Myths vs. Facts (Part 9) – Young America: Expansion by Force

| June 23, 2019
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Georg Hegel (1770-1831) – The Hegelian (“Master-Slave”) Dialectic were evil rhetorical tactics and amoral strategic argumentation adopted by the Illuminati and their Leftist allies to deconstruct God and Veritas, Governments of Men and Reality… both then and now.
About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

“All history has to be rewritten. Political Science and the whole scope of all moral truth has to be reconsidered and illustrated in the light of the democratic principle. All old subjects of thought and all new questions arising connected, more or less directly with human existence have to be taken up again and re-examined.”

~ John O’Sullivan, Editor of The Democratic Review (1837)

“A new untruth is better than an old truth.”

~ Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (Letter to the British Socialist and friend, Harold Laski (June 24, 1926)

Prologue— Hegel, Holmes and the Advent of the Progressive Revolution (1830-60)

In 2017, I published a law review opus on the Progressive jurist and anti-Natural Law icon of the Left, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935). Justice Holmes, who sat on the U.S. Supreme Court for 30 years (1902-32), ironically was the first Supreme Court Justice appointed by Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican! In this extended legal history on Justice Holmes, there was a particular passage that fits with the period Art Thompson will be discussing in today’s lecture series, Myths vs. Facts, namely, the pre-Civil War Era of American history (1830-60), or what I call the advent of the Progressive Age.

“Divert, Distort, and Deconstruct are the 3-D’s of the Weltanschauung of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and the Progressive jurisprudence of evolution-atheism. Holmes’ jurisprudence is neither new nor innovative. Holmes’ legal ideas are the systematic application of Hegelian dialectic to deconstruct America’s Judeo-Christian worldview brick-by-brick and, upon the ashes portray America’s constitutional Framers’ insistence on an integration of legality and morality (including all normative institutions like the Christian church) as utterly irrelevant.” ~ Ellis Washington, Justice Holmes Law Review Article (2017), p. 209.

Biography of Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) was a German philosopher and a major figure in German Idealism movement. His radical conceptions of reality are rooted in revolutionized European philosophy that was established in both historicist and idealist philosophy and functioned as a significant antecedent to historicism, Continental philosophy and Marxism: Hegel being the link between Kant’s dialectic reasoning and Marx dialectical materialism. Hegel’s primary realization was his development of absolute idealism as a corollary to combine Hegel’s “Idea” of mind, nature, subject, object, psychology, philosophy, religion, art, history, and the State.

In 2015, I wrote an essay on Georg Hegel and the Hegelian Dialectic titled, On Hegel: Using Dialectic to pervert truth and history. In this essay I cited two important quotes, the first by Hegel –“Reality is a historical process” – the other by an iconic, but false and reactionary 20th century Socialist philosopher, Bertrand Russell, who in a moment of truth regarding the intrinsic lies of the Hegelian Dialectic wrote –“Like other historical theories, it required, if it was to be made plausible, some distortion of facts and considerable ignorance.”

Of course, Hegel is most famously known for his Hegelian or “Master-Slave” Dialectic which in short is a mode of transformative logic that inverts or perverts truth and deconstructs it to conform to Hegelian or anti-Normative philosophy using Thesis-Anti-Thesis-Synthesis. In other words, the Hegelian Dialectic is “any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict” through the systematic perversion, deconstruction, or destruction of the original Idea (Thesis).

HISTORICAL PROBLEM FOR HUMANITY? – “We think dialectically by relying on senses (Locke) and reason (Descartes: Cogito, ergo Sum – I think, therefore I AM), which historically in one form or another, always leads to DEMOCIDE – “The intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”

Hegel and the god of the State

Later in my essay on Hegel I had a section on Hegelianism, which by necessity must worship the State. Why? For without the State being ‘god’ to replace the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible, Natural Law and Natural Rights, Hegelianism (like all perverted philosophies of Man) crashes and burns in utter catastrophe and irrelevance. In my essay on Hegel I wrote the following – “The three most ubiquitous understandings of the State in modern times are these – one view, the State is ordered to the serve man. A second view of the State, man is understood to be a creature of the state, and the state is made god. A third view of the State, man (here, a woman) – like Antigone in Sophocles’ play Antigone – seems to be conflicted between serving the State and serving God, choosing to defy King Creon’s decree not give her brother a proper burial through her appeal to a transcendent or “Higher Law” which is above that of even a tyrannical king like Creon who with a word could have Antigone executed (she eventually was put to death for violating the king’s unjust decree).”

