Myths vs. Facts (Part 8) – Young America: Illuminati Influence on Education

| June 14, 2019
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About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

[A]fter the Civil War [1861-65] a lot of this history that we’ve just now revealed was purged from the history books. Before the Civil War, what we’ve just iterated, was common knowledge.

~ Art Thompson, Myths vs. Facts (Episode 16)

Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent.

~ John Dewey

Prologue— John Dewey: Communist Father of American Education

Facebook Posting – 2nd BOOK ALERT! A few weeks I posted on my Facebook page a little blurb about my first book (The Devil is in the Details [1999]). In early June I wanted to say a little about my 2nd book, “Beyond the Veil…” [2000,]). Like my first book it contains a collection of essays on various academic disciplines, but this opus explores my first attempts at the book’s subtitle – “Essays in the Dialectical Style of Socrates.” What I wanted to achieve writing in this Dialectical/Narrative style is reminiscent of the stylized conversations of antiquity (e.g., Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound; Sophocles’ Antigone; Euripides’ Orestes; Plato’s Republic, etc.) – in essence to revive and restore the lost art of Rhetoric – intellectual discourse to a higher level from which it has descended to in modern society due largely to religious/media/cultural perversion by the Democrat Party Left and the collectivization of education on the Communist model championed by the ‘Father of American Education’, JOHN DEWEY.

John Dewey (1859-1952) published his Communist Manifesto as the foundational and controlling document for American public school education in 1953. (*N.B.: In 2013 [on the 60th anniversary of this treasonous Manifesto] I wrote a well-received essay on how Progressives perverted American education through the Hegelian Dialectic and Communist philosophy of John Dewey). Thus, Socialism and Communism which is Progressivism, has been systematically integrated throughout every aspect of the Public School Systems by the Democrat Socialist Party since before the birth of Dewey going back to the advent of the National Education Association (1857), just 2 years before the birth of Dewey, 2 years before the publication of the pseudo-scientific ‘bible’ by Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species [Nov. 1859].

This book would make an excellent gift for friends and family members who love knowledge, who want to take their Critical Thinking to another level, and who wants to understand how much ‘Dialectical’ thinking is a far more superior mode of cognitive development over the John Dewey-Democrat Party-Perversity Correct (PC) thinking which isn’t thinking at all, but Gestapo Globalist Groupthink that only fosters Echo Chamber Bots and Socialism Slavery of the American Youth leading to the intellectual deconstruction of Society.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 15) – Illuminati Influence on Education


“Hello and welcome back to another week of Myths vs. Facts. Now this week I’m going to be discussing the early influence on American education by the Illuminati and their successors. Most people who have studied the progress of American education believe that John Dewey, the Socialist Atheist, is the father of modern education. Those who take a longer look realize that Horace Mann (1796-1859) had a major role much earlier. Now while both of these men played major roles in modern education, the problem goes back further and traceable to the influence if not the control of the Illuminati. But we need to continually understand that success is always paved beforehand, and what paved the way for Mann and Dewey needs to be understood. The instructions in the degrees of the Illuminati specifically called for taking control of the schools.”

“The perfect world [Utopia] is their force but spare no pains to gain possession of the schools which lie within his district and also of their teachers.”                ~ Illuminati Degree of Perfect

“And the Illuminati Degree of Regents stated—“You must also gain over to The Order, the Common People, the Great Plan for succeeding in this is to influence the schools.”

The Early 1800s and the Rise of the Public Schools in America

“Now consider schooling in the early years – where was it often conducted? It was the religious institutions. Is that still a case today? of course not. Today we would say the public school system is the most common. When digging into history you will find that men associated with the American Illuminati such as DeWitt Clinton became leaders in the Public School movement. In New York City the Public School Society was formed to provide an education for children of parents who did not participate in any religious society. Clinton served as the first president of the Public School Society from 1808 to 1825. It is also interesting to note that Clinton, a member of the Columbian Illuminati, also had family ties to the former French ambassador the Jacobin, Edmond Charles Genêt.”

