| July 23, 2012
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washington120721Just as Lincoln spoke in 1854 that “Slavery is founded in the selfishness of man’s nature – opposition to it, is his love of justice,” so in 2012 black mob violence in America cannot be stopped without first eradicating the 21st-century version of slavery called abortion.

There are three major root causes of black mob violence (i.e., pathology) – promiscuity (abortion), ignorance and crime. These societal evils were encapsulated in Dinesh D’Souza’s revelatory 1995 book, “The End of Racism.” We’ve heard all these solutions before, and liberal psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, civil rights organizations, race demagogues and Marxist academics from just about every tangential field of study have written thousands of volumes over the past 50 years trying to “solve” this seemingly intractable problem of black pathology in modern society. Yet for all of their collected wisdom, my people collectively are in a more miserable existence now than during the Jim Crow era of racial discrimination (1876-1965).

Political theorist Hannah Arendt called Nazism the “banality of evil.” In a similar fashion, ghetto life has its own existential, chaotic banality of evil – a daily struggle following Darwin’s survival of the fittest: survival on any level possible. This was my exposure to ghetto life 50 years ago in my early years in Detroit – vile language, gratuitous violence, organized gangs, rampant youth pregnancies, endemic school dropout rates, skipping school to get high, stealing cars, breaking into houses, stabbings, shootings, broken glass, broken lives, an animalistic, jungle existence … CHAOS!

I came of age during Detroit’s infamous riots of July 1967. Although I was only 5 years old, I remember the young black soldiers with their large AK-47 rifles marching up and down our streets trying in vain to quell the marauding black mob violence and destruction. Detroit has never recovered.

How can we end this Sisyphus cycle of black mob violence plaguing American society?

My theory about solutions to black pathology and mob violence is based on the historical fact that blacks through the Marxist/progressive public school system have been purposely and systematically miseducated (to borrow a word from Dr. Carter G. Woodson’s famous 1933 book) leading to poor life choices, glorification of the “gangsta” lifestyle, endemic failure, hatred of capitalism, an irrational, slavish dependence on the Democratic Socialist Party and the federal government (FDR’s welfare state, LBJ’s Great Society and Obamacare programs) and blaming mythical white figures for all the problems and evils in the black community, like “the Man,” “the System” and “Mr. Charlie.”

My theory may not be convincing to everybody, but ask yourself, how miseducated and delusional does a community have to be for 96 percent of them to vote for a certified Marxist whose economic policies have caused a $16 trillion deficit and who spent more money on socialist boondoggles than all of his 43 predecessors combined? How miseducated is black America to vote 96 percent for President Obama, a proud Margaret Sanger protégé so hellbent on aborting his own race that in March 2001 he was the only Illinois state senator to vote (twice) against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act whereby babies who survive their abortions are protected by the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Black American’s 80-year love affair voting for the Democratic Socialist Party is a direct correlation to the rising rates of genocidal black pathology over the past 50 years in every big city in America where blacks tend to congregate. Abortion is the unspoken but direct link to black pathology and violence plaguing society and culture in modern times.

In 1939 one of Planned Parenthood’s original programs was called the “Negro Project” – a comprehensive series of programs designed to control the birth of “human weeds,” which was how Margaret Sanger characterized colored people; a project intended to introduce abortion, sterilization and different forms of birth control into the black community. In a 1939 letter to her friend/financier, Clarence Gamble, Sanger wrote:

Click here to read the article at World Net Daily

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  1. @RiverRoads says:


  2. @RiverRoads says:


  3. Ernie D says:

    I arrivied in Detroit in 1982 for a job, (not in auto industry) in the detph of unbelivable unemployment. During that period stable communities and families were the norm. During the past 30 years I have seen this city turn into a self engrandizing pit of I’m-blacker-than you, crime ridden (I’m still blacker than you), politically neutered (I’m still blacker than you), patronizing, provential (I’m blacker than you) house of crooks, criminals, miscrenats(all), I’m blacker than you people and officals that have totally decimated this city.

  4. Ernie D says:

    I arrivied in Detroit in 1982 for a job, (not in auto industry) in the detph of unbelivable unemployment. During that period stable communities and families were the norm. During the past 30 years I have seen this city turn into a self engrandizing pit of I’m-blacker-than you, crime ridden (I’m still blacker than you), politically neutered (I’m still blacker than you), patronizing, provential (I’m blacker than you) house of crooks, criminals, miscrenats(all), I’m blacker than you people and officals that have totally decimated this city.

  5. Ernie D says:

    I arrivied in Detroit in 1982 for a job, (not in auto industry) in the detph of unbelivable unemployment. During that period stable communities and families were the norm. During the past 30 years I have seen this city turn into a self engrandizing pit of I’m-blacker-than you, crime ridden (I’m still blacker than you), politically neutered (I’m still blacker than you), patronizing, provential (I’m blacker than you) house of crooks, criminals, miscrenats(all), I’m blacker than you people and officals that have totally decimated this city.

  6. @Su100TD says:

    Ellis Washington Report: SOLUTIONS TO BLACK MOB VIOLENCE

  7. @Su100TD says:

    Ellis Washington Report: SOLUTIONS TO BLACK MOB VIOLENCE

  8. @Su100TD says:

    Ellis Washington Report: SOLUTIONS TO BLACK MOB VIOLENCE

  9. Here is an essay that may be of interest to you-

  10. Here is an essay that may be of interest to you-

  11. Here is an essay that may be of interest to you-

  12. Michma says:

    The young Guardsmen policing Detroit in 1967 didn’t have AK-47s. The AK-47 is a Russian weapon.

  13. Michma says:

    The young Guardsmen policing Detroit in 1967 didn’t have AK-47s. The AK-47 is a Russian weapon.

  14. Michma says:

    The young Guardsmen policing Detroit in 1967 didn’t have AK-47s. The AK-47 is a Russian weapon.


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