You can see from this brief analysis of Hegelianism that it has been a deceptively simple method to pervert, deconstruct and destroy Objective Truths –Truth that is not dependent or controlled by subjective or personal influences (e.g., God, Jesus, the Bible, Natural Law, Natural Rights, the Rule of Law, Liberty, Freedom, Justice, Original Intent, etc.). Naturally, since Hegel was born just 6 years before the advent of the Illuminati, both Hegel and Illuminism like twin demon spawns, grew up concurrently, fed from and was influenced by each other until this day. Under its current incarnation in modern times the Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic has been weaponized nationally in the hands of the Democrat Socialist Party to control policy and institutions, and Internationally turned into a rhetorical nuclear weapon under such Gestapo Globalist entities as the United Nations, European Union, World Bank, UNESCO, George Soros Network, the Rothschilds, Council on Foreign Relations, etc.… which are all umbrella organizations or allies of the Illuminati 2020.

None of these Machiavellian tactics and strategies by the Illuminati and their legions of allied organizations and institutions would have worked since 1776 without Holmes demonic scripture, like a deadly virus, embedded within the body Republic – A new untruth is better than an old truth.

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 17) – Young America: Expansion by Force


“Hello and welcome back to another week of Myths vs. Facts. This week I will be discussing more on Young America and its influence. As of last week, I discussed how Young America served as a front organization for the Carbonari which had very radical leadership. I stated the Young America’s mission was to use the United States as the base with which to conquer the world into a One-World international government – a New World Order using the slogan, MANIFEST DESTINY in order to conquer the world. It would mean acquiring new territories. A key target of immediate expansion was Cuba, a possession of Spain at the time. One of the initiatives of this expansionist plan was The Ostend Manifesto. The 1854 Manifesto called for the purchase of Cuba from Spain, and if Spain refused, to use force to seize Cuba causing a firestorm amongst European governments since it called for the takeover of Spanish territory.”

“The Ostend Manifesto is named after Ostend, Belgium, the town where the Manifesto was drawn up by three of our European ambassadors in league with other Young America members. The three ambassadors were Young America members – Pierre Soulé, ambassador to Spain, and John Y. Mason to France, and finally James Buchanan whom we discussed last week. If the United States could invade Cuba, then whose territory in the Americas would be next? August Belmont was apparently one of the first to propose the Cuban scheme to Buchanan. Belmont, as an agent for the European Rothschilds, felt that he could get Rothschild’s support for the United States acquisition of Cuba since Cuba had been a target of American politicians who supported the idea of American expansion over the Western Hemisphere for years. There were several private armies raised on American soil to invade Cuba after the formation of Young America. None of them were successful. Such armies also had the aim of invading Cuba, not only Cuba, but Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua; but only Nicaragua had any limited success.”

“I have never talked to a Canadian who knows anything about American private armies that tried to invade Canada. They’re teaching of the history is lacking as well. Pierre Soulé, our ambassador to Spain was involved in a revolution against French King Charles X at the age of fifteen and condemned to the guillotine, [he] escaped from prison, fled the country but was pardoned and returned to France. He was then arrested for his writings and chose exile as his punishment. He became an itinerant, wandering the Americas until he just happened to become the guest in Andrew Jackson’s home at which time he got involved in American politics and he became a close friend of George Sanders. Once he received his appointment as ambassador to Spain the so-called liberals hailed his coming. He apparently got too close to the Spanish revolutionaries and did damage to the United States-French relations by shooting the French ambassador to Madrid in a quarrel over the minister’s wife and had to resign his position in June of 1855 when he returned to New Orleans. There he got involved as an attorney for several of the Young America and Knights of the Golden Circle small invasion armies aimed at Latin American targets.”

“The official story of the Ostend Manifesto is that President Pierce instructed Secretary of State Marcy to direct those three ambassadors to confer with each other relative to gaining Cuba for the United States. The New York Herald of June 10, 1852 reported that Franklin Pierce (14th President: 1853-57), was a discrete representative of Young America. Pierce had a bad habit of sending some of the worst people as our representatives abroad – Sanders and Soulé being only two examples. It was Daniel Sickles that carried the message to Europe of what became the Manifesto. Sickles would later murder the son of the composer of the Star-Spangled Banner and got off scot-free. Sickles worked with Sanders carrying messages between the Communists and Carbonari revolutionary leaders in England to the Continent.”  