DeWitt Clinton, 6th Governor of New York (1825-28)

“And getting back to the public school Society, there were good people connected to it, unfortunately the radicals held sway. When looking at DeWitt Clinton he not only served as the first president of the Public School Society, he was also a regent of the University of New York this meant that he was responsible for the general supervision of all education within the state. Add to that in 1804 he served as president to the Historical Society of New York. So, it was not only the school’s it was history itself that had to be controlled.”

“The first battlefield is to rewrite History.” ~ Karl Marx (Father of Socialism & Communism)

George Bancroft: Father of (Illuminati rewriting of) American History

“In my book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments, I point out that the worst possible people to determine what was history seemed to start or take over historical associations. A prime example of this is known as the father of U.S. history, George Bancroft (1800-91). He wrote the first comprehensive study of U.S. history in 1834 called, History of the United States. Graduating from Harvard at the age of 17, Bancroft began his higher education in Germany, including Göttingen University where there were a number of Illuminati there teaching. It was also the last refuge of the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt. From there Bancroft travelled around Europe meeting with notable men who were Illuminati promoters of education to raise up people for the State Carbonari Occultists etc. such as— Goethe, Humboldt, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Cousin, Constant, etc.”

“It was obvious that Bancroft had an agenda. In 1823, George Bancroft started the Round Hill’s School, a preparatory school for students seeking admission to Harvard. Round Hill School was based on the teaching methods of Johann Pestalozzi, a famous member of the Illuminati in the field of education.  Bancroft partnered with Dr. J.G. Cogswell who got his doctorate at Göttingen University where he kept company with another American, Edward Everett. Now it’s interesting when you begin to research all these individuals you begin to see a pattern in [modern times] – What they do and who they surround themselves with? For instance, Edward Everett was the President of Harvard (1846-48). He actually gave Bancroft his recommendation to attend Göttingen. Everett was also governor Massachusetts, Secretary of War, and he delivered the Gettysburg Address. … You thought Lincoln did that, well he gave a nice short talk there, but Edward Everett was the main speaker and the speech lasted quite a while. Looking further into Edward Everett’s past you will find he was the first American to receive his doctorate from Göttingen. Upon his return to America, his first job was tutoring Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson went on to change the Unitarian Church into what we see today as more about community action [SJWs – Social Justice Warriors] organization than a Christian one.”

Two hours vs. Two minutes! – Gettysburg Address Speakers – Lincoln and Everett (Nov. 19, 1863)

“Now getting back to George Bancroft, Round Hill School had some interesting teachers such as Karl Follen, who before he came to America to teach at Bancroft Round Hill School had worked with the major Illuminati member, Buonarotti, who had worked with Robespierre and other Carbonari leaders. Another teacher was the German revolutionary, Charles Beck, who worked as a leader in the second generation Illuminous organization called The Turners. Then there was Charles Sumner, who went on to become a famous U.S. Senator and joined the Communist’s First Internationale while serving as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The students from Round Hill permeated the Harvard landscape and ultimately changed the institution from a Christian one to secular and worse. Cogswell finally took over Round Hill as Bancroft moved more into political circles and then as a historian. Bancroft was also a Transcendentalist, selling a spiritual substitute for Christianity.”

“As Bancroft moved into politics, he hired people under him who were part of the Socialist movement. Bancroft became Secretary of the Navy and started the Naval Academy at Annapolis where he hired key instructors who were members of Skull and Bones out of Yale. As we know the aim of the Illuminous was to control education, history, and what people read. As mentioned before Bancroft wrote the much-heralded History of the United States. To give you an example of the type of history these men would print, in volume 6 of Bancroft’s History on page 450 he wrote—”

The people of the States demanded a federal convention to form the Constitution… the federal Congress offered that Constitution severally to the people of each state and by their United voice… it was made the binding form of government.”~ Bancroft’s History of the United States

