What profit to U.S. for 100 Years of Conservatism? – Part 2

| May 13, 2016
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By Ellis Washington

May 11, 2016


All smiles: President Obama with Speaker Paul Ryan after he betrayed U.S. passing a $1.1 trillion, 2000+ page omnibus bill funding Obama Socialism even past the time he leaves office in Jan. 2017.

I’m a conservative, but I’m like smart too.”

I’m a conservative but at this point who cares? We’ve got to straighten out the country.”

~ Trump

I don’t want exemption from ‘ignorant’ Trump’s Muslim ban.”

~ Sadiq Khan, first Muslim Mayor of London

Have there ever been a Nationalist U.S. President?

After posting Part 1 of this two-part essay series about what substantive, enduring policies have conservatives and conservatism given U.S., I asked this rhetorical question on my Facebook page May, 9th

Do you think any U.S. President was a Nationalist? I can think of only one – George Washington.” I would abridge that statement by adding America’s third President, Thomas Jefferson whose Louisiana Purchase (1803), which this one $15 million deal and Jefferson’s signature automatically doubled the size of America, which was perhaps the greatest nationalist policy in the history of the American presidency.


Nationalism on steroids: Map of the U.S. after Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase (1803)

I then added this note regarding how despite my 35 years as a writer, a historian, a scholar, and a political philosopher, that Trump’s presidential candidacy has caused me to question, to rethink everything I’ve believed in the past – to restructure my entire philosophical worldview. I wrote on Facebook:

The political genius of Donald Trump has moved my political worldview from rhetorical-theoretical Conservatism to AMERICA FIRST Nationalism. All of my writings since the advent of the Trump campaign/presidency (June 2015 – present) will reflect this intellectual epiphany. By the way I gave the political doctrine “America First” to Trump (via several essays and social media postings) 4 months before he used it in his famous and first speech on Foreign Policy April 16, 2016 he called America First.”

Requiem for Conservatism

If Conservatism over the past 100 years has been so great for U.S., where conservatism has been such an intellectually dominate political philosophy, then show We the People where we brought SCOTUS under the reigns of the U.S. Constitution since FDR co-opted the Supreme Court with his 1937 Court Packing Plan – where that Progressive tyrant threatened to appoint 6 more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court if Congress didn’t bow to his will and pass his socialist New Deal programs. Show We the People where we brought Congress under the reigns of the U.S. Constitution, We the People and Natural Law which is the integration of law and morality. Show We the People where we brought U.S. President where held under the reigns of the U.S. Constitution by deconstructing the Holocaust policies of the Democrat Socialist Party. Jefferson said, “Let me no longer hear of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”


YEAR ONE—1937: When the Socialist-Progressive Revolution totally enslaved We the People by co-opting SCOTUS

Yet the only chains I hear clanging are from the legions of Cowardly Conservatives in Congress who for over 100 years, since the Imperial Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09), the man who invented the Progressive ‘Bull Moose’ Party in 1912, allowed the Left to take over or pervert all of America’s Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions like the Academy. And instead of fighting to the death to preserve this once great legacy from our forefathers, Cowardly Conservatives created shanty town institutions like – 501C3 Churches, Conservative Think Tanks (because the Left kicked them out of the Academy), Conservative media, Charter Schools, Religious-based Schools, Suburbs, Non-Profits – all the while the cancer of Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Evolution Atheism has grown exponentially, and continued to grow virtually unabated. Over the past 100 years the Democrat Socialist Party and their Holocaust Democrat legions have effectively decimated, deconstructed and destroyed brick-by-brick the very Judeo-Christian traditions, institutions; our legal and moral foundations of this once great country called America.

Again I ask this rhetorical question: What profit to U.S. for 100 Years of Conservatism? Yes, some conservatives got rich writing books about how bad the Left was in destroying society. Yes, a cottage industry of conservative organizations like Club for Growth (which radio lioness Laura Ingraham calls “Club for Chinese Growth.” Yes, some preachers and the Pope got richer preaching about the evils of society. Yes, some uneducated conservative radio talkshow hosts got rich with their parochial peons robotically turning in for decades into the conservative echo chamber – Mega Dittos Rush, Sean, ‘You’re a great American”, while Michael Savage was banned in Britain and Trump almost banned in Britain and all of these conservative talk show hosts cowardly said nothing.

Conservatism was never the right political philosophy for U.S. but we should have embraced what George Washington and Thomas Jefferson believed in – AMERICA FIRST NATIONALISM. But they were all wrong and dupes to a superior Weltanschauung (worldview) called Evolution Atheism as disseminated through society by Holocaust Democrats. The answer to my question has never been Conservatism, that like all other political philosophies (save one) are all parochial, all subject to the vanities of Men and this will all collapse upon the weight of its own immorality.

Four months ago in a series of political essays written between Jan.-April, 2016 to Donald Trump, to his children, Trump Jr., Eric, Ivanka, and to several of his chief political advisors like Trump’s Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski via Twitter and Facebook posts where I synthesized America’s only hope to defeat the forces of Democrat Socialism and Republican Socialism I called—AMERICA FIRST – a domestic, National and International American Nationalism and ultimately to destroy the Socialist-Progressive Revolution and upon its ashes rebuild the destroyed foundations of our Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions bequeathed to U.S. by our Founding Fathers and Constitutional Framers they called Natural Law. Here’s the text to Trump’s ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Speech.

Here are three quotes on liberty by that great French Americanophobe, de Tocqueville that are demonstrative of what Trump has been declaring to Republican Socialist Party:

  • The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.
  • Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
  • Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

Will history kill America or will America triumph over history by defeating what I’ve coined as The Progressive Revolution? The choice is U.S., thus if America is too collectively obtuse, smug, cowardly or ahistorical to pick a Nationalist President Trump on Nov. 6, 2016 as our last, desperate effort to save U.S., then America deserves to go to hell with the rest of the world.