Diplomatic Pouches = Diplomatic Immunity = Illuminati/Communist Free Speech

“American legation franking, which is the ability to send mail by one signature rather than by post, was used to get the [Illuminous] messages past the various authorities until they were caught in the act by the French police. Messages from official legations are immune from search and the laws in the various countries where foreign governments had legation consulates and embassies – it was a diplomatic courtesy. The Americans in London who were working with George Sanders used this ability to allow Communist revolutionaries to communicate with one another and got caught at it.”

“Sickles was a friend of August Belmont and the two met in the resort town of Ostend and came forth with a Manifesto that was nothing more than the Manifest Destiny agenda of Young America. The three ambassadors agreed, and the Ostend Manifesto became history. Now this is not how I was taught about the Ostend Manifesto when I was at school. The entire fiasco and the people involved in it and much more of their backgrounds and activities are in my book – To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments. You will just shake your head when you read it.”

“The only real but temporary success of any Young America expedition was in the state of Nicaragua. Here, a small army led by William Walker took control of the country until he was ultimately stopped and executed. The story is rather long to relate here other than to say that not only did the expansion’s plans of Young America collide with the Robber Baron plans of Vanderbilt, they collided with the ambitions of the English government. William Walker is another American who had studied at Göttingen University in Germany and had been editor of … which declared his willingness –  

“… to lay ourselves open to the accusations of Radicalism, Jacobinism, Agrarianism and other names.” ~ William Walker

Such was the leader of several small armies that invaded our southern neighbors, William Walker. The entire story of Walker and how he fit into Young America and expansionist initiatives is contained in my book. It involves not only Young America but The Knights of the Golden Circle, key members of the United States government at the time and a host of Manifest Destiny adherents. Also, how the state of Nicaragua remains strategically important today and it’s cooperating with the Communist Chinese to build another canal from the Caribbean to the Pacific. Next week more on Young America.”

Myths vs. Facts (Episode 18) – Young America: All Must Change


“Welcome back to Myths vs. Facts. While there is a great amount of important information concerning Young America and its impact on the United States, this will conclude our last segment on Young America. The policies of Young America in part became those of modern Neoconservatives. The only alternatives we get from the Neocons foreign policy is internationalism, or we go to war in the name of Democracy. This may be oversimplification but it’s the general idea. Another problem of modern American history is to show how we build up our own enemies with which we then later go to war. This has been the case since the days of Hitler and Bolshevik Russia. We will have a new book out shortly documenting this problem and how it fits into the Deep State agenda.”

“The first battlefield is to rewrite History.” ~ Karl Marx (Father of Socialism & Communism)

“Young America was influential in promoting the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, etc. In their newspapers and magazines those who did not fit into their agenda were ridiculed. Young America proponents advocated rewriting history. One of the key men of the Carbonari, Young America was John O’Sullivan, editor of The Democratic Review just before George Sanders was editor. In 1837 he said,

All history has to be rewritten. Political Science and the whole scope of all moral truth has to be reconsidered and illustrated in the light of the democratic principle. All old subjects of thought and all new questions arising connected, more or less directly with human existence, have to be taken up again and re-examined.” ~ John O’Sullivan, Editor of The Democratic Review (1837)

“By democratic principle he was speaking to the initiate, meaning we have to bend history, political science, and moral truth to fit the Illuminous goals. The last sentence, all subjects, old subjects of thought meant all old subjects of how we think and all new questions arising meaning anything new has to be re-examined – so all thought, all morality, all society must be changed.” (= Hegelian Dialectical logic)

“Recall in the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels wrote that Communism was to be a Social Revolution – all of society must be changed or a Communist future would not work. An important aspect of changing society is changing its history to fit the new perspective of the Conspiracy. The same year O’Sullivan wrote his words to Ralph Waldo Emerson in his Phi Beta Kappa Society oration at Harvard titled, The American Scholar said,

“Each age it is found must write its own books, or rather each generation for the next succeeding. The books of the older period will not fit this.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, The American Scholar Speech (31 Aug. 1837)

“The thought is to change history and philosophy from the old to a new but rarely defined new. Recall also that the beginning of this series we quoted George Orwell the author of 1984 – “The most effective way to destroy people is to not to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” This will always be the program of the Illuminous to deny the history of the people, which we are trying to do in our small way to bring forward. That, and to so alter society to make it possible for the people to enslave themselves through not only ignorance of history, but ignorance of the basic principles of Liberty.”

