Roger James Hamilton: Is War Coming? The Fourth Turning and Top 5 2020 Prediction Systems – Part II

| August 28, 2020
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About the Author—Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ yearsfor my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?For Harvard’s original 1692 mottoVeritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

People were forever without understanding of what was the nature of reality.

~ Heraclitus (c. 500 BC)(Pre-Socratic Philosopher)

“America entered a new Fourth Turning in 2008 and is likely to last until around 2030. Our paradigm suggest that current trends will deepen as we move toward the halfway point, further adverse events possibly another financial crisis or major armed conflict will galvanize public opinion and mobilize leaders to take decisive action.

~ Neil Howe, Co-author of The Fourth Turning

Source: Washington Post article 24 Feb. 2017

Prologue: Synopsis and Review of the Top 5 2020 Predictive Systems in Context of the JFK Assassination

Now let us review. Roger James Hamilton’s video that I reviewed in Part I of my essay is titled—The Fourth Turning and the Top 5 2020 Predictive Systems. Remember, to understand these predictive systems (e.g., Theories not CIA False Flag propaganda trope they invented to cover up their treasonous conspiracy to assassinate JFK on 22 Nov. 1961 = origin of the CIA term, ‘Conspiracy Theory’). This Grand Treason by U.S. intelligence agencies led by the CIA to kill JFK was done because JFK famously (but not wisely) declared in a speech War on the Deep State – “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.” This they could not abide, so these arrogant, entitled Satanists had JFK murdered before the world in Dallas Texas (JFK’s V.P. LBJ’s territory… see how this works?)

Just one week before he was murdered by the CIA and LBJ JFK warned – “There’s is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” What was this “Plot”? Using the terminology of Roger James Hamilton was this event “Planned” or “Predicted” or both?

I cite the JFK assassination in the context that this internecine Globalist plot was made as a predicate to forestall the next global cataclysm of our times (World War III, or World War IV – if one counts the Cold War as World War III]). Knowledge of the complex Grand Conspiracy prompted JFK, a bona fide American Hero to warn U.S.:

Remember JFK said this about 60 YEARS ago and We the People (most of U.S. anyhow) remain slavishly asleep prompting pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus to rightly deduce about humanity – People were forever without understanding of what was the nature of reality.

Now, as I did in Part I of my essay, I will restate my summary and definitions of the top 5 Prediction Systems according to the research of Futurist Roger James Hamilton:

