The Nazi roots of U.S. gun-control laws

| December 28, 2012
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gun-control2Here’s the Formula: Hatred + Government + Disarmed Civilians = Genocide.

What makes the argument so powerful? Two factors. First, it makes common sense: Unarmed, defenseless people have no hope against armed aggressors. Second, it states the historical truth: Evil governments did wipe out 170,000,000 innocent non-military lives in the 20th century alone.

~ Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership website

The pretext: Massacre of the innocents – Newtown, Conn.

I am a professor at a wonderful online school called National Paralegal College (NPC). Shannon Southard, a student there recently raised some very prescient questions on the issue of gun control:

Seems that almost every shooting that has made national headlines recently has involved a shooter suffering from one form or mental issues or another. We had two tragic shootings this week – one in a crowded mall another in an elementary school. Not to mention the awful shooting earlier this year at the movie theater. … Who should be blamed for these individuals being able to commit such heinous acts – lawmakers for allowing access to weapons, mental health professionals for possibly not treating appropriately, society for turning their backs on them?

This prompted fellow NPC student, Kathryn Dunigan to remark, “Almost all the mass shooters over the past 20 years, including the ones at Columbine and the Aurora Theater were on mind altering psychiatric drugs. Is gun control really the national conversation we need, or is [it] medication control?”

This comment prompted my response to Kathryn:

Don’t take the easy (unconstitutional) way out. … I want you to reconsider your remarks in light of constitutional history. If you follow Obama’s and the Democratic Party path to disarm law-abiding citizens, then the criminals (who won’t obey any gun laws) will be emboldened to use gun violence without limits. Why? Because they will know that law-abiding citizens will be disarmed and easy prey for criminals to abuse We the People. When in doubt, always follow the Constitution.

I would invite you to read Dr. John Lott’s excellent book dispelling liberal assumptions on the correlation between the access of guns and the proliferation of gun violence. You can read a short analysis of Dr. Lott’s book, “More Guns, Less Crime.”

Note the level of vitriol in the academic community against his theories. Why? Because progressives understand that to effect and increase federal government hegemony and state-control throughout society, the Second Amendment must be repealed. Look at the history of all fascist societies from Robespierre and the Jacobins, the French Enlightenment, Germany’s Otto von Bismarck, to Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Franco, etc. The first thing these tyrants want to do as soon as they secured power was to disarm the public and make the STATE (e.g., the army, police, secret police, Gestapo, etc.) the only entity legally allowed to possess guns. Why? So the state can steal your unalienable (God-given) liberties and make you slaves of the Leviathan State. … In my opinion, President Obama has almost taken America to that abyss.

Read more at WorldNet Daily

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  1. @RiverRoads says:

    The Nazi roots of U.S. gun-control laws

  2. @Su100TD says:

    The Nazi roots of U.S. gun-control laws

  3. The Nazi roots of U.S. gun-control laws

  4. Herbster says:

    Repeal of the Second Amendment will only lead to the repeal of the First Amendment and a further sterngthening of the state run media. Read Joseph Goebbels for a window into our future should Constitutional tampering continue……

  5. Kathryn says:

    You saw my reply, right? That I’m a firm supporter of the Second Amendment? That’s why I asked the question; what’s to blame, is it really guns or maybe it’s something else. The US has been doing ‘gun control’ for decades, and yet the tighter the regulations get the more crime we seem to have. Maybe it’s time to try something different-like the law standing up for people’s right to protect themselves.


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