“Now this is not what happened and anyone who has studied the event knows it. The Convention was called to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to write a completely new form of government. As the historian, David Seville Mazhai said, “Every Clause in this passage is erroneous.” This is not atypical of the history we read. The American Historical Association was started by people like Bancroft and Andrew Dickenson White of Skull and Bones which had a profound effect on how history was taught in the schools, particularly the schools in New England, leading to the likes of Horace Mann and then John Dewey. By the late 1800s they dominated history and how it was taught all over the United States. We document how they started historical associations, libraries, and educational societies to affect this domination in our book. Next week we start to look at the important organization called Young America.”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 16) – Young America: Carbonari Front Organization


“Welcome back again this week Myths vs. Facts. Of all organizations that have played a role in the conspiracy and had a major influence on American history Young America has been the least exposed to modern American students. It served as the Carbonari front organization in America. Our book, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments, documents a wide range of Communist initiatives and connections of Young America. The depth and influence of this movement is astonishing and someone who has just introduced to it and sees its influence while it was operative is taken back by the veil of silence that receives in almost all American history books. It was a very important organization just as the parent Carbonari movement was in Europe. The slogan of Young America, “Manifest Destiny”, is referred to in history books, but not it’s true meaning. Most think it meant that America’s destiny was to build the United States across the continent from ocean to ocean. Its actual meaning was to use the United States as the instrument to conquer the world, to build a New World Order by first acquiring the Western Hemisphere, then Europe and beyond.”

“Perhaps we can best show the mission and breath of Young America by detailing the life of a major leader of Young America, George Nicholas Sanders (1812-73). Now George Nicholas Sanders was as a Southerner who was named after his maternal grandfather, George Nicholas. Nicholas worked for the Spanish as an American citizen attempting to break off Western territory from the United States, either as an independent country, or as part of Spain. At any rate George Nichols was in the pay of Spain towards this end and a traitor. This is the hard part to believe – Nicholas and his brother worked with Thomas Jefferson to produce what became The Kentucky [and Virginia] Resolutions (1798/99). This is where Kentucky and Virginia Legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) were unconstitutional. For 20 years Jefferson’s role in this was kept secret particularly at the time since Jefferson feared he would be arrested under the Alien and Sedition Acts for sedition. It was not until Nicholas’s son urged him to reveal Jefferson’s role that the truth came out. Today Jefferson’s role is paramount at least in history and the role of the Nicholas brothers is more or less a secret. To know the latter, in other words the involvement of the Nicholas brothers, would open up a Pandora’s box of questions about Jefferson’s involvement in those days.”

“The Kentucky/Virginia Resolutions were amended before they were passed by the Kentucky legislature and the firebrand, treasonous rhetoric was eliminated from the original. They stand today as an example of Libertarian sentiment, but that was not the case in the original document. As we’ve mentioned before there was an ongoing scheme to seize the Western territories away from the United States that involved the governments of France, Spain, and England. We will not detail the part that Andrew Jackson played in this role or even that of Aaron Burr; that is in our book. But we offer this summary of what was going on at the time from a history written in 1863 –

  1. General Wilkinson worked for years to separate the West from the East;
  2. He along with other leading citizens took Spanish money and plotted to betray Kentucky into Spanish hands;
  3. His accomplices were retained in federal government after their guilt became known. In other words, they were protected;
  4. One of them George Nicholas acted as Jefferson’s chief instrument enforcing through the Kentucky legislators’ resolutions of 1798.
  5. Wilkinson played a role in the Burr conspiracy.
  6. Burr’s only crime was trying to lead a design by Wilkinson and Jefferson to usurp their leadership.
  7. Jefferson not only wanted to take Florida, and Mexico but Cuba as well.

Now this is a summary from The History of American Conspiracies: A Record of Treason, Insurrection, Rebellion. etc. in the United States of America from 1700-1860, published in 1863. “Now I mentioned in a previous episode that after the Civil War [1861-65] a lot of this history that we’ve just now revealed was purged from the history books. Before the Civil War, what we’ve just iterated, was common knowledge.”  