  • Prediction System #1: Kondratiev Waves (also called SupercyclesGreat SurgesLong WavesK-Waves or the Long Economic Cycle)– “In economicsKondratiev Waves are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy.[1]
    • It is stated that the period of a wave ranges from forty to sixty years, the cycles consist of alternating intervals of high sectoral growth and intervals of relatively slow growth.”
  • Prediction System #2: Economic Waves (Kuznets Cycle, Juglar Cycles, Kitchin/Business Cycles – Joseph Schumpeter) – Joseph Schumpeter  put forward the idea that there were four economic cycles: Kitchin, Juglar, Kuznets and Kondratieff.
    • “The Kuznets swing (or Kuznets cycle) is a claimed medium-range economic wave with a period of 15–25 years identified in 1930 by Simon Kuznets.[1] Kuznets connected these waves with demographic processes, in particular with immigrant inflows/outflows and the changes in construction intensity that they caused, that is why he denoted them as “demographic” or “building” cycles/swings. Kuznets swings have been also interpreted as infrastructural investment cycles.”
    • “The Juglar cycle is a fixed investment cycle of 7 to 11 years identified in 1862 by Clément Juglar.[1] Within the Juglar cycle one can observe oscillations of investments into fixed capital and not just changes in the level of employment of the fixed capital (and respective changes in inventories), as is observed with respect to Kitchin cycles. 2010 research employing spectral analysis confirmed the presence of Juglar cycles in world GDP dynamics.”
    • Kondratiev Cycle (See definition above under Prediction System #1)
  • Prediction System #3: Ray Dalio’s Currency Cycles (Long Term Debt Cycle) – For paper currency (and its historical internecine battles with gold existing for over 3,000 years), there are always boom-bust cycles. It often begins with the healing of a country’s economic woes and promises of prosperity for all:
    • Stage 1 is fueled by optimism and euphoria as politicians promise growth stimulus with the least amount of pain and discipline.
    • Stage 2, restrictions would be slowly removed from the currency-creation process. 
    • Stage 3 is the gambling stage where excessive liquidity makes its way into the stock market and real estate market. Growth will start to slow down and therefore, more money needs to be created to stimulate growth.
    • Stage 4 is the penultimate stage of the fiat cycle. Sluggish growth in western countries force financial institutes to try make money through other means than financing and brokerage fees.
    • Stage 5 occurs when there is hyperinflation, which is the worst economic phase of the fiat cycle. In stage 5, the currency becomes worthless.
  • Prediction System #4: Generation Cycles (Neil Strauss and William Howe) – Describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history and global history. It was devised by William Strauss and Neil Howe.
    • “According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational personas (archetypes).
    • Each generational persona unleashes a new era (called a turning) lasting around 20–22 years, in which a new social, political, and economic climate exists. They are part of a larger cyclical “saeculum” (a long human life, which usually spans between 80 and 90 years, although some saecula have lasted longer).
      • The theory states that after every saeculum, a crisis recurs in American history, which is followed by a recovery (high).
        • During this recovery, institutions and communitarian values are strong. Ultimately, succeeding generational archetypes attack and weaken institutions in the name of autonomy and individualism, which ultimately creates a tumultuous political environment that ripens conditions for another crisis.”
  • Prediction System #5: War Cycles (Quincy Wright, A Study of War, Arnold Toynbee) – “During the 1920s, the horrors of World War I were foremost in the thoughts of many social scientists. Soon after his arrival at Chicago, Wright organized an ongoing interdisciplinary study of wars, which eventually resulted in over 40 dissertations and 10 books. Wright summarized this research in his magnum opus A Study of War (1942).”

To keep this analysis of Hamilton’s work in a manageable format, I have divided Roger Hamilton’s video transcript into two parts. In Part I, I have covered Prediction Systems #1-3, with Part II covering Predictive Systems #4-5 and Hamilton’s conclusory remarks (including his opinion, perspective, and philosophy) that will hopefully help U.S. avoid the negative aspects of predictive systems while embracing the positive, life-affirming parts. However, this exercise in using predictive systems to understand, predict and perhaps control (direct vs. dictate) human actions is a slippery slope into the abyss without heed of these two aphorisms:

1) A wise and educated population must understand, respect, AND LEARN FROM H-I-S-T-O-R-Y.

2) A successful society must have a love and respect for God, Jesus, the Bible and veneration of Natural Law and Natural Rights codified in all of its laws, statues, institutions based on America’s Judeo-Christian traditions of intellectual thought.

Prediction System #4: Generations Cycles (Neil Strauss and William Howe): 06:42

Growth, Maturation, Entropy, Rebirth, or Artist, Prophet, Nomad, Hero

 “And that brings us on to Prediction #4: Generations [Cycles]. Neil Strauss and William Howe looked at all of these different patterns and theories and came up with their own Generation Theory which went back over 500 years of American history and broke down these cycles into 80 year succulents, which is about the life span of a typical human. Each succulent was then broken down into four different seasons, each were about 20-22 years apart which was the birth cycle of one generation to the next. And you can see from this graph [below] that they were able to predict back 30 years ago the Millennial Generation and they also named the Fourth Turning as the crisis period. The next one being the one we are in right now from 2005-2025.”