“For many years it was difficult to see where Young America began and Communism ended since the Carbonari and Communists had the same pedigree out of the Illuminati. Over time, the Communist State at the street level whereas the Young America people they evolved into a higher plane of influence. The problem exists today where the end goal is Internationalism, a New World Order. While the path between the Communists and what became of Young America is different, they both lead towards achieving the same goal. In my book I show how Young America helps split the Democrat Party in 1860 ensuring the Republican candidate of victory and it turned out to be Lincoln and we’ll get into that this very well, at least briefly in a future segment.”

“We have shown that President Pierce, an adherent to Young America, named other Young America adherence to important posts. Pierce was also under the influence of Young America through two men: George Sanders and Jefferson Davis. The influence of these appointments of Young America individuals included both foreign ambassadors and domestic administrative appointments such as Caleb Cushing as Attorney General. Cushing was a contributor to the Young America newspaper, The Democratic Review, which had become George Sanders newspaper. Cushing went on to chair both Democratic Conventions of 1860 – the part that put up Stephen Douglas and the other part that put up Breckinridge. The fact that Cushing chaired both splits of the Democratic conventions is a clue to the idea that the insiders wanted to do – to ensure the election of the Republican Party candidate regardless of who that candidate would become.”

“The Democratic conventions were held before the Republican convention, so they didn’t know who would be the candidate. The leading candidates for the Republican were all Radicals. We will delve into the formation of the modern Republican Party in a future segment. The Communist influence in the United States came from the Illuminous to influence through Krakus, Babeuf and Nicholas Bonneville in such individuals as Joel Barlow, Charles Dana, Horace Greeley, and many immigrants. The idea of empire building came through the leaders of Young America. This influence was part of the effect of the Illuminati through the lineage of the Carbonari. We have shown and will continue to show that the numbers in leadership did not involve multi-thousands, rather it was an inner core that regardless of the organization’s they spawn they tended to be the same people. In other words, the organizational leadership tended to be interlocking and the same people in leadership over and over again and it remains so today. This was and is the evidence of coordinated design.”

“To leave Young America we will say that the Civil War had a profound effect on the organization and Young America as a front for the Conspiracy in and of itself dissolved to be replaced with other organizations and new personalities while it existed Young America played the role of the Carbonari in America as the Carbonari waned in Europe it did as well in the United States. Now that sums up Young America in this very short few vignettes. Next week we will dive into an organization that has played a major role in American society and politics, Skull and Bones.”

Epilogue—Illuminati 2020: DNC Trump/Russia Hoax Exposes Deep State Treason, Exonerates Roger Stone

In a YouTube posting by Dr. Dave Janda of Operation Freedom, titled – President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud, one can clearly see the Hegelian Dialectic by the Democrat Party –  like that vile serpent in the Garden of Eden slithering its way down through the Ages to modern times. Dr. Janda is discussing how the Left is obsessed with defeating President Trump not only by trying to steal the 2016 election from Trump, but when that failed, used Freudian Psychological Projection and Displacement to blame Trump for stealing the 2016 election from Hillary. Yet the Deep State apparatchiks are deathly afraid of Trump as President, holding the highest security clearances who even now knows all of their historical treachery since the advent of the Loyalists (Proto-Democrat Party of the 1770s) allied with the tyrannical English King George III to keep U.S. as a Colony of England, but was defeated when We the People Declared our Independence on July 4, 1776 and eventually won the Revolutionary War against England (1775-83) at the decisive Battle of Yorktown (19 Oct. 1781).

Dr. Janda read from a article –

Steele assembled an anti-Trump “dossier” of opposition research investigative firm Fusion GPS, which was in turn hired by DNC law firm Perkins Coie LLP. The document used “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” and “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin,” according to Vanity FairIn other words, Hillary Clinton – through Steele and other intermediaries – was working with Russians against Donald Trump.” ~ Tyler Durden, Christopher Steele Admits He Was Hired To Help Hillary Challenge 2016 Election (, 12/17/2018)

“… Watch my interview I did with surveillance experts, (the two-top in the world), Bill Binney and Kurt Wiebe. It wasn’t a hack (that exposed the hard drive secrets of the Democrat National Committee [DNC]), it was a download event internally within the DNC [initiated by DNC computer expert Seth Rich] and then that information was transferred to Julian Assange who published it on the Wikileaks platform.”

Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic 2020: Using Democrat Party Treason Against Trump to win the 2020 Election

  • THESIS – On 8 Nov. 2016 Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election fair and square against his rival, Hillary Clinton.
  • ANTI-THESIS – Using the Steele dossier, the FBI, CIA, NSA, Five Eyes, Obama Administration, Hillary’s DOJ, We the Deep State must frame Trump to have colluded with the Russians to ‘steal’ the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton. Hillary must be President over Trump.
  • SYNTHESIS – (Despite REALITY) Trump stole the 2016 election from Hillary and must be Impeached and immediately removed from office.