George Nicholas Sanders and the Advent of Young America

“When the United States defeated Spain in the Spanish-American War (1898), the invoices for the Spanish payments to General James Wilkinson were still in the archives in Havana Cuba. At the time Wilkinson was taking money from the Spanish he was the head of the United States Army and General George Nicholas was operating with General Wilkinson. Now this family background gives you a sense of where George Nicholas Sanders got his pedigree. Sanders was in Europe during the Communist Revolutions of 1848 and fought alongside of the Communists at the barricades in Paris in 1848. He was later named our Consul in London by President Franklin Pierce. While in London he and the future President James Buchanan, our Ambassador to Great Britain, hosted a dinner for the Communists and Illuminous radical leaders at Buchanan’s residence. At this affair they openly called for the assassination of Napoleon III of France among others, and the overthrow of European governments. They toasted the world Republic and sang La Marseille, for years the song of International Communism until The Internationale was written.”

“The firebrands and the attendant in attendance at Buchanan-Sanders dinner included the leader of the Carbonari – Mazzini, Louis Blanqui of the Paris Commune bloodbath who wrote extensively on the Illuminati and others. Recall that Trotsky said that, “The Carbonari was the culmination of the Illuminati on the Left.” Now Sanders actually hired a man to assassinate Napoleon III and had a hand in similar assassination plots. As a result, Sanders was not confirmed by the Senate which was outraged at his conduct; Buchanan had already been confirmed and he became our next president. Only ten senators voted to confirm Sanders one of them was Stephen Douglas who was Lincoln’s rival in Illinois. It cannot be proven that Buchanan was an actual member of Young America, but he was wholeheartedly supported by them and upon his return to the United States he traveled home on a railroad train that had been decorated with a large banner that said Young America.”

“While in London as our unconfirmed Counsel Sanders served as the London correspondent for the New York Herald newspaper run by Young America editor, James Gordon Bennett, who wanted to expand the United States into Cuba, Canada, and the West Indies by force. After he was elected president Buchanan wanted Sanders to return to London to be our American Representative but couldn’t garner enough support in the Senate to do so. Sanders was a founder of Young America and a vicious man, even so, George Law and the Rothschild agent, August Belmont, financers of many Young America initiatives, acquired a financial interest in the Democratic Review Newspaper in 1851 and handed George Sanders a share in it as its editor. The Democratic Review was already a Young America mouthpiece but started to project the fiery attitude of its editor Sanders. It promoted the invasion Europe and Cuba and other Young America initiatives. Some of the contributors to the newspaper included Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe. Many Young American adherence agreed with Sanders but urged that he softened his approach. This included Stephen Douglas.”

“While we concentrate more on the Northern aspects of the conspiracy in our book, this does not mean that Southerners were not involved. There are several indications that Jefferson Davis was active in the Carbonari Network. Davis personal physician at one time was Dr. Crawl, a member of The Turners, which we will explore in a later segment. Jefferson Davis’s private secretary during the Civil War, Burton Norville Harrison, was a member of Skull and Bones … Jefferson Davis would name George Sanders as his Representative as an ex-officio member of the Confederate Micheners in Canada late in the Civil War. Sanders was only two steps removed from Adam Weishaupt. He was associated with Blanqui in London who had worked with Buonarroti who was under the influence of Weishaupt and Robespierre.”

“Sanders advocated the use of the guillotine, so loved by Robespierre, to kill Napoleon III in a speech in New York on September 22, 1855. The meeting was in celebration of the birthday of the French Revolutionary Republic. … Sanders influence was considerable especially within the Democrat Party. He and two others took control of the Tammany [Hall] organization in New York and he became very influential in the Know-Nothing Party as well. This was all due to the organization of Young America. Now at the unveiling of the Stars and Bars flag of the Confederacy in Montgomery, Alabama the revolutionary song, La Marseille was sung with Sanders in attendance. We will visit Sanders again when his name appears on the co-conspirators list of those the federal government accused of being involved in Lincoln’s assassination. Our book, Myths goes into a great deal of Sanders influence and the machinations within American politics prior to the Civil War; it’s a really fascinating reading.  Considering what we just said about George Sanders, the fact that he had the backing of the finances of Young America and representative for foreign bankers, his involvement with revolutionary leaders, his influence in the political scene that we have not even begun to show. Look him up in any standard school history text; you will not find him there. More on Young America and its influence in the next segment we’ll see you then.”