What did Strauss and Howe do to benefit from these predictions? (the Fourth Turning, Millennials rising, Lifeforce associates, and Hedgeye): 07:26

“So, what did Strauss and Howe do with all of this information? And did they benefit from it? Well first they published as series of books – Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069 came out in 1991, 13th Gen (which is my generation of Gen Xers) came out in 1993. The Fourth Turning which is all about this crisis came out in 1997 and Millennials Rising came out in 2000. Now William Strauss passed away in 2007, but Neil Howe has continued to build his career based on his predictions first as president of Life Course Associates where he gets paid by companies to be able to train them on his predictions.”

“So, for example, being able to show people how they should be marketing to millennials, and more recently as managing director of Hedgeye, he’s now advising hedge funds and investors about what’s coming next within the markets. So, companies are willing to pay for predictive marketing advice and investors are willing to pay even more for predictive investment advice.”

Government Connection (Al Gore, Bill Clinton): 08:17

“But when does this information cross between two governments? Their book, Generations had such an impact on Al Gore that he called it ‘the most influential book on American history that he had ever read.’ And then he sent a copy of the book to every member in Congress.”

“And then when Bill Clinton ran for president, he chose Al Gore as his running mate based on the book and the fact that the two of them were of the same generation. Their book, The Fourth Turning had a massive impact on a former Goldman Sachs investment banker and the head of Breitbart News, Steve Bannon.”

Steve Bannon and Donald Trump (The Fourth Turning): 08:47

“Bannon wrote and directed a movie called Generation Zero which was all about The Fourth Turning which was just before he became Donald Trump’s White House Chief Strategist. In 2017 Neil Howe then wrote an article for the Washington Post where he says, “Where does Steve Bannon get his worldview? From my book,” he writes. “The headlines this month have been alarming.” “Steve Bannon’s obsession with a dark theory of history should be worrisome. (Business Insider). “Steve Bannon believes the Apocalypse Is Coming and War Is Inevitable” (the Huffington Post). “Steve Bannon wants to start World War III” (The Nation).”

“And then it [Neil Howe in the Washington Post article] goes on to say,

“America entered a new Fourth Turning in 2008 and is likely to last until around 2030. Our paradigm suggest that current trends will deepen as we move toward the halfway point, further adverse events possibly another financial crisis or major armed conflict will galvanize public opinion and mobilize leaders to take decisive action. [Despite a new tilt toward isolationism,] the United States could find itself at war. I certainly do not hope for war. I simply make a sobering observation: Every total war in U.S. history has occurred during a Fourth Turning, and no Fourth Turning has yet unfolded without one.”

Linette Lopez on Bannon: 09:54

“One Linette Lopez went further saying about Bannon, “He believes that for the New World Order to arise there must be a massive reckoning that we will soon reach our climax. In the White House he has shown that he is willing to advise Trump to enact policies that will disrupt our current order [Deep State, New World Order] to bring about [restore] what he perceives as a necessary new one [American Republic based on Natural Law and Natural Rights]. He encourages breaking down political and economic alliances and turning away from traditional American principles to cause chaos. In that way Bannon seems to be trying to bring about the Fourth Turning.”

*N.B.: Parenthetical expressions mine 

Is this a prediction or planned? (China’s Debt): 10:21

“So, what is happening now – Prediction or Planned? There are conspiracy theories that governments are making predictions of crises and wars as self-fulfilling prophecy by actually planning for them, just like there are conspiracy theories that there are central banks are actually deliberately debasing their money supply be printing more debt. If this were true, we’d expect central banks to be creating debt and starting to buy up gold years before the crises was actually predicted, but actually that’s exactly what’s been happening. This graphic from The Economist shows in the last decade China has grown to issue more debt to more countries than anyone else.”

“And this Harvard Business Review from this February says in total the Chinese state and subsidiaries have lent about $1.5 trillion dollars in direct loans and trade credits to more than 150 countries around the globe. This has turned China into the largest official creditor surpassing traditional official lenders such as the World Bank, the IMF or all OECD creditor government combined.”

Central Banks Buying and Repatriating Gold: 11:17

“As for gold while its reaching record highs while the U.S. dollar is falling to lows, the central banks have actually been buying up gold for the last 10 years and we hit a record in the last 2 years of 656 tons being bought in 2018 and another 650 tons just last year.”

