverend Jedediah Morse (by the way the leading American who exposed the Illuminati), were the rantings of a bedlamite, meaning a madman.”

Genêt: French Ambassador and Illuminati Agent in America

“The coordinating factor to all of this agitation came from the leadership of the French ambassador Edmund Charles Genêt (1763-1834). He was sent to America in 1793 his purpose was to bring America into the French orbit or split the United States apart in the process. Instead of presenting himself to Washington for accreditation upon his arrival, Genêt led the efforts to use United States territory to assail the English and participated in riling mobs up against Washington and the federal government. Genêt had no problem with violating American law. He held French courts, enlisted Americans into armies to invade Florida and the Mississippi Valley under the command of George Rogers Clark. He was so brazen that he demanded Hamilton to arm the armies from federal funds. Hamilton and other officers of course refused, and the Armies did dissolve never to be really formed. Washington was not pleased, yet Jefferson as Secretary of State in the Washington’s cabinet continued to defend Genêt.”

“As all of this activity was taking place America was playing right into the hands of the English who wanted to seize American ships and shipping. The British would actually take American sailors off our ships and press them into indentured service on British vessels. The actions of Genêt partially gave the excuse to the British for their actions. We came close to being involved in a war between England and France due to the Jacobins when Washington was trying to maintain neutrality. When Genêt landed at Charleston, South Carolina he was enthusiastically greeted by the governor William Moultrie, a federalist.  He landed there in order to create public enthusiasm for the representative of the French Revolution Genêt took his time getting to the Capitol with every town on the way holding celebrations in his honor. In New York, Governor George Clinton, a member of the Columbian Illuminati, marched with Genêt through the streets of Manhattan while the crowds yelled to enthrone Genêt as the head of the country.”

“In every instance the red cap of Liberty used by the Jacobins of France appeared and were circulated. You know this reminds us of the caps worn by the women’s marches against Trump and to know its considerable organization having been done both at the women’s marches and Genêt’s celebrations the women’s caps carried a name called after the feminine anatomy and what many do not know is that the red Liberty caps were symbolic of the male anatomy, so we see the same sort of things occurring over and over again.”

Pu—y Hat’ demonstrations against President-elect Trump on 21 January 2017 (the day after Trump’s Inauguration Day), Washington, D.C.

“Genêt over all played a very important role in the forming and aiding the Jacobin movement. Genêt founded the Philadelphia Society, the Mother Lodge of the Democratic Societies in Philadelphia which was the center of French emigres and became our capital for a time. The former aides to the Illuminous Lafayette settled in Philadelphia. We document many of the problems that Genêt fomented in his attempt at overthrow the Washington government and make the United States a part of the French Revolution in our book. It is a story of our early history that is generally unknown. Washington, finally tired of the machinations of Genêt, had the French government recall him. There had been a change in the government in France and he probably would have been beheaded had he returned as a leader in a rival faction, so Hamilton urged Washington to allow him to stay even though Genêt and the Jacobins targeted Hamilton more than any other man in America trying to eliminate him from influence.  Genêt did stay in America married the daughter of Governor Clinton and remained behind the scenes in Illuminous activities. More on this next week.”

Epilogue—Genêt = A Modern-Day Democrat Jihadi & Nation Killer

“In conclusion, we see in the Machiavellian legacy of French Ambassador Genêt the future prototype fascist that would be the foot soldiers of the totalitarian Left in Modern Times. In Genêt we see religious zeal for his Illuminati cause to make America part of their International French Revolution or failing in that objective, destroy America from within. We witness in Genêt unbridled arrogance so acute as to muster armies of Americans to wage war against their own country and demanding that Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury under Washington), e.g., American taxpayers, to pay for it. Genêt’s zeal to promote proto-fascism in America even when repeatedly warned by President George Washington who finally had enough and attempted to have him deported back to France which was in the midst of their own democidal French Revolution which would have surely caused the Genêt to be executed by guillotine since we know Robespierre tolerated no rivals (real or imagined).”

“Finally, with Genêt we witness incessant labors for his evil and Machiavellian causes by the founding of many Illuminati-affiliated groups. Remember the words of Illuminati founder Weishaupt—

“Likewise, we see throughout American history that the Left have called themselves by many names to deceive the naïve—Humanists, Freethinkers, Loyalists, Republican, Democrat, Democrat-Republican, Socialist, Communist, Evolution Atheists, Liberal, Progressive, etc. These surreptitious, Machiavellian tactics were learned well from their duplicitous founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt who unapologetically urged lying, deceit, duplicity, subterfuge, becoming a turncoat. This explains why the Democrat Socialist Party has allied itself with a particular religion whose founder (Muhammed) sanctioned lying, deceit, subterfuge, and democide to achieve their singular goal –the spread of Islam throughout the world by intimidation, forced proselytizing, or by the sword.

AMERICA, WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! From antiquity, down through the Ages the Illuminati, Islam, Democrat Socialist Party = Duplicity, Deception, Democide and Death of the Nations of the World.

Suggested Readings:

  1. Ludwig Timotheus Spittler, Göttingen School of History Magazine, (1787-91).
  2. Thomas M. Anderson, The Political Conspiracies Preceding the Rebellion (1882).
  3. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on anti-Illuminati hero, Rev. Jedidiah Morse at pp. 21, 22, 92, 196, 466-67, 471 474, 476.
  4. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy  ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  5. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.).
  6. Ellis Washington, The Nuremberg Trials: Last Tragedy of the Holocaust (Hamilton Books, 2008).
  7. ———————-, Myths vs. Facts (Part 1) – History Exposed, (March 25, 2019).
  8. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).

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