Epilogue—’There is nothing new under the sun’

King Solomon, whom the Bible says was “the wisest man that ever lived,” said in the Book of Ecclesiastes that, “There is nothing new under the sun.” What this means to history and in regard to this review essay is that all that has ever been invented or thought of has already been invented or thought of by someone, somewhere in the world.

In my ongoing essay review of Art Thompson’s lecture series, Myths vs. Facts, covering his book with the subtitle—The History of the First 100 Years of the War Against God and the Constitution, 1776-1876, and It’s Modern Impact, it becomes increasingly evident that indeed, “History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes” – meaning that there is a ebb and flow, a predictability, to use a musical term, history and politics, culture and society have a da capo aspect about them that if one misses these connections, then indeed another demagogue or tyrannical organization will arise at a future time and work the same scams and diabolical, democidal hoaxes on U.S in order to enslave U.S. under some form of Illuminati-controlled tyranny – whether we call it Humanism, Socialism, Communism, Liberalism, Fascism, Gestapo Globalism, Crony Capitalism, Feminism, Pragmatism, etc. In the end it’s all T-Y-R-A-N-N-Y! Historically all of these Machiavellian philosophies of Men fall under the umbrella of the Illuminati and are designed to do two things: 1) Kill God, Christianity and the Bible and to remove biblical morality out of society; 2) Enslave all humanity into the New World Order.

What’s the primary point here? After 243 years since the founding of America and the Illuminati in 1776, We the People foolishly and slavishly thought we were following the Right Path of God, Jesus, the Bible, Natural Law and Natural Rights when in reality We the People were deluded by Illuminati rewriting of history through their multiplicity of collateral agents and allied organizations to make a Faustian deal selling our collective souls to fight against the very Christian moral worldview we profess to be for. In other words, We the People allowed the Illuminati to infiltrate U.S. and all of our institutions until in 2019 we are not even a shadow of what we hypocritically profess to be because all of our Institutions are perverted and corrupted.

Trump, is our modern-day John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness, declaring a return to Natural Law and Natural Rights, the original intent of the constitutional Framers and the Rule of Law and to destroy the New World Order, the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, United Nations, European Union, the George Soros Satanic Pedophile Network, Hollywood, Fake Media, etc. Societal deconstruction through infiltration, Fake media-institutions, Deep State propaganda and Democide are all classic Illuminati tactics and strategies, yet it’s time for U.S. to collectively WAKE UP from our slumber to fight these Illuminati Devils and prevent them from controlling the entire World under their Satanic New World Order called Globalism!

Suggested Readings:

  1. Thomas M. Anderson, The Political Conspiracies Preceding the Rebellion (1882).
  2. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Communist traitor, President James Buchanan at pp. 133, 135, 221, 228, 230, 474; Young America, 215-229, 233; Buonarroti, 126; John Dewey, 27, 46 (Interesting Illuminati flowcharts, 47-48); Gen. James Wilkinson, 90, 97, 104.
  3. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  4. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  5. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  6. Ellis Washington, Beyond the Veil: Essays in the Dialectical Style of Socrates (, 2000).
  7. _____________, John Dewey’s Dunces, (Jan. 25, 2013).
  8. _____________, Hegel’s Dialectic in the Age of Obama, Part 2, (July 9, 2013).
  9. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).

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  1. Jay Robb says:

    I have read bits and pieces of these subjects over the decades.
    You have put it together better than I have ever read and made sense. Thak you.

  2. Jay, you made my Day! As you can see I get very few comments. Sometimes I wonder does it matter? Is anyone out there reading these 4,000 word essay reviews? Does America care about REAL History anymore? Then I get a kind word from a reader like you and it fuels me to carry on…

    Again I thank you Dear Sir!


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