“An in preparation for the crisis we are experiencing today governments have been repatriating gold back into their countries for the last 5 years. There have been over 1200 tons taken out of the gold vaults from New York and London and now today we’ve seen these kinds of headlines:

‘Asia Pacific: US Could Attack China, Seize Disputed Islands In South China Sea Before Elections – Military Experts

China is following Mao’s dictum by keeping two-front war option against India open

Rajiv Jayaram

“Ties between the U.S. and China are perhaps the worst they have ever been especially after the Trump administration imposed all round high intensity, maximum pressure on China on political, diplomatic, economic, and military fronts. Now before I answer whether I think this is predicted or planned we’ve got one more prediction system to cover.”

Prediction System #5: War Cycles (Quincy Wright, A Study of War, Arnold Toynbee): 12:26

“In 1942 University of Chicago Professor Quincy Wright wrote a book, it was called The Study of War which showed how every 50 years there was a minor war leading into a major war every hundred years. British historian Arnold Toynbee then built on this pattern by looking at 28 past civilizations and how they rose and fell. Quincy Wright War Cycles with K Waves and his work earned him a front cover with Time magazine.”

Joshua Goldstein Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Current Age: 12:55

“And then in 1988 Professor Joshua Goldstein from American University came out with this book, Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age. The entire book studies the relationship between War Cycles, Economic Cycles and K Waves and the cycle predicts a war around about this time the same time predicted by both The Fourth Turning and Ray Dalio.”

How do the 5 Prediction Systems Compare (Self-fulfilling Prophecies): 13:15

“So how do all these 5 predictions compare? The main thing is how similar they are.

  1. They all look at past patterns to predict future to predict future patterns.
  2. They all link to our lifetimes – a major war takes place after all those who remember the last one has all died.
  3. They all are self-fulfilling – Leaders know of the cycles and so play into them with their plans.

As an example, here’s an article from a year ago: The US Military Is Preparing for a New War by Michael T. Kare. “After years of a fruitless War on Terror, the Pentagon is turning its focus to China and Russia.” And it goes on to explain how the U.S. military is predicting that there will be a war with either China or Russia is actually choosing where that war might occur starting with the South China Sea. They made plans for that prediction and now we’re seeing the escalation happening today. So, is the coming economic crash planned or predicted? Is the next war planned or predicted? The truth is it’s a bit of both because one thing is for sure these prediction systems when it does happen it’s not going to be either unexpected or a surprise.”

Prediction of Electric Cars a Conspiracy or Pseudoscience?: 14:14

“And to dismiss the idea that things that are planned are somehow conspiracy theories would be like Elon Musk predicting that electric self-driving cars are going to continue to grow and then planning for that is somehow a conspiracy. Now would we have a world of self-driving cars without Elon? Probably. But with this plan the likelihood is much more assured. And would we have a monetary crash and a possible war without the current governments? Maybe, but with their plans they are much more assured.”

“So yes, you can dismiss future predictions as pseudoscience and dismiss planned futures as conspiracies or you can see all predictions and plans are connected and led by those interested enough in the past to be looking to the future. Now you can’t control most of this, but if you see the benefit of finding the best predictions to your life your country or your community or finding the best predictions for your business, your industry, or your investments then you can set a plan to make that prediction come true. And until you create your own plan there is a pretty good chance, you’ll be part of someone else’s plan. You decide.”

My Opinion, Perspective, and Philosophy: 15:16

“But the key is to find certainty in a sea of uncertainty. In my case with the timing of the ongoing crisis and possible war is uncertain what more and more of us are looking to self-educate ourselves and more of us are looking to find ways to be more self-sufficient which is why all my focus is how I can help grow the education revolution and the entrepreneur movement. And when planning my future, I chose to follow Jack Canfield’s philosophy where he says –

Whatever you believe, choose your certainty and plan your own future…”

Epilogue: Will America’s (and the World) Future be Dystopia or Jubilee?