Roger Stone Enters the Arena Deconstructing the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

Putting the noose around the neck of the fake Trump-Russia Collusion frameup, independent journalist, Jacob Appelbaum (beg. @9:21) adds the following info – “Also, WikiLeaks has stated numerous times that Russia did not provide them with the emails they leaked in 2016 and Julian Assange has stated that WikiLeaks had nothing to do with Russia.”

“But of course, the Mueller gang never interviewed WikiLeaks in an effort to determine how they received the Clinton emails. Of course, the Mueller team could not risk WikiLeaks saying the emails were not received from Russia which would destroy their Russia hacked the DNC fairy tale.” …

Roger Stone needs YOUR help! Please contribute to his legal defense fund TODAY!

Because lengthy court filings by Roger Stone’s attorneys filing two pleadings – 1) Opposition to Motions to Compel; 2) Stone’s Reply to Government’s Opposition to Motion to Suppress (of 5 and 12 pages respectively), I will just go to the conclusion of the matter where Stone drives the proverbial dagger into the demonic heart of this entire Hegelian Dialectic-Democrat Party witch hunt which is the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax. Stone continues – “Because the Russia state did not transfer the data to WikiLeaks, all other allegations, including communications with Assange or WikiLeaks are irrelevant and immaterial to investigation about Russian interference with 2016 election.”

Under a Positive Law worldview which is what the Progressive jurists have devolved law down to in modern times, my friend Roger Stone would not have a snowball’s chance in hell to prevail over these politically-manufactured, unjust charges against him as punishment for being such a bold and devoted early supporter of the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump. However, if the Court is forced to follow a Natural Law/Natural Rights jurisprudences which of necessity views Legality and Morality as inseparable, THEN Roger Stone’s two pleadings summarized here will make him victorious in the court of law and free this just man from the political tyranny he has endured for better than a year costing Roger Stone over $2 million in legal fees to date.

Therefore, I will end this lengthy essay review with one of my favorite law maxims as the antidote to the Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic adopted by the Illuminati. This legal aphorism is by that iconic Catholic writer, philosopher, theologian, Saint Augustine, who famously wrote regarding the absolute primacy of the Rule of Law he understood as Natural Law and Natural Rights belonging to all humanity despite creed or race, economics or politics – Lex iniusta non est lex – An unjust law is no law at all.

Suggested Readings:

  1. Saint Augustine, De Libero Arbitrio – On the Free Choice of the Will (3 Vols), 1. 5. 33 (387-389 A.D.).
  2. Art Thompson, To the Victor Go the Myths & the Monuments (John Birch Society, 2016). See sections on Belmont, August, 28, 132, 135, 219, 221, 230, 244; Buonarroti, Fillipo Michele, 126; Goethe, Wilhelm von, 17, 46; Hegel, Georg, 26; Hegelianism, 26, 29, 35, 45, 46, 136, 167, 279, 439;  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 28, 48, 192, 193, 269, 304; Pierce, President Franklin, xxiv, 122, 231, 229, 401; Sanders, George, 133, 136, 140, 229-31, 464, 476; Sickles, Daniel E., 136, 221, 230, 389; Skull and Bones, 26-28, 50, 89, 170, 228, 242; Soulé, Pierre, 135, 226, 228, 230, 284, 471; Walker, Wm., 136, 221, 223, 231, 467; Young America, 215-229, 233; Interesting Illuminati flowcharts, 47-48.
  3. John Robinson, Proofs of A Conspiracy ([1797], John Birch Society, 1967 ed.). 
  4. Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, ([1797], 2002 ed.). Cited by Thompson in his book, To the Victor…, pp. xxxii, 6, 8, 9, 63, 481.
  5. Bill Federer, Yale President Battles French Illuminati, (01/10/2015).
  6. Ellis Washington, The Progressive Revolution—Vol. I: 2007-08 Writings—History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2013).
  7. _____________, 1918-2018—100 Years of UnNatural Law of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 9 Faulkner Law Review No. 1, 209 (Fall 2017), pp. 171-226.
  8. _____________, The Inseparability of Law and Morality: The Constitution, Natural Law and the Rule of Law, University Press of America (2002), Chaps. 10-12 (Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner…), 233-326.
  9. Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left (2017).
  10. Dr. Dave Janda, President Trump Exposes the Deep State Fraud,, Operation Freedom (June 18, 2019).

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