Exactly what Conservative legacy does Speaker Paul Ryan want to conserve?

Epilogue to the Forgotten Prophet Burgess

Returning to the Twilight Zone episode cited in Part 1, Passage of the Lady Anne, a passenger named “Burgess” ranted and raged with moral indignation using the Lady Anne’s final voyage as a metaphor for how during his time as an old man (the early 1960s), traditions and the ‘Old Way’ were dying out like the Lady Anne, and that if we didn’t save or conserve the Old Way, then the barbarians were ready at the gates and would destroy our Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions – the Holocaust Democrats (as I refer to them) would systematically deconstruct the moral foundations of Western Civilization. Here is Burgess’s poignant soliloquy from the Twilight Zone episode, Passage of the Lady Anne (1963):

Nothing is sacred anymore! The beasts are at the gates, but we are too old to fight them, so we have to stand around like a lot of pathetic statutes with our metals tarnished, our swords broken, while the Vandals turn our castles into sideshows and stick up nasty little advertisements for soap all along the roadside – and now they are going the scrap Lady Anne.


Ian Burgess is on the left

To put Burgess’ soliloquy or his Epilogue to Conservatism in proper historical and political perspective, I have restated his soliloquy below and added parenthetical historical and political commentary to expound upon not only what was at stake in the early 1960s (Obama and I were 2 years old at that time), but the cataclysmic effects of Burgess’s ‘prophecy’ spoke in modern times, in 2016, as the Socialist-Progressive Revolution during the Age of Obama ravages and rapes conservatives and conservatism while systematically deconstructing America’s Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions brick-by-brick:

Nothing is sacred anymore! (Burgess ranted and raged with moral indignation). The beasts [Socialists-Progressives] are at the gates but we [Christians, Conservatives] are too old to fight them, so we have to stand around like a lot of pathetic statutes with our metals tarnished, our swords broken, while the Vandals [ISIS, Islam, Communists, Socialists, Conservative Cowards] turn our castles [Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions] into sideshows and stick up nasty little advertisements for soap all along the roadside [Separation of Church/State, Same Sex Marriage, LGBT Agenda, Transgender bathrooms, Abortion Holocaust of over 117 million pre-born babies, PC=Perversity Correctness, Welfare State, Ghetto Projects a neo-Concentration Camps and slave chains for Blacks and minorities] – and now they are going the scrap Lady Anne.

But I warn you, how are we going to stop them from scrapping the whole world? …

I will end this essay as I began with a question: What has 100 years of Conservatism done for U.S.? Like the moribund ship The Lady Anne, sailing silently, irrelevantly through the foggy midst of the sea, likewise Conservatives and Conservatism have given U.S. some hopes, so dreams, some good times, but mainly only empty rhetoric and theoretical discourse useful for academic talk in the faculty lounge… Oh, that right conservatives were driven out of the faculty lounges and off the college campuses—including the first Black woman Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice— Cowardly Conservatives driven away from thousands of American universities 40-50 years ago.

Speaker Ryan’s intellectual forbearers weren’t through with their treason against the constitutional Framers and the Puritans and as the conservatives gave this great intellectual legacy bequeathed to U.S. by the Puritans who gave U.S. – Harvard, Yale, Brown, William and Mary, Princeton – and like the biblical Esau, sold their blessing and birthright for a bowl of soup and a piece of bread while giving this transcendent higher education legacy to the Marxists, Socialists, and Progressives on a silver platter to pervert and deconstruct the minds of the youth… to this day!

Exactly what Conservative legacy does Speaker Paul Ryan want to conserve?

Trump: The Last Best Hope for U.S… for the World

When politicians talk about ‘immigration reform’ they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties. Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors,” Trump national spokesperson, Katrina Pierson said in an August 2015 interview.

Paraphrasing a recent CNN interview of Trump’s national spokesperson, in May 2016, Pierson said, Republicans claim Trump isn’t a ‘conservative’, but it was under Republicans that gave U.S. executive amnesty, open borders, passed Obama’s trillion dollar annual budgets, allowed Obamacare, and essentially everything Obama wanted on domestic and on foreign policy. Pierson concluded with the strong declaration that Republicans haven’t governed as conservatives since the late 1980s, yet the GOP hypocritically try to hold Trump’s feet to the conservative fire to preserve Reagan’s conservative legacy they have shamelessly violated for 30 years!

Note that President Ronald Reagan left office Jan. 20. 1989, and all of the presidents since Reagan – Bush-41 (Progressive Republican), Clinton (Democrat Socialist), Bush-43 (Progressive Republican) and Obama (Democrat Socialist) have through all of their Socialist-Progressives policies only deconstructed the Reagan Revolution and destroyed America’s Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions brick-by-brick replacing it with de jure Socialism, Evolution Atheism while furthering the LGBT Agenda and the self-genocide of the Reagan Revolution, conservatism and Natural Law, the original political philosophy and SCOTUS jurisprudence of the constitutional Framers.

Again I ask: Exactly what Conservative legacy does Speaker Paul Ryan want to conserve?

Trump is very clear regarding his worldview – AMERICA FIRST Nationalism, or what I call Trumphalism. “I’m a conservative, but I’m like smart too.” – “I’m a conservative but at this point who cares? We’ve got to straighten out the country,” Trump said.

Trump isn’t the problem for U.S., Trump is the last best hope to save U.S.!



Category: Selected Scholarly Works

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