Former Trump senior advisor, Steve Bannon has been in headlines recently being indicted by New York prosecutors allegedly because he and his business partners committed fraud in a border wall building project they were apart of –

The Hill reported: Bannon, Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea allegedly defrauded donors of the online crowdfunding campaign known as “We Build the Wall,” which raised more than $25 million, the office said. The four defendants are expected to appear in court Thursday afternoon. “As alleged, the defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction,” Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said.

The question of ultimate concern really is this—Are these legitimate charges or are they trumped up charges (excused the pun) by a Soros-funded Democrat zealot New York Attorney General [Letitia James] for the sole purpose of embarrassing President Trump months before the pivotal 2020 elections? I believe it is the latter.

Remember this –Trump fired Steve Bannon only 8 months into his new administration on 18 Aug. 2017 noting that “Bannon went crazy” after Trump fired him for being a loose cannon, serial leaker, backstabber, and (upon Bannon’s consultation) filled his cabinet with Deep State traitors which took President Trump nearly 4 years just to get rid of some of these Deep State rats let alone the hundreds, thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands of “Sleeper Agents” Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Comey, Clapper and other Communist and Democrat infiltrators left in place by previous Deep State administrations to sabotage the Trump administration from within.

Shakespeare Redux – To Plan or to Predict? – that is the question

The most important elections in American history… in world history – the 2020 elections on Nov. 3rd where the Deep State and their Globalist masters hope to put an end to the Trump administration through race-based false flag chaos in Democrat-controlled blue cities throughout America where Portland, Oregon with its 80+ day continuous protesting (i.e., rioting) is the Democrat pretext to convince enough brain dead voters that all of this national chaos is Trump’s fault?

Is Democrat Deep State treachery of the Covid-19 hoax that has crippled the greatest economic recovery in American Planned or Predicted? Is watching American cities burn to the grown and our most cherished churches and monuments defaced witnessed daily before U.S. and before hundreds of millions of American citizens on TV and social media Planned or Predicted?!?

QAnon journalist Santa Surfing has a contrarian view of Democrat Deep State Dystopia and predicts a NESARA/GESARA Biblical Jubilee. She created a fabulous and easy-to-understand summary about what NESARA and GESARA actually is.

*N.B.: GESARA = Global Economic Security and Reformation Act and mirrors the NESARA description above except it will be on a global scale and distributed to all of the other countries of the world.

On the otherhand author, Neil Howe seems to predict a coming Age of Dystopia and World War II due to the analysis in his 4 paradigm-changing books cited above, particularly The Fourth Turning. Neil Howe writes—

“America entered a new Fourth Turning in 2008 and is likely to last until around 2030. Our paradigm suggest that current trends will deepen as we move toward the halfway point, further adverse events possibly another financial crisis or major armed conflict will galvanize public opinion and mobilize leaders to take decisive action. [Despite a new tilt toward isolationism,] the United States could find itself at war. I certainly do not hope for war. I simply make a sobering observation: Every total war in U.S. history has occurred during a Fourth Turning, and no Fourth Turning has yet unfolded without one.”

In 2020 will America face an Illuminati-Rothschild-New World Order-generated Dystopia or a NESARA/GESARA Age of Global Blessings and Economic prosperity never seen in history? Either prediction, either way… IT”S GOING TO BE BIBLICAL to quote the actor Gerard Butler character (Clyde Shelton) in the 2009 American vigilante action thriller movie, Law Abiding Citizen.

Is Trump Channeling Clyde in his zeal to destroy the New World Order, the Illuminati-Rothschild Central Banking Debt-Slavery systems that provoke perpetual wars and their demonic food sources—Satanic child sex trafficking, torture, adrenal chrome, abortion (marketing of baby body parts) and child sacrifice? Movie clip from Law Abiding Citizen – ‘It’s going to be Biblical’